Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1926, p. 15

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wrday, April 3, 1926. i The Whig's Classified + in BTEC Help Wantea | 1S, -- Busine The British Whig AT ar, and Mrs: Fraser Allen a= anand Wile Wantci 3 OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS, KINGSTON, ONT. daughter. | -- -- . { CLASSIFIED ADVBRTSING BROWN---At Buhl! Hoepial, Sharon | WANTED--A respectable man and wife . | acer Bong Tatar) Thing. All Nis. ate fediiigied to Shell Pa. on March 37¢h, to Mr. and Mrs. | 'without children to act as Janitor for 2 $ Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess proper class . . #yduey Brown (formerly ! "| first class apartment house. Apply in 384 regular Daily Whig ale st type. nee), = son. |_writing jo Box K-31, Whig Office. | Street. 'Phones 3433-J. CLASSIFIED : Frosting Box K OF Daily rate per line or consecutive |GRAVES-n Kingston, Ont | Agents Wanted 4 g Ladies' Hair Parlor Insertions: Graves, 170 Nelaca Street, a daugh- | | | Minimum charge, 35 cents ter. Napawte papers please CODY. gmp), Guaranteed Ladder-Proof Sik| {ALL FIRST CLASS HENDERSON---At Richmond, on March! Stockings. New pair for every pair! | MADE TO ORDER Zlst, 40 Mr. amd Mrs. Fred A.| that ladders. Pay daily. Family Hoe-| FE) : . SEZ 7 | mations, bobbed curl 3 days 2.3... vive. ... 4 He a | lery catalogue free. Sterling Hosiery NE 2 AN HE | Rooing. siugelng. curling, d HIDIN' Quy | Children's hair cutting. | ningham, 55 Bay Street. | Lv Pi Births, Engagements, Mar- | MENARD--In Kingston on March 30th, | d, $1.50; 1926, to Mr, apd Mra. Ira G. Men- Hla os, one insertion charged. $1.5 ard (nee Lilly Clarke), a son. ON Na eas, Car and Memoriam pry EY At Napanee, on March ets - " { \ \ ac Anke $1.50; cash, $1.00 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Plum- | EXPERIENCED NI ENJSRAPHER i cn \ a ; FER MORE E " : MA WA py rg Sak. & deughter, { , Whig Office. } TE OH WHY 4000 J rR 2 r Waving, Ro Advertising ordered for Irregular PYKE---At Sillsville, on March 31st, tof 0X ER ee un vr NIN 1 W Oo 1 EVER : cumater wa he ns | Bia rans an wh Lhe onetime Lo Bz. ang Mie. 1. A. Pyke, 8 davgh-| "peal Estate For Font \ : € .-- Facial 'and Scalp Treatme i rate; no ad taken for les ter, a =, Ty iB x LEAVE HO-HOM oy Attentlun fives lo Hair Dye ; a ' - E A g A 10 2 i pointment 'phone 3016. ills, Dept Toronte. pe a Ng RD aie Wad re of BA A \ | WITH TH FEATHERS Telephone 2999. of four lines. PARKS--In Tyendinaga townshi , on Count six average words to the March 22nd, to Mr. and ars. Percy . on. 3 A ¥ ads. will be received by wanTIEXS, (nee Miron Moon). & oom. [rrr Sydenham Apart- : ; H h jSleph and if paid a ins Beit DEATHS ments. Brock Street. 4 rooms and tied 7 ays » pv | haroom, s range, r rator, y 3 the frat ce Tteion. cash rate COGLON---At Bath, on April 5rd, 1926, PRhroom. gas weil heated ¥ avin| : oh P 3 Wili be allowed. a lease L 8 Cagle, aged 78 years! go po k Street | : { pt , 2 a) he 3 | ordered than one y and months, e-- " 7 : 7 3 E "2 and slopped ators sxpiration will [Funeral from hie late residence, Mon-| cuotian™ por oor APARTMENT--Four | 1 ; z : For the very latest in Ladies' only be ged for the Bymber ok SrA Sih. m 2 p.m. to Cata- rooms. 