orum and a True Market Place bo The British TN SRTHR. or. a ii TR eaten vada 5 OUT OUR WAY. LL RY WILLIAMS. ----ESet ones KINGSTON, ONT. W BAGANT~--In KE . PICOT WDGING = arena itehitg: are: restricted to their sor, Gerald sh Toi » 161 % All sds are: ¥ Wg Work on saw mill; woman 1c Field, 362 Barrie Street, va ta 1 > Le a son, | * i. Who . LASSIFIED RATES: wi te (nee Mabe § Stewart) {| in $36.00 per month and boare > WIN OU EXPECT LOOK & Ee en LL Minimum charge, 25 cénts. | FELSTBAD --' In Kings ton on A nr MEN AND BOYS WANTED-- To pa WHM OU ONLY HAS HAPPENED ; Tine ciass ae shop. | RAISE! LOOK AT MADE TO ORDER --Lidies' seed dhe 5 ¢ |Junerel (privale) from his late) res vin, IFIED ADVERT.SING Weagant, 3¢ Pembroke = ; ~ 1a { - CLASSE Tek a ! SUPE iLhout children. Pleating, work guaranteed proper classificition, snd to n Detroit, Mich, on A | 1 t Wages fur Segular Dally Whig style of rpe 26, and drs. F. J.| rik el0 ou par month ghd Board: sw : - [WH ERNIE HOW IT OonT T WEIGHED 230 _Strest. 'Phone 2433-4. Dall fine or consecutive | Lian must be geod cook. Apply to J. : y rote "insertions: "DEATHS, #. Newton, Box 81s Arden P: On ODL. A RAISE SO SOON?| | MIRACLES | PromiSED ME A Ladies' Hair Parlor 24 - Cash 9 od ed 61 aw a 3 Jon, Henry Velstead, hacd 6 Mel, AvP NV Cavios Harber Shop AEED HIM Six -= === | OE NOW! DOCTOR A I SRO ad § une Re rey or Th es hair feuts oe Ladies 5c. 201 Wel 5 & M - elng, he Rw dence, 664 Montreal Streel, Tues lington Street. ' 1 MONTHS A ' IN OTHER ORDERED ME "T° 2 thildfen' s hair Cedteing" y Births, Bhgtgeiints. Mar- day afternoon at 2 o'clock to Cata-| ¥ inserts 0; ' 4 BY Sarge. 0). cop er. Cori Ai] SUE OUD RELIABLE GURL < For WHY ERNIE! SHOPS: J \ QUIT LOOKIN FOR IT! TL N--In . Od , - and Memoriam dining room, ome good reliable man he . 00 1926, Sarah Godwin, widow of " for housecleaning department. A ply | % har $1.50; cash, 31. iste o Slam H. Godwin, aged 73] het or Superintemient General Hos = n. 3 ACT ae ordered for Irregular Funeral wi take place from her son. Pha i S ' \ takes the one-time inser- in-law's residence, Mr. Robert Al- 35 ELL HOUSHHOLD NECESSITIES s no ad. taken for lees taan len, 354 Brock Street, Tuteuay ww. "Greatest imaginable demand; have of four lines. ds 10 the ternogn at 3 30 to Oatarequi Ceme-| bhuginess of vour own; make five dol- six average words Pei tery. : Sitaicts rempectiully lars 'up dally; capital or' experience ands and acgualnt A nnnecessar B Garretson, Brantford, ads, will be received by invited to attend Ont. y: ' ana | if paid at The ta | HOPKINGON -- Tn' Itmgston on April smc thin 6 days from T3916, Mary Hopkinyon. widow | Positi a s ; agte ot 'ot insertion, cash rate gh w ag 105 inson ] ons Wanted : ® VERA WAVIN funeral (private) from hér som'p re | EXPERIENC H one da i LRIENCED STENOGRAPHER shows more than ¥ dance. 109% York Street, on AWed-|hg rey position. References, Appiy For the very latest in ay a before expiration will day morning at 5.45 to SL Ma. y'y > 2 ea oo po I : Cathedral, whore a solemn requiem | Hof M-5, W Whig Offles, . ad. appear - n 11 be sung for the happy | : ] ent re at the rate earned. ie Ho of hex aun, { Real Estate For Rent - LADIES 5. PAiiok PRIVAT 58 SSE line for white space LAKE--Suddenly, in Sydenham, on a meer | WAKE Fone ars | " Apartments and Flats 7| NGSBURY, " hon 2015 as & line of A 2 r { April 4th, 1928, Damon W. Lake,| rate for yearly "Advertsing aged 69 Years. | 209 rltal: uN request. . to| APARTMENT--In Sydenham Apart ® reserve