Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1926, p. 4

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A ng At All Good Grocers E W.GILLETT CO. LTD A Good Kick. Judge {to convicted burglar): 'Have you anything to say before sen- tence is passed? . Burglar: The only .thing I'm Kicking about Is being identified by man that kept his head under the edclothes the whole tima!--Royal 0. Ruins of a city about 1500 years have just been found in Sweden. | parents, | rick, Division street. LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613 Private Phone 857w. . * * The charity dance held in Grant Hall on Monday evening by the la- dies of the Hospital Aid of the Kings- ton General Hospital, was a success- ful and most enjoyable event. The guests were received by Mrs. G. W. Mylks, the president of the Aid, who was gowned in black cut velvet with ostrich feather trimming and rhine- stone ornaments; Mrs. R. J. Gar- diner, in a handsome gown of nile green satin and georgette, and Mrs, Fraser Armstrong, wearing mauve georgette, beaded, The Melody Kings provided an inspiring programme of dance music and novelty dances, with paper caps and streamers, add- ed to the galety of the scene. Sup- per was provided by Arniel and Ham- brook, and candy was sold by a bevey of young girls in pretty frocks, who were Miss Helen Myiks, Miss Marion Sawyer, Miss Jean Manahan, Miss Claire Drysdale, Miss Helen Mathe- son and Miss Lorine Lockett, Bridge was played in the Red Room, the prize winners being Miss Alice Tread- gold and Mr. W. Linton. Much of the success of the dance was due to Mr. M. H. Manahan, who undertook to arrange it for the Ladies' Ald. . LJ . R. H. Ward, Mrs. J. E. Mrs. Claud Gordon and Mrs. Singleton, charge of the Mission Band tea held at Sydenham street parsonage on Faster Monday. Miss Deacon pre- sided at the prettily arranged table with its silver basket of tulips and the. members of the Band as- sisted in selling home-made cakes and candies. - . . The Whig will be glad to have the names of visitors in town and ac- counts of various social events for publication in the social column. Buch communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to -.the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613. 3 * eo ® Mr. Clarence Lampman announ- ces the engagement of his eldest daughter, Rena Elexsy, of St. Cath- arines, to Carman Ray Botting, son of Mr. and Mrs, B. Botting of Har- réwsmith, the marriage is to take place early in May. - * . Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot street, | will give a dance for her son, Mr. Jert Winnett, Trinity College School, Port Hope, on Friday. . . » Miss Jeam Taylor, King street west, is in Toronto with Mps: T. F. Harrison. = - ¥ a» * Mrs. - Elmer Davis, "Woodlawn," is giving a young péople"s dance on {I'hursday. ' 3 - . - Miss Hora, Wellington street, was a mah jongg club hostess on Mon- day. * . > Mrs. George A. Brown, Nohnson st1éet, spent the week-end in Camp- beliford with Mrs. Free, Dr. Jack Renton, Trenton, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, W. J. Renton, University avenue, Miss Grace de Vincy, Miss Alice Olsen and Miss Reta Miles of the *"Rose-Marie" company are at the Y.W.C.A. Mr. Harry Downer, St. Thomas, spent Easter with Mrs. Downer, who is with her parents, Rev. J. D. and Mrs. Boyd, University avenue. . . . Mrs. J. Conancher, Alfred street. and her sons will sail for Ireland shortly to spend the summer. Mrs. Viclor Butterworth, Ottawa, is visiting the Misses Mowat, John: son street. Mr. Loftus L. Bryan, Medicine '30, spent the week-end with his 'parents near Lansdowne, 'Miss Ronnie Tullis, "Densmere," spent the week-end in Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Sandwell. Miss Blanche Earl, Rideau street, i has returned to town after spending 'Baster with her mother, Mrs. M. Barl, at "The Maples" Prescott. . Miss Laurie Grayson-Bell, Ot- tawa, is spanding this week visiting friends In Brockville and Kingston. While in Brockville she is the gusst of Her brother-in-law and sister, Dr | and Mrs. Russall Beckett. - » . Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Bulmer, Ham- {lton, spent Baster with the latter's Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Hart- Mr. and Mrs. W, Balls Jiyaie and Miss Agnes Johnston, Gananoque, were in town on Monday for the performance of. "Rose Marie" at the Grand Theatre. Mrs. H. ¥, Geary, and her chijdren, will spend. summer in England, Miss Belle Kennedy, superintend- ent of nurses at Rockwood Hospital, and her nephew, master Joseph Ma- honey, Ordnance streét, have re- turned from Phillipsyille where they spent the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ham, Nap- anee, motored to Kingston for the performance of "Rose Marie." Mr. C. Archibald Queen's University has returned from spending the holidays at Bill- ing's Bridge. Mr. 'W. W. Deeks, visitor in town, "Calderwood," the Toronto, is a AUNT HET | Mrs. C. 8S. Anglin were the ladies in | tea | | Cocoanut Oil Makes "I had good luck today. 1 made seven calls an" there wasn't but one of 'em at home." ,tuth, 6m a si eri. Gold is said to have been the first metal worked by man. A Splendid Shampoo Do not use prepared shampoos or anything else that contains too much free alkali, for this is verv 0jutions as 'it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle, The best thing § to use {3 N lsifled coanut oil Shampoo, for it is pure and en- tirely greaseless. It is inexpensive and beats any- thing all to pieces. ou can get Mulsifled at Hows or any drug store, aiid a few ounces will {ast the whole family for months, ' Two or threé" teaspoonfuls of Mulsified is all that is required. Simp- ly moisten the hair with water and rub it in, It makes an abundance of sich, creamy lather, which cleanses thoroughly and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to manage. Besides, it loosens and takes out every par- ticle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Be sure your druggist gives you Mulsified. . Beware of imitations. Look for the name Watkin on the package. * nn and be unpopular? <All ideas of chiairh und bew 1 for slenderness. today: People by hb. willices Cleland of f '| Youlden, SE hae sister, Now. Absrasihy, on dhe death eT ho YOR {AL NSO aims No Ad Most Canadian TRIE use MAGIC Le POWDER (ERE gS Vd] BAKING (eal Al EW GILLETT CO. LTD TORONTO CAN ! WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WESTBROOK. In Westbrook hall on Tuesday evening, March 30th, the Women's Institute held an interesting meet- ing. A short business session was held at eight o'clock by the mem- bers. By a unafiimous vote it was decided to take ten dollars from our funds to pay the premium on the .in- surance policy. After much discus- sion it concluded to wait and see whether we ghall increase our pro- posed gift of $4.65 towards sun-room furnishing of Kingston General Hos- pital, A Through Mrs. A. W. Sirett we re- ceived at this gathering the seeds sent out by the District Institute. Arrangements were made for dis- tributing these seeds amongst mem- bers with a view to competing at the Kingston Industrial Exhibition * | next Septe; ze lists setting "| torth po fou of Success were distributed and we hope for enthusi- astic work in this new field of en- deavor. For this W.I. meeting the the programme, A spelling match was the first pumber and proved very interesting to those who took part as well as to those who declined to do so. Two men held out remark- ably well but were finally beaten by Miss M. Traverner and tlfe president. Mr. A. W, Sirett pleasantlygin- structed the audience with moving picture on "How to make a hot-bed," and very seasonable instruction this surely was, One other film "Two AM." was humorous and might be a good warning to the young. Appetizing refreshments had been i provided by members and were serv- ed by the men. Such a treat it was to have this task assumed by our lords and masters. After refreshments a few games of cards were played by those who did not need to go home early. Al- together this men's meeting of the W.1. was considered a success and a great relief to the hard-working all-the-year-round membership. ) rd WOMEN'S MEETINGS } Ww. A. Diocese 'Board. The diocesan president of the Wo- man's Auxiliary, Mrs. Havelock Price, was warmly welcomed back after her iilness at the April meet- ing of the diocesan board held in St. George's Hall on Monday afternoon. The representatives present repre- sented fifty-four out-of-town branch- es. It was announced that Bishop Lucas, formerly of the diocese of Mackenzie River, d Rev. R. M. Millman, Japan, woul , Brockville, April 27th, 28th and 29th. Votes ot sympathy were sent to Mrs. H. Darasts. Bev: A. A. H, Creeg- of