The Whigs Classified Page Is a Public F mm a True Market Place The British Whig: | KINGSTON, ONT LASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads. are restricted te their proper classification, and to tne regular Dally Whig style of typ i Sor. lime of consscative 0 0 Dally rage per | ine op Minim 25 cents. um charge, paily Fate per ine * Charge Cian DINE by Rev. e gal er, ea 6, Jo unerdal fre ye 3 fae ve . 8 Deaths, i Births, Shimasonts. Mar- casks £38. insertion charged. $1.00: hanks, and Memoriam foes if Hats $1.50; cash, $1.00 sien. Toaaraion ered for Irregular inasriion ra ions ea the one-time inser ae taken for less taan of oi four. lines. he F at 2 bth, of the 1 Funeral (pri dence, 1 mass w. JPTON United Chureh on April 6th, J. As ASSELSTINE--In Kingston Alfred Street. 30 to Cataraqul Cemetery. Kingston on April} HOPKINSON -- Hopkinson, widow | 1928, Mary nesday morning at 8.45 to St. Mary's; Cathedral, MARRIAGES. -- In Princess Waddell, of V Hattie Beatrice 1 of Mr. and Mrs. © ry Grey Dine, = . C. W. Dine, all Ont of Kingston DEATHS. April 6th Asselstine his late residence, 254 Thursday afternoor hn m In. ate Edward Hopkinson. { vate) from her son's resi-| 09% York Street, on Wed- | where a solemn requiem | ill. be sung' for the happy] repose of her soul. average words to ads. will be received by d if paid at The Brit- hig O hig Office within 6 days from S first date of insertion, cash rate will be ahowad, Ads ordered for more than one day + and before expiration will ha ged for the number of peared and ust Count six CAR her many kindnesses s Mrs. Hugh friends and bereavement. turn co Eee, Lost and Found D OF THANKS. . Paynter wishes to thank] neighbors for| Soe hown during her récent ma} 1! e at the rate earn: ir line for white space is & line of type. 5 te for yearly advertising DOG COLLA on Saturday, Arth Street. Same may be had at 60 uest. ishers reserve the right to edit olip anda "T or reject all classified advertising | § ound, or same at 57 ne 243. ask for a want ad. GLASSES a Montreal a JAMES REID er may hav between 6 FOU NTALN PEN--WIith gold band and| bathroom, ). McFarlane" engraved on pn Friday. Owner may have Johnson street. ] n case. found In vieinity of} ng Ordnance streets. Own-| e same at 136 Division St. and 7 pm. i. The Old Finn of Un 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET "Phone #7 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID med glasse on Monday have same phone 1836- GLASSES Heavy tortoise shell rim-| $ founa on Princess Street | afternoon. Owner may | at 302 Earl Street, or tele-| ww. } found in noom, at Gr same at $43 | PAC KAGE | on Princess ing AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839, 1 fon CORNELIUS aker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Owr B rock St reet. Choral Bootety ant Hall 3 Pr dressing | Owner may have | ess Street. or rfv ELOPES-- Found, | Street, on Thursday morn- | er may have same at 398 Ambiance Phone 599 H. J. KNIGHT TAKER AND EMBALMER ydenham, Yarker, Verons, tersenr Ambulance 'phone 33. 'P. H. ROBERTS, ness Princess St y per. BOYS WANTED--To sell week Apply and King Streets 3 | BOY----Wanted to learn hardware busi Apply W. H. Cockburn & Co reet. Harold J. Smith, _ Undertaker and Embaimer, Sydesthum, Ont. * ~~ Phone 20. CUT FLOWERS LIVE PART self. 