Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1926, p. 6

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---- Wednesday, April 7, 1 a 200,000 buyers. We have always ) Iy sent the rate sogring up to 76 A ; 5 had an enormous audience for mills In five years and the village | } trashy periodicals; but from the old A Detroit woman took reducing is back to tke old system. Any ad-| New York Ledger to the present-day | tablets. She lost fifty-two pounds-- | vantages were more than offset by | L gex magazines is a stop down, not and her life. Nesivauiages. Thy single tax fetish i: - up. Attention to the educational frei i wiih preity well petered out. and social defects which give these | Treat even the youngest Baby the Pah Wie at. J : I magazines their startling following respect as one who will have to take Springfield Republican: It is : : will be far more profitable than his place in the world, agreed in some circles that "the . : . i public won the strike," but the pub- ip crusades. | censorship cr | April 1s the month that grows in-| lic would never know it wikhout be- is also surfeited with the | 5 pats A and the Cana- come returns. Spring flowers and | ing told. i should, with a | tax forms seem incompatible. In dian government The Only Hope. / pe w strong arm, suppress the trashy | » Washington Star: The coal con- "3 Kicking about the weather? Soon Pore a : stuff by, prohibiting its entry. be kicking over ants at the pienic | Sumer may bo forgiven # be A Py ¢#$25.00 Flutter in Red Lake > : ches more Importance to e : ' tox and mosquitoes around the lake. weather reports than to the confer- ' Ls Units Worth $14,000.90 in CALLING FOR COMPENSATION. ence reporta, i . Ww ths dN $e gn Some radio vocalists cannot sing a 2 Fe on orthern Miner, Cobalg Although the United States Su-|the old songs. And what they do to Slow, But Sure. : in Shave nat "He realized by the original i k ones is something terrible. London Advertiser: The, farming vastors i. owey" syndicate. preme Court has refused the motion |the new The proj controlled by the Chukuni Pu a} made at the instance of Chicago and Population lands Seadiness, hy Red Lake' Mining Association is just two blished Daily pa a seriousness to natio a - Good Friday is the date when e nal © Tits ¢ f r TON ONTO the Mississippi States to dismiss ihe acter. Farm folks have less of the to be pogo Hoe] aim Rhohght IE BRITISH __ CO. LIMITED, KINGSTON, , h- | house cleaning officialy begins. But A tition of the lake States for an in- | house " "" [ Ws RUPERT DAVIES ...... President Jobifion rostraliing (bo diversion ot it wasn't a good Friday for such | 'herd mind" than the people of PUBLIC O } large cities. They cannot "be so water from Lake Michigan for the | Work. ' easily stampeded by catch-cries, (Limited to 5500 Units) 2612| Chicago sanitary district, this re- 3 S-- and are not so readily caught by . < verse go not Carns the Chicago | We know one good business man |. iy talk which has no substance hese Claims wily Units $10.00 each spirit. The Chicago News ° points who always confides his business | pohind it. On all general questions, POSITIVELY NO PERSONAL LIABILITY t th t the court, by deciding to go roubles to his wife--whenever she | particularly on political questions, . year, in vast urnanaysse OTB on » nid * asks him for money. they are more disposed than their e your, by to tics, into the case on its merits, has ex- city consins to demand reasons, facts le year, to U 8 tended for at least a year the, per- Nowadays most of our girls have and arguments, and to take less for : F-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: lod during which the large water ir walking in early years; granted. TORONTO--F. W. Thompson, 100 King | flow authorized by the U.S. secre- 4s the , 2 A Nvmipiiearte West, Toronto, they can't stir'a step later without a London Daily News: It is really : . Cmider, 23 St. Joms|fary of war may continue. sedan, suggests the Brandon Sun. i YA 5 pire Montreal. The wrong must be righted, and ' very important that the leaders of EW 1 RK---Ingraham-Powers, Inc. Nvensation demanded tor the los en thought should not even seem to CRICAGO son ee were: The, 30) SB pengatio © The judiciary committee of the} commit themselves to the "sense- South La Salle Street Af Sneudy Sihiaid, 2 Me be a, United States senate has agreed to)less snobbery" of regarding the . ed, comments the Hamilton Herald, i 8 1 ' hold public hearings in