the right to edit ¥ "ond Church: dn idence oth. | ments, Brock Street, 4 pp oy and Riled NW a » or all classified advertising 3 pi. Interment Sydemham|, bathroom, gas range, Telrgetator, : o temetery. "hardwood floors; well heated. Apply 3 ERN . ITER] ® 243; ask for & want ad. |... and acquaintances respectfully} 69 Brock Street. £ all iD ah surance Bea invited to attend | companies of highest nana 3 y od 2 Wagrit . ; FLAT--4 rooms, on ground floor, 212 1 WATTS Sly Kinguwn General. Hospital| Queen Street, electric and gas. veran- ne, Jt King Direst, Bast." "Phases Y Rh AY A gt QW dah, big yard Possession May 1st. : Firin of Undertakers | daughter of the late Robert Watts, Apply 1. Zacks, 171 Princess Street. and 356 PRINCESS STREET | = aged il years ~~~ ~~" Aol ae Ffoe BJ. Orumisy, 430 Has "Phone 147 for Ambulance aed a at her's] | GRoUND ¥ FLOOR APARTMENT Four \ "Phone 1783~M. : Stuart Street. to St. James church,| O0MS p. ba water heater, 3 - clothes closets, large pantry, . gas Saeaiay etn to Cataraqui| range, hot water heating, $35.00 per grb gee BEL mast. Hern 4 month. Apply 186, Queen Street or . Strange, estabiiabed in 1860 IN MEMORIAM. 'phone 11 ) Clarence Street, opposite Post Of F134 | In bowing memory of William Adrian, | BMEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie ' who departed this life April 5th, 19217. | and Princess Streets, also s.ores on SUR JBALIH AND ALCIDE All Tinea ; | Princess Street, centrally located with | of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Dear is #hs grave, where our @ear| nces. Apply I. Cohen & Co.,| Willams, 2 Cou st tL. ea lie ia laid, Ns soo | Or Street." Phone 83 "| emt co tPel, Tee dear is is memory, which shal never, S/T - = = A at -- De 7 | Decorators meet, Decorator. Kneeling together at Jesus feet DESIRABLE a | . : . Shop and residence 'phone 1966. Of : 08 E OFFIC ES--With vault in . SY NEA SEAVIOR, INC. --Sadly missed by father, mother,| Ontario Chambers, corner King and itd Sits fee 283 King Street. { fade, | Sweet is the he that agein we shall] & y 1 s the hope grin we { Business Faces 8 JrRwlliams A. ANDERSON--Painter and [1 HO h sisters amd brothers. | Clarence streets. | Possession 1st of GET YOUR PAINTING--And pa; rt. eS | May, Apply King and Smythe, 71- done now. I'rices Oar Lost aud: Foupd 1| Clarence st, Kingston, Ont. Real Estate For Sale Articles For Sale Articles For Sale. paver for sale. Br | ---------- rere batten eens ro = x : 'I"hone 2747- BROWN GLOVE--Fur lined,/ found in| HAL L~--Over Lackie's store, to rent, Ap- Mi neous 15 Ambsiance 'phone 85; | 'Dost Office." Owner may haye sume at| bly fo Lackie's Bakery. a sealn Business Service PATIR HANGING- Have yout'iests ony { IEEE PII - - " - ete. ee. re et net t------ rating done now. See the uss TEN-ROOMED HOUSE---Brick, all mod- | RADIO-One 5 tiibe Yestinghouse Ra- D 5 DOG COLLAR--Found, on Barrie Street | ho ° ern improvements, at 363 Barrie Street, dbo, Som plete 2th loud apsakes oud Woon pg Wy OL oud ag and get estimates, Hf. Rowley: RR on Saturday. S 3 yb at 60] EE YT temes pew ear Princess Street. pply on prem- atteries; use wo wee § 'Undertaker and Embalmer, | on Saturday. Same may be had at 60 | | BRICK HOUSE--S rooms, at 130 Bagot| [ses 2 P cash. All in good order. Reagon for| 00d slabs 33.50 load. body hardwood Fox PATNI TT Phone 20 bie | Streei, opposite' Robert Meek School. selling buying larger machine. A. J us lord. A 8 alors K. Sor, 215 Bawor Noel Obinson, rear Sydenham, Ont. * | FOUNTAIN PE ith gold band and | Possession at once. Rent $17.00. Ap- E. Wi MULLIN Buell, SharBbot Lake. Ont. . 