£\ Aoi ) wl i i ln dy Sy Py See us for your new Topcoat, The very latest new Tweed Coats. We have some exceptional good values. Price $22.00, $22.50, and 325 - George Van Horne 213 Princess Street. 'Phone 362-w. | ASTHMA SUFFERERS Free Trial of a Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. We have a method for the control of Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your I long standing or recent de- v . whether it is present as oc- onal or chronic Asthma, you should for a fres trial of our method. No tor In what climate you lve, no ] ter what your age or occupation, if | you are troubled with asthma, our me- thod should relieve you promptly. |, We eapecially want to send ito those apparetitly hopeless cases, where all forme of inhalers, douches, opium pre- arations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., ve falled. We want to show every- one at our expensd, that our method is da ed to end all difficult breathing, all wheesing, and all those. terrible parexyams. This frée offer Is too impobtant to neglect 4 single day. Write now and be- ih the method at once. Send wy money. ply mail coupon below. Do it to- Ay=~you do not even pay postage. FREE TRIAL COUPON R CO., ARR ATI, 35; Shoo deon Streets, Sead ree triad of your method to: PRE ANNIE Seta ts Sat tmanantan Spring is ~ Here Be Sure You Can Fully Enjoy Its | Beauty It you are suffering from eyestrain this fis Impossible. Have your eyes examined now . and remove any cause of eye- strain there may be. * Satisfaction guaranteed. Evenings by appointment. .W. D. GRAHAM Registered Optometrist, 140 Wellington Street Telephone 699. BEGssescette snrsvitts tnsnnnne on now floors Have your Mrdwood fioors clean. Early violin makers of Cremona, Italy, used maple wood from local forests for backs of their violins. -- YOU BUY WHEN! i i ; tone quality in the Weber nO i Pa Sa tctaste. | AY C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms. Princess Streat =" 4 1 4 iol | MUSKRATS ~ WANTED | W. F. GOURDIER 78.80 BROCK STREET Ee ---------- en / or EGG and STOVE AMERICAN ANTHRACITE ON HAND. Chestnut Coal enroute. Split Pea suitable for Spencér Furnace or to mix with Coke. 'SOWARDS COAL CO. ~ [FAIR GROUNDS BY-LA i{ and he would || matches were the great revenue get- ters, ied the plans of the city engineer. {| the palace, "and a new walk leading ll carried on, the fair association will | lve a bond for $1,000 a year for| provide for an annual fee of $20 on the grounds this spent about $15,000 on the grounds { in. the last eight years, and what did | the city get out of it? Why not {| make a substantial expenditure ér | do nothing. This will provide a | great amusement park for the city. had been a "sink hole" for vears,|I am sure we all enjoy the sports not-like to see 'any | put on at the fair grounds. The more money spent on the grounds. | baseball people must have an en< "As far as I am concerned, you closed ground. Let us have some- can do what you like about it," re-| thing worth while. If we gét enough marked Ald. J. E. Johnston, who | to pay half the expenditure, it will also added that he was not "father- | be a good investment." ing the proposition." | On the vote being taken on the | motion of Alds. Laturney and Mar- Back to Committee, | tin, to send the matter back to the "| Ald. Laturney suggested that the committee, to be brought forward matter be referred back to, the Pro-jat the next election, it was defeated, perty committee, | only five aldermen voting for it, and "If you are going to send it back | the by-law to take the vote of the to the committee I am through with | people was then presented and given the matter," said Ald. Reid.. "The |jts final reading, the date for the committee has spent a gréat deal of | vote being fixed for Monday, May time comsidering the question. There | 3ra. is no use sending it back to the| Council committee." Ald. Reid stated fur-| polling places ther that the committee felt that turning officers. a fee of five cents on each ticket | On motion of Aldé. J. E. Johnston sold for any attraction at the tair | and Allen, the property committee grounds; would be sufficient to reim- | was authorized to have the floor in burse the city for any expenditure, | the city registry office raised, and and the city in this way, would be | also have the walls decorated. sure of the money. The city had This 'work has been made neces- expended $2,600 on the grounds last sary, owing to the recent legislation yedr, with no returns. If the grounds | put through combining the city and were 'not given attention, thers | the county registry offices, would be no use in taking up the | Mayor Angrove presided at the matter. | meeting, and the other members Ald. Martin remarked that the | present were Alds. Allen, Boyd, Car- property committee was deserving | son, Driscoll, Dunphy, Holder, J. F. of credit for what had been accom- | Johnston, J. B."Johnston, Kent, La- plished, but he favored allowing the | turnéy, Martin, Milne, McCartney, the mater to go over till the next | Price, Reid and Sargent. election. ---------- Alds. Laturney and Martin then Reports of Committees, moved along these lines. | The following report of the Board "And what will we do in the |of Works was adopted: - meantime?" asked Ald. Price. "We| 'That the application of the Bell will have to do one thing or the Telephone company, for permissién other. 