regard to {dumb drama as a bastard arf simp- anne ever oho Diltor sre published that the surest way to spur the success or fallure of prohibition. | ly because it is popular. There is ; r. the Washington government into It will get an ear full! plenty of bastard art to be had for : --- CHUKUN) the asking nowadays. Ladies and drculstion of The British Whig| action 18 to bring home to it the satiated By the Audit Buresu of | p30 that Chicago's violation of an A London, Ont., octogenarian is to | 3entlemen who cannot write scribble Look at . RED AN . ji , , gibberish and call it literature; ar- the Mage CLAI - international frosty may jog fe have his eighth marriage. He is or Te Is Inet; = United States something substantia 8 - et . . THE TARIFF BOARD. 1 the Way of refine Jos evidently a believer in wedlock. Hen 1 iia daubs and call them the See the location of the Chukuni Claimg-- THOMPSON es : could almost find his way to the only true art; musicians who can- Right in the heart of the Red Lake District. "The appointment of a tariff board altar in the dark. not compose pour out "inarticulate noises like the wild beasts" and) re- Join Today~-- not a new idea so far as the Lib-| ony ONE SET OF TAXPAYERS. . ; The Duluth Herald after experi-| quire us to ackknowledge them as ' Big Development Coming 1 party is concerned. - ic. But t E In October, 1921, Alexander The Ottawa Journal = forcefully | ments concludes that refining con-| music ut the films really are a To make money like the "Howey" investors you must J ; mew form of art, and it fis i t- : tae I : Smith, barrister-at-law, Ottawa, 18-|gsets out that in the last analysis the |sists in taking $8 worth of Crise o at) A or Lor, *get in on the Ground Floor". Units in the Chukuni Asso- d a pyblication, entitled "A. Per-| money that replenishes the treas-|and changing it at a cost of $2. talent available. ' ciation should advance rapidly once development starts. of New Beginnings for Libqral- | urles' of the federal, provincial, and [into products worth $132.85. f) -Don't Delay $m." The introduction to this pub- | municipal governments comes out of -------- tion contains some statements| the pockets of the same taxpayers. The township school board bill The present offering of Ch iE Hod Take Dntts tv to se a o o : Unit to customs tariff, and other |The provinces that adopt old age |goes over for another year™n the | Quebec Viewpoint working capital. Once the allotment of 5500 units is absorbed no i more will be availabl, axa nsions and other projects on a |legislature, Educationists. favor it | ! ills ot subile taxation. | These | Fs ps but the f: ers cannot without a Reservations will be made in the order in which they are "pronouncements are as follows: similar basis will pay not only their [but the farmers ca received: Suepry tu Lint itn the orde : share of the cost but the share that | wrench separate themselves from the LEvenment discusses the ques- your order today at our expense. eur, Bassibls taiation should But the | tion of so-called "British propagan- i rect an ach taxpayer may know what he is | The municipalities is ostensibly paid by the dominion. | 'little red school house." dat will pay back [reform will ultimately come. po! and may be able, by his style |to the province all the money that i Cia ie. Yi astonished CAMPBELL.YORSTON scale of living to dictate the | ,;, urovinee makes the pretence of| Mr.-T. Stewart Lyon has resigned ber of fanse A dum Ap GUILD ure and ratio of his taxation: P Pr e dit f the Toronto Globe and | "c* °f Englishmen of mark visit The customs tariff, the largest |51ving to the municipalities for edu- [as editor of the Toronto ® Canada each year and speak to us of ADelaide 6049 of revenue, should, before be-| cational, charitable, and other pur-|!s succeeded by Mr. Harry W. An-|imperial problems. That propagan- derson, who has been on the staff |da is carried on in the light of day 407 ROYAL BANK BLDC. TORONTO.2 CANADA = K r emt cs, Be TOR EAR es et : SUPSORIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) OME SYR, ee jf submitted to the judgment of | poses. For of course the people who pa nent, be immediately and|pay federal, provincial, and munici- | {OF seventeen years and is a thor-|frcm noble motives. Moreover it is 4 Fd He [rot only England that cultivates its ngly revised line by lime, oughly capable newspaper man. . | pal taxés are the same people. EVy cap Pap by word, and rate by rate by . peop