Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1926, p. 9

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f 7 Tuesday, April 13, 1926. -- AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges). SPORT _ | THE YACHT CLUB | HOLDS ITS ANNUAL Henry F. Richerdson Is the || Commodore for the Ensu~ ing Year, &- ER > 1D] li SITUA T0-DAY & WED. Kingston Acclaims Colleen Moore as Irene. Saucy Scintillating Captivating ll COLLEEN MOORE 18 AT ll HER BEST IN "IRENE" il Capitol Theatre Filled on Mon- day Night to See Screen Favorite. * Colleen Moore . stars in "Irene" showing the first half of this week at the Capitol Theatre, As she has risen above "The Desert Flower" and "We Moderns" so, too, does she rise above "Irene," though it cam be §i:said that here she has an easier| Dom, Bridge grade to overcome. Originally, | Dom. Textile .,. . \ "Irene" was a musical comedy, With | Hollinger ... ,:. comedy by James Montgomery and | 154 Alcohol ... music by Tierney and McCarty. And | yu emiide it was a very successful musical Mackey... ... ... comedy. Rut in, picture form, de- Montreal Power #pite the injection of such sure-fire- National Breweries Com office appeals as a fashion show In 'National Broweria Prd . colors and stunts in a motor-cycle, Oxilvi 8 ey wise all that is really worth bothering VB!UVie ... ...... about is Miss Moore, in excellent| Ottawa Power ... form, and a strong supporting cast | Ont. Steel Products with Rupert Hughes, Charles Murray | Penmans ... and Kate Price. But the cast, and | Price Bros. one bit of comedy connected with| Quebec Power ETL women automobilists turned pedes-| Spanish River Com. trians, alone make significant contri-| Spanish River Pfd. bution fo an eyening's entertain.|Smelters ... .. ment. Miss Moore 'Is, in this film, | Shawinigan. . Irene O'Dare. Her father drinks, | Steel of Canada Twin City 3 ; Grand SAT, APR.17 her mother takes in washing, Irene 71% MATINEE AND NIGHT is demonstrator, then midinette, Winnipeg ... 48% || ih ! then mannequin. As mannéquin, she wie ' | : i COLUMNS OF THE Be a New York. DA i y BR [TIS H Ww HI G is removed forcibly by her mother. April 13th, 1.30 p.m. But the heart under tallored-to-or-| Amer ILoco. der clothes that beats for Irene fol-| Amer Can. .. .... You could travel far and wide, search for many hours, yet never run across one per cent. of the opportunities that greet your eyes the minute you open a copy of: The British Whig and study its Classified Ad Columns ! ; lows her from terrace to tefement, | Ba1gwin Loco. and the final embrace, featuring; g g Lloyd Hugbes and Colleen Moore, | california Pete. No matler what your problem--there you'll quickly get a line on solving it, If its something you want to buy or sell--help you need, or you're looking for work-- you'll find the "tip" amongst those small ads. is staged on the fire-escape which|c p Rp runs by thé O'Dare flower pots. Dodge Com. For even speedier results--try Advertising in the fied" Columns yourself. Miss Moore is delightful through-| General Motors PHONE 243 FOR RATES. Montreal. April 13, 1.30 p.m. «. 78 «97 Abitibi Power .. Asbestos Com. Asbestos Prd. Bell Telephone Brazil o Brompton . B.C, Fish ... see Can, Cement Com. ... Can. Cement Pta. ... The annual meeting of the King- ston . Yacht Club was held at the | club house on Monday evening with a large attendance of memBers and Commodore George E. Smith in the chair. The reports of the various committees were received showing || extensive and successful activities of thé club during the past season. The financial report showed an expendi- ture of about $4,000, used in local Improvements. The affairs of the ||j club were shown to be in a flourish- ing condition by the reports and a most successful season is anticipat- {Jl ed in 1926. «..98 The retiring commodore, George || +211 E. Smith, made a short address re- 176 garding his term of office. It was 70 decided that another dinghy would ..121 |be purchased for the local fleet, .. 101% | which will intrease the number to L115 sixteen. After this season the club'c .. 206% .. 185% L102 137 .. 