y, April 10, 1926. The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum British Whig KINGSTON, ik o CLASSIFIED ADVE. BIN All ads. are restricted to ' their proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily rater per line m. "Ty Mar- Ba Hirth, Sages $1.00; Memoriam S180; cash, §1.00 ered for irregular fining rere one-time inser~ ; no ad. taken for less than "four ines. t IE average words to the : 111 be received by HA oA it paid at ahs Pass hig Office hin 6 days frst da Ses insertian, cash rate i De aliewed, for more thdn one Yh expiration will ed for the number of appeared and sd3ust. Ar ie At the rate earned. Rate 'per line for white apacy is he same a line o Butea ate for yearly advertising Ablishers reserve the right to edit reject all Classified advertising oO co a 249; ask for a want ad. doading U Undertaker "Phone B17. Charge CA Cash DEATHS, JONES -- In Kingston won April 9th, 1928, Sophia Jones, widow of the late Thomas A. Jones, aged 71 McBride's reet on Mon. 2.00 o'clock to Jenn 8 Funeral from Mr. J residence, 562 Princess day afternoon at «Oataraqul Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM, In loving memory 2 the late Here bert Freeman, Godfrey, who went 4 be with Jesus Apri 10th, 1925. Gone from our midst in the prime of a Mfe, from his home, and his dearly Toved wife, Long he'll be missed by the hearts bowed in sorrow, Yeit hoping to meet in a bebter to- Rest! gs with beauties of Heaven th Reat! though our lives will be lonely witho thee, Rest with thy Kindred, that passed on ©, Where a ne'er enters, and part. 8 o ~--Sadly missed by his'wife. thelr many friends for pressions of sympathy: also for the many spiritual and floral offerings re- geived on the death of their beloved other. a eerie AA -- Lost and Found 1 BLACK COCKER SPANIEL Female. nhewers to name of Berry, Lost. Pinder please call 127-w. DOG SOLLAR--Pound, on Barris Street on Saturday. Same may be had at 60 Arch Street, GLASSES..In case, found in vicinity of Montreal and Ordnance streets. Own- or may have same at 136 Diviston Bt, between 6 and 7 pm. 7 Ey £8 HOME: 40 COLBORNE STRENT AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889, PAIR OF OVERSHORS == § b uckles, found in oral room, at Grant Hall same at 643 Princess Sooctety dressing Owner may have Street. Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 2 Ambulance 'phone 35. - Undertaker and Embaimer, Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. WERS ~ WEDDING BOUQUETS er FLORAL DESIGNS C(IRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE , 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. i, . Classified Display COOK STOVES hifoak Grates ¥ oa Tull ina ot Te Everything r Turld's Store "PHONE 17065. Acs Ginsg ang ony 85.w, BOYS WANTED-To ao week-end pa- bar, Kal fy Harold J. Bmith, Barrack FARM HANDw.. Must 1 farm work. Apply Em- od ble to do gene able to do ra. Wages $40.00 a month. ployment Service, Clarence FIREMEN-.Brakemen, beginners $150, later $260 monthly. Placed 08 tions on railroads neirest their homes =--everywhere (whioh position?) Rail- bf Association, Blox 0 Whig of- oe. Silk Hoslery t have Sel rustworthy. Good pay and Advancement for a gos getter, "Write © Sales Department, 209 == With bicycle, Yonge St., Toron wanted. Apply to Britigh Whig Office. MAN-To represent True Mths in this Sistrtot. MESSENGER BOY neighbor: This is your become established in a permanent fon. ence and references. ae The ox ex Ig Office ~ Female Help Wanted 8 COOK-GENERA LW Apply 13 Alber | Street or Thon, Phy 1a GIRL---Wanted for store; one who can dip Shocolates | ferred; good wages, 'person to the Star Frost aad'e (6 Store, 66 Princesg Street. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMA Ne Wanted as hausekeeper, Apply 104 Division Str or Female Help Wanted Sa POSITIONS Europe, DENTS, ATTENTION 1-4$4.00 a da: guaranteed for 100 days' work. G hartunity 4 for I ndenta. male or fe- male, 8 For full information Write Box ,V-8, Whig Of- oh clu tad Beiuaie Holy Wanted] Si Wit ldren. w mil woman to Wa es for wo MEN AND ronize Ys ST oars '8 Barber. jie, ates Le: lington Street. Agents Wanted Sell "Super-Service ri Ble Pe Advance ee. Public Managers oF 1) 4 MONEY tario. MAN OR oy ONAN--To trave! point agents. soarinise 40h i 1 ing $21 eekiy a Lor ot write ae Co., Be For lor dunran hteed 50due-Proot Stik i Eon wt penses. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Help Wanted Positions Wanted 6 ENGINEER-- With 2nd class papers. | would accept position in stea: Apply Box W-9, . Whig Office. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plats 7] AT 233 MONTREAL STREET--Flat of | four Foums, grcund floor, wth cellar, whed, private entrances. Apply 378 Afrea Street. 'Phone #91. $14.00 per month. "AVONMORE"--207 Willlam S'reet, 4 and § rooms, heated, electric refrigera- tion, gas stoves installed: hot water year round. Apply Villa Bt. Claire, Apt. 1, Barrie Stree APARTM a Bydenham Apart. pitta, Bi rock Street, 4 rooms and tiled Bag Tanke. refrigerator, hardwood floors; heated. Apply 69 Brock Stree HEATED A APARTMENTCorner Barrie and Princess Streets, also s'ores on Princess Street, centrally located with rear entrances. Apply {Cohen & Co, Ontarjo Street. Ph Business aces . DESIRABLE SFPICRS---- With vault in Ontario Chambers, ocorne 8 and fence Sirects Possession of Ki Rythe, - 72 Clarence') 4 Kingston, HALL--Over Lackie's store, to rent. Ap- ply to Lackie's Bakery. Tousew L 2 BRICK HOUSE---8ix rooms, three Does} hardwood floors, furnace, $ Apply 573 Princess BRICK HUIB--0h Sydenham Street, North, 7 ro 3 rooms im attic, modern improvements . Possegsion May lst. Appl (A 230 Sydenham Street. 'Phone Sw, BRICK HOUSE--New, Pembroke Street, near car Hne, 6 rooms, modern Jooks, fireplace, gas - siectricli Proke Birger pou S00. CEMBNT HOUSE? rooms, all convend- ences; fru closs to car-line, good fun sl. Apply 27 Livingston ve. one 2069-J. ETACHED $1X ROOMYD HOUSE~852 er Street, with large fruit gar- den. $15.00 per month. Apply on the premises. HOUSEpS-55 and $7 York Strest, four rooms each, gas, acotricty ahd toilet. $16.00 i 5-m eae Rideau Sizte:, 8 T= ge ma a ov, ue Street." Telephone 98tar HOUSE----On Livingston Avenue, near fo line; 7 rooms; HOvSE-93 pal Srpet, § rooms and 3 in atti pe fol let; gas for cooke ing; eleiunid) 1 i Blige for, lamps, fans, etc. Susentn urnace Joa ng factory, = and sta ly for key Gi s lables. 104 Tle Bt. 'Phone 254. SEVEN ROOMED OUSE---In | & town section, electric light and for cooking. Apply 46 Wellington ROOMED HOUSE To Jet Sureet, pa pero en, aad on lok | C. (i a SOLID BRICK HOUSE. rooms, Jasnace ang a al CR uate Apply viy Klug & & Byte. 11 71. 1 diene Kingston, Ont. Rooms 10 mice unfurnished rooms Avply 331 Brock Street ROUMS.. Pwo om third ficor, Or phone 1205-w Wanted To Rent BED SITTING WOON = Required by tleman; large, comflortab! of Prin 4 south cess Street. State terms and appl . Whig Often PPly to Box 2-10, as 1 . barn, i north Alfred, for $2, 800, do. for gardenin "Phone Tosti, or eal Bolaruy oak °F SL MULLIN Johnson oe Bviaite 'Phone 539-w. Bro estar dve Page 3 . good con- 335 Univer. | REFRI sirable Jooal- In BA Pply at the odes or Tr ohana 2469-4. J.B Rent BALHAM agers $84 oun SOLID PRICK HOUSE--1 - créte cellar Bot water fu ae on Block from Post Offipe, the Jot Postor Ro ply Box 625, Gananoque. : thrifty buyers in eat Poroh ligsang. or da HERES "Articles For Sl] =| ARMY louT OUR WAY. i GOSH SAKES! WN OIDN' 9A NISH IATE 4m Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 EASTER SUITS -- rom $30.00, with easy terms of payment; large selec- tion of newest patterns. 