| The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public F orum and a True Market Place THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG io = I 3 h KINGSTON, ONT. | CLASSIFIED ADVERTSING All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the 'regular Dally Whig style of type. : CLASSIFIED RATES:. 'Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 Daily rate~ per line 6 days .. bau. Births, Engagements, Mar- 6s, one insertion charged, $1.50; 3% ks, and Memoriam + Notices Darged. $1.50; cash, $1.00 Advertising NE edered for Irregular fosetcton takes the one-time inser- Fon rats; no ad. taken for less taan . lines. Lount BE rea words to the ads. will be received by @ a if pald at The Brit- MP Ofine within 6 days from 2 rat date of insertion, cash rate wilh te allowed. Ads, lor more than one day a Sharked for ths number of 1 or the nu times the 8d Appeared and adjust. ment made at the rate earned. . Rate per line for white space Is the as & line of type. y Special rate for yearly advertising u uest. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising . phone 243; ask for a want ad. ben ~~ DEATHS. At the residence of Mr. T. G. Thorburn, Lima, B. Cooke, aged 76 years. At Parham on April 7th, lizabetngStineon, dearly be- wife of William rs. D. Bertrim, 63 yea! Ther late residence to St. church, Parham, on Friday at 2 pam, DAY ingston on April 6th, 1926, James Day, aged 70 years. mm 'his late residence, Cata- on Friday afternoon at 2 o'- to Cftaraqui Cemetery. In Regina, April 7th, 1926, C. Robinson, aged §8 years, of late Mr. and Mrs. Webb Rob- bh Kingston. 'Interment at and 0. R--Died in the Hotel Dien tal on April 7th, 1926, Char- Victoria Sinclair, daughter of jate Cantain James Sinclair, from R. J. parlors on Fri and aegunintances respectfully to end. -- REID of Undertakers 5 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID 5 Undertaker Phone 857. ' Princess Street 49 # OE 'PHONE 1830. Lost and ¥ound 1 BLACK COCKER SPANIEL Female. Answers to name of - Berry. Lost, Finder please call 127-w DOG COLLAR-~Found, on Barrie Street on Saturday. Same may be had at 60 Arch Street. FOUNTAIN PEN--With gold band and clip<and "D. McFarland" engraved on #t, found, on Friday. Owner may have same &t 57 Johnson street. GLASSES...In case, found in vielnity of Montreal and Ordnance streets. Own. er may have same at 136 Division St., between 6 and 7 pm. 4 PAIR OF OVERSHOES «-- § b uckjes, found in ' Choral Society dressing noom, at Grant Hall, Owner may have Sam® at 643 Princess Street. PACKAGE OF ENVELOPES-- Found, on Princess Street, on Thursday morn- ing. - Owner may have same at 396 Brock Street. TWO POLICE DOGS--Escaped from 168 Earl Street. Finder or anyone hav- ing any information regarding same please 'phone 1424-w. Help Wanted Male Help Wanted BOY---Wanted to learn hej ness. Apply W. H. Co Princess Street. BOYS WANTED---To sell week-end pa- per. and King Streets. ware busi- burn & Co, Apply Harold J. Smith, Barrack], Help Wanted Male and Female Help Wanted 8b met teri hte 'MARRIED COUPLE--W ithout children. Man ¢o work on saw mill; woman to cook for about ten. men. Wages for man $40.00 per month and board; we- man $26.00 per month and board. Wh- 'man mus: be good cook. Apply to J. A. Newton, Box 81, Arden P. O., Ont. MEN AND BOYS WANTED- To pat- tonize J. W. Curzows Barber Shop Men's LAIr cuts, 26c Shaves 10¢. Boys hair cuts 15c. ies, 26c. 201 Wel. lington Street. ; #5, SELL HOUSEHO NECESSITIES ~Grefitest imaginable demand; have business of your own: make five dol- larg up dally; capital or experience Suhdcaasary. B. Garretson, Brantford, n Positions Wanted 6 WOMAN - Wants work by the day, house cleaning or washing. Apply 19 Hillis Street. 