will worthily succeed his distinguish- | PToPaganda here. How many French personages.likewise visit us and em- ploy themselves in developing more intimate relations - between their = e ee and open minded men (not by a od chiel. pn minister and officials coach- special cliques and interests) THE WAY TO SLEEP. full and clear understanding New styles in colors are on the (,. , iv ang our own. What harm is -- -- seems es re - I IH = TE ~ ---- essential facts pertaining to The average man, with a fair way. The numberless red hats will | ¢ A . there in that? And it should be F ! ustry, 4 that in the fram-|amount of common sense, does not 80 soon and crude gay yellows, | clearly understood that if we re- ! ii INS ALL je should be par t, | Beed to be told by a learned physi-|.....is and 'sky Blues will: be suc | ceive such ambassadors, it is be- HOUSES rooms, tellet, good garden, garage, 86 ft frontage. $1,800, incidentally all round jus-| Clan (at the best way to sleep 18) oeqgeq by what fashion writers may cause we have our word to say in [fl A ROW OF THRE mis HOUSES--now renting at $16.00 per || ~ Chamberlin dered, in a spirit of com- (on the right side. Most men have call harmonious subtlety. The gor-| imperial affairs. We are invited to month each--8$8,200. : | amberiin : which is the true basis of | been doing that all their lives and geous riot and the garments of many take such and such a decision, pre-; BRICK HOUSE--Three years old, 6 rooms, all improvements, hard- [ii || Metal Weatherstrip ation where there are con-| win keep on doing it until at last : Save 'Dractisally gone: cisely because it cannot be imposed wood floors, fine garage. 90 feet froutage. Sacrifice $4,700. 1 2. colors have p y gone. upon us.' It is the proof that the ||f BRICK HOUSE--7 rooms,~all 'improvements, fireplace, hardwood [ii | Now } interests. th h the sleep that diately efforts should be|' °Y reach the sleep that knows no autonomy of Canada is not an idle floors, built in cupbghrds, hot and cold water in cellar, $5,000. 0 reconcile divergent views of | Waking. - Still this physician's" re-| ' pe Oshawa Reformer is of opin- . iif Ast and West, and thereby im- | port, after a number of hospital ex- ion that education lies at the root of hind ra en Su. adopt. the M B 1 RUMP i i Saves k (the path to united national | oriments, is not wholly uninterest- substantial prosperity. In telling | interest regarding questions sab. Ae ® ; - HW Ends Draughts. ® day is gone when any sect, |ID8/ comments the Rochester, N.Y..| the council this it reminds it that|niitted to us. 270 PRINCESS STREET. "PHONE 704 OR 1295.J. ] Interest, class or body "of | Democrat. He went on the theory {here are some other interests which, "It is the same with certain An- Te 5 JRC DOBBS & Co. ast or West, can he permit- | that the stomach had a lot to do when estimates are being prepared, | §l0-Canadian propaganda which, for . . 38 impose as SRCompIOmis. with good sound sleep and that not| receive more persistent and more Fonsons of ogi, Solistts She aid | 64 Clarence 8t "Phone 819. i e people. Fe gan was o e Province o uebec. ether 'the framing of measures for|until that very © Il gli slamorous . SUpRORt but Which are ly i' 'oramion of edneationsl or or revenues special attention | comparatively emp.y ys much less important to the welfare scientific conferences, they solicit ie given 0 the wealth creaf-| eq oft work for tie H wo of a city. our participation. We are free to viduals by the involun- restful slumber come arvund. refuse to hear people who address perative methods of com- This physician concluded from| Tweed Horticultural Society will|us politely. They cannot oblige us ) ast Sorts of his experiment that the human try to improve conditions, encourag-|to remounce our rights and privi- 8 publication of this pamphlet |stomach takes an average of three|ing the cultivation of flowers and |leges. On the whole, we are all i reed that th discussions which took |and a half hours to become idle|shrubs. Flower shows will be held | a8reeé ese conferences have i Toa ay ssparatsly 1g I advantages and disadvantages. It is HRY generally on the matter of a| when a person lies on his right side, (in June and in the fall. There is an advantage, for instance, to hear ! location, om south side of "board have helped the govern- | six hours when he lies on his left. fnothing that adds more to the ap- the recognition by a body composed - Prime. 