3 2. batn, water heater, J ) ~. Slee NN LADIR hair times the ad. appeared and ust- bi ometery, clothes closets, large pantry, a SN \ & 7 2 ' ' IES' EXCLUSIV ment Bath cated. FALLON--In Kingston, on April 3nd,| range. hot waler heating. $35.00 per SON = a 3 RE XOLUSIvE PRIVATE for white space is 1936, Catherine MacAvey, dow of path. LAPP 186 Queen Street or 2 \ A 8. KIN . Me &s & line of type. the late Patric on, edan 0 . + RY, 1 rate ly advertisin Street. ' ; request. your's * Funeral (private) will leave her late] HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie Ic \ 2, w 4 209 Princess Street. Phond 3016-3. is ight to edit residence on Monday morning at| an Tincess Streets, also siores on Re : 4 \ ; or ri i gt db ea it nay 8.40 o'clock to St Maty's Cathedral. | "Princess Street, SeSirarly Spies with i X } ) Insurance y e 2 a es. Ap . e hy A) hl . 0 \ . > ai a Tasks a adiemn Soyiem, many Will] Leap en Street. Fabby gheConen \ \ ilk. ERNIE D, SLITER--Insurance Broker, léphone 243: ask for a want a ALIN Ermer mr - X\ 4 all branches of Insurance in eid line. taker. Pp . RWC Coch WN, A . A companies of highest financial stand- Friends and acquaintances respectfully 1 ; } X invited to attend the Mass Business ¥laces 8 Z g » ) ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones JAMES REID al \ | 3655.8 near fat The Old Firm of Undertakers | SMITH in Kingston, on April, eee \ ; oe eee eee 1926, Mary Mullen, beloved wife of DESIRABLE OFFICES--WIith vault in| \ ' 7 | FIRE--Automobil ity Insu 284 258 PRINCESS STREET Walter Smith, aged 71 years. Ontario/ Chambers, corner King and | 0 = - n ance, B. Cama Fhausity $osun Funeral (private) from her late resi-| Clarence streets. Possession 1st of X Ci h, r, 'Phone 147 for Ambulance wal {mivatel fig RI San Aron ag LoMession, let of : : Phone 1782-M. { day morning at 9.45 o'clock to St.| Clarence 8t., Kingston, Ont. d INS NC } ROBERT J. REID Mary's Cathedral, Where a Jolemn --et bia = \ SANGE~Oniy the most iis & requiem mass wi sung for e Touses Strange, establ od ated on . B77. 280 Princess Street happy repose of her soul y Strange, lished jing 0 BRICK HOUSE--No, 1 Victoria Ter- - 4 Mm. P. KEYES CARD OF THANKS. race, Montreal Street, to let. Posses- OUR HEALTH AND ACCID l= % KE fey will protect your All} surance. 3 \ 3 The Misses O'Brien, 137 Union| Sion lst of May. King & Smythe, { v, SDUTOLBORNE STREET ~~ |gtes wiew to thami their many| 'i-i3 Clerenco 8c. Kington, Ont NUH KIN GO AN HEAR YORE OPERAS Wiliams, 3 'Couper mrans AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839, ends Sor I mane ssions of BRICK HOUSEg rooms, at 130 Bagot = = >. pathy, Amo roL, the ae spisituil 8 eat, opposite Robert Meek School AN PA FER HIGH QAss SNOWLS, Decorators he Ear | cto, Tha, Sonth of their below: | Féereanlol fs Sac Rem ih a6 Kp Irwlliaus BUT WELL TAKE OUR OU cuRLY ANOERIGY painter tod Baers! er ret Dos LH : x - wie HEN HW EUN GOOD AN' Shop and residence 'phone 1948. i 7 Parlors: £74 Princess Street rP- "| BRICK HOUSE--On Sydenham Street { sn » Ww ES FEEUN 0 AN HOWLS, fice 288 King Street. © ! Ambulance Phone 56® CARD OF THANKS | East, 7 rooms, with 3 rooms in attic, \ ©1926 ov'hea seavice, wc.» ob 2 SITS. Mary Moo oy, Deiof McCormick,| modern improvements. oossession May E-- a = ar' 4-4 YOUR FAINTING=Ana pap Lo Sisters w, to t the nurees 1st. Apply 230 Sydenham treet. one now. I'rices reasonable. a J. KNIGHT and sisters of the Hotel Dieu, sisters of| 'Phone 10J5.w Real Estate For Sale Articles For Sale Articles For Sale. paper for sale. Bryant, 307 Earl St. AKER A " Notre Dame Convent, Houle of Prov. FOTO ETS] Bite Bircer om = | 'Phone 2747-J. » arke ence sisters, friend and neighbors for JSEB---257 Rideau treet, rooms, ouse: llaneous -- Ambulance 'phone 35. | the kindness shown during the sad be-| 61 Queen Street, 6 rooms; all improve- n . 7 14 Misce! 