'Phone 1523-w. Real Estate For Rent RT Apartments and Plats 7 APARTMENT--In Sydenham Apart. ments, Brock Stpeet, 4 rooms and tiled bathroom, gas range, refrigerator, hardwood floors; well heated. Apply 69 Brock Street. HEATED APARTMENT---Corner Barrie and Princess Streets, also swres on Princess Street, centrally located with rear entrances. Apply 1. Cohen & Co, Ontario Street. Phone 83¢. EXPERIENCED FARM HANDw. Must be able to do general farm work. Wages $40.00 a month. Apply Em- ployment Service, Clarence Street. *ENERAL MAID--Wanted. Apply 138 Albert Street op phone 511. Female Help Wanted 8 sist In dining room wanted. Apply Sup- Srintendem of the Y.W.C.A., Johnson Street. COOK--Refercrices required. Apply to Mys. Howard Folger, 1 Emily Street. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMA New Wanted as housekeeper. Apply 19 Division Street. 3 A MAID---For upstairs work and to as-|= Business ¥laces » DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in Ontario Chambers, corner King and Clarence streets. Possession 1st of May. Apply King and Smythe, 71-712 Clarence 5t., Kingston, Ont. HALL--Over Lackie's store, to rent. Ap- ply to Lackie's Bakery. Farms and Lands 200 ACRES--Of first class pasture lots ~--good water--young cattle $3.00 per head. Bull furnished. Apply Thomas aivert Shipman, R. R. No. 1, Ivy Lea, nt. 8a . Tiouses o eS T---- Male or Female Help Wanted Sa STUDENTS, ATTENTION!--§4.00 & day guaranteed for 100 days' work. Good opportunity for students, male or fe- male, for summer months. For full Information write Box V-8, Whig Of- ce. Classified Display COOK STOVES Real Ones at Very Low Prices, Also a tull line of FURNITURE. Everything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automobdil - cident, Sickness, Plate Glass Ac other lines of Insurance. 33 BROCK ST. = 'PHONE 585.w. BRICK HOUSE-New, Pembroke street, near car. line, § rooms, modern, h.w. floors, fireplace, gas or electricity for cooking, 'verandah. Apply 49 Pem- broke Mtreet. Phone 1508-w. OUT OUR WAY. | i THROW THAT T08 ouT O' HOUR MACHINE ALEC. AN START ON THESE PULLEMS ! TWO CARLOADS JUS CAME WwW, ALL OUT FIRST An "THEN PUT EM ON A MANDREL AN TORN EM. RUN OUT THESE JOHNS LL BRING, NOU SOME Articles For sale. ; « HEROES ARE MADE --NOT BORN. ORiLL EM WHEN NOU OVER. MORE. O Articles For Sale ALEC! HES HAD A SnAP ALL WEEK AN NOW HE HASTA SNAP QUT OF IT, TUST WHEN, YOURE S\TTN ON TOPO TH! WORLD ~1TTORNS BY WILLIAMS. |----=" YES, MATS LIKE JumPia QUTA BED WD A CONCRETE MIXER -- LIKE GOIN FROM PARADE REST INTO A CHARGE LP Pikes PEAK ! oRwillave | $ 1928 8Y SERVICE, INC. Business Services gi Business Services Insurance # ERNIE D, 8 nsurance Broker, all branché¢s of Insurance in old FIRE~Automoblle and NSURAN the most her's es represented. 3 Strange, established in Tass Oise: o opposite Post © Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. companies of highest financial stand- ing. 381 King Street Fast. 'Phones ance. BE. M. Crumley, 'Phone 1783-M. Clarence Street, J. B. COOKE~Life, Wire. Accident and Sickness, in reliable © ion Sia: OUR HEALTH AND ACUINENT. icy will protect your salary, A £ Automobile Insurance. : Co street. 3 Insars Street. 35:8-w, Res 1131. - t; a a INSURANCE-Only trict manager Imperial Life. Fire and 3 uper oO Williams, N--Painter and Desoreter. > nce 'phone 1966. Ainor and resl fle 283 King GET YOUR PAINTING-And pa done aay geagonahle Paper for ryant, Ear Phong 2747-J. 1 PAPER HANGING-- Have your 4eeos done now. See the H. Rowley: and get estimates. 3. SIGN P. G--J. 8. Robinson, rear 'Phone 135. AINTIN: 376 Bagot Street Financial est mt easton di FRUNTENAC LOAN AND INV MENT 50 ¥ ---- Ineo 1861. Pi A.D. ad vice-president J. Farrell loan on Shy and farm Vestment. - Bondg bought and sold posits received Sad interost paid minimum ms y 06. ager, 87 Clarence St. Cartwright, STORAGE-~For furniture, clean, airy rooms and spaces; your own an key. Frost's City Sto 305 Queen St. "Phone 526. Hes 3 or Wié-m. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE-Fof furniture or any merchandise. I proof bullding. 'Phone 1000 or 1177. Carpenter Work 256 i CEMENT HOUSE-.7 rooms, all conveni- ences; furnace; close to car-line, good froit garden, Apply 27 Livings.on Ave. 