'Phon ¥Y--To sell electric sign] novelties; all types of window letters] ~~throughout ffty-fifty basis. and a go-getter and able to boss him-| Eastern Ontario, on aj Must be a mechanic | ie 1176-J. WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S T AND FLOWER STORE *Phones 4562 and 1218-J. servant for Stewart Ro Female Help Wanted 3 | BY MAY 1st--Either a competent mo-| ther's help or experienced general | family of four. Apply Mrs. | bertaon, 16 Sydenham St. COOK~~Refe Mrs. Howard Folg rences required. Apply to} | 1 1 Billy Street. | Wanted. im w KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER and accurate, Apply Lite Insurance Co., ----- must be speedy | Manufadturer's| 68 Brock Street. | mediately; Lite, Automobile, Ag- Slckn PE Plate Ulasy ang s of re try home: Apply Box MAID-Wan Apply Mrs Avenue. 'PHONE 585-w. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED--For coun- | no objection to one child. P56, Whig Office. ted for general housework, N. Miler, 28 Kensington IN RELIGIOUS YOUTH | Apply Mrs Avenue. MAID--For general housework, wanted. 'One who can sleep at home preferred W. H. Dyde, 153 University "Rev. R. Bruce Taylor Deplores | Tendency to "Grow Old In Religion." 40 years of cleaning in : tal. } A New York despaich says: "There is nothing which moves on like religior," said the Rev. R. TWO RELIABLE WOMEN---About 30 to Housekeeper, Kingston General Hospi- "Phone 1700. Classified Fisplay age preferred, to take over Patient Section Apply Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's 'University, Kingston, Ont., in his sermon Sunday in the chapel of the Union Theological Seminary. He declared that™ '"'every . generation must tackle its own problem" in re- +. gard to Christianity is not a document we are con- COOK STOVES Prices, Th a ToL Tine of FURNITURE. Everything reasonable. Turk's Store es at Very Low ¥ 'PHONE 705. Str oad le Male R-Found, on Barrie Street { DESIRABLE OFFICE Help V Wanted "Male Help "Wanted -ond PRA eee pin ------------ far rac ki Help | Wantea ii "and Female Help Wanted 8b MARRIED © OUPLE--W | ithout- children. Man to work on-saw mill; woman to| cook for hbout ten men. Wages for man $40.00 per month and board; wo-| mean $26.00 per month and board. Wo- Ran mue. be good cook. Apply to J A. Newton, Box 61, Arden P.O. N AND BOYS WANTED-- To ws Ont. lingten Street. #5, SELL HOUSEHOLD NEC wey) -Greatest imaginable demand; have business of your own; make five do!-| lars up dally; apital or experience | Bnnecessary. B. Garretson, Brantford, | nt. "Positions Wanted 6! EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER --| Decires position. eferences. Apply Box M-3, Whig Office. WOMAN -- house cleaning 'or. washing Ells Street. Phone 15234w. Real "Estate For Rept Apartmen d P APARTMENT~In Sydenham ments, Brock Street, 4 roums a gag range, refri hardwood floors; wel] heated 69 Brock Street. FLAT--4 rooms. on ground floor, Queen Street, electric and gas, veran- dah,' big yard. Possession May 1st Apply 1 . Zacks, 71 Pr Princess Street GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT--Four rooms, 3 p. bath, water heater, clothes closets. large pantry, gas| range, hot water heating, $35.00 per | month, Apply 186. Queen Street or 'phone 11 | Wants work , by by the day, Apply 19 see] | 7 Apart-| 2] | | pre | PAIR OF OVERSHOES -- § b uckles, HEATED APARTMENT---Corner Barrie | and Princess Streets, also s.otes on| Princess Street, centrally located with | rear entrances. Apply I. Cohen & Co, _Untario Street. Phone 836. See With vault in] Ontario Chambers, corner King Clarence streets. Possession 1st May. Apply King and Smythe, Clarence St. Kingston, Ont. HALL--Over Lackie's store to rent. Ap-| ply to Lackle's Bakery TC "Farms and Lan pasture lots| tile $3.00 per| ply Thomas 1, Ivy Lea, | 300 ACRES--Of first cla. --ued water--young ¢ Bull turnished RR head Albert Shipman, Ont. Fuouscs | BRICK HOUSE-~New, Pembroke street, pedr oar Mne, 6 rooms, modern. h.w. floors, firepiace, gas or electricity for occoking, verandan Apply 49 Pem- broke Street. "Phone 1508-w. BRICK HOUSE. ~On de am Street Bast, 7 rooms rooms in atue, Possession May sydenham Street. 