2 to gauge public opinion and |The experimenter does not say how |pearahce of your home than an at- of elements foreign to our ideas that I | and els all Pro yeaa Arle 1 for the stomach to tractive flower garden and the Hor- such a practice of the French-Cana- Division Street. t a board such as anticipated. | long it takes 2 "board in its work will have [empty when a chap lies on his back | ticultural Society is doing its part to | dian na lonality is superior to such EA / E. EWA § HEN ther side up. Another good |create an interest along this line. | another. There is no need to im- ante ZN) tance of the officials In the|Oor the o p 4 : 127 NELSON STREET " son for sleeping on the right |The scheme is commendable? pute hypocritical motives nor to / // ; Department, Trade and le for the rey hour at any rate, have recourse to sarcasm to rebuff {/ i : 'PHONE 1891.J. $6 Dapastient, and the Fin- says the doctor, is that the heart| In Ontario there are seven schools | these Invitations if they should be- Shas taont; And its ausistiea thus is relieved from'the pressure with an average attendance of one jms mportunue. Ra enough. to b 7 of a full stomach. pupil; 119 with two; 45 with three; and the Laer . Department, So there are the medical reasons, | 97 with four; 173 with five and 660 ve had 'and have to do with and they sound pretty good. A man |with an average of nine. In other : : : . ; = AT | who 18 deaf in his left ear and has| words, we have éver 13 per cent. of 'Wit and Humor T the turn of the faucet an abun- Blended by ourselves -- be a4 man who , would be | been so since childhood = always | Ontario schools with an average at- ! dant supply of hot water always fasted on the premises -- er general instructions] Makes it a rule to roll over on his|tendance of less than 10. The aver- - ready! Such a convenience would be ground as wanted, board; to "et all the in-| riSht side when he tumbles into bed. | age cost per pupil all over the prov- Explained. worth infinitely more to you than the | Always fresh--always good. 'from the various officials, | With his good right ear impervious [ince is $80.26, but in these schools | «angela, why are you so cold to few cents daily required to operate the | | 60c rd's chief duty in addition | to' sound, thunder, no matter how fit is $139. me today?" we TY Hotpoint Water Heater. The famous : Ga ing Would. be in the care- (loud itis, does not disturb him; fire| : --_-- "Because you haven't given me ; Calrod (sheathed wire) heati ABSOLUTELY PURD sifleration of all the informa-| bells, it there happen to be'any, do Roxy's Gang," twenty-six per-|those furs I asked you for."--Lon- 1 not alarm him, and no doubt a bur-{50ns, "cost the Ontario Government |don Mail. . 2 glar could ransack his room without | $26,000 in hotel ®ills, railway fares i The Immers PHONES 20 and 990. by th : ; him to waken. and "incidentals," to get some pub- Out of Luck. oR by those wha de- | Causing " he : "Don't you think that a man » customs duty or Undisturbéd slumber for a rea-|llcity for the "playgrounds .of On- who'd hide behind a woman's petti- 1 - | tario" from the U.S. press and to ; re to decrease it. |fonable number 'of hours is a bless 8 SL pre coats is a contemptible coward? minister him- | {0g all should seek to emjoy. In|Dbroadcast the beauties of Ontario,|. «Coward? He's an anachronism." ol pon | fact it is an absolute necessity to|lor parks, recreation spots, for hunft-| Japan Advertiser. a healthy, well ordered lite. With-|!n8 and fishing. The Guelph Mé¢r- out it no ome ean feel vigorous, Suzy, thinks if that sum had bebn * ep nelnslye, atl strong and hearty. The best way | Pent on a coterie of good reporters) "My hot. mi y mor to oe it 18 to Ne bad. ater ed better results would have accrued. | mal. The fact that he murdered his have #ald your prayers, with a clear| ROXY's Gang," as will be recalled, ite 1a partly a. proat ot That, J, - conscience, knowing that you have did not get much publicity in On. conelusive."--Berlin are : done your daily task to the best of | lario. pone ang : x4 your ability, that you have been true Loko Ww ; 5B ; your ability © beer y ---- 2 Busy Woman, a ot MoCALLUM to your friends and honest with semi -- Have you: wondered about your| pag o e 3, 4 pal! 1n the world of memorials husband's past?" Stands for COMPOSITION not bulk % GRACE 1 + not size, SMAN| CRAFTSMANSHIP 'théy are fifty. He |. "Ut a girl would af

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