Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1926, p. 5

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> TP sc z | : ____THE DAILY BRITIS WHIG Saturday, April X : - | 16wed by Gounod's "O Day of Peni- | A SACRED RECITAL [1 "0.20: NEW BLOOD NEEDED | Opry ; Wonderful effect. | | Ww { Miss Ardelle Elder, Miss MacLeod, | IN THE SPRING TIME, ° | Mr. J. P. LaFlair and Dr. P. M.| | f ---- -- { Macdonnell sang Mozart's "When I ------------ 2urvey the Wondrous Cross" with Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as al There passed to rest in Walker- | A Large Audience Enjoyed | wimpatisite © undoreanan. aol Blood Improving, Health: ville, on March 22nd, 1926, Frances Splendid Programme on beautiful © harmony. 'Beside the Restoring Tonfc. Jones, wife of Chester Alton, aged | Frida Afternoon | Cross Remaining" from Goynod's : {thirty-eight years. Deceased was y "P "Redemption" sung by the chorus Every man, woman and child needs | well known throughout this section | St. Andrew's Recital | depicted Mary, the mother of Christ, | new, rich, red blood at this time of of the country and had many friends | STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT FROM in : : |the year. $ ienti fact. 'who learned with deep r et of he les y aise is | Walling beneath the cross after the |the year. That is a scientific P regret of her The fullest measure of praj P. LaFlair ep- All doctors know it. The blood death. 7 TO 9.45 O'CLOCK fn PROBS: --Sunday, fair, stationary or a little higher temperature. i Mrs. Chester Alton. due Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, or- | crucifixion. Mr. J. ) : ganist and leader of St Andrew's hsnced his already high musical re- | Brows thin and poor in the winter; | She is survived by her husband, \ choir, for the very excellent recital | potation by his most creditable sing- | there is not enough of it, and spritig three daughters, Stella, Beulah and | ) sllent a ) c ing re ia [shows the effect. Take notice and |Vivien, and one son, Hubert, all at | of devotional music which the choir | ing of the tenor recitative and aria |® . 2 ' at | of St. Andrew's church, assisted by | (rom Handel's "Messiah," "Thy Re- See how many people are pale and home; also her mother, Mrs. E. i a number of singers from other [ake Hath Broken His Heart." sallow at this time of the year. They |Jones of Bedford Mills, and eight | i choirs, . presented on Good Friday (A Bach corale "O Man Thy Griev- | complain of being easily tired, their ig M. 3 Lee, Bydeawant: | # : afternoon From the first number | Cis Sia Bemoan," introduced at this | 3PPetite is poor, and they are often Mrs. i son, Floridas Mrs. R. J. J 3 | Point, by its very simplicity brought | depressed and.low-spirited. That is Green, Perth Road: Mrs, A. E. Play-| = to the last the solos and choruses ; : " Ra Nera BL . . . | were sung with ertisny, fine tonal [out strongly the feeling of penitence Ye aie Srgingl thew eo on amine Falls) NY. Noe p ve "an th eat sacrifice Jesus had | Prove their 0d supply; but ofte . yal : 1 Sera tusey devotions) fouling [10d of the great wast "This was | thelr digestion is weakened so' that Delta. Violet, at homer ase' Try | Williamson were most inspiring. | strenghteried by Bach's Choral Pre- [they cannot turn food into blood og gM oor Bove aL BoE, p N bi 1 1 : That muse of he tier clave 1s ap. | 0d on (he tame theme as paved |W. BID. gol ere ls whers _modera| ~The fuse ame Loid 10 the Gon | ota bit too late to select a new Coat, Suit or Hat for Eas- . " 0 i) Cn by Mrs , i s . Miss Elde , medical science comes to e rescue, | ' a . ntermen - - Be aero op ry mnie Bl, Stal teen sp 1 a rsa, ot, "nl Sra, ot ter Sunday. Our showing is the talk of the town and countrys a 1at e ¢ * Vas | tung a «(| rect aetion on the blood and enable | - | . . . . Aled. | ully rien voice, Bo oul fig Vita aud soable} Late Mrs. Martha Craig. side, for outstanding values. Come in to-night and we'll prove @ programme was arranged | Lamb of Go e s | 3 " fou| The funeral of the lat Mrs. Mar- | I#i : . : : Dr. Macdonell sapg the (28 elements in your meals, You | a ele Mar this fact to your satisfaction. Better values for less is the motto with 8 keen appreciation of the sac- Pleseing. . With understand tod soon feel thelr effect--your appetite tha L. Craig took place on Friday | BEE Hiaapis o Amro | fae getty or pad Pre. | Color returns to the chesks and. pe. | JONB Street. 