7 with modern improvemen 1st. Apply 230 'Phone 19id-w -------------- FURNISHED HOUSE -- Good locality, good condition. Reut reasonable. Wall rent to married couple without child- reh or two ladies. Apply Box P-10, Whig Office. 'ouT OUR WAY. ET Wore DO BoNs I CANT GOW SZE Yon WITH A Tie THis WW FUST THING SHE'D SAY, HALTER SHANK DRAGGIN~ER WHO CUT YUH LOOSE. FROM 1 Now "ORE is HANGIN'Y Real Estate For Sale asi J. B. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 9 Clarence Street. THE NECKIN' PARTY. .___Articles For Sale | RADIO--One 5 tube Westinghouse Ra- BY WILLIAMS. AL Tia oT AGIN CORN =~ NTH naw BFER 1 GIT MY NIGHTS REST! T KNOW IT" WIN BC DONE , CAUSE 1 See A FELLER Wrid TH Bot ENDS EVEN Tr WELL CUT Tl LONG END OFF! I cat MAKE iT CovE out EVEN! 1 TED oe SX TIMES ¢ I Wow WEN IM LICKED! I'M PLOM PULLED Av! Jewllavsg 3-30 "BTS ov nea sinvice. \ _Business Service Fuel apd Feed WOOD-Beést of Mixed Wood $300 a quarter of 4 cord; hardwood slabs under vegyen $2.78 & quarter .of a cord; $i a h sold. 2 Phone 23 2958-J. Miscellaneous 15 : dio, complete with loud speaker and batteries: used two weeks. $165.00 cash. All in good order. Reason for selling buying larger machine. A. J Buell, SharbBot Lake. Ont. ivered. Saunders' Wood rack and Bagot Streets. Miscellaneous BICYOLES--A number of used pic cles at reduced prices. Apply uller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King i Street, 'Phone 1961-w. BRICK Plas ie $21. 0 a Rustic $25.76; Req ( cyage 6.75 per M. ¥.0.B. Kastor rax Yetuden A. Neal, 624 Johnson Street. Phone 3041 EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with easy terms of payment; large -selec- tion of newest pacterns. 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. SET oF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS WHITE NEWSPRINT--300 sheets RADIO-- One 3 tube Westinghouse} =u Radio, complete with loud speaker and Latteries; uged only three weeks. $75 cash. A. J. Buell, Sharbot Lake, Ont Wanted To Buy 19 ASHES---And other fll wanted at new school, on McDonald Street. Will pay 10¢. per load if aiiversd on ground. Apply to H. W. Watts, 29¢ Frontense Street. DAIRY COWS--Wanted to purchise on good dairy cows. Must be good mikes Apply Box 0-3, Whig fo ce. LIVE HENS--HIghest cash price for all Kinds | of f live e hens. ~'Phone 23 34-F. --Fur sale. Apply to Walkem, $3 Clarence treet. OUR AUTO PARTS--Siilverware can Xo! replated like new. Phone 380. Part- ridge Wire & Iron Works. Gates, Fences, ste., closé prices. for Ppping purposes ehold use. Slse 16%" x 23". Apply Bre ¢ ish Wiig Office. HOUSE--257 Rideau Sgreet, 6 rooms; 61 Queen Street, § rooms; all improve- men.s each. Apply 155 Queen Street, Telephone 985-w. HOUSE--38 Ear] Street, 9 rooms and 3 in attic; 3 piece tollgt; gas for cook- ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps, fans, etc. Sunshine furnace. heating satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap- ply for key at Giivert's Grocery, ivd Barrie St. Phone 264. SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To Charles Street; electric light and 'Sas. Apply to H. PF. 