Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1926, p. 7

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Saturday, April 3, 1926. ? A -- Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For taxi, sleighs for driving par- ties, hacks and cutters. Also ice- | boat for sale. KINGSTON TRANSFER CD 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip | ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, ety. i MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES | Phones 877, Evenings 2231. | General Insurance Plate Glass Liability | Burglary Baggage | | Dyspepsia Cau After Every Meal Mrs. M. Caldwell, 2335 Hemlock 8t,, Vancouver, B.C., writes: -- fering' for years with agony, from ia and indigestion, after every started taking Burdock an ID Er EEE and got such relief I kept right on until T had used three bottles and was ¢ompletely relieved of my trouble. Now, I can eat anything I wish with- out having any bad after effects." Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 159 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. op yspep meal, I Auto Guarantee Bonds. » Company. R. H. Waddell BROCK STREET Teton 326 and 896. Dr. Waugh 100 ------ St. ------------------ PIANO TUNING | Agent Great West Life Pe Phone 206. DENTIST €4 Princess Street. "Phone 1550 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Buy ton of Alberta Coal--just a limited amount left. / rheumatic pain GET prompt relief from those fecurring twinges of pain. Apply Absorbine, Jr. to the con- gestedarea. Withawakened cir- culation therecomes relief from stiff muscles and jolts of back, Virginia Egg, semi-hard. .$12.00 Black Gem, egg size .... $12.00 Pocahontas, nut size, clean $13.00 Aylsworth Bros. arms, neck or other affect- oF "Phone U. R. Knight 1705-w. | : WI part. Absorbine, Jr. is heal- Ie, | ing, cooling and soothing. | | As the corner druggist's, $1.25 & betsla, W. F. YOUNG, Inc., Lyman Bldg Montreal ', | Eel I il THE ANTISEPTIC LINIMENT | I a A tts tt rt sae Ata ry FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Local and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT 354 Division Street. 'Phone 1758 Buckwheat Coal For Spencer Furnaces Fresh mined | WR McRae & Ca Lackawanna Coal $9.00 per ton W. A. MITCHELL & C0. Telephone 67. Machines, Puonographs, Guns, repaired and refitted. ian aupbiled. Saws flied, knives, aT any Keys Stied to of locks. All makes of a sharpened roe ean repair anythiag repairable. J. M. PATRICK 18 Sréestam wrest. Kingston ---- Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST) Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. 'Phone 108 [DR.R.E.SPARKS) DENTIST 150 WELLINGTON STREET Special attention paid to Artificial Teeth, Crowns and Bridgework, DR. RUPERT P. MILIAN | sed Her Agony | 'After suf. | r | | | | | | | | i Telephone 346. -~ FOR SALE 85,8007 room solid brick, 8 P- hot water heating, all hardw floors, fireplace, verandah, mand garden. Sou $5,800---10 room brick V., hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Modern. An 'excellent place for roomers, Owner leaving the city. $7,100--Double brick, each with 6 rooms, furnace, 3 p. B. An excel. lent investment. South, Small payment. . "2 good farms for rent. $1,500 wanted on first Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1137 Member of Florist Telegra, x Delivery for Kingston Districr. - 1 Your out-of-towi orders so- Pr First Quality Season- ed Lumber, all Pine. || Also Roofing Iron and Sheet. ing. » in Apply: mortgage, PHONES: Office 220. Res. 1428M. or 11817. 77 Cblished 1374) : teamship De a parts 1 TUBE MINTY'S SHAVING CREAM, FOR 59c. . Thegs are two excellent pro- ducts and both for Boe. Have an extra outfit for tra- velling, ete. Only a limited number. (SEE OUR WINDOW) Ong BE Amis Cen Pp. St: rew's a . University Drug Store TT y " . THE CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | | | 1 | | . To forbid. Paid publicity . Second note in scale. Horizontal. Spring festival. DAILY BRITISH WHIG ~ (CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! Doesn't hurt one bit! "Freezone" on an' aching corn, stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fing- ers, - Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove 'every hard corn, soft corn or corn between the toes, and th foot calluses, without soreness or ir- ritation. A A A rt . To accomplish. i. Avenue or road (abbrev.), 3. Italian river. Tendency. Bottom of a shoe. . Small hard brown skin tumor. . To rescue, 6. Money paid journey. Microbe, 29. FasPer marches. 3 Garments. 3%. Male child. Tree. . Sac. 39. To wander. 