'Phone Jios- w. J. Gu oe! Patterson, 1 J Str AWNINGS---Verandah Curtains, Apply Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. BOOTS--Good condition, Men's used suits, good as new; mechanic's tools, Erips and sult cases, Prices very reasonab A. Shapiro, 46 Princess Street, ASHES --- And heavy Clinkers Especially suited for road work 9 be haa for drawing. An ares Foundry, Sing to Queen CK BGGS---From two fine ng best lity pen King- ston show; all varieties {otupeting 260 Nelson Street. 'Phone 1653-J. FR Re BLANKETS--RoObe 3 Dargain; second hand « drill facn Dise 2 Bila slef See our new Cookanutt Diss Di . Spring Cultivator. Lion Harrows, La val Separators and Milkers at Frost Ww ood cy. J. F: Cramer, 81 Brock Street. ' hone 585-J. or 1217-F, BRICK «= Plastic 35.76; Reda Oott .0.B. Kingston Neal, 624 Johnson Street. 3041. 8 Xr $21. 0, os Sanatie tage M. ax er A. 'Phone FISH AND OHIPS---The J fish and chip cafe in city. WwW. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625-m. FURNITURE-~Dhing bedroom and kitchen Turmitare. Mn hall seat and mirror, hall glock, rugs and dishes, Apely Mrs, T. G. Smith, 131 Beverly ree Has SEAT---AnNd mirror, fumed oak; bench, chesterfield. suite or hiage dark oak buffet; walnut mantel HE 363 rrie Street in afternoon " INOUBATOR-=Cyph I bat x EG Settee * condition: "wil bargain. 56 Lower Ri ht 2235-F. TORS. Fous Eugeka Re- FU pe us ATORS, short tim a: Butt a §rocer or tea s 137 Nelson Street. cot Hero hone tows RADIO One 3 lube 0 ae or HORE Radio, complete with loud speaker an batteries; used only three weeks. $98] w;, Rone cash. A. J. Buell, bot Lake, Ont 3 tubs Westinghouse a Bt. Bl Han 50. J. Buell, RADI dio, coh batteries; cash. Sharbdt SET oy --For a io Di LODGING WITH OUT BOARDING EER 07 =~, HOW Boot q HOU oo TH NISHEE ATIN ON HIM? YOO A BRONG 1M INTA, TS LODGE! BY WILLIAMS. | B . 0 py 5 ------ Articles For Sale Turniture 18a SF wil ©1938 ®) win SDWICE WCF) 0G WY » Lang FURNIT RE Anligue nd Thodera furniture sold and bought. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street, a nora to Lesses Antique Shop. | Fuel ana Feed 18 DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard and soft wood Slabs. We handle none 'Phone 2516-w. J. C Scars, Pits, eto. A after Goitre cured Eye, Ty SKIN BLEMISHES --- MHalr, sears, Birthmarks, Batistactory Glasses fitted years' experience. ose, Lego Btreet, Phono $01w. House 1135J Barristers and Solicitors 21b Moles, Skin Cancers, . removed parinanent: an others have falled. without operation. Dr. Elmer J. ake Throat, Skin. 258 DRY, BODY HARDWOOD-- $3.75 per load. Dry mixed $3.00. Split 36c. ex- Jn 12 kindling under cover, 7 "Phone 1439-J. Mrs. Ray gg har corner Johnson and McDonald tre DRY . ARD WOOD Any 4 uantity. Ap- ply Highway Service Sng Sup iy So. tor and Notar. ton Street. 'P! SENNINGHAN & | Ean Ae "s. Cupnningham, K.C.; W, H. HERRINGTON--Barrister, Solicl- Public. 151 Welling- one 2548-w, SMITH «. Barristers 7 Clarence Street, corner Princess and Smith 'Phone 2706. GOOD RDWOOD--33.60 quarter cord wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarts; cord---hard slabs $3.50---soft $2.75 quarter cord. Rough and arcesed lumber always in stock Clean sa dust § cents bag. 'Phone 27 . W. H. Talbot, Concession Street, PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRA! AL «Curload stove in now. Carload of ~Chestnut arrived and read, for distri. bution. 'Phone 2862-m. ice - $15.50 .delivered off cars. C. W. Neville. REDUCED PRICES-- For 'wood, coal peat. My big bullding must be ake out by the first of May in order to put in & concrete floor, so I am sell- dry, mixed Solicitors, ston. A. Phone Solicitor. Law and Broek, to loan. SLATER--Douglas, citor, 19 Clarins 8 Arran 'Phone ¢ SHEA-~Ambrose, wy over hone Hemstitching DAY AND REV ELLE~-Barristerg and 89 Clarence Street, Kin rian 1 Revelle. BE. Day, Ad: Mortgages arranged. 