WHIG bss, faithful work as president fos past three years. » THE FINAL MEETING Many charming reminisg' OF FORMER EXECUTIVE| sos raid of ine oS PROBS: --Thursday, northwest winds, clearing; not much change in temperature. ------ joyed by those who had bee of Kingston Presbyterial W.M. workers for so many years i part of the Master's vineyard. 8.--New Presbyterial Divid= | or (hose who had been conn | ed Into Two Districts. with this Presbyterial the lol | period were Mrs. William Jac Kingston; Mrs. Corkill, Nap | Mrs. BenRett, Corbyville, and | spoke feelingly of the joy they | experienced In the work. Mrs. \ k: Laird, who had been active in the Women's Home Missionary Socjety gave some interesting information of the work of that organization be- fore the amalgamation of the Home -- The former executive of the King- ston Presbyterial W. M. 8. met on Tuesday in Chalmers Sunday school hall. This was the final meeting of that body as constituted before the Union of the three churches. The Presbyterial is now divided into two districts, one known as the Kingston Presbyterial extending as far as the and Foreign Missionary Societies in Novelty Cuff, Chamoisette and Silk Gloves 90c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 pr. New Colored Silk Stockings 49c.; 69c., $1.00, $1.50 pair ~ 3 ho! i . castern suburbs of Brockville, the 1914 2 f | other the Belleville Presbyterial will : ; % | ® s hae Trenton as its western bound-| Miss Hudson, who has been en- 8 A i ary. Mrs. W. J. Paul, president, | 828d in the educational work of "4 : | . was 'n the char. ' the W. M. £. in Prince Rupert, B.C., 3 wi . ? | Encouraging repor:s were sub-| OF the past seven and a half years " ' a . mitted for the year's work by the | Was present and extended cordial bs ; ik ; 3 'recording secretary, Miss M. Ross, | Sreetings. | . by the corresponding secretary, Mrs. A delicious luncheon was served A. Donnell and by the treasurer, |DY the ladles of Chalmers Auxiliary, Mrs. Lowrie after which a short musical pro- ~ . Successful work was reported by | gramme was enjoyed. Mrs. T. J. 8. | | 4 2 the secretaries of the following de- | Ferguson riayed with much expres- i Th | partments Mission Bard, Home Help- | 81on Beethoven's "Sonata Pathe- ; : ers, Library and Literature, Strang- tique" while "My Task" was sung » ers', Supply, Messenger, Press and | Very sweetly by Mrs. William Jack- ar General Interests, Young Women's | 50D. | . ie) 88d C. G. I T, groups. Though pass-| Thoge in charge of the luncheon y f Ahn : Ing through a transition stage there | wore! Mrs. J. Matheson, Mrs. C.| _ . x WH Rad been no lack of enthusiasm In| Macnherson, Miss Emma Driver, ; | 1 w the work of the various departments, | pies Laura T. Neish. The following and all are looking. forward 40 |j.4ies were present: Mrs. I. N. even greater -success under the new Beckstead, Lansdowne; Mrs. F. A. conditions. A very sincere Ad of | Bennett, Corbyyllle; Mrs. M. I. Mac- thanks was tendered to Mrs. W..J.| go iane Belleville; Mrs. 'E. J. Cor- & Paul for her very 'efficient and |yy Napagee; Mrs. A. Donnell, ~ Belleville; Mrs. /E. Park, Oshawa; Mrs. William Jackson, Mrs. T. J. 8S. . ; , . y Petguson, Mrs. J. F. McFadyen, It's Spring by fashion's calendar; and a Mrs. W, J. Paul, Mrs. J. Matheson, ; : : : . f Mrs. A. Laird, Mrs. S. E. Revelle, E. W. Scripps, New York, retired founder of the Scripps- trip through Steacy s proves it. Miss 8. E. Newman, Miss M. Ross, of | Howard newspaper, who died aboard. his yacht, Ohio, off Rmgstos, Monrovia, Liberia. Every department is literally overflowing Cough Mixture : AW | Speci Correo-00 [SENT UP FOR TRIAL PENITENTIARY NEEDS aes oo 25e {| OVER AUTO ACCIDENT . «++ 25c. and 50c. {{i|Edwin Lewis Phillips Pleaded Opinion of Miss Agnes Mac- "Not Quilty" to Two phail, M.P.--Favors Self- Sr ---- Charges in Police Court. Government. According tothe Report of the - Ontario * Government Dis= Edwin Lewis Phillips, of Ganano-| Toronto, April 7.--"I am not anag que, arrested in connection with the | through wilh the penitentiaries," pensaries General M oy automobile accident which took | Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., announe- Those people of Ontario. who con- place on Brock street on Friday eve-| ed in. the coursp of a conversation sume liguor in any quantity, whether ning last, when Mrs. Rose Bryant| here-yesterday. "This \is only a be- for medicinal purposes or as a bev- was struck down while crossing the | ginning; and I think there is a great erage, have faith in Scottish dis- roadway and -seriously injured,) deal more to be done before we tilleries and show a pronounced pre- came before Magistrate Farrell on| ought to be satistied. At present, ference for their products. Wednesday morning and faced two | Society is a little too prone simply to The report of A. H. Birmingham, charges, that of furious driving, | hide its mistakes behind prison general manager of Ontario Govern- causing bodily harm, and with fail- bars. ment dispensaries, for the last fiscal ing to return to the scene of an It seems