10" Catmaqier dence. 69 of this store that assures you a saving on every 'purchase of red anniversary ich it marked improves, your nerves are steadier, morning, from her late residence, 69 | atmosphere was sustained. Miss Another of Bach's Choral [you have more vim and energy The funeral service was conduc | IH RT ; 2 Olav. i1liams . ) J y and cted | | re 7-t r Murtel MacLeod, soprano soloist | Indes played by Mrs. Williamson Car-| an work with less fatigue. [by Rev. W. E. Kidd. ady-toiwea made here. | : | €al perfection of her art and the | TIGER GIRL who says: ---"I was in a completely |Pihe street, to Cataraqui cemetery | Your Faster : beauty of her voice. It was fol- . run-down condition. Nervousness, | {OT burial. The funeral service was | |i ( ; ca opened the recital with the beauti- | ried the theme forward another Step | re value of Dr. Williams' Pink | ! i sleeplessness, and loss of vitality | conducted by Rev. E. H. Burgess of | | ' : were all taking their toll. I felt mie-| Zion Church,of which Mrs. Smith had | Jj | tL \ . % / | . . {been a member. The pall-bearers t v erable all the time and began to feel 3 | The Real Cause § i that my case was hopeless, as I had | Were Charles Reynolds, Ha | at ° | ful aria and recitative from Bach's | and it was concluded Hh Souls of Pills to all who are in what is known | Funeral of Mrs. J. W. Smith. | *8t, Matthew Passion." In this dif- | the Righteous and "'Seven-fold [as a run-down condition of health is| The funeral of the late Mrs. J. flcult selection 'Miss MacLeod was|Amen," by the full chorus. . |proved by the experience of Mrs. |Wriley Smith took place on Saturday | afforded ample scope for the techni- ee lex. McKenzie, Schumacher, Ont., |afternoon, from her late residence, | | | t b in oy' _ Somerville, Thomas Payne, James Of Constipation | | a Fires i y : Smith. | Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills, and finally . : { Liver " Soin a std g : Is A Bad Live Ha ~ decided tg try them. I got a half] Mrs. Walter Smith. ; Is here waiting your selection to-night. a . » There are literally hundreds of the season's Mrs. Jean Bocheir, Nelson, B.D. 4 } dozen boxes, and by the time F had | Cw oe ) Lo writes: --' For many years T have 1 taken about half of them, there was | Mary Smith, wife of Walter Smith, | most advanced styles in the showing. been troubled with my liver, and suf : ] A no doubt I had at last found the med. x 4 s 3 iy. ons : yours) died at er | fered terribly with constipation, KK: en : glcine I needed to restore my health. Idor = Sine R ae ro poo Kon t Sa Re i I HEARD ABOUT continued the use of the pills, gain- LO nt the ton oe fa { y : SE [ic crenstd day by day. untll was | JOR REUER 1 the past two illness | Styles that will give you individuality in urn % 3 : ' soon enjoying good health and happi- lasted about three weeks. The late | ness. I strongly recommend Dr. Wil- i xirs. Smith is survived by her hus- | _-- shape, fabric, trimming and color. 2! | . * Pink Pills every man, | r | llams' Pink Pills to very man, wo-|, 4 and one daughter, Mrs. George | man or child who is in. a run-down Downey of Kingston. She, was a condition, feeling sure that the PHIS | poman Catholic in religion and a | || And with all these advantages our prices are considered by. will soon restore them to health and member of St. Mary's Cathedral. she | IH discriminating shoppers to be most moderate strength. | | was born at Storrington, but had re- Whether you are seriously ill or| } : 5 fae} ily tired d hy sided here for thirty-five years. The | I} i ! Es merely feel easily tired and out-of- funeral will take place on Monday. 