'We will have to spend money to erect poles, anchors, cables, etc., on the grounds or close them up. It | within the corporation limits be is all nonsense to be throwing away | granted, the work to be done under money every year. If we keep put-| the supervision of the city engineer. ting it off we will be no further "That the tender of the Imperial ahead. We'should put the question Oil company, for road oil at 12 1-2¢ to the people now and let them de-| per gallon be accepted. cide." "That a sewer be constructed in Ald. Carson wanted to know how | Pine street, from Lansdowne avenue it was proposed to spend the money, | to Alfred street." pointing out that the baseball The following recommendations of the finance committee were adopt- jed: "That the application for a license for a Chinese laundry at 303 1-2 Earl street be not granted. "That the salary of John Ballan- tyne, city méssenger, be increased by $200 per year, to take effect from Jan. 1st, 1926, "That the sum.of $500 be grant- ed for the purpose of procuring souvenirs for the Kingston Junior Hockey team, The following recommendation of the fire and light committee was adopted: "That this council authorize the committee to secure prices on a two- ton truck, for the hook and ladder apparatus." | - Ald. Milne, fin presenting the re- commendation of the fire and light committee, stated that a great deal of trouble had 'been experienced with the hook and ladder truck in from the main entrance. THhe pre-/ the snow. It was found that the sent lavatory accommodation was a present chassis was mot strong disgrace. enough, and he was of the opinion "I do not think that it would be/that serious results would follow if right to pass this matter over," con-| action was not taken to relieve the tinued the mayor. "Take our city | situation. parks, we never look upon them as VOTE ON 3RD MAY (Continued from Page 1.) also arranged for the and the deputy re- { Ald. J. E. Johnston then present- | These plans provide for a proper drainage of the grounds, proper lavatory accommodation, an improv- ed entrance, an additional 200 feet to the cattle sheds, additional grand stand accommodation for 700 peo- ple, an additional portable grand stand for the baseball games, the painting of cattle sheds, along with other necessary work, Mayor Angrove's Stand. Mayor Angrove stated that in jus. tice to the fair directors, the grounds should be propérly drained and til- ed. He felt that the question was oné that should go to the people to decide. The city, he said, had gome- thin show for the money ex- pended ! year, ii a new roof on It was pointed out that the pre- revenue makers. And it is the same | sent truck had been in service for with the fair grounds. Is it worth |eight years. while to spend the money on these Ald. Boyd explained that this grounds? I think the council should | truck had been purchased to draw thing over the matter very carefully | hose. He gave it as his opinion that li before they decide to lét the matter | the trouble had been caused over the li drop. We will have a guarantee of | clutch, and that he had advised that $1,000 a year from the basebali|a change be made, but no action had people, ' If the proposed work is| been taken. Ald. Price presented a by-law to the mext two years; Why should | for gasoline pumps, but after some we put off the wish of {Tie people | discussion, the by-law was allowed for a year? ~~ 9 3 to stand over. r -- -- Snonla. Go to Poople. i Other Business, . think we should give the peo- Council réceived a communication ble a reasonable chance to say from the Kingston Poultry Assoeia- whether or not they want:the work | jon, in which referemce was made Sona According to the plains of the to the proposal to comstruct a gale gigas: sald the mayor, in ¢on-|jery in the island market house. The Bia Lat Association recommended that this A urney remarked that if proposal be carried out for the bene- ihe sity sould Secure a guarantee (ft of the farmers. rom the fale association of $1,000) The recommendation' wa for five years, it would be a revenue (he property committee. amv Bioducer, fn The t5lloWing communications © can get the fair directors to Jere referred to committee: sign a bond for $1,000 for the next!* pinance and Aécounts--Kingston we Teaft, i Mayor Angrove.| Humane Society, re "Tag Day," ow mue we intend to pay out Sept. 4th; Victorian Order of Nurses, re "Tag Day," May 8th; G.W.V.A., For Bron chitis re "Poppy Day," Nov. 6th; Salvation el Re Army, re "Tag Day," May 2%nd; Elizabeth Wright, tendering her re- signation as president ef the City Poor Relief Association; Library Board, re providing funds for work on library building; City of Brant. ford, re abolishing amusement tax; 8 ¢ity auditor, re awditor's statément iekest for 1926. Boa Board of Works--H, W. Newman bronchial | COMPany, re erection election signs. Fire d Light--President of Association of Ontario, re : FiiadYietorisn 'Order of Nurses, ex g thanks. for increased Passage | grant; Hotel Dieu Hospital, express- | ing thanks for teressed grant. -- Alex Irwin; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ry year? We have GANANOQUE ' Gananoque, April 7.