Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1926, p. 11

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The Britis Wiig SSIFIED ADVERT;SING AI are restricted to tei | proper classifica and to | 3 regular Dally style of type. | : eC FIED RATES: | Dally rate per line or consecutive cha "25 cents. © Minimum re. ra h Cash | ; : ! eam Mare ORE hae charged, $1.50; Memoriam ; cash, $1.00 ed for Irregular ' 6 oraere one-time inser- Tate; no ad taken for less Laan of four lines. OF four lines words to the ads. will be received by and if paid.at The Brit- Office within 6 days from t date of insertion, cash rate allowed. \ : ordered for more than one day and youd before expiration will ged for the number of aes the a ehay appeared and adjust. made at the rate earned. per line for hite space 1s fhe as a line Of t type. for yearly advertising serve the right to edit or rele all classified advertising aphone 243; ask for a want ad. r. ---- 2h - | FOUNTAIN PEN--With gold band and | GLASSES -- Heavy tortoise shell rim- Lost and Found DOG COLLAR-Found, on Barrie Street Saturday, Same may be had at 60 Street. on Arch clip and "D. McFarlane" engraved on it, found, on Friday. Owner may have same at 57 Johnson street. or. ASSES...In case, found in vicinity of Montreal and Ordnance streets. Own- er may have same at 136 Division Bt, between 6 and 7 pm. med glasses found on Princess Street on Monday afternoon. Owner may have same at 302 Ear] Street, or tele- phone 1838.w. PAIR OF OVERSHOES 4. § b uckles, found in Choral Society dressing room, at Grant Hall, Owner may have same at 643 Princess Street. DEATHS. ASSELSTINE--In Kingston, April 6th, 1926, John Asselstine. 1 from his late residence 254 Alfred Street, Thursday afternoon at 2.30 to Cataraqui Cemetery. M---At Parham on April th, 926, Blisabeth Stinson, dearly be- ved wife of William D. Bertrim, god 63 years. I from her late residence to St. ames church, Parham, on Friday | at 2 p.m, DAY---In Kingston on April 6th, Day, aged 70 'yours ] © Funeral Fo hie. 1 te residence, Cata- mmqul, on ay afternoon at 2 o'~ clock to Cataraqui Cemetery. IR--Diéd in the Hotel { tal on April 7th, 1926, . Victoria Sinclair, dau the Iate Captain James 85 years aged x * Funeral notice later. 1926, Dieu Char- hter of incladr, IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Mrs, B. Edwards, Battersea, who departed this life April th, 1925. One sad year has passed me by But still the vacant chair, Is the love, the Voice, the smile, one who once si. there. 1éft behind an eching hear, That loved you most sincere never did, nor never will, Furget" you, mother dear. ing. waiting by the moment, y one seemed to be the last, the heart beat slow and slower, Ks r latest brea:h had passed. e8 were aver epoken, No farewplis were ever sald, But well we knew the sad, sad parting, Meant for her a rest instead. Nis goo: by +. Nest in peace, thy cares are ended, ge Rest in peace, thy work is done, gone where those Who love you coming one by , iy loved in Nite, lovingly re- membered n b: y her daughter, Mrs. C. 8. Ciyk op Ta JAMES REID The Old Firm of U 8 and 256 PRINCESS STREET | EXPERIUNCED STENOGRAPHER -- PACKAGE OF ENVELOPES-. Found, on Princess Street, on Thursday morn. Ang. Qurer may have same at 398 'Brock Street TWO POLICE POGI--Tacaped from 158 Earl Street. Finder or anyone hav- Ing any information regarding same please 'phone 1424-w. Help Wantec Male Help Wanted BOY--Wanted to learn hardware busi- ness pply W. H. Cockburn & Co, _Princess treet. BOYS WANTED-To sell week-end pa- per. Apply Harold J. Smith, Barrack and King Streets. Female Help Wanted 8 8s work and to as- anted. Apply Bup-| == Y.W.C.A., Johnson pr A MAID--For upstai sist In dining room erintendent of th Stree: BY MAY Ist--Elther a competent mo= ther's help or experienced gemeral servant for family of four. Apply Mrs Stewart Robertson, 16 Sydenham St. | COOK--Refercnces required. Apply to Mrs. Howard Folger, 1 Emily Street, Wanted immediately; must be speedyd and .accurate Apply Manufacturer's Life Insurance Co., 88 Brock Street. HOUSEBKEE try home; Apply Box P-§ MAID or general housework, wanted, One who can sleep at home preferred. Apply