'Phone 26689-J. FURNISHED HOUSE-- Good locality, good conditdon. Rent reasonable. Will rent to married couple without child- ren or two ladies. Apply Box P-10, Whig Office. HOUSKS--55 and §7 York Street, four rooms each, gas, electricit $15.00 month. Phone 1 HOUSES-257 Rideau Street, § rooms: all improvements. Apply 185 Queen Street. Telephone 988-w. HOUSE---98 Earl Street, 9 rooms and § in attic; 3 piece toilet; gas for cook- ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps, satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap- ply for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 104 SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let' oh Charles Street to H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. fans, etc. Sunshine furnace. heating Barrie St, 'Phone 254. i electrie light and gas. Apply H. n PEA COAL and COKE SoLID HOUSE--Eight roo furnace gq all convenien ata near Cit, on May 1st AR ly Ki & Smythe. 71-78 Clarence treet, Kingston, Ont. Real Estate For Sale Houses 14 The best and most ical. tuel on the market to-day. Try a load to firlish out the season. James Swift & Col td. FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. 'PHONE 136. ee In Military Districts __ » Are Announced. ; Ottawa, April' 8.--The following pe sro transfers have 2 wed by the Minister of Dotente, to take effect from 1st, 1026: W. B. M. King, C.M.G., strict Officer Commanding 'Distriét No. 1, London, Our, Ofticer strict commanding No. 4, Montreal, P.Q. sl C. J. Armstrong, CB, District Officer Commanding 4, Montreal, , |Eressing. Over six thousand of the Auctioneers Expert Service, : Moderate Charges. William Murza Arthur Murray 16 Market St. 'Phone 801-J. a Te a Ti cr and returning on Saturday. She has been coming every year for thirty years. Miss *Mildred" Sigsworth, Harrow- smith; spent' Good Friday at Milton Cloakey's. Mrs. Daniel Freeman is on the sick list. Lloyd Leonard, De- serdnto, was home for Sunday. Spec- 1al- Easter m was rendered in the Sunday school and evening churgh service. Miss Pear! Ruttan sang a solo at éach service, #1 fine voice, accompanied by Madolia Bab- cock with the violin. Beatrice Town- tend presided at the plano. z The financial drive for the new Red Cross Hospital which is to be built at Bancroft this summer is pro- BRICK HOUSE--§ rooms, semi-detach- €d4, north -end; henhouse and garden, 2? place bath. Cheap 2 gulch buyer. Owher ving city. pply Box U-7, Whig Offtoa. y NEW HOUSE-7 rooms, barn, 5 acres land; north Alfred, for $2,500.00. Suit. able for gardening or henery. Bat- Jin. 'Phone 1083-m, or call at 382 niversity Avenue, KEW. sULLaN «Real Estate and Insurance Brokeg Johnson and Division Streets 'Phone b39.w. See Advi Page & RESIDENCE---£olld bfick, in good con- ditipn; all conveniences;, 825 'Univer- 'sity Avenue. In véry desirable local- ity, For ticulars, apply at the house or 'phone 2469-w. J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. SOLID BRICK ROOMS-.12 rooms, crete cellar, hot water furnace, all con- ventences, No. 109 Wellington St.; oné block from Post Office: the property the late Dootor Robert Hanley, Ap- ply Box 625, Gananoque. 'Phone 68. y and toilat. 25-m. Be Miscellaneons 15 Miscellaneous Frofesstonar a BRICK -- Plastic $21.00, Red Rustic $25.75: Red Dortage $26.75 per 'M. F.0.B. Kingston . Tax Included. Neal, 624 Johnson Street. 'Phone 3041. BARRED ROCK BGGS~From two fine pens, including best utility pen King- ston show; ail varieties competing 260 Nelson Street. "Phone 1653-J. E ER SUITS -- From $20.00, with easy térms of payment; large selec- tion of pewest patterns, 'Phone 2806-w. J. UG, Pgtterson, 160 Johnston Street. BLANKETS-----Robés a bargain; second hand drill, Lion Disc Harrow; 2 sets sleighs. See our new Cockshutt Disc Drills, 8 Spring Tooth CultivAtor, Lion Dise Harrows, De Laval Separators and Milkers at Frost & Wood Agency. J. F. Cramer, 31 Brock Stréet. 