15 Business Service PAPER HANGING = Why not ve reavemend of their father, Francis Mc- mens each. Apply 185 Queen Street. that room decorated th month ¢ ' y J. B. CUNNINGHAM RADIO--One § tube Westinghouse Ra-| worn" body and soft wood| for tin Spring rush 1 2 montl Cormick. - Telephone 985-w. ~------ v Real Estate Gbo, complete with loud speaker and slabs; cedar kindling, $2.7 load; hard-| guarantee at reasonable prices. i 13 Lost and Found HOUSE~--In good locality, and in good Insurance and Loans batteries: used two weeks. $165.00) 31009 Slabs, $3.50 load; body hardwood | me Bow you our new 1936 samples: » CUT FLOWERS 1 condition. ent puavinibie, wih rent . 79 Clarence treet. Sarg rls Food order. Retuon tor $4.00 quarter cord. J. Peters & Son,| H. Rowley. 'Phone 1383-F » DING BOUQUETS BRO GLOVE--Fur lined, found in| 0 married couple witout children or - D HOUSE--Brick, all mod-| Buell. Sharbot 1ake. One e © ¥'| corner Toronto and Brock Streets - - | . ARTI FLORAL DESIGNS Post Oftice. Owner may have same at| LW? on dies. Apply Box P-10, Whig EN RPLED mn Pt Baris Lod: . Phone 589. ) 516N LAIN TINGend. 8. Robinson, rear ATRICK'S Post Offjce. near Princess Street. Apply on prem-| RADIO One 3 tube J eatinghouse WOOD---Best of Mixed Wood $300 a =s=---- re BLACK MOURNING VEIL -- Found in| HOUSE -- 133 Wellington Street, §| ises. batteries: wand only. ares" weenie 376) Quarter of a cord; hardwoods slabs ART AND FLOWER STORE Market building Saturday. Owner| [00m&, furnace, electric light and gas, cere 'y, Buell. iy Dhol Lake, Ont. | under cover, $2.75 a quarter of a Financial ) 'Phones 452 and 1218-J may ha Ja Whig Office. | 3 Plece bath. Will re-decarate to sult E. W. MULLOY ela 1 , cord; body hardwood, $3.50 a quarter | y dave same at the g os tenant. Possession May 1st. Apply| Real Estate and Insurance Broker of a cord." Delivered. Saunders' Wood | FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN = - - | FOUNTAIN PEN--With gor band and| lo 63 Clergy Street East, Johnson and Division Streets SET OF SURVEYOR"S INSTRUMENTS Prd, oor. Barrack and Bagot Streets.| MENT SOCIETY sw Inco ri . 39.-w. Bee Advt Page 3| --For sale. Apply to &| 2958-0. ft Bound "D. McFarlane" engraved on | over = Biroet, 9 rooms and 3| oe ee Walkem. 93 Clarence Street. Smad : Erase a Doar onay 16 | % Class . it, found, on Friday. Owner may have ; } «| $8,000--Brick, 8 rooms, modern, central. , ified Display same at 67 Johnson street. {nghtte; 8 plece tollet; gas for cook fiidon prick: § rooms, modern, central. | WALNUT MANTLE--Quarter Cut Oak Wanted To Buy 19 pm Be Foun Shari in: os ---- ing. electric lighting; plugs for lamps, Buff Ch rield a table « fans, etc. 8 1 f . h §,000--Brick, 7 rooms, modérn, south. uffet, « esterfie set, en hy > 5 it FORD BALLOON TIRE--Lost In city or satisfactory. uhsnine and siabhoating 3,300--Frame, 6 rooms, modern, gar-| Other articles. Apply to 363 Barrie ASHES--ANG other fill wanted at new Pinimum © mon tte HR eieane, hangar west of the Sodicter 955! BIy for key at Giiberts Grocecs. Abi] Vage. Strest tn afternoon and evening. hool, on McDonald Street. Will pay| CAFtwright, manesdy, #7 Clarases Bt. Cin es 10 ei Soltis 's14-3.| Barrie St." 'Phone 354. $a0--m a ty mange. YOUR AUTO PARTS--Silverware oan Loe. por load it Wilvered on ground. Storage GLASSDS -- Ti hell rim.| SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on| Insurance Money to loan. Houses and De oeplated like Arn ious ds. bani! HE WH. W. > Yonlendy h! « med giaawes found on Princess Streei| Charles Street: 'siectric Night ang gas.) Apartments to let. Fences, ste, close prices, STORAGE--For furnit ; on Monday afternoon "Owner may| APPLY to H. F. Norman, 89 Patrick a Bare NOR; 9-J. - : PA rood WS--Wanted to purchase a| airy rooms and spaces; Pour owe fodk 4 a have same at 303 Ear] Street oe (oi | Street. 