Mrs. W. H. Dyde, 153 University Avenue. TWO RELIABLE WOMEN--About 30 to 40 years of age preferred, to take over cleaning In Patient Seoticn. Apply Housekeeper, Kingston General Hospi- tal. Phone 2 2700. Lx Classified Display COOK STOVES Renal Good Ones at Very Low Prices, Also a full line of FURNITURE, Everything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. ER WANTED-For coun- ro objection to one child , Whig Office. LBW ithou "children. saw mill; woman to r month Ang board. er p good cook. Apply to ox 61, Arden P. O., Ont. Curzou's Barber Shor sifaves 10¢c. Boys 2c. In el- BOY W cuts, 26¢ hair cuts \15c. Ladies, lington Street. = , #5, SELL HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES --Oreatest imaginable demand; ha business of your own: make five dol- rs up dally; capital or experience Shhecessary. B. Garretson, Brantford, nt. WANTED--In every city, town and 4is- trict in Ontario, portunities vo smart, active salesmen and saleswomen to join our Prosperous | New, direct, selling plan] sales force. You can.earn from $35.00 now ready. to $75.00 a week from the start. perience helpful but hot necessary -- We teach you how. Write at once for fun JPiSHod ars. References required. C.., Dalton Mfg. Co. Ltd, 463 King Street W est, Toronto, Ontario. Agents Wanted 4 MAN OR WOMAN---To travel asl ap- point agents. Yearly guarantee $1092 being $21 weekly average), and ex- penses. Experience unnecessary partic ulars $ write Positions Wanted WOMAN «= Wants work by the day,/| house cleaning or washing. Apply 19 Bllig Street. t. "Phone _Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plats 7 APARTMENT--In Sydenham Apart- ments, Brock Street, 4 rooms and tiled Dash rowan, gag range, refrigerator, hardwood floors; well heated. Apply 69 Brock Street. FLAT--4 rooms, on ground floor, 212 . electric and gas, veran- 8 vaud. Possession May 1st. Apply IL. ZAOKS, 271 Princess Street. HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie and Princess Streets, also swores on Princess Street, centrally located with rear entrances. Apply I. Cohen & Co., Ontario Sireet. Phone 83¢€. pape a 0 Business laces oy DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in Ontario Chambers, corner King and Clarence streets. Possession 1st of May. Apply King and Smythe, 71-72 Clarence st, Kingston, Ont. HALL-=Over Lackle"s store, to rent. Ap- ply. to Lackie's Bakery. Farms and Lands 8a 200 ACRES--Of first class pasture lots --good water----young cattle $3.00 per head. Bulli furnished. Apply Thomas Albert Shipman, K. i. No. 1, Ivy Lea, ont. BRICK HOUSE--New, Pembroke street, near car Mne, 6 rooms, modern, h.w. floors, fireplace, gas or electricity for cooking, verandah. Apply 49 Pem- broke Street. 'Phone 1508-w. Tiouses WwW. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing ¥ire, Life, Plate Chane A Ags cident, Sickness, Hasy other lines of Insurance, ug 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE §85iw. 'Phone 147 for Ambul ROBERT J, REID i CL, re Prranes Gree KEYES FOREIAL HOME: 48 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE | 'PHONE 1889. sUndertaker and Embaimer, Sydenham; Ont. Phone 20, T FLOWERS . WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS TRICK'S PEA COAL and COKE The best and most economical fuel on the market to-day. Try a load to finish out the season. James Swift & Co Ltd. FOO™ OF JOHNSON ST, 'PHONE 135. Auctioneers + Expert Service, Moderate Charges, 'William Murray Arthur Murray 16 Market St, 'Phone 801-3. ART AND FLOWER STORE * "Phones 452 and 1218-J. Was Held os. Tall-end ak * - _servative member fo Ee chairman, started ne ehats in the "anticipated, | strong current and dragged into the . Boy Swept to Death. Niagara Falls, N. ¥., April 7, = Nine-year-old- Donald -Ritzhaupt was | swept to death in the lower river yes- terday afternoon when he fell into the. municipgl garbage chute trough near the George Railway tracks, and slid into the current. He remained a few minutes near the shore in an eddy. Wilfred Garrow, a playmate, waded out in an attempt to rescue him, but as he neared young Ritz haupt the latter was clutched by the middle of the river. The body may bé recovered later in the whirlpool. Mrs. Hanen Valien, claiming Brantford &s her home, put up a FURNISHED D Hoysk-. Good Joeality, Boud conditio ble, Will rent to married couple without child- we or . ladies. Apply Box P-19, ig Of HOUSES--55 and 57 York Street, four roums each, gas, electricity and toilet. hh. 