'Phone 586-J. or 1217-F\ FISH AND CHIVS--The oldest fish and chip cafe in city. WW. ¥. den, 260 Montréal Street. Hours 9 am. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phobe 2635-m. FURN : room and Kk Podtare. hall sent and mirror, hall clock, rugs and dishes. Avoly Mrs. T. G. Smith, 131 Beverly treet. PREEMASONRY -- Mackey's History of, 7 vols, new, R-6, Whig Office. HALL SEAT---And mirror. fumed oak; piano bench, chesterfield - suite or piece; dark oak buffet; walnut mantel. Apply 363 Barrie Street in afternoon and evening. teats it INCUBATOR-Cyphet's Incubator, 14 ogg size, In perfect condition. Wil sell cheap. A bargain. 56 Lower Ri- dedu. 'Phone 2235-F. NEW----Perfection 4 burner coal wil stove, Conbor water-power washing machine and antique couch. 'Phone 2336-m, PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White ghorns. 100 per cent guar- anteeéd live delivered. Give us order. 'Phone 181-w. hateheg if desired. Mars dton Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. -- Magon~ & Risch Upright; sed; in perfect copdition: rms to suit. C. W. Lindsay Ltd. 121 Revised Tite Box incess Street. con-| REFRIGERA for grocer or butcher. avery two BE. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1881-J. RADIO---One 5 tube yéstinghouse Rae MBrick, 8 rooms, modern, central. 5. J00~Brlck, 8 rooms, modern, central. 5,000--Brick, 7 rooms, modérn, south. 3.800---Frame, § rooms, modern, gar. age. $1,100--Frame, 5 rooms, south. Titanic ois' to lon Siouses Sng e im, Houses an Apartments to let . ud speaker wee rds to, complete with ) iterise hed wo 3 onsh. n order. Redso selling During larger machine. Buell, Shar Lake. Ont. RADIO-- One 3 tube ' Westin Radio, complete with loud speakér batteries; id only th weeks. $75 oush. A, 3. Buell, Sharber Lake. Ont use T. O'CONNOR. 35% Princess Street "Phons 11893 Grocer - to boy): Hm! So yon want a job, 8h? Do you ever tell lies 7. Boy: No, but I'd be willing to learn. -- rocer, -------------------------- The death occurred in Belleville o Monck, aged 76, ha Daniel B. Stevens, - eight thousand objective has already been subscribed. . ; m & EAE Watkem, 93 Ciarnse Scrset YOUR ANE PA ~Sliverware can 1 ow, Ph 350. Jar j ire An Vorks. « Gates, noes, etc. close prices. a 3 wats N sheets Br Tr Rev. Dr. P. E. Malott will remuin as pastor of Bridge Street church, one, formerly of the customs service, ed at Belléville on Wednesday. Belleville. He had a call to a Toron- ¥ ) A -Sotuty Totento and Brock Streets. Two Electric Motors For Sale 1 horse power Wagner Motor ~--1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 220 volts, A.C. ; 1 horse power Cushman Motor, 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prine cess Streets. Chiropractic adjust ments, electric treatments and hand- massage. X-rdy service: Consuita- tion free. Hours §-12 am. 1-6 p.m. Evenings by appointment, Office tele- phone 522-J. Residence 'phone 957-J. LUCY--Geo. F. and Jennie A. Chiro- treet. 'Phoue 951-w. Hours $-13, practors, Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot 1-6. 8=3.30. Consultation free. 110 volts, 1 phase. : British Whig Pub. Co. (LIMITED) KING ST. 'PHONE 2614. Se = Farnsture 18a i Antique and modern RNIT RR aro sold and bought. M. Cram- . years' experience. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers Scars, Pits, ete, removed parmanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses. fitted and furnished after others have failed Goitre cured without operation, 38 Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Bar, Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phono 30lw. House 11357 Barristers and Solicitors 21b er. 507 Princéss Street, successors to Lesseg Antique Shop. Fuel ana. Feed 18 DRY BODY HARDWOOD---Dry hard and soft wood Slabs. We handle none but the best. 'Phone 2516-w, J. C Swain. DRY, BODY HARDWOOD $3.75 per load. Dry mixed $3.00.