'Norman, 69 Patrick Stregt. 'Phone 730-w. let on SOLID BRICK HOUSE--Eight rooms, furnace and-all conveniences, situate near City Park. Possession May 1st Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, _Ont WanteG To "Rent 11 FURNISHED ROOMS -- Two or three, suitable for ligh: housekeeping, want- ed by young, married couple for next college term. Write particulars, Box 8-8, - Whig Office. Real Estate For Sale | cerned With," he said. "It is a man, z - Christ, Do you wonder that any church which holds on to a fixed creed today finds itself in difficulty? Why be afraid of new things? Any- thing which can be discovered is bound to add to the glory of God." The tendency of people to "grow old In religion," he sald, was re- sponsible for much of the pessimism toward Christianity, and he urged his hearers to remain in religious R h, "when anything may hap- ; 1." Age brings redistance to ; Sange, susceptibility to a fixed, i tary religion and a longing for the "good old times," which were 'no better, he sald, than to-day. a load to FOOT PEA COAL + and COKE The best and most economical fuel on the market to-day. James Swift & Co Ltd. Try finish out the season. OF JOHNSON ST. 'PHONE 136. ~ En the world -of to-day, scourged a RR " by war, people have shown them- selves to bu no more selfish than be- fore," he concluded. "We are grow- ing more ahve, quicker and more sympathetic. We. are not bound by f tixity: but we must see to it t wo de-not-grow old. The world on new and perhaps better views 'of Christianity. It is a living Lord " steps forth to-day te meet an atigigu and restless world." Classified Auctioneers You are missing the Dest ties if you miss reading Page. FNEW HOUSE? age. $1, Frame. B ve, south. i Farms n city. Would exchange. vy to loan. TR" in) SR -- Farms and Land 12 FARM---50 acres Kingston Township, 1 miles from Kingston, 1 mile south of Westbrook, some excellent garden land; never failing well: solid brick house good wat- -buildings. Formerly the Sheehan property. Apply Mrs. Kenny, _Westbroo mma 14 rooms, barn, 5 acres land; north Alfred, for $2.500. do. Suit- able for gardening or henery. Bar. ata "Phone 1083-m, or call at 332 Inivers BW. suLfin ity Avenue. Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johhson and Division Streets 'Phone §39-w. See Advi Page 2 2 -------------- ete A tetera 4 RESIDENCE--S80lid brick. in good con- dition; all conveniences; 325 Univer In very desirable Soars rticulase, 2pply a the house or 'phone 246¥-w Brick, 8 rooms, meodern, central. Brick, § rooms, modérn, central, Brick, 7 rcoms, modern, south. 6 rooms, -modern, gar- nee. Money Apartments to X T. NNOR. : 251 Princess Streit 'Phone 1189.3, mm ami It makes it easter for renders to &n- Sai your Sihasitied ads 1 it contains! Jour elephone number and yous address. | louses and BLANKETS--Robés & bargain; second hand anit, Lion Disc Harrow; 2 sets slei Se our new Cockshutt Disc! Drit ha Serine Tooth C Cultivator, Lion Disc Hao P Javal Be Sopatatols and Milkers at Tost J.B ramen 31 31 Brock Street. hone 585-J. or 1317-F, DINING ROOM FURNITURE « Piano and Pandora Range for sale. Apply 194 Division Street. DRY, MIXED WOOD Under cover, $3.50 a load, delivered. 'Phone 1508- J. or call at 45 Raglan Road. J. Brownlee. FISH AND CHIPS.