to me that there Is a year shows that in the months of accident. He pleaded "not guilty" | Dig fleld in our penitentiaries for July and October the sales of Scotch to both charges, and: waived prelim-| ®arnest miselonary effort. The pres-| io. or amounted to $143,335 and inary hearing. He elected trial by a| Bt system is based absolutely on| gies 490 respectively, or 38 per judge and jury, and Magistrate Far- the idea of vengeance inflicted by cent, and 38.05 per cens, respective- Suits with their smart lines the state on the individual. Form- and fine all-wool fabrics are rell committed him to. stand trial. erly the right of vengeance rested 3%: So fe L0ial ¥alug of liquor sold 2 - ¢ T. J. Rigney, crown attorney, HS . - ! with the parson wronged; then the strong! featured. peared for the prosecution pei state intervened, taking that right Nor pian brandy ore Rext ou the oe, FR ON y. featu : M. Nickle has been retained - : o . sel for the an aba Lo Stal fend that is where we and 20 per cent., respectively. Sales F aultlessly man-tailored mn stand to-day. of doniestic liquor brought $75,- Twill Cords Worst Is and » Int d t ig Woh ae Ai Bhi an "Of course it is a mistake, and al 041 in July, and $86,411 in October, Tweeds, these charming new Suits are much to the fore for Huyck stated that Mrs. Bryant's] ®¢rious one, for most of the men in| the increase in the latter month be. Spring wear. Priced from o .| condition showed improvement, al. the penitentiaries return some day! ing made at the expense of gin, Crown Attorney. Rigney fixed bail with the will to better conditions. | dispensaries last July had & total 15 to 45 LY nized by the penitentiary system their term of imprisonment is going to leave them utterly embittered and MISSIONARY EFFORT dangerous--incugably hard-boiled." SCOTCH BEST BALM FOR ACHES AND PAINS | with Spring's smartest merchandise gloriously fresh and new. The following Suit, "oat and Frock modes were favorites in the Easter promenade in the style centres on Easter Sunday. The Coats Street Coats have every- thing swagger, chic and un- questioned smartness. Some are elaborately embroidered, , others have slim pleatings and graceful flares, while 'others are mannish in cut. A wonderful display of the newest mode ig here. Priced from =g. | The Suits The saunter and Tailleur would be Sole to be around in the |... ee should consist entirely ot j leaves herald the approach of cold course of a few days. trained workers who are inspired! weather. Domestic ale sold in the ; to society, and at present most of | which fell frcm 10.6 per cent. to 7.65 though she Wap SHI gutiering Irom them return as epemies. I. should | per cent., respectively. been /normal for the pe t ne 241 like to see such changes as would Domestic ale is a beverage sought four hours. It pa enty. completely alter that condition. in the summer time, but the sale yrs. Was expected that she "To begin with, the penitentiary| drops to nearly half when falling for Phillips at $600 cash, provided There is plenty of scope there for| sale price of $21,061, but in Oc- 3 mani and another security of | ambition, and I do not see why peo-| tober purchasers paid only $12,536. % . ple should not devote just as much s . attention to the welfare of men who In a full range of Junior, Misses, are one day coming out of prison ------------------------ The Montreal Maroons took the Burnham "Mallory, county treas- urer of Hastings for the past twenty- one years, afd a pioneer dairyman of to mix again with Canadian society as they do to that of the heathen overseas. Stanley cup by defeating Victoria) 2 to 0 In the fourth game of the series at Montreal, Matrons and O.S. sizes. the Quinte district, died Tuesday at "The schools in the penitentiaries| Alsatian Wolfhound has become Belleville, after an illness extending ought to be developed, and occupa-|popular dog in London since Prince | over a period of time. 2 tion and even amusements provided. |of Wales acquired one. Frank 8. Panter, son of ex-mayor | I should even like to see a system of 8. Congress will enact leg- W. H. Panter, of Belleville, left self-government among the innmtes. | islaflon to prevent strikes in coal Monday for New York City, having | After all these men are human.| mines. been appointed to the New York There is a spark of good in all of Mussolini is ready to conquer Sy- office of the Bank of Commerce. them; and if that fact is not recog-!ria if France. gives up. The New Frocks Pleatings in tiny frills --pleatings and flares that give ani- mation and freedom of movement to the silhouette. = A tendency to the normal waist line and long sleevés -- plain with Ties or the inspired peasant sleeves, are a few of the features of the new Silk Dresses. Developed in Flat Crepe, Georgette and Taffeta, in a broad variety of beautiful colorings with new trimming effects. : : They embody all that is new for Spring -- for * Misses, drs nce reo. Youthful Matrons and larger sizes. © JR FL ew health Ts i of -- DH 3 it ' Priced from EE 49.95 to *75.00° , 111) BROCK ST. KINGEION 3 5