'Phone 1325-m. HQUSE--257 Rideau Street, 6 rooms; 61 Queen Street, § rooms; all Improve. mem.8 each, Apply 185 Queen Street. Telephone 985- HOUSE--08 Earl Street, 9 rooms and § in attic; 3 plece toilet; gas for cook. ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps, 8. etc. Sunshine furnace. heating satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap- ply for key at Gil t's Grocery, 194 Barrie St. 'Phone 254. SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on Charles Street; electric light and gas. Apoly to H. ¥., Norman, 69 Patrick Street, 'Phone 730-w. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--Hight rooms, furnace and all conveniences, situate near itl, Paw Possession May 1st. Apply K hE 4 Smythe, 71-73 Clarence ngston, WANTED-- To pat-g we offer splendid op-| Bx | rs | OUT OUR way. Real Estate For Sale Houses J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans ~19 Clarence Street. SOLID BRICK ROOMS--12 rooms, con- 7 ANRIGHT! TLL WASH THIS COP OVER AGN, BUT OO~WONT I G/T EVEN T'MORRER NIGHT! IU WATCH J, © EVEN WITH You TH NEXT NIGHT-AAAH! HERE'S SOME GREASE ON THIS WHY MOTHERS GET GRAM - THE LEISURE CLASS. ; he Articles For Sale Miscellaneous RADIO--One §5 tube Westinghouse Ra- dio, complete with loud speaker and! batteries; used two 'wpeks. $165.00 cash. All in good'order. Reason for selling buying Jarger machine. A. J. Buell, Bharbot Lake. Ont. 15 crete cellar, hot water furnace; all con- venlences, No, 109 Wellington St.; one y block from Post Office; the property RADIO~ One 3 tube Wastinghouse Radio, complete with loud speaker and haiterics; Jiacd only three weeks. $75 sh. . Buell, Sharbot Lake, Ont of the late Doctor Robert Hanley. Ap- ply Box 625, Gananoque. 'Phone 66. ,000-<Brick, § rooms, myodern, central. 4,700--Brick, 8 roonis, modern, central. aos prick 7 rooms, modern, south. 3,300--Frame, 6 rooms, modern, gar- age. $1,100--Frame, § rooms, south. 2 Farms near city. Would exchange. Insurance. Money to loan, Houses and Apartments to let. T. O'CONNO! 851 Princess Streat "Articles For Sale. R, 'Phone 1189-J. Miscellaneous 15 Bl OK ~~ Plastic Figs 00, "Red Rustic 03.75 jruRedy $26,765 pew. M. Ga Kingston ax Includ or A. Neal, 634 Johnson Sr "Phone 3041. A EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with easy terms of a¥ment. large selec- tion of newest patterns. Phone 2206-w. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. BLANKETS.~Robés a bargain; eecond hand | drill, Lion Disc Harrow; 2 sets slel See our new Cocksbutt Disc belle. of) Spring Tooth Cultivatornlion Disc 'Harrows, De Laval Separators and Milkers at Frost & Wood ig SET OF SURVEYOR'S INSTRU to Walke: ENTE Fur sale. Apply & Walkem, 93 Clarence Street YOUR AUTO PARTS-Sllverware can be replated like new. Phone 380. Part- ridge Wire &- Iron Works. Gates, Fences, etc., close prices. WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheets for 40c. Buitable for wrapping or household use. Size 16%" Apply Brilish Whig Office. purposes x 23 JR willeus ' ©1838 BY NEA SERACE, INC. / 4-2 -- Business Service Fuel and Feed 8 WOOD---Best of Mixed Wood quarter of a cord; hardwood slabs under cover, $2.76 a quarter of a cord; body hardwood, $3.50 & quarter of a cord." Delivered, Saunders od Xara, oor. Barrack and Bagot Strgts. 'Phorie 29055-J. Wanted To Buy ASHEBES~--And other fill wanted at new s¢hool, on McDonald Street. Will pay 10c. per load if deliver on ground. Apply to H. W. Watts, 296 Frontenac Street. $300 a 19 Business Services Talloring and Pressing 20 ROBERTSON Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, HKepairing. Suits made to order. Samples In stock. $20.00 and up. 273 Bagot Street. Ww. F Two Electric Motors ~+ For Sale 1 horse power Wagner Motor --1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 220 volts, A.C, 1 horse power Cushman Motor, 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 110 volts, 1 phase. British Whig Pub. Co. ( TED) KING ST. 