-The oldest fish and chip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 26 Montreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.0 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2635-m. FREEMASONRY ~ Mackey's Revised History of, 7 wols, new. Write Box R-8, Whig Office. HALL SEAT--And mirror, fumed oak: piano bench, chesterfield suite or piece; dark oak buffet; walnut mantel. Apply 363 Barrie Street in afternoon ROBERTSON ~Tallor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Suits made to order. Samp in ok. $20.00 and up. 273 Bagot Stree + Pratesstonay DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER o.. W. A. Marcells, corner of Barrie and ine Cess Etreets. Chiropractic adjfist- op le ric treatments and hand- "ray Joryuee. Couguits. gion 1 Tree. > Hours 9-13 a. . 1-6 venin a a ptment. ms ce {oles phone bed. Regiment 'phone 9$57-J. Se F. and Jennie A. Chiro- Bree Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot treet. 'Phone 951-w. - Hours oiL 1-8, 6-79.30. Consulisition free. 'Two Electric Motors For Sale' Wagner Matos cycle, 220 1 1 horse power -1800 RPM, 00 volts, A.C. 1 horse power Cushman Motor, 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 110 volts, 1 phase. igh Whig Pub. Co. BD) 'PHONE 2614. Furntture 18a | y FURNITURE-- fo TL furniture sold and beught. M. Cram- er. 507 Princess Streef, Successors to Lesses Antique Shop. Fuel ana Feed ( KING BT. 2. = Halr, Moles, Skin Cancers, moved parmanent- ory Glasses fitted gnd Urniss -. after others have faifed. Goltre cured without Sheration, Years' experience. Dr. Hye, Eax, Nose, Tons Skin, Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1138 SKIN RLEM Warts, Birt Soars, Pits, . 8 yo and evening. INCUBATOR--140 egg Wisconsin, also brooder. Has proven good hatcher this season. Apply 264 Nelson Street. 'Phone 2508-m. tment teenies ess narin WS INCUBATOR-Cypher's. Incubator, 144 eg® size, in perfect condition. Will sell cheap. A bargain... §8 Lower Ri- deau. 'Phone 2235-F. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOR -SALBR Very fing 10-piece walnut dining room sulle, fine 7-plgee mahogany bedroom suite, brass béds. dressers, § leather dining room chairs, cAm- phor wood oth proof ches: other Shemis, long kitchen tables, dishes, ete. pply Mrs. T. G. Smith, 131 Beverly? Street, i NEW "Per faction 4 Burner .céokl .ofl stove and Connor water-power wash- ing machine. "Phone 33 PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I Reds, White Wyandottes. White Leghorns. 100 per cent guar- anteed live delivered. ine us your order. 'Phoue 18l1-w. Your ee hatched if desired. Marshall, Kin ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. P PIANO! right, nearly new. Sacri = » ph Joaving the, ice Box i rl Whig Office. PIANO --- "Mason & Risch Upright}: slightly used; in rect andi on. 'Price reasonal GC Di p y Highway Service sud corn enn HARDWOOD--$3.50 HARDW Bor Rardwood body maple s{ REDUCED DRY¥- BODY HA ooh De and soft Foot Sia e Jone but the best. hone. ¢ hie a Sup ti Ay. As Barristers and Solicitors 21b W. H. HERRINGTON---Barrister, Sollel- tor and Notary Public. 151 Welling- ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. OUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Barriaters and Sol'citors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. AB. Cunaningham, Ko Cyril M. Smith. AY AND REVELLE~BArrigterg Solicitors, 69 Sarence Street, "ing: ston. A E, Day, Adrian I. Ravelle Morigages arranged. 'Phone 206 REYNOLDS, J. Co=Barrister and Solel tor, §1 Brock Street. Morigages are ranged ath city and farm property. 