'Phone $80. 9 PUG Teetsy rng » + £lip and "D. McFarlane" engraved on| Ply J. B. Cooke, "Phone 503 or 1731-M. "Real Estate and Insurance Broker - -- it, found, on Friday. Owner may have | BRICK HOT Res Por oie Johnson and Division Streets . RADIO Oue od lube estingho use WOOD--Best of Mixed Wood $3.00 & Financial 20 same at 57 Joh treet SE~=New, Pe oe stre See Advt Page io, complete w oud speaker and - FLOWERS sh a ved --.| near car line, 6 rooms, modern, h.w. - a 8 2 | Lorilee aed only thres weeks. $75] Juqrte rots Seb Dardwond 3laba FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVES FORD BALLOON TIRE--Lost In eity or| 1l00rs. fireplace, gas or electricity for "k, § rooms, modern, central.| cash. A.J. Buell Sharbot Lake, Ont cord; body hardwood, $3.60 8 quarter| MENT SOCIK theory ETS on highw V © cooking, verandah. Apply 49 Pem- 700-- 00 modern. central. q TY ~~ heorporated EDDING BOUQU ghway west of the city. Finder A bry 700--Brick, $ rooms, e \ of a cord. Delivered. Saunders' Wood| 1861. President. A D. _ ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS please return to A. Godkin, 144] broke Ntreet. 'Phene 1508-w. 35 000--Brick, 7 rooms, modern, south. | SRT OF" SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS Yard, cor. Barrack and Bagob Streets.| vice- iprosident J M. Farrell rey it Union Street. Reward. 'Phone 914-J, 3,800--Frame, 6 #ooms, modern, gar-| --For sale. Apply to alkem &| 'prone 2956-4. loan on city. and farm proper tion] = rt ------------------p-------------------------- 3 ' -- eT | BRICK HOUSE--On Sydenham Street Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. ~ KIRKPATRICK S GLASSES--In case, found in vicinity of Kast, 7 rooms, with 3 rooms in attie, $1 Prhme, 5 rooms, sputh. nent. ohds Bought a 30d; 'ART AND FLOWER STORE Montreal and Ordnance streets. Own-| Modern improvements. Possession May | 2 Farms near city. Would e hange. YOUR AUTO PARTSSilverware can Wanted To Buy 19 mir tm a ait Ia Rau 'Phortes 452 and 1218-J er may have same at 136 Dividfon St. | ASL. Apply 230 Sydenham Streel.| [ngurance Money to loan. Ho ouses and| De replated like new. Phone 350. Part- Ca TInt honialy ren: 2 i . : between § and 7 pm. 'Phone 1915-w Apartments to let. ridge Wire & Iron Works. Gates, : arprian » manager, 87 Clare ce St. % T. O'CONNOR. Fences, étc., close prices. ASHES--=And other fill wanted at new mE GLASSES -- Heavy tortoise shell rim- n- | HOUSE--287 Rideau Street, § rooms;| g5) Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J. Toor ond I Sat Ivarad Ok Biota Storage 61 Queen Stree ; all . = : med glasses found on Princess Street Q 6 rooms; all improve Apply to H. W. Wats, 296 Frontenac x mens each. Apply 185 Queen Street i on Monday afternoon. Ownes may] ens each. App @ e Articles For Sale. Two Elec ic Motors Street, STORAGR---Fof Jusiture. clean, ok Jave same at at 302 Earl Street, or tele al d i _phone : ry rooms an Sour r own ---- HOUSE--In good locality, and in good DAIRY COWS--- Wanted to purchase 3 aud key. Frost's > ty or HALL SEAT--AnNd mirror, fumed oak;| condition. Rent reasonable. Will rent Maceliancous » For Sale pf Sood Saf Sons, 2 Whig ofiea| 305 Queen St. "Phone $26. Phen suas piano bench, chesterfield suite or| 10 married couple without children or milkers. Apply Box 0-3, Whig Office.| or '3 16-m. piece; dark ohk buffet; walnut mantel.