10. Eighth part of ounce. To water, Knapsack. Self. Beverage. Deity Half an em. me ame ~---- . Third note in scale Fach promenade ead of college aculty: English ora. Tick (insect). Hen fruit (symbol of Easter). 19. To elude. 161. Two fives. 2. Therefore. 3. Merciful 64. Preposition of place 3. 5. First day in week. 9.,Three-toed sloth. . Striped camel's hair 45. cloth. 146. - Yellow Hawaiian |48. ' bird. | . Man who pays 'he bills, 5. Graduated faces of 5 time pieces. 17. Mineral spring. . Alleged force pro- | ducing hypnotism. . Another name for] 1. Easter hats. | . Correlative of €ither. 23." You and I. . Bone. 26. Ventilating chine. . To loiter . Portion. | 30. Always. | { 38. E 3. 1 f for Vertical. To settle an income | upon. | 2. Sorrowful. | 3. Seventh note in an scale, . What ma- | Easter clothes. | 5. Auction 5. Negative. . Property settled by husband upon wife at 'marriage time. 8. To long. spoils our 41. walk through 12 44. 47. 19 32; Work of genius. ! "50. 33. Age. | R/S | Tuesday morning, without break- | ing through the ice. The sawyers H RADIO | SUNDAY, APRIL 4TH. CKAC, Montreal (410). p.m.--Capitol theatre sym- CRCL. Toronto (357). 3 p.m.--Hope United church. 4 p.m.--Men's services. KDKA, Pittsburgh (309). 11 a.m.--Services. { pm.--Dr. Charles orghnist. 41.45 p.m. ian church. 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. 7.15 p.m.--Calvary Episcopal church chimes. 7.45 p.m.--Services. Heinroth, Shadyside Presbyter- WEHBR, New York, N.Y, (272). 10 a.m.--Watchtower trio. 10.36" p.m.--L. Marion Brown, so- prano, trio; ILB.S.A. choral singers. 2 p.m--%Watchtower orghestra, L. A were at FF. Shipman's, Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Beaubien 4s recovering. from a severe attack of grippe. Mrs. Charles Dano, Winfred and Ray mend Dano, Gananoque, visited friends in this section, Sunday. Miss Winnie Birt visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roland Bert, Sunday. # Miss Leita Loney, Warburton, is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Ernest Latimer. Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Austin, Dulcemaine, visited at Hart- ley Ferguson's, Sunday. Edward Hunt is building a né&w verandah on his house, also getting ready to build 4 large chicken coop. Prayer meeting will be held at = Richard Ranning's on Friday evening. W. W. Shipman, Clarke and Kenneth Ship- man and Mac McNeil, have tapped their sugar bushes, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Hunt, Rockport, visited at Edward Hunt's, Sunday. Mrs. Clarke Shipman and daugh- ter, Eleanor, are visiting at Free- man #&Wpman's. Mrs. Lawrence Latimer has returned from Ganano- que where she has been visiting her mother. Roland Birt is getting up his summer's woed. William Mor- 0 L D 4-2 Answer to Thursday's Crossword Puzzle. IVY LEA INCIDENTS. Capt. Visger is Building Addition to His Whart. Ivy Lea, March 31.--Capt. W. L. Visger has sunk piers and is com- pleting a new one-hundred-foot dock in front of his hotel for the use of Lis patrons. A large crowd attend- ed the dance held at George Crank- er's on Tuesday evening. Charles Deano. attended the sale at David Siiter's, Tuesday, and purchased Marion Brown, soprano. 3.40 p.m.--Orchestra. * 9 p.m.--Instrumental duets. 10 p.m.--Instrumental selections. WBZ, Springfield,' Mass. (3388). 10.50 a.m.--Trinity church. 6 p.m.--Ary" Dulfer, violinist: Alexander Blackman, violinist; George Brown, cellist; Hans Ebell, pianist, 7 p.m.--Copley Plaza ofchestra. 6 p.m.--Talk, Rev. John Herman Randall. i WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (461). 4 pm.--WEAF. 6.30 p.m.--William Penn hotel. 7.20 p.m.--Capitol theatre gang. WJZ, New York, N.Y. (454). 7 p.m.--Hotel Pennsylvania con- "ert orchestra. 8 p.m.--Bakelite hour. 9 p.m.--Hotel Commodore con- cert orchestra. WOR, Newark, N.J. (405). 6.30 p.m.--Jacques Jacobs' Hotel Shelton ensemble orchestra. row, Hartley Ferguson and Tommy Shipman are busy setting traps and getting ready for the muskrats. Clifford Hunt, Rockport, is visiting at his uncle's, Edward Hunt's. ------ -- two new milch cows. Word has been received of the serious illpess of Mrs. Jane Dano at the home of her daughter, at Thousand Island Park. John Landon and family are ill with the grippe. ~A number. of friends spent a pleasant evening at James Robertson's last Friday. Delbert Dano, Thousand Island Park, with another man, shoved a punt aeross the channel from the Park 'to the Canadian main shore, FOR. Neu BE B Cn Usually you can tell just by look- ing at a man whether he thinks cab- bage edible. ' It must be awful to feel'a martyr and have nobody in the family no- tice it. al 1a \ 7.30 p.m.--Copenhagen quartette. 8.30 p.m.--Al Reid's hour, Brant- ford theatre. . 9.30 p.m.--Spanish symphony en- semble. 