'Phone SLATERADo Sugias, Barrister and Soli- , 79 Cla Street. Mortgages arranged. hone oleifor.. Law amiss B.A. Barrister nd aH k, paver Brig P oan. Swaln, ¥ HARDWOOD-=Any or noess and te 'Phone 270 A ord ixed wood $3.00 ahd. > quarter cord--hard slabs slal jae quarter ord. co san 4 Inmber aware in stock. Clean fats bag. 'Phone 2753. re 1. Talbot, ncession Street. $3.78 per $3.50 per lo 3.00. Dry gi Be Sn = wilting L758 p Ray be oo her J ohne e: 3 ker, d McDonal Stree Pond r! NSYLVANIA ANTHRA Se load. RE a stove in oy Sad Bone magne i bution. + Phone S3ef-n a délivered off cars. C. W. rR For wood, soal CE Pi REE oa iy Also a fe at $10.00 ton or: argest Pea C 7.00 0-w. ~W. i ds 396 "Welling ton Personal WIDUWER~--Agé 30, of high wishes to CE JJrim a and '$6 ng Sir or Yiu yous work Py ithe 2 Role Prefer Tt ni EL oF of 4 erms to su W. Lindsay Lid. 121 Princess Brat. REFRIGERATORS Four Eureka Re- m erators; cifly used short-time, Suit} \ Bk Wallon 6] Nelson Brak Hun A @) e n ee Bm ba ig 3 BRINGING up FATHER - Hewmstiteh) Ey "ea Eh body hardwood, $3.50 a quarter I. rh ak Money A ~ Business Services 'Ladies' Hair Parlor ALL od RT ha mag na. That rh oo Ehliafen' o "phone 20 PERMANENT WAVING For the very atest, bor Ladies' LADIES" Seam PRIVATE 209 pi Street. polntment RY 2018.d. ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurancé Broker. all branches of Insurauce in old companies of highest financial . ing. +281 King Stragt East, ones 25i3-w. Res. 1131. , i Insufs Street. A FIRE----Automobile and Casuait; ance. KE M. an umly, 420 oar] 'Phone 1783-M. INSU Ll She mogt relia compan Strange, established . oo » Clarence Street, opposite Post Sige: se) un, COOKE Life, Fire, Accident and iclness, ja reliable com treet manager Imperial Life. Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCID icy will protect Jour salary, ings | of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Williams, 2 _Couper street. tors A. ANDERSON Painter and Deco Shop a residence 'phone 1966. fice 283 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTING-And papery done rd I'rices reasonable. Bryant, 307 Sarl % sale. Rone 1 2747-7 PAPER HANGING Have your deco rating done now ee the ow samples and get estimates. H. Rowiay. i¢ Bagot Street 'Phone 1352-¥ 8. Robinsea, - Tre : rinancial FRUNTENAU LOAN AND MENT SOCIETY ~ Incorpora 1861. President: A. D. Cartwr Vice-president J. M. Farrell Mone; loan on ¢ity and farm properties; in~. vestmeni. Bondy bought and : Posiis received and interost 1 te mintmum monthly $alance! i'. o Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St. Storage STORAGE--For furniture, ah rooms and Spaces; y ue SH key. Frost's City Sioeld 305 ueen Bt. 'Phone 526. © or 2616-m. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREBHOU furniture or any HS 'Phone 1000 or 117 SIGN PAINTINGJ. 20 prouf building. ASHES..Clealiéd out of ce 8° J4rds, Ciean job done, A. be 4 ssell Street. 'Phone ASHES. Removed from yard An cele lars; general cartin Sol © wood for . sale, Buckley Transfer, ig ork 4a 'Phone 201 and 2516-M SLEIGH DRIVENG teams, Jarétu drivers | Ea 17 Transfer Coma aver ransfer yg ) Street. ¥ 'Phone 1507 ober" Expert Plano merry Player-Plano Adjusting, : Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, Pa be UPHOLITERING=And gongs re Las ve orders aod . F. WwW. Harold, 104 Cler| 'hone 1600-J. . "8 Io & ive, setistaction House, ae LONG CRAT DTH 3 oo Yang's very Wa oy i iowa "Buide HILL HE i Noten. 'Hamilton, NOW 14E Cranice TO SNEAK OUT TO DINTY'S - -- / ---, A. IS B oa Su? . oY COLL AE Ye ~'