'PHONE 2614. J. F. Cramer, 31 Brock Street. 585-J. or 1217-F. DRY, MIXED WOOD- Under cover, $s. 50 a load, delivered. 'Phone 1505- 3 or call at 45 Raglan Road. W. Brownlee. FISH AND CHIFS-The oldest fish and chip cafe In city. W. F. Redden, 260]: Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2626-m. _ Furnnure 15a FURNITURE-- Antique nd mod de furniture sold and bought. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street.' " t Protessionar a1 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER --. W. A. Matoslld, Sorne 3 Barrie yond adie. cess pets. ropractic ust nftnts, eléctric treatments and ha massage. X-ray service. i ihe. tion free. Hours 9-13 am, 1-6 p.m Evenings by appointment. Office Pr phone 523 esidence 'phone' $57-J. LUOCY-=Geo. F. and Jennie! A., Chiro ractors, Registered Nursé, 202 Bagot treet. 'Phone 951-w. Hours $-13, 1-5, 6+7.30. Consultation free. "=~ BKIN BLEMISHES -- 'Hair, Moles, arts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, rs, Pits, etc, removed parmanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled. Goitre cured without operation. 38 years' etperience. Df. Elmer J. Lake, Bye, r, Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. © 301w. House 11354 Barristers and Solicitors 21b Lesses Antique Shop. Fuel and Feed 18 reet, K eal Estate For Sale Business "Places 13 BRICK BLOCK--On Main Street, Ple- ton, oconsising of stores and living Apartments; ground floor could be bth ati Ty (turned Into service station and auto- mobile show rooms with very little ex- Jouss all amount down. Balance M be opiy Box. Por further for: mation apply Box x 323, Picton, Ont. Ty 4 BRICK HOUSE--§ rocms, semi- dette. ed, north end; henbouse and" Owner leaving bt fo sex buyer Wiig: Office PRY Dux tn _tw HoESm.--, Joome, DN 3 a nd; n fred, for $2,500.00. - able for Sardening or henery. Ba a one ~m, or oa niversity Avenue. at i Real Eels na A om insurance Broker Johnson and 'Phone 53%-w. Division Ftresta RBESIDENCE--S0lid brick, in good cons dition; &ll convénlences; 323 Univer- Hy A ue. - In very desirable loos. house 'of 'phone 'For rticulars, apply at 2469-w SEER warm battis on Windsor ferry rere when she was halted by a woman customs officer. It is ¢laimed that two water-oottles filled with "moon- shine" were found on her person. Advt Page 3 PIAN FREEMASONRY « Mackey's Revised History of, 3 101s new. Write Box R-6, Whig © DRY BODY BARDWOOD---Dry. hard and soft wood Slabs. We handle none Sut the best. "Phone 2516-w. J. C wain. HALL SEAT-And mirror, fumed oak; piano bench, chesterfield suite or piece; dark oak buffet; walnut mantel. Apply 363 Barrie. Street in aftermoon And evening. HARDWOOD §3.75 per Pp 2 Split 26c. ex- tra. Dry kindling under gaver, $2.75 per wad. 'Phone 1439-J. arker, corner Johnson and McDohs Stree s. DRY, BODY load. Dry mixed $3.00. INCUBATOR--140 eR Wi in, aiso roodér, Has proven ood hatcher is Be040N, Apply 264 Nelson Street. 'Phone 2508-m, . igi statins iment INCUBATOR--Cypher's Incubator, og@ tize, In perfect condition: sell cheap. A bargain. 56 Lower Ri- deau. 'Phone 2235-F. * NEW----Perfection 4 burner coal ofl stove, Connor water-power washing machine and antiqus couch. Phone 2336-m. PURE BRED-TOLLAY SARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, Jit Leghorns. 100 per cent. guar- live delivered. P Give us your 144 DRY willl gi PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACIT Car! 'WOODAny quantit ad Rupp mith 00D HARDWOOD--$3.560 quarter cord ---mixed wood $3.00 and $3.26 quarter 0! d slabs $3.50-soft 2.76 quarter org. Rough and dressed umber Always in stock. Clean saw- dust 5 cents bag. 'Phone 2788 J. WwW. Talbot. Concession Street Ap~ y Co, HARD ply ay Bervice a treets. corner Princess and 'Phone 2706. arden hanes rai' R Your aes es - ston tenor 101 Queen Beer TY py Mason & Risch Upr slgnty used; fect condi Er aoe bie erms to suit. C W. Lindsay 4d. 721 Princess Street. Bureka Re- ble for grocer or butc es A Ae. Bul E B. Wathen, 187 Nalagn Hires PRY lo "phone 1891-J. t makes it easier for readers to an- contains! ge: your el classified ads it co reet Varese RI GER TOR frigerators; aly Teds dlephone n and youv W. H. HERRINGTON--Barrister, Solicl- a and Nota, 34 Public, 151 Welling- ton Street. eo 2548-w. