14 THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG Founded 1847. "DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED" Easy Clothes --TO WEAR 7. w=TOLOOK AT {TO BUY $25.00 $27.50 $30 They are the sort of Clothes in which the _ well-dressed man feels at home and looks at ease--lounge, comfortable, swagger and smart--they are the sort of Clothes that you | can wear carelessly and still look well - groomed--that is the test of good dressing ~natural and natty without restraint at any The price is easy too. SWELL SPRING TOPCOATS 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk CITY AND DISTRICT Smart Young Men's Suits. See our range of young men's 3-| button double breasted Suits, in all the new fabrics, before buying. --The Lion Clothing Co. To Erect Dwelling. Charles Moulton has secured a| dwelling on Chatham street, be-| tween York and Sixth street. Local Bank Clearings. The following are the figures of the * Kingston Bankers Clearing] House: For week ending April 8th, 1926, $709,295; corresponding week 1925, $568,883. Tar for Roads. is to be used in the Suburban Road System of Frontemac County this year. The contract for supplying the tar has not yet been let. Building Permits, Permits for building issued at the office of the city engineer for the month of March totalled $9,420 while permits for the same month last year totalled $20,276. " --- Paid a Fine. - A citizen who pleaded guilty to working a horse with a sore, ghoul- der, was fined $10 and ¢Osts by | Magistrate = Farrell, on Thursday. i The charge was laid by Inspector Ward of the Humane Society. For Smart Hats and Caps. Be sure and see our range before buying, in all the new blacks and materials which are being worn te- day. ~The Lion Clothing Co. Funeral of Mrs. Hopkinson. The funeral of the late Mrs, Mary Hopkinson took place from the resi- dence of her son, W. E. Hopkinson, 109 1-2 York street, on Wednesday morning to St. Mary's cathedral where a solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father Lacey. The pall-bearers were James Hopkinson, William Hopkinson, Earl Eves, John Gallivan and Captain W. A. Tullock. Station Agent Dead. The death occurred of George Rob- inson, station agent at Madoc for the past twenty-eight years, after an {illness extending over a period' of many months. He was born in Port Hope sixty-five years ago. From there he went to Bethany as station agent, but shortly after was, moved to Madoc. Mr. Robinson was extremely active and well respected throughout the whole community. Opened New Cafe. Mr. Charles Anglin, of the firm of 8. Anglin = Co., Ltd. attended the opening of the Grand Cafe in Napa- : Retail 2600, 2601, 2602. Wholesale 1767. Office 365-w. NDERSON"S QUALITY LARGER MARKET SERVICE CARCASSES OF FANCY, EXPORT STEER BEEF -- ' SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. SHOULDER STEWS. 12}c. 1b. SHOULDER ROAST ROAST BEEF BEEF 220205 Ib. 15c¢. Ib. . SPECIALTIES he. Reled Briss, ih. Le LT BT PRIME RIB Vesnsesan wanes 8 Ibs. 25, A .2 Ibs. 25c. Bausage ................... 2 Ibs. 8c. SL ei : STEAKS 22¢-25c¢. Ib. FANCY QUALITY RUMP ROAST BEEF 22¢. 1b. ROUND - HAMS weights 10-13 Ibs. | Mandarin face powder," Gibson's. permit for the erection of a frame | Seventy thousand gallons of tar| | ade took the route down Princess _| culture, district lf (Mullin, 1! three 'wire system of 220 volts into {| your home. operate from wall plugs, like irons ll | turnished if you will write the Wil- ll liam" Campbell Company at George- § town, Ontario. | range on the market, it is alsp, by } far, the most economical to operate. | see on Thursday evening, The An-| glin firm made all the alterations on | {the cafe and have transformed fit |into a very fine looking restaurant. | Mr. Ling Lee is the proprietor, Vimy Dinner in Ottawa. Friday marked the anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the won- derful* victory won by the Allied | armies over a much stronger and | veteran German army, ThHEre was no | 10cal celebration but a number of { officers from Kingston left for Ot- {tawa where they will attend the an- nual dinner in honor of Vimy Ridge. Gananoque Customs Collections The