Mrs. husbands of members had prepared: RoE SA, Fo hurst, Adolphustown, Delta, J herst Island, Newburgh, Ca East and Bath. Mrs. H. F. Geary, who will some tim® in England is resign her office of secretary to the grea regret of the board. Letters wer read fi the ' hospital commit | The Editor Hears That St. George's Mission Sunday school children, of whom there are jover 150, were brought up to the cathedral on Baster Day for the chil- dren's service at 3 o'clock when the scholars of the George's Sunday school tharched into the church to see it in its festive dress for the festival of the Risen Christ. Great white lilles clustered around the brass altar cross, the same cross that came through the fire of New Year's {Day, 1900. Lilies were with the pink tulips in the brass vases of the reredos, more lilies in pots were lift- ing their snowy heads from the on the chancel steps. Daffodils banked the pulpit, given some years ago by the children of St. George's Sunday school many of whom were in the huge congregations that fill- eo] the cathedral at the services on Easter Day and the font, where most of them were baptized, was decked with flowers. That the plan of stopping the street cars on the near side of the crossing is suitable on most of the streets, but on Barrie street where the car turns onto Union street, the passengers find themselves let off where there is no walk and have to cross the street to reach one. That the old saying "Early Eas- ter, early spring' was contradicted this year. Easter is. only (fairly early, few. Except for the arrival of some courageous and optimistic birds and the pretty hats and frocks in the shop windows, we might be in the middle of February. On Easter Monday, the Wolfe Island farmers were drawing loads of hay across the ice. So. That music lovers who heard the excellent music produced by the church choirs and choral society of Kingston during the past ten days cannot but realize that if 'all the singers of the city were to ged to- gether in one large musical soclety we would have a remarkable fine ehorus for the size of our popula- tion, ® That the Kingston branch of the Red Cross gave the patients of Mowat 'Banatorium an Baster treat with-pretty gifts that were much ap- preciated. The Romans grow 22 kinds of ap- ples fop.general u for; general me a -- 213 Delicious Sie ied eines At alt dealers W. CLARK LiMrren, MokrmeaL BT. REMI, P,Q. AND HARROW, ONT, Packers: Clark's Pork b » thanking them for flowers and via banks of ferns, rofes and primulae | but the signs of spring are|" are Starved Nerves | = | sommes a ge] 3 J times we feel irritable or depressed. In either £84e aul nerves Ate stained ahd stasved. This ition is due to an insufficient supply of elements which renew and restore Hose nerve tissues. "Ovaltine" is used the world over to re- € store starved nerves. It provides a healthful, natural way of restoration. This delicious food is an unique concentration of the vitalizing and-energizing elements of ripe bar- ley malt, creamy milk, eggs and cocoa. It is assimilated without digestive effort and immediately imparts vitality and energy to the nervous system. At all druggists 60c. == 90c. -- $1.50 A. Wander Limited - London, England 455 King "Styeet West, Toronto 'WE ARE SHOWING NEW SCARFS In a great assortment of styles and colorings. ; . Shetland Wool Scarfs in pretty col- ors, light and dainty, at $2.50 and $3.00 each. Crepe Scarfsat $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 each. «The new Square Crepe de Chene. Very stylish at $5.00 each. Fancy Knit Silk Scarfs at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 each. See our new Spring Coats. 'W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store "i dion ot A factory for the manufacture of|is to be established at Marseilles, fvdustrial alcohol from peanut shells| France, § . The better corn flake | you demanded Quaker Com Flakes; for you wh demanded a corn flake which is better and different. Com- pared with Others, #13 lasing erispness will ut. priseyou; its delightful flavour will entrance. Yet it costs no more than ordinary corn flakes. RB Our money back guarantee a ee L fron sah tn Tookforic" lo Strained Nerves | To preserve the original flavour and oven-crisp- : : mess, we twice seal Quaker Corn Flakes--first in ENE

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