10.45 p.m.--Hofbrau chestra, 11.15 p.m. --Billy Rose's Fifth Avenue club orchestra. Haus or- WPG, Atlantic City, N.J. (209). 6.45 p.m.--Organ recital, Arthur Scott Brock. 7 p.m.--Hotel music. 7.30 p.m.--Elks' dance music. 8 p.m.--Easter songs. 8.40 p.m.--Songs of Scotland. Morton dinner Home dinner WGY, Schenectady, N.Y. (870). 6.30 p.m.--Hotel Van Curler or- chestra, 7.45 p.m.--Anna Fisher, S0prano; Walter Grieswald, violinist: Lillian Singer, pianist; Phillip Winnman, flutist; James White, trombonist. WHN, New York, N.Y. (833.1). 7.30 pm.--Joe® Ward's Swanee entertainers. 8.05 p.m.--Roseland dance chestra. or- «30 p.m.~George's surprise. 10.30 p.m.--Leroy surprise. 10.30 p.m.--Leroy Smith's chestra. | 11 p.m.--Coltton club orchestra. 11.30 p.m.~ Silver Slipper orches- tra. or- WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2), 6.05 am.--Benjamin Franklin hotel concert. : 7 pm.--Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; dancing lessons, Miller Cone servatory of Dancing. WJZ, New York, N.Y. (455). 7 p.m.--Hotel Commodore dinner concert. 7.56 p.m. --John B. Ken ¥. 8 p.m.--Astor Coffee orc | Geddes this week, Many of the best Homes and Public Buildings: of Kingston are furnished with Anglin's Made-in-Kingston woodwork. One may get cheaper woodwork else- where, but not better. pl S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED) LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, TOAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTO. » ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571, nternal and Externa are PECLE relieved oe THoMAs' ECLECTRIC ol L THAT IT HAS BEEN 0 wert AE SELLE Te lh NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES . / Prem cs co rn { son returned to his home in King- ston, on Saturday last. Mrs. John Morrow, vieited with Mr. and Frankford, Mrs. W. A. Ethel Olmstead and Rowatt Gilchrist spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Olmstead, Mc- Donald's Corners. William Hanna : : 2 | visited with his uncle, Martin Me- eumatic oison Phee, Harper's Corners, over ths : "3 week-end. rr. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirkham, Claren- doy STL day Tat rename, he : den, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. | {ary you'll realize that when Rheums | Gimsteas, on Tuesday of last week. { oss An Sheumatin goes Le ar tore Mrs. John Allan, Snow Road, Was | tured with pain, crippled with swollen the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. W, .A. Joints or distressed with | Geddes for a few days this week. \winges, Rheuma Is guaranteed ng i aa-------- Your rheumatic trouble or mo Rheuma Ig just as effective In of lumbago, Jiciatica, arthritis a PERSON! PARAGRAPHS, chronic neuralgfa. £ ERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Rheumatism is a dangerous dfseass. It often affects the 'heart and causes sudden death. If you have it in | slightest degree get a bottle ma from Jas. B. M¢Leod of 'any @ from Regarding Visitors and Others at > Lee Valley. Lee Valley, March 2 Miss | lot to-day and drive fit Lucey Andress spent ce system at nes. at Willlam Hunt's; the Miss aura Andress', on Sunday. and Mattie Hant accompanying her |p home Sunday. Mrs. Clifford Patter-| son and children were calling at|p James Root's on Sunday. Mrs, Carrie L. Slate, Rockport, is visiting friends and relatives in Lee Valley. Little Andréw Lafromboise has been very ill with pneumonta but is improving | Coburn's while Mr. Coburn slowly. Miss Emma #lammond, | Thomas are ovér at Gore BF Mrs. Andress and Mr. Bernard An- | Messrs. Stewart Babcock, Claud Wi dress were calling at Mr. Ham- | liams, Bernard O'Connor and Gel don Andress. were callers 'at Root's, Sunday evening. Mr. 5 Mrs. Jason Caldwell were calling at F. J. Lee's, on Saturday. Mrs. A. G. Lang was visiting the sick at Jam Lafromboise's to-day. Fred Root and Miss Cors urnett were calling at 8. Andress Sunday. : Mrs, George Edgeley was visiting at F. J. Lee's on Sunday. - Mrs. Cli fcrd Root and son ard staying at 8. tiond's on Sunday. A vepy enjoyable evening was spent a¥ Fred Williams', on Friday last. Cards and dancing also croki- nole were the entertainment for the evening. An afterngon meeting of the Women's Institute ywas called on Saturday, to arrange for an oyster supper,and dance. Miss Ce- ciita McMillan was calling at D. Some people sleep too much have active K minds and others stocks on margin. 5 a Za) es | SOLVE THIS GREAT RADIO AE 1 AE IRR: One night 'W ® 1 PRIZES 1st Prise OVERLAND SEDAN had Value $850 International what the myst erton ed Slit i 7 4 i x i | i ti fez, 8 AL i Tite if ; jot Bb i

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