4nd have Doan greatly improved sinee } Se re sorts, you should try. Dr. Williams' | P : d f x cannot recommend them too 3 7 \Pink Pills this spring. They are sold | « Mrs. Patrick Fallon. rice rom by medicine dealers everywhere, or| Ars. Catherine Fallon, widow of § : 2 : : ! , to any one who is troubled 5 i 8 3) | ! * th their liver,' : Will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box, {the late Patrick Fallon, died at her . Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are not & So i : p by writing The pr. William's Medi- home, 23 Redan street, on Friday, | J} .& neW and untried remedy. They : ow % : cine Co., Brockville, Ont, later a lengthy illness. Deceased |] O . have been on the market for the 3 : ¥ rent {was one of the oldest residents of the ° ) ast re iin y i put up only by The T ® FF ; A DEBATE HELD. [city. She was a Roman Catholic in. Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. : Bed 8 \ ~~ [religion and a member of St. Mary's -- 5 3 ¥ In Princess Street Church by Y.P.S. [Cathedral. ITTE == 3 ; OF i Societies. | She is survived by three daugh- IR ; On Thursday evening, the first|ters, Mrs. John Linaugh, Mrs. James | Y Margaret Whittemore, called the [Tound of the debate among ha Brady and Miss Sarah, Kingston, and ' U "Tiger Girl" in New York. She is a | YOung people's societies of the Unit- {one son, Patrick' The funeral will \ Church, the subject being, *"Resolv- ing officer, given, five years in peni. 5 g P ed that the spirit of co-operation is ; . . ' bandit and was recently captured. ed Churches of Kingston Presbytery |pe held on Monday to St. Mary's|]H 2 . . ' took 'place before a keenly interest- cemetery. wi C ey S Robb, Peace River deputy return-|ed audience in Princess Street 4 or aster - George A. Jackson, The funeral of the late George 3 tentiary. Cough Mixture y better than the spirit of competition . in ial lite." Andrew Jackson took place from the | Hi 25¢c., 50c., $1.00 Girls! Women! n a msreisl life were Mr. John residence of his daughter, Mrs. Fred 4 s I 00 1 irt and Mis cl ire c 4 ¢|Belwa, 143 Montreal street, on | If Speedy Cold Cay Improve Your ks! Quist a og ay for ta of [Thursday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock, -- ~ ° ° Bules ...... C. | Messrs, to Cataraqui cemetery. The funeral ~ How to Make the Glow of Health | firmative, and Messrs. K. aimery| ¥28 aNended by friends of the de. | d 1 Shine in Your Cheeks and Grant Johnson of Chalmers Analgic Ryb - Church for the negative. The three |°é@ed. \The pall-bearers were Fred IE 25¢. and 50c. News of a Simple Treatment That judges, Prof. MacClement, Mr. E. k. | BeWa, Stanley McCalg, George Wal- 3,000 pairs of fine Silk Stockings, fashioned from fine . : Thousands Find Beneficial Parkhouse and Prof. R. O. Jolife, [le George Dennis, Henry Pringle ' J oe #This puts a safe relief Alas--your bloodless face indicates gave a unanimous decision in favor [20d Carl Green. Rev. Canon Fitz- grade Silk, perfect m dye and finish. In all of the sea~ from this distressin trouble. Your watery blood men-|of the atfirmative. Refreshments | Gerald conducted the funeral ser- . . & |llaces your health. What you need is | wore Agrved and a very pleasant so- yee dese WMI! Havers ware son 8s most attractive shades: Black, Peach, Nude, Rose- plac -asket. 3 ? 1 the" toning, cleansing assistance of | , 0 . . epidemic in your Dr. Hamliton's Pills. They wil| °2} 10Ur concluded the programme, | Pla following: Blonde, Airedale, Blush, Gravel and Moonlight. All sizes . ¥ home for Vo ena 75¢. clean out the overplus of bile that , 2 Pillow, family; wreath, Mr. and ! makes your skin so murky -- they Queen's Trustees Elected. Mrs William Smith; sheafs, Mr, and from 84 to 10 : Dr. Adam Short was re-elected | MTS: es : : * Mrs. Young, Mr.and Mrs. J. Ennis, will put new life into the stomach, and Dr. 0. D. Skelto ted brace up digestion and make you eat . oe D- oXejlon was "electe ; iL. T. Best sufficient food to get a blood supply | to the Board of Trustees of Queen's | Mr. and ne 3, Dumped, Ne and . RESCRIPTION DRUGGI ahead. To look your best and to feel | University, by the graduates. The | Mrs. C. Phil De , os ge go 2 8T the benefits of good health use Dr.