--~The death occurred recently in Hamilton of Jabey (Tim) Winmill, brother-in- law of Mr. Thomas and Harry Bovey, Sr. Mr. Wiamill was 3 resident of Gananoque for seven or eight years, and employed at the Maplewood Greenhouse. He was an exceptional. ly good gardener, and at the time of his death had a fine position as such in Hamilton. After leaving here he joined the C.M.R.'s with the idea of going overseas, but was discharged owing to heart trouble, and it was from this heart affection that he died. Mr. Winmill was a veteran of the South African war. During his residence in Gananoque he made many friends, who extend their deep s¥mpathy to his wife. Miss Agdes Robinson is id To- ronto, as celegate from Gananoque to the Ontario Educational Associa- tion which is now in session in that city. Miss Carpenter who is also in Toranto attending the Ontario Lib. rary Association, will also be in at- tendancé at the 0. B. A, A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. John's Church yesterday morn- ing at ten o'clock by Rev. Father Hanley when Miss Mary Frances Garrah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Garrah, Howe Island, became the bride of Johfi Arnold, only son of Mr..and Mrs. A. C. Dorey, Gan- anoque. The bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Miss Mabel Garrah, Wilfrid Paige was groomsman. A re- after- ception was held yesterday Mrs. noon at the home of Mr, and William Martin, Hickory street. Gordon Bishop, who attended the meéting of the Independent. Labour Party held in the Labor Temple, Hamilton, on Good Friday, was re- elected a member of the executive. Miss Jane MacDonald, Toronto, spent the Easter holidays here with her sister, Mrs. J,/R. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Delaney were in Kingston yesterday, and were among those who took in "Rose Marie" * Missés Stoliker, Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. W._Matthews, Garden street. David Be!fie and Donald Lalonde are much puffed up for having gain- ed the distinction this year of belng the first to enjoy a trip in a moter boat, on the Gananoque River , on Easfer Sunday. They are particularly overjoyed because they beat Billy Wing out this season, he usually claiming the honor of being the first voyageur, and among the last---In fact it is practically a case of taking off the snowshoes and jumping in a boat with Rilly. William Hall, Detroit, is visiting his mother, Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. T. D. O'Connor and Mrs. Kenneth Mullin visited friends in Kingston vesterday. Miss Biythe Battams spent the Easter holidays with Miss Greenley, Joyceville. Just to try and coax Spring here the Ontario Wheel Company's Athletic Club met and elected of- ficers 'a couple of evenings ago, as follows: President, Alex Dorey; vice-president, William Richardson; secretary, Ralph Orser; manager of Soft Ball téam, Roy Pickett; captain, mascot, Charlés Beau- bieu. Ut -------- FIRE AT NAPANEE. Meat Market and Residence Were Damaged on Tuésday. Napanee, April 7.--On Tuesday morning al five o'clock fire was discovered in the rear of the prem- ises owned and occupied by BE. R. Todd, John street, just near the Post Office. The lower portion of the building was used as' a meat market aud the upper floors as a residence. The building was of stone constfuction with a me ad- dition at the back, whore fire was discovered. The men arriv- ed prompily and owing to the ab- sence of wind the blaze was soon un- der control. Much damage was done, principally hy smoke and water. The building and contents are well insured. A number of the young people from Napanee took in "Rose Marie" at the Grand Opera House fn King- ston ou Monday and Tuesday even- ings. Fred Abbott of the Standard Bank, Carlisle, Ort., spent Easter Sunday in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ming of Ot. tawa, are spending the Easter vaca- tion with their patents In Nap anee. : ; 2 Miss Marion and Alma Wales re- turned to Toronto on Monday after spending Esster with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Starr Wales. Miss Beuiah Spencer of &'oronte, is spending the Easter vacation at her home. . * Miss Gertrude Metaler, B.A, of Pr 1 ¥ ~~ I is a most refreshing and healthful practice to drink, first thing in the morning, a glass of water sparkling with a 'dash' of Eno's "Fruit Salt". There is no safer and surer way than this to clear the system of impurities and keep you fit and eager for the work and play which fill each day. But it must be ENO! Eno--never varying in quality and purity. Eno--containing nothing that may possibly do you harm. Eno--with its fifty years' reputation. Eno--approved and used by doctors and nurses. So, for your health's sake, be sure you get tnd ENO'S "FRUIT SALF The words "Fruit Salt" and ENO, and the label' | shown on the package, are registered trade marks. ' Sales Representatives for North America: Harold ¥'. Ritchls' | & Co., Limited, 10-18 McCaul Street, Toronto N, a8 | Our Big Clearing Furniture ~ Sale. "Now On" Furniture in your home is a pay vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, sat tion and happiness. Satisfied with the price, fied with the quality. When you buy here you the added comfort in' knowing that y{u are tected from inferior goods. : ~ JAMES REID LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. 'Phone 147 for Service. St. Thomas, is spending the Baster vacation with her father, J, W. Metzler, Bridge stree:. Miss Selona Hartman, Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman for a few days, The death occurred on Tuesday April 8th of Phoebe Ann Clark, widow of the late John J. Clark at her home on 'Bridge street east, aged seventy-five yqars and jen months, It is just ut six months since her husband died. She leaves to mourn one daughter, Mrs, Bamuel Baird. Funeral arran®ements will be announced later. Are Tapped. : Charleston, April 6.--~Trees been tapped in this section weeks but there is syrup-yet. 'There was a of snow here on Saturday Many of the farmers were at hurst station with calves for® shipment, The little boys, who spent the winter a---- HOWE ISLAND BUDGET. That the Ice In the Harbor is Still ro Howe Island, April 6--The ice in|! the harbor is still considered safe for driving on, and the recent fall of snow has been a great asset for EF i i 3 ili 378 3 "yf g