- Split 25c. ex- tra. Dry kindling 'under cover, $2.75 er toad. 'Phone 1438-J. rs. Ray Paver, corner Johnson and McDonald Streo's. 5 DRY HARDWOOD--Any quantity. Ap ply Highway Servic and up iy Co, m corner Princess an treets. 'Phone 2708. GOOD HARDWOOD--§3.50 quarter cord mixed wood $3.00 and $3.25 Quarter cord--hard sla $3.50---woft slabs $2.76 quarter cord. Rough and dressed lumber always in stock. Clean saw- dust § cents bag. 'Phone 2768-J. W. H. Talbot, Concession Street. CUNNINGH and ef DA W. HM. HERRINGTON Barrister, Solicl- Publle. 151 Welling one 2548-w, & SMITH -< Barristers tors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, a B. Cunnningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. ¥ AND REVELLE--Barristerg and Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King. ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I, Revelle. Morigages arranged. 'Phone 205. ton Street. Ph REYNOLDS, J. C~Barrister and Solicl- Mortgages ar- tor, 81 Brock Street. ranged on city and, farm property. 'Phone' 2509. SLATER~Douglas. Barrister and Soli- ence Street. 'Phone 432, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office; corner of King and Brock, over Royal Ban Money to loan., 'Phone 1999. shee Personai- 22 citor, 79 C Mortgages arranged. SHEA--Ambrose, EB COAL PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRAC! ark of 'arload stove in now, Chestnut arrived and ready for distri- bution. 'Phone Jaez-nt, rice $15.50 delivered off cars. C. W. Neville, REDUCED ARICHS-- For wood, coal and peat. My big building must be cleaned out by thé first of May in order to put in & concrete floor, so I am gell- YOUNG WIDOWER--Age 30, of high » wishes to hear from a lady ween 25 and 35: no objections to Sir! or young widow with- out chi n; Roman Catholic prefer- red; WES large income and private means 8s well; object matrimony; no firs need apply. Box T-6, Whig Of- ce. . yr 1 the largest load of dry, xed or slabg in the ey at $3.0 Vi a Hemstitching © 28 a 0 ton. W. C. Bruton, 200 Wellington a-- por EDGING, ~- Hemstitching. eating, work guaranteed. Mrs. leld, 362 Barrié Street, near Princess reel. 'Phone 3433-J. Ol ash. soft wood Net Rie, J. Peters & Son, WOOD-Best d| quarter of a of Mixed Wood $3.00 a rd hardwood slabs under cover.' $5.76 a quarter of & cord; body hardwood, $3.50 a quarter -of a cord - De! Yard, oor. Barrack a 'Phone 2055-J. "° Wanted To Buy 19 and Bagot Streets. AS) nd other fill wanted at new school, on M a will © ng. 288 Bay Stret. Kinget DiSrame Tarn on. Yi nena, mange, jie Oc. load ir rad puso Ti. W. Watia, 196 Prin CARPENTER WORK--All kinds of enter work, contracting or oa ardwood floors a specialty. G. Pembroke hon Miscellancous ASHES-Cleaned out of cellars da yards, ciean job done. A. 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2365. > ASHES--Removed from yard and lars; general carting; first class wood for sale, atimate, Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO, Princess Street, ploughing, hai and -discing gardens; also team-work done. Estimates "Phone 1507-3. 5 moderate. Hunter, 73 Street. 948-w. Expert Plano Tuning: Player-Piano Adjusting. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSPERING-And. §4nems 1 to 7. W. Harold, 104 Clergy | *Phetie 1600-J. : ow is the time to haw drilled. Best any sur ® that water. Bryon W. Cam House, Gananoque. Phone 1544. ing. leave orders at WELL DRILLING AND CONTRAC a ost' ° Sure to give shitisfaotion, A r Poelt Bra KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY 00 --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Be y and Cushions. Commercial, Coupe bodes; California Ti holstering. Awnings and 347 King street. 'Phone 2 FORD OCOUPE--1925 model, § b tires, spot light. speedometer, meter, motor horn, automatic shield wiper and other extras, Apply L. A. Wartman, Collin'y With Starter, freshly pal FORD v TOURING 1020 MO With RD LI ig Lidenas and COUPE 1921 FORD 5 tires, bumper and shock