'Phone 730-w. 351 Princeds Street. 'Phone 1189-J. fon £904 dairy cows. Must be good | and hoy Frosty City | Bin 0 Aa rl dn Date Sans at ri = milkers. Apply Box 0-3, Whig Oftice.| 305 quvin 80 "Phone 528. Tes: S38w. . " SEVEN ROOM HOUSE--3 piece bath, Articles r Sal LIVE HENS --Hiohont mmo The beat and most economical || Cor ier™ or ENVELGPES- Found Rent 82800" ger "oon, Princess Street. % Two Electric Motors LIVE HENS--Highest cash price for all | Or. $016-m. ; : » y month. : - y AREH ow fuel © market to-day. Try Te cues Stroet, ave Foanday moe] Carnoveky, 670 Princess Sunes Miscellaneous 18 For Sale Sion, hone 23 F. ie MOPODEIe a load to finish out the season. Brock Street. soL1 ; . proof building. "Phone 1000 er 1. D BRICK HOUSE--Bight rooms, -- And heavy Clinkers. Business Services gs St 44 . near ley Pash Cphveniencas situste| AEeeciay sulted Jor "rosa york 1 Jie Duiee Wa Motut m= --nToMd Borviees C w 4 - un st. ng. ~ - ames Swift & Co Ltd. Help Wanteo Appi, Kg lb 1h Uidoats) 20 Bo baa 10 drpeiEl Loply| | --i800 REM. 00 crete, 30 || ~~ Fuioring sna Press wrpenier Work 30% Sees » on, nt, --eee . * FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. Male Help Wanted | sn so | Queen Streets. 1 horse power Cushman |(W. ROBERTSON --Tailor, Cleaning, | CARPENTER WORKAll kinds of date Pressing, Repairing. Suit enter work, contracting or dey wi +4 'PHONE 135. BOYS WANTED To sell week-end pa. Rooma 10 | BIOYOLES--~A number of used bleycles| | Motor, 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, order. Samples INE. roo "420,00 "and Hardwood HooontH speciatty. & & per. APPlY Harold J. Smith, Barrack t at reduced prices. 'Appl Muller's s 4 5 Er Bleyole Works, 371-313 King Street. 110 volts, 1 phase. up. 2373 Bagot Street. Moderate, O. Hunter, 73 Pembroke an ng ; S piety : ROOMS -- In central locality to Jet So Le Ro a British Whig Pub. Frotesmonar nu COAL SALESMAN--Resident agent for > EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with city and vicinity for wholesale com-| SMALL ROOM---For Hight Bonaskeeping. easy terms of payment; large selec ( ots" > L i " -| Heat, light and gas furnished. A ' - LIMITED) DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER W. A pany, with exclusive agency for com PP tion of newest patterns. 'Phone 2306-w. v : x ASHES..Cleaned out of oe to 288 Queen Street. KING ST. PHONE 2614, Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin. A on rs Panics selling coal for all require J. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. - cess Streets = Chiropractic d yards, clean job done. A. Expert Service, . adjust- } HC15, Whig Office, C0 oslon TI; ROOMS Furnished; suitable for BLANKETS---Robes a bargain; a | ments, elegtric treatments and nang. | 34 Russell Sireet. 'Phone d ga i LUgKT housekeeping; on bathroom flat: Aran sets massage. X-ray service. Consulta- 0 Moderate Charges. LIVE PARTY--To sell electric sign| $88 for cooking. Possession April hand Tail Lion Dist Hayrew: $f Diss Bullding Materials 16} tion free. "Hours 9-13 sum. 106 bom ASHES... Eenoral carting, fra Liang . novelties; all types of window letters| St. ADply to 87 Wellington Stren: Drills. 3 Spring Tooth Cullvaton Lise Evenings by appointment. Office tele- | Lor% Tor Bele Ete William Murray --throughout astern Ontarie, on a ewe 0 Disc Harrows, De laval Separators) PRESSED BRICK-Hard and soft stock| phone §23-0, esidence "phone 957-J. | Buckley Transfer. 143 Yor Afty-fAifty basis. Must be a mechanic For Sale or To Let 11a| ang Milkers at Frost & Wood Agency.