| two ladiess Apply Box P-10, Whig|BIOYOLES--A number of used bic cles 1 horse power Wagner Motor s hoot cam bs L20e via Barrie Street in aftermoon| Office. . Bierdie Works, 371- 313 Ring ugliers ~-1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, i. Re an, Fr ta. =r ah BOVIS ul AGL WA h G i ttre mines sation. a 220 STORA 3 heHg SEF or Nou . mori | MOUSE LS oiiagton Strest, 8) 'Phous 1961-Wa, Co; volts, A.C. . proof bullding. Phone 1000 6611 T BATOR-140 1 , rnace, electric lig. an as, . Tr i brooder. Tas Droven mood hatenog| 3 place bath, WII re-decorate ta 505i] EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with| | 1 horse power Cushman Business Services ee et ttt. tenant. Possession May easy terms of payment; large selec- Motor, 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, Er ee te ernment © ter W 20 season. Apply 264 Nelson Stree % £ Ist. Appl . w patterns, 'P w. 0 volt hase. Talloring and Pressing The best and most economical on 208-m. © 18 . 10 33 Clergy Street 8 : ' s op att est 50 Pr ne ae 110 volts, 1 p : EE --------------------------------------t " 1 atterson, siren | CARPENTER WORK~--AT] Kinds of tuel on the market to-day. Try PATR OF OVERSHOBS -- 5 bookies | HOUSE---98 E: al BS -- 5 buckles, Sarl Street, 9 rooms and, 3 " oe s BOBERTEON Talos, Cleaning, |. k, th . BLANKETS--=Robes a bargain; second British Whig Pub. Co. Tr ning |. penter wor Contracting or day w o_ finish out the season. found in Choral Soofet dress] in attic; 3 piece toilet; gas for coo a lgad t ¥. 4 NE! ing: electric lighting; plugs for lamps,| hand drill, Lion Disc Harrow; 2 order. Samp) in oa $20.00 and| moderate. G. Hunter, 73 Pem naom, at Grant Hall. Owner may have same at 643 Princoss Street, fans, etc. Sunshine furnace, heating hs. See our mew Cockshutt Dise (LIMITED) up: 273 Bagot Street. Street. 'Phone 948-w. satisfactory. Garage and stables, Ap- 3 Spring Tooth Cultivator, Lion : 8 James Swift& Co! td. PACKAGE OF ENVELOPES Found, ply for key at Gil ert's Grocery, 154 :Harrows oe Save) Separators KING ST. 'PHONE 2614. SA . h Pri - trie St hone 26 and ers at Fras o cy - ing "Owner may' have mame aioe -- J. F. Cramer, 31 Brock Street. 'Phone | == mg mamma oe N 2 rrofesstonay 21 Miseellancous FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. ing. Owner may have same at 396] g 1 'PHONE 135. {jj Brock Street RATT, a hr rye ar hs aay Bitsd or 123001 Building Materials 16! DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A.| ASHES--Cleaned out of cella Avpiy to H. F. Norman, 69. Patrick | DINING / ROOM FURNITURE lh PRESSED BRIC ard and soft Stock vg Sf Barrie and Prin- 33 Russell Sires Enon 3366. treet. - ' 4 . % TF nd soft sto c ust Help Wanted ho Puone 130-w abd. Pandora Range for sale wy, Brick; also hollow bullding brick and; ments, electric treatments and hand- STEER 194 Division Street. aa hi SE --, SOLID BRIC OUSE--F : tile. , Samples at $24 Johnson Street. Massage. X-ray. service. Consuita:| ASHES--Removed from yard and § Son Male Help Wanted furnace ove Ele nt an DRY, MIXED WOOD-- Under cover,| 'Phode 3041. A.- Nea tion free. Hours 9-15 am. 1-6 p.m. ars. general carting; first class near City Park. Possession May lst.