'Phone 205. REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Solici- oe st Brook Street. 2800. oity a Mor es are and AS Barrister and Soli. Fag Mortgages ooarrister and ft King Ol ry Bak. Money 1999. f te at $3.00 rt load PIC $7.00 - ton. vo) "Phone Pleating, . C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Field, 362 Barri Street. "Phone Ladies' WOOD--Mixed body soft wood slate; cedar kindling. § Vrs Toad: hard. slabs, $2.50 load; body hardwood " 00 quarter cord. J. Peters & Son, orner Toronto and Brock Streets. 'Phona $88. ADE mations bobbed HER Breer" Fitne a Et Soarsiiafion free. eS -- ohn aargund 33.00 a ihehan" Sheer wi t of quarter of a cofd; hardwood under Sever. $276 a £307 of & cord; body hardwood, pd ter of 8 cord. Ssliveted. 4 anders' 'ood oor. rrack an ot Stree! "Phone 2: 2065-J. hae a, tlie Pry Vv ai zor, A i Wanted To Buy ASHES-ANL Other fill wanted at new 19 EDGING ~ work guaranteed. Hematitahing. e Street, near Princess 2483-7. Halr- TQ puoi = Bet, Aa Round a SAVY ina 0 th at school. on McDonald Street. Will pa 10¢c. per load it dellvered on gr round. Apply to H. W. Watts, 206 Frontenac BRNIE D. all branches of sist service. ina he free. "Hours §-13 1-6 Sh | eri ¥. aad Junie A, © Bointeiza Nurse, 30s 'Phone 1783-M. ER Pima omabils and Camus 20 Ear Oa the moc reliable] [eV. A please make Ea galery nesursnce Broker, rance-in oid line a. rr et PERMANENT WAVING] For the very latest in Ladies' LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE A. B. KINGSBURY Insurance and a True Market Place Business Services X Decorators A. ANDERSON--Palnter and and resid hone 1968 Of residence. on » 283 King Street. » . Shop fice | GBT Yo | BOYD'S STORA R PAINTING---And ins done no Prices reasonable. © Wa paper for sale. Horton, 307 Earl 8t. Phone 2984-J. PAPER HANGIN ratin, 'samples and 'Phone 1362 Ge Have your deco. now, See SIGN PAINTING]. 375 Magor Street FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV MENT SOCIETY *- Inco Eo 1861. President, A. D, heignt, Vice-president J. M. uy to loan on city and Yestment. JDosita receive gaint : Stérage STORAGE--For furniture, clean, airy rooms and spaces; your own and key. Frost's City Rorage. 399- 306 Queen St. 'Phone $ret Res. 959-w, or 2516-m. GE WAREHOUSE-=For furniture or any merchandise, tres proof building. 'Phone 3000 or HI Carpenter Work my CARPENTER WORK~All kinds of car~ jonter work, contracting or 4 andwoad ftors a ye moderate, unter, Street. 'Phone ssn Miscellancous ASHES--Cfoaned Sut ota yards. clean job 4 ng 24 Russell Street. ASHES-Removed from yard and oels lars; general carting; first Ci. drys wood for sale. wtimate ivan. Buckley Transfer, 143 York 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO, w= Princess Street, ploughing, har and discing gardens; also team-work done. Estimates "Phone 1507+J. Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. por * _w Phone 1544. wea C. 'W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN G--And Senpral fapaled | 1g. leave Srdais aM or. ar a card' 0 Haro 4 Clergy Birest 'Phone 1600-J. " ' WELL DRILLING AND CON ~Now is the time to have that - drilled. Best and sutest pr Sure to give satisfaction. Guarantee Br Campbell, Brophy water. ryon W, House, Gaianogque. Automoblies Auto Accessories » KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND any ou Makers of A of Auto, ob oDusKY: asset, Tove al Coupe Dodion & Cuitsrai 3 Bolatering. Awning ni OE "Bhons Rs 347 King street. genera sven! Auto Wrecking Co. 0.| cond Ione an nr a ar sizes ROSEN &F POLLITT 140 RIDBAU STREET "Phone 2475-w. Bo wo EE the Sot estimates. MH. Rowisy, p x S. Robinson, rear f 3