| Brick: alwo hollow buliding brick and 'Phone 291 and 2516-M Arthur Murra and a o-getter and able to boss him- J. F. Cramer, 31 Brock Street. 'Phone| tile. Samples at 624 Johnson Street,| LUCY--Geo, I. and Jennie A. Chiro- . y welf. eo 1175-J, FIFTERN AORES--Garden, sandy loam,| 585-J. or 1217-F. 'Phone 3041. A. Neal ractors, Registered Nurse, 203 Bagot SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES Ph =| Underground drained, house and out- . > treet. sohone 951-w. Hours 9-13, Good teams, careful drivers. 16 Market St. one 891.7, Female Help Wanted 8| buildings. Drilled well. Apply 470) DINING ROOM FURNITURE « Plano Furanure 15a 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. work done, Esti Albert bret, and Pandora Range for sale. Apply windy Caverly Transfer Co., ADDRESSING ENVELOPES Profitable 184 Division Street. FORNITURE-- Antique and modern SHIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles,| Siren "Phone 1507-J, J| spare time homework, sincere, honest furniture sold and bought, M. Cram- arts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancems, ereons. Expesfience unnecessary. Real Estate For Sale DRY, MIXED WOOD- Under cover.| er, 607 Princess Street. successors to fare Pits, etc. removed permanent. Expért Plano Tuning, So ental Products, 152 West 42nd | sesame "700 TOF O96 $3.50 a load, delivered. 'Phone 1505-J. Lesses Antique Shop. : Satisfactory Glasses fitted and Player-Plano Adjusting. St, N. Y. City ® : Farms and Land 3@| or call at 45 Raglan Road. W. J. furnished after others have failed. ol : 13] Brownlee. Fuel and Feed * 18] Goitre cured without operation. Phone 1544. eArs' experience. . . e, Cc. w, Di ting F on Piste Chole: Ac. || COOK---~References required. Apply to FARM---50 acres Kingston Township, 7 FISH AND CHIPS---The oldest fish and 4 LINDSAY, LIMITED ye, Ear, Nose, he lckasas, Fiats. 4ad || Mrs. Howard Folger, 1 Emily Street. Weanpfrom Kingston, 1 mile south 'of| "chip cafe in city, W- ¥ Redder Sos DRY Sony od Han Wy hard; Bagot Street. Phon H 135) { UPHOLSTERING=And 1 re 83 BROCK ST. 'PHONE §ss.w. || NURSE An ~@xpeienced childrems| Weathrook, 'some "well: solid" brick| Montreal Street. 'Hours § a.m. te 1.00) Sod the best. 'Phone 3516-w. J. C. ing. Leave ordery at or a > Turse, with references, wanted May| IOC: good out-buldings. Formerly | &M: We deliver. "Phone: 2625-m. Swain. Barristers ang Solicitors 210 ohne 6 Po ii in ist. Apply to Mrs. T. A. McGinnis, + King Street West. the Sheehan property, Apply Mrs, M. HOUSEHOLD CT onalating cf DRY HARDWOOD---Any quantity. Ap- Ww. H. HERRINGTON --Barrister, Solicl. jer RE, = y Co. B -- = eT ONNY, Westbrook. dining room and bedroom su ly Highway Service and Su tor and Notary Public. 151 Welll Busine mm | tab) chairs, refrigerator, kitohen| 2 PR 8 "Phe 8-w, sling. C00K STOVES Male and Female Help Wanted 8b usiness Places 13 able, TS TG. Smsh,| Sorner Filnoess and Smith Streets! ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. Pe! : 8 Pho TH «. Barristers ¢ . 131 verly Street. CUNNINGHAM & SMI ND BOYS WANTED-w To pate | REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY | |'moniae. 3 W. Curiops Barber shop | BRICK BLOGK--0 Nove ha tain, 4 copurner col Goi) "Tul Sit wood 1300 and ss haresd | RSenonciiore 7 Clarsnee Biroe? x LOW PRICES. 5 les, 25 ise; err apartments; ground stove and Connor Jvater-power wesh-{ cord--hard sia 3.50--soft slabs] Cyril M. Smith 3 16c. Ladies, 25c. turned into service station and auto-| Ing machine. 