| $3.50 a load, delivered. Phone 1505-J. ir Evenings by appointment. Office tele-| Wood for sale. = kstimate n rs BOYS WANTED----To sell week-end p Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence| or call at 45 Raglan Road. W. J. Furniture 18a phone 522-J. . Residence 'phone $57-J. | Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor : > per. Apply Harold J. Smith, Th oraok __Btreet, s Kingston, Ont, Brownlee. Et Ke pens Phone 291 and 2516-M. Servi and Kin S Street i Sree FURNITPURE-- Antique and modern LUCY=<Geo. F. and Jennie Chire- Expert ce, a a \ FISH AND CHIFS--The oldest fish and, furniture sold and bought M. Cram-' practors, Registered Nurse, %. Bagot | SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES Moderate y COAL SALESMAN--Rosident agent for Rooms 20| chip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 2601 er. 507 Frincesa Btreef, Successors tol Street. 'Phone 981-w. Hours 9-13, | Good teams, Sareful drivers. Gen RFR M city and vicinity, for wholesale com- ALR Montreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.00] 1@sses Antique Shop, 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. a a ae: od gy Fo pany, with exclusive agency for com-| SMALL ROOM~--For 1 ht housekeeping. am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625- «mm. William urray panies selling coal for all require-| Heat, light and gas 1d Fh oon A = : Si Fuel ana Feed 18] SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, | Street. 'Phone 1507-J. ments. Liberal commission. Box| to 288 Queen Street. INCUBATOR---Cy a Warts, Birthmarks, SKin Cancers, Murray H-13, Whig Office. egw size, in perfect condi DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard| Scars, Pits, ele, removed psrmanent- Expert Plano Tuning. TWO ROOMS Furnished; suitable for| sell cheap. A Darga. and soft wood Slabs. We handle none! D- Satisfactory Glasses fitted and Player-Plano Adjusting. 16 Marie 1. 'Phone 891.J. || LIVE PARTY--To sell electric sign| light housekeeping: on bathroom fat:| deau. Phone 2236 1 but the best. 'Phone 2516-w. J, C.| furnished after others Bave failed. Phone 1544, novelties; all types of window letters| gas for cooking. Possession April Swain. Hi Goltre cured without operation. 35 . W. LINDSAY, LIM! BR roughout Eastern Ontario, on a| 1st. Apply to 87 _Wellington Street. Years' Sxperisnice, DrE Elmer J. Lake, TED H Any DEY Dake. Must be a mechanle HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOR SALE || DRY HARDWOOD---Any quantity. Ap- Ere Ean Ne Eom Saat kin. HH UPHOLSTERIN Ge--And general re KENT MACNEE [|e Prone nze-a "" Real Estate For Sale Very fine 10-piece walnut dining [| Corner Princess and Smith Streets | =r msm te Lo | dug, Les biarold. fos Trey Be w. ee oe TOV _OAI0 |] room suite, fine 7-plece mahogany Ii THyTTC oo0¢! Barristers and Solicitors 21b| foo i 104 Cle To bedroom suite, brass beds, dressers, INSURANCE BROKER . Female Help Wanted __3 Farms and Land 12/1 8 leather dining room chairs, cam- || GOOD HARDWOOD--33.50 quarter @6ra| Ww. 1, HERRINGTON Barrister. Solio ung gate, Automobile, Ac. Se A er =|] phox wood moth proof ches:, other ll "mixed wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarter] tor and Notary Dobie. ister, Solel. oi CONTRAC Nam. aay ang Dt HE ea rite: FARM 60 Acres Kingston Township; 1 heats, long Xitchen {ables, dishes, cord--hard slabs $3.50--soft slabs! ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. Ld Th the ie 0 have hy ; her a oJ mille south ofi} ete. Apply Mm. T. G. Smith, 2.16 quarter cord. Rough and dressed : servant for family of four. Apply Mrm| hes from Kingston . 3 q & sure to give a aurget mock #1 nove wy. || SINR Had a) Restioh Sr heli FEA | Bove et Robe AL le [evminentio « gm marian i Shea] . COOK--Refergnces Tequired. Apply to Bouse: Soud ops, ormer} NEWoFerfootion 1 burner. coal oo Talbot, Concession Street. * Kingston 4 A ": Cunnningham, K.C.;| House, Gaadnoque. Mrs. How: olger. 