customs collections at the port of Gananoque, both for the | month. of March and for the year {ending March 31st last, show a slight increase over the figures for the previous year. For the year they amounted to $51,371.60, as compar- ed with $50,488.48 in 1925. In March last $6,004.30 was collected, as against $5,981.63 in March, 1925. The Y.M.C.A. €ircus, The side shows at the Y.M.C.A circus were well patronized Thurs- day evening, "The Wild Man From Odessa" and the "White Lions" were two of the main attractions and drew much comment. Another cir- cus parade was held on | Friday morning at eleven thirty. The par- street to King and then returned to the "Y." Sir Wilfrid Laurier Memorial. The Sir Wilfrid Laurier Memorial Scholarship for proficiency in French conversation, is being com- peted for at Queen's University this year for the first time. The scholar- ship, which is valued at $100 was founded by the Ontario Women's Liberal Association and can be awarded only fo a Canadian-born English-speaking son or daughter of a British snbject. It is open to stu- dents of all faculties, and the regis- trar, Dr. McNeill, is receiving appli- cations at the present time. Méeting in Lansdowne, The Lansdowne branch of the Leeds Farmers Co-operative Ltd. will hold two meetings in the town hall, Lansdowne, on Saturday. Co- opertive marketing and other impor- tant and interesting Subjects will be discussed under the able leadership of Mr, J. J. Morrison, Toronto, sec- retary for the U.F.O. Some of the other speakers will be Mr. FF. H. Buker, of the Department of Agri- poultry promoter, and Mr. E. F. Neff, Athens, # The entertainment at the Rotary Club's 'Ladies' Night," 'held at Queen's Cafe on Thursday evening, was provided with progressive bridge, dancing and music. Mrs. Wray Van- Luven and Mr. Harold Trotter won the prizes in the bridge game. The music for dancing was sppplied by a Brunswick panopiope talking ma- chine kindly loaned through Ro- tarian Clapde Gordom, of the Lind- say Piano Company. About sixty people were nresent, and spent a most enjoyable evening. The com- mittee in charge of the entertain- ment was composed of Rotarians G. M. Thomas, P, H. Huyck and E. W. ¢ assist, 'Everybody Interested. Everybody around Kingston has hecome interested in electrical cook- 11g since the developments of the past few years in electric range building have proved such a sucgess. It Is not necessary now to have the costly Ranges suitable for large families are now built which or toasters. You should have . this information and it will be gladly They will also send you their Home Science Cook Book. Besides being the lowest priced {It is approved for use on the ordin- wh 'ary home Nghting circuit, by the On- |tario Hydro-Blectric Commission. > i Ll ANN ANNAN a and Fluttering Flares add to distinction i That are right in style and moderate in price Here's a splendid opportunity to secure your smart, new, Spring Coat from this showing of selected models that are very moderate in price and in finest of materials. Spring Coats FROM *10 to *15 The Coats displayed in this first group priced from $10.00 to $15.00, represent values and materials that are quite the vogue at this season. De- veloped from fine Velour, Blanket, Cloths and Imported London Tweeds with charming, individual style of pleatings and trimmings. In shades and patterns that are favorites. Faultlessly Tailored Spring Coats from *18.50 to °25.00 Cleverly woven English Tweets in patterns and de- signs that are farous--plain Velours, smartly finished with touches of vivid trimmings, Shat | lend color and va- riety, are hoth to be found in this gr of moderately priced. Coats. Priced up to $25. 00. S ng Capes b ol sizes and The Prince of Wales Coat $25.00 The smartly tailored model that London sponsors for the Spring Season. | Butt end, Ib. ...........88¢c. Shank end; Ib. .........88¢ ] : Libby's Fruit Salad, tin .... mS eho 45¢.| Delmonte Prunes, 23%'s, tin 45c. Prime, new, Ib. ........28c Pure Kettle Rendered. , Yuney Baumert, 35 1. ..80c..| Pound 20c. oR Navy Blue W, Leng td Nor Bee Nock ine or Collazs with notched ol, back belted plain, eg 'ual, easy fitting air