'Phone J336-m. 3.76 quarter cord. Rough and dressed Also a full line of FURNITURE, ington Street. mobile show rooms with very little ex. umber always in stock Clean saw: |BAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and Everything reasonable. ONE GOOD RELIABLE GIRL -- For BT be hall amount down. Balance | ONE--Two Jetted Surrey, nearly new.| gus § ce: 'Phone 2753-J. W,| Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, t. r further infor-| Tobe included. Wo ge . o ston. A. Day, dining room, ome good reliable man mation &pply x 823, Picton, Ont. H. Talbot, Concession Stree Morigages arranged Phooe S05. ton C! for housecleaning department. ply . Two ladies' bi BARDWOOD-Dr Chet or Superintendent General - Houses 34] Massey Harris. Apply 470 Albert St. load. A did a ALB J. C~~Harrigier and Solicl- | KINGSTON ACPO Rey ha we le a Street. ortgages ar Makers of Aut mix 90. Dry so ma) . 1 -- 3 ood pay Berarioourope. Oc-| BRICK HOUSE -- "Semi-detached; 7| TARE, 8 Reds, White WysatoieD ands. Bolle 2% axtra' ry winding a gon city and farm property.| and Cushions. 7 B ranged STHAMS 'Phone 3509. Coupe bod dent, od pay. Experience unneoces-| rooms and bath; all modern improve. White horns. © 1 08, h or cover, 41. per load. ne ne 36 ] os, 3 Sry, nd nidressed eine: Sor ments: Apply to 44 Ordnance St. Ls! eivares. Pie aa Soa 439d. i say be her, Soraer John SLATER Douglas, Barrister and Soli ene A AT THE Y. M. O. Jt. a NF enonica, i NEW MOUSE? rooms, barn, § sor order, "Phone 181-w. our oe Soe oltor, 79 Clarence Street. Mortgages ; 3 : land; north Alfred, for §2.500.00. Sulit. Daten on Loherosred. Th Sng PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL | 8rranged. 'Phone 433. e #5, SELL HOUSEHOLD NECHSSITIRS| able for gardening or honers MQ Chestnut Afrived ahd seedy Tor Alors: | SMEA--Ambrons Boa Barrister and ~ Bare "Find Yourself" Campaign to Be | "> J) imaginable demand: have hin Phone 1088-m, or call t Arrived and A : Held tly. Peat ot, ae San ma five dol- niversity Avenue, at = Toe os" Sadr aking aor flee Butlon, Phane Jota, Norca J10.00 Neti oat loa, nar. of Sing FORD TOURING CAR wu a » + Cap an . A . . A n h i iv aA mesting tthe HY-Y Sia was Engecsnenty.Y ip. abite) jor experiance RESIDENCE--Solid brick. in $ood cou: | Box A-13, Whis Otics. Suiivared off oar no I Phone 1935. foo condition. Cheap To held at the Y.M. day | Ont. ; iat 3S iver. iat be . Personal 22. FORD SEDAN -- 1983 P; ~-- Mason & Risch t, : sity Averiue. In very desirab 2: , and Russell Upton was : ity, Tor iculars, apply at the sight a Fore 3 hanical condition. "Haseley . , A le. am sell. | oor on. as hg Iprsel tative ny ydiave you Jud. the umber of posl-| house or phone 3488-. Ww eae 131 Princess. = "Joad of dry, mixed en A Aral anes lo setrespond APpiy 73 Fiore Susans newly id the convention the Hy- fon for those who are| Read the Classified Page for lost ang REFRIGERATO, ; a fair amount of means. Ob- # to be held at Guelph, April a gar S en ou found asticles Perhaps what you are frigerators; A a mony. Apply Box E-37/ FORD able for he i 6th to 8th. The Club decided to ar-| You are missing the best opportuni- missing is advertised among the found @ all the side shows. for the "Y* tes it miss reading the Whis Clas. jrticles. bd hat Iet yi help You locate] BB w Circus. "Mac" Singleton was ac- Sted as 3 new member, Freeman SHER presided. oe Preliminary preparations are be- . ing made tor a seriex of lectures to : ba held at the Y.M.C.A. in connee- : MOTHER 1 THINK YOUR | ay NEW FOUR COAT 1S DEALTIFUL - Tr COST Snares RIT 1 ka Suit. 2 to ele- When you want to Vay or. rent . read the classified 3.

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