1 Emily Street. | Kenny, Westbrook. |, stove and Connor -water-power wash- | yan nDWoOD--Dry body maple $5.78 per EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER --- Howes = : ing - 'Phone 3336-m. load. Dry ood $3.5 Youd VNTR Weve Seah Shed jm ately mist be speedy | PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED c. Dry ston, E. Day. Adrian LI Revelje _ REAL GOOD GOOD ONES A' AT VERY' Tite Inmurance Co. 58 Brook Strout: | BRICK HOUSE -- Semi-detached: 7| Aste nas: ror J andottes under. ogveh ¥: k x . Fho Norisages ancanged. 'Phone 305. LOW P rooms and bath; all mod 1 - . ~ Ss. Ray Parker, corner John~ Ase. 0h ime of pOBITURL HOUSEKEEPER WANTED--Vor coun | Monts. Apply to 44 Ordnance st. | snteed liye do psd, diye us ema] on ind MeDonaia Strasts. YOR $1 BPOk Sireot | Mores ar: | ares of ao Tr Boat Ta pe Bveryihing reasonad "try fiome: bbjection to" one child. hatohed if desired. Marshall, King-| PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL | ranged on city and farm property.| and . Cushions, "om ry no Yeasonable. Apply Box Ps, Wiis Office; be is Aired. for 42.0000 5 Aree ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. SCarioad Stove in now,. Carload of | "Phone 2509. Coupe MAID-<For general housework, wanted.! able for gardening or hen Bar- 2 Chestnut arrived and ready for distri y PIANO--Upright, nearly new. Sacrifice . SLATER-Do t - One who can sleep at home n. "Phone 108. Yh, or ay at 2332 3 200. Whar Jeaving the Ser. et vaied phe on CW. Lg eitor, 79 Ci Doar pat = d 428. erresl. Apply Mra W. H. Dyde, 153 University Bhivorsicy Avenue, Box A-23, Whig Office. z arr 'Phone 43 venue. RESIDENCE--S0id brick, in 00d 6on- | PIANO Risch Upr CED. RMICES- For Sp on %, NURSEA<An experienced children's dition; all conveniences: 325 Uni Mason » and at AY) building iat EA-~Ambrose, B.A... Barrister and nurse, with references, wanted May| sity Avesue.. In very desirable 10Gal. 3 Hy y used; i a Forte feat Se the frac of May In am order Boilsitor. 1a Law" hw Office. 1 Bao FORD TOURING CA For sale, 3x, Apply wed Mrs. T. A. McGinnis, jt. or, Lielare; apply at the 44 a3 Lad, 121 a Juit. hate oad of Ory ised] to loan. Rone Hera Sod condition Cheap To awit ing Street West. ouse or pl Ww. a ro Four Boreka Fong wood, or Mabs_ Int in the: ity at ¥3.00 34 Broa . TIO RELIABLE WOMEN--About 30 To J. B. CUNNINGHAM rigors: ors; only used elort time. ult: lewd. 9s at Ui on ox lo 2 Scart poms | Woad the Classified Page for 108 and OR DAN Liat moder cleaning In tient + Seethn "Apply $ Tosufance se 234 Couns EE 5F, Srae 197 BaP i wow c 'Bruton, 20° W Fhotie gi art ed among the found Alsorberg 1038 ee or Heyee keeper, Kingston Genergt Hospi- phone 1991-3." et w Wonheton srricien If not, le: us help you locate peur 13 Tam Street, or phon "You ar isl e De Sve oA th her a of posi au model, | ou are midsing th st opportuni "Articles For Sale" is & haven for] Save time solving your househols : # rent] ties If iss po tions APpearing in the Classified Sec- po a = b N hovees ad the classined sas' ai es if You m! Teading the Whig Clas thrifty buyers in the Classified Beo- Rien by le leeting the Whig Classified tion n_ that dre open for those who are ik wiper and 'Oranges 206. and te. doten ai 3 FATHER A : 7 hier all 'BRINGING UP F i gg >a $0 ay yee wae wa Ression of the Police onday TQHED AVERY DMART ea CHILD AND VERY OBDERVING -