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Bartisiars fue Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street Singato grow A Ho Cunnningham, KC; Cyri DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers. "and Solichela, 69 Clarence Street, King- Day, Adrian I. Revelie, Morigagos arranged. 'Phone 205. REYNOLDS, J. C~Barrister and Soliel- tor, 81 Brock Street. Morigages ar- ran, on city and farm property. 'Phone 2609. SLATER--Dougles, Barristér and Soli oitor, 70 Clarence Surset Mortgages arranged. Phone SHEA-=Ambrose, BA Barrister he lleitor. Law Office, eofmap of King and d Broek, over Tora k. Money to loan. 'Phone 19 _Personai 22 Al YOUNG JVIDOWER-ARe 30; of high wishes to hear from a lady en 25 and 35; mo objections to or youm hg wid widow with- hildren; Roman Catholic prefer- eel income and private i object matrimony; no ply. Box T-8, Whig of- Se 23 Hemstitching w= Hemstiteh ity paar Greens workm out el red hb i solving your ho vehats Tn eT Clagsifl em ng Ine best 0 thE ALL FIRST CLA MADE TO ORDER i mations, bobbed curls, switches, TA Mugelng, curling, Ladies' hildren's cutting. Mrs. Rehan bs Street, Kin Telephone 2999. Pay |FRENCH MARCEL WAVIN ovater Waving, Mound and Bobb : | Qurlt Hair Bobbung and Trin and Scalp Treatment. | attention Klve Switzer, 287 [rs Hair wk uten rrr or pointment 'phone 20 EKNIE D. SLITER---Insurance Bre all brauches of Ingurance in old companies of highest financial ing, 281 Kiug Street Fast. .' 25i8-w.. Res. 11 : | FIRE--A utomobile and Casualty ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Kar 'Phone 1782-M. INSURANCE-Only the most companies represented. Sirs Strange, establis in 1860 Oi Clarence Street, opposite Post O J. B. COOK E--Life, Fire, Accident | Sickness, fn reliable com trict manager Imperial Li Office 503- Wy Res. 1731-m. OUR HEAL TH 4 AND ACCID icy will protect your salary. All of Fire and Automobile Insurance: Ww Couper street. Decorators A. ANDERSON---Painter and Deg Shop and residence 'phone 1966. fice 3 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTING--And papel done now. Prices reasonable paper for sale. Bryant, 307 Bart' Phone 2747-J PAPER HANGING-- Have your deo rating done now. ee the samples and get estimatbs. H. Ri 'Phone 1352-F. SIGN PAINTING-J. 8B. Robinson, 4:5 Bagot Street 3 ---- inancial FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN MENT SOCIETY ~- lucorporated Faw . President, A. D. Cartw vice-president J. M. Farrell Money vestment. Bondg bought and ¢ posits received and interost id minimum monthly balance, 3 loan on city and farm propert Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence STOMAGR-~F'or furniture, ¢ airy rooms and épaces; Vout ow MN and key. Frost's City Siorag 306 Queen Bt. 'Phone 526. or 2616-m. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE! furniture or any merchandise. proof building. 'Phone 1000 or -------------------- / Carpenter Work CARPENT WORKe-All ( penter work, contracting or df Hardwood floors a specialty. moderate. 'G. Hunter, 73 Street. 'Phone #43-w. Miscellancous ASHES-Cleaned out of celian yards, ciean job done, A. 24 Russell Street. 'Phone ASHES--Removed from yard and lars; general carting; first clash wood for sale. a3 Imaton 4 Buckley Transfer, SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES--- Good B 'Phone 201 and 2516 teams, careful drivers, .G joan ork done. coor Upper pr averiy Transfer Co., Upper Street. 'Phone 1507-J. Expert Piano Tuning, Player-Plano aajusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN Ge--And | ing. Leave orders at or de to F. W. Harold, 104 Clery 'Rone 1600-J WELL DRILLING AND ~Now is t KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND } Makers of Auto Bu , and eal Coupe bodies. 1ifornia helstering. Awnings an 47 King street. hone $4 Automobiles For Sale FORD COUPE-l odel, Hres. apo te = : bisld vibe Ep 1 Apply wa ar Colt Read the Classified Pag found. asticies. oF Sctia of y hy a. lel us it by ¥ ng an ad! unemployed. When you want to buy of houses read the classified ads BY

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