| benefactors clected Mr. J. M. Camp- | ington, Mr. and Mrs. Howison, Mr. 'Phone 50, Hamilton's Pills frequently. 25c. at] bell of this city and Principal W. L.|and Mrs| W. J. Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. B ul dealers. Grant of Upper Canada College. | Herbert Simmons, Mr. and Mrs, R. : 'March 31st, was the final day for Javier ag) a a. rman | Poe veeeeeeewevesewewwesy | ballots to bo received, although they | Potter. tam Jackson, of Galt, y THE NATIONAL CLEAN. ; ims f the late Mr. Jackson, attended ' : : ERS AND DYERS Bave heen soming in sitso carly Hir}S08 Of 140 ute ; For Men, Women and Child- New Leather Bags in a full Sanitary Steam Pressing ang ------ | : : " Cleaning. Als French D ren. In Chamoisette, Kid and range of the new pouch and Carne Does aad creations, Contracts Awarded. Doing Splendid Work. , 06. At a meeting of the executive of The annual meeting of the Sunday | |} Suede. All new colors and standard styles. In a full ae "Phone 21 J. ¥. WALKER, Prop. the Kingston Health Assoctation, | School of Princess Street Church was OF held og Thursday afternoon, the con- | 1 | held Friday evening, and very en- sizes. range of the wanted es --_-- * IYasts [lor 190 suphiies for 1he Year | ou raging reports of the yours werk 8 e wanted shades, Sterling were let. Meat will be supplied by were presented. Mr. B. E. Park- : A. Rawson. Anderson Bros. Will inouse was elected superintendent to | $50,000,000 CASE associate superintendent, as were also DETACHED BRICK DWELLING -- welcome. | elected secretary and Mr. Wilton made of Georgette Crepe, range of beautiful, new de- A January. 5 FOR SALE ° Supply the fish and W. Burns will | reiieve Miss Emma Wilder, who has | fll ; : pp hiss! Batemar's Real Este | Silver Py Soe RR | CREPE SCARFS | Nove BANDRERCHIEFS 2 on is always most Ret. 1. M. Bugiand and Kav. J x. | In Flat Silk Crepe or Crepe n lovely colored effects -- i Wir Bot ry pa We have a splendid as- A Shepird Wan Wade assistant = Georgette. A marvelous Crepe de Chene, Linen and. esr rooma Bana x, [§ 1 el pieces Ey Her Whole Body Se emed | signs and colorings. Voile. Very chic and dainty. a sortnient of articles from . at $1.50 | { Frame, 7 rooms, 8 p. bath, | : $3,000-- . to the more elaborate ones 2 : - : : » At any price desired, So Says Ontario Lady Before She 4000 -- Brick, semi-Cotached, } J rooms, 3 p. bath, electric light avd } ; Used Dodd's. Kidney Pills. er oe a Men's Easter Furnishings rate, wt mien. woes, (REREESE Fd Wy P| New Forsythe Shirts Silk and Wool Socks MONEY TO LOAN. SF : Ottawa, Onf., Apr. 2. (Special)-- | : CUSTOMS BRORER ; 1 "I had a' very devere attack with New Easter Ties : Ca , nastor my kidneys about two years #go. So | . i u - d ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. : bad, I was laid up for over a week. Linen or Silk Handkerchiefs, , Chamoisette or Kid Gloves 7 = ae ' ! {My whole body seemed to be affected. moderate . DIE | {1 1ost my appetite and was tailing | | In broad assortments at prices ! -- : YX g fast. At last 1 got a, box of Dodd's! | : x EE : Kidney Pills and got help right away, ; oe ae I'have not been bothered since." This statement comes from Miss L. A. Ross, who resides at' 432 Nelson Street. courtroom, where she appeared to Other sufferers from kidney ie the case which she 'and her | trouble tell of pains relieved and titled sisters are bringing to have | health restored through. the use of | Joe Leiter of Chicago removed as|Dodd's Kiduey Pills. They strength- | I} firuutes oft heir father's $50,000,000 | en the weak kidneys and remove the; estate, © cause of the pain. * = ¢ | . There is no reason why anyone Dodd's nce annual premiums, dividends the lower the cost of your Insurance. Remember this Cecil will urge disarmament [should continue to suffer when plan at Geneva ney Pills cah be obtained from | British fine . ts everywhere or The Dodd's, on Baster 3 aE Medicine Co. Ltd, Toronto. }

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