8934 323 63 101% 115% 9914 981% 18.15 17% 86 132 227% 60 108 176 OPPORTUNITIES CLASSIFIED AD: out. So true is her pantomine that |g... Motors captions are superfluous, for the Inter. Comb. Eng. audience knows what she is saying |," Nickle as she says it, and the screen pro- Mack Truck vides pictorial echo rather than én- Marland Oil lightenment. : N.Y. C The Capiiol wad packed on Mon- Northern Pacific day night for the initial perform- Pacific Oil ance. Pan. Amer, Pete. Pan. Amer. Pete "B" Pierce Arrow Pierce Pete Sou. Pacific Sinclair Oil Standard Ofl of N. J. , Studebaker Texas Oil Union Pacific U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel Westinghouse Air Brake .... White Motors Woolworth "Classi- "Headed by John Hyams and Leila Mcintyre his $3.00 FA $1.50, $1.00 Ne 1 x , $2.00, , $1. MAT.: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50. Mail orders now, a ANew Beauty Parlor MISS LOUISE 5 Mis of Ritz Beauty Parlor) AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP 886 Princess 8, 'Phone 821-w. "NO, NO, NANETTE" COMING. "No, No, Nanette," the most pro- nounced musical comedy success ever recorded, comes to Kingston next Sat- urday when it will play an engage- ment at the Grand Theatre for two performances, matinee and night. This sparkling Frazee musical play has risen to such triumphant re- cords in all the leading amusement capitals of the world, from Chicago to London, from London to Australia, and from Australia home again to New York, that it now ranks as the outstanding musical comedy success of all time, In these and many other large cities it is still the reigning sensation; with audiences clamoring for seats month after month, until it seems impossible to satisty the de- mand. Scat sale Wed. tion with Toronto on this afternoon and making definite arrangements in regard 'to the junior O.A.B.A. play offs. ' INA irnenemenesnes | Maclachlan, Herrington and C. B possessive interest in the dinghies TaYlor. Bellgville--Mrs. Walker, Mrs. O. expires and they become the full H a Mrs. W. BE. Scott, Mrs. property of the members how > 1 : POSS | porter, Miss Keeler, Miss Ross, Miss essing them. It is planned by the Masson, Miss Fraleck, Miss Tofield club to renew. their interest in the and Messrs. R. J. B. Graham, G. K. boats. : Graham, O. H. Scott, C. C. Walker, The gala regattd this season will H, T. Ross, G. Joseph, T. Y. Wills, be at Henderson's Harbor under thé | R. D. Ponton, and P. M. Little. Lake Yacht Racing Association and ---- the big event locally will be the in- DR. JONES HEADS : THE TENNIS CLUB ter-club dinghy races om July 17. T A ------ Unbounded Enthusiasm Dis~ The local dinghy races will be held played at Annual Meeting during the season by the club as during last yéar but thete was no on Monday Night, At the very enthusiastic annual definite date set for the opening of the schedule. - .* Mr. Henry F. Richardson, one of the most active and popular mem- bérs of the club, was elected commo- eting of the Kingston Tennis Club dore for the coming year, The other held in the Board of Trade rooms on Monday night, Dr. W. A. Jones, one of the most prominent members of the Kingston Tennis Club and a great tennis follower, was elected Lord Jneipaps says Britsin needs a Mussolini fo put his foot down on expenditures, Winnipeg reports more tham 100 grain elevators will be built in Mani toba this summer. j . Greek Govérnment promptly put down insurrection started by thred officers near Saloniki. $ Son of R. H. Baker at Ssult Ste. Marie, aged 13, had hand shattered in play with dynamite cap. Sofia police claim discovery of ne Russian plot looking to ori fo er disorder in the Balkans. Transvaal region near Venters- dorp, was scene of final rush to news ly-discovered diamond flelds. i Woman convicted of aiding black~ mailer at Peterboro, attempted two beat up constable in court. : g Cardinal Dubois, Archbishop of Paris, has issued signed t -------- Teachers Among the Wisest. Toronto Mail and Empire: The schools that build up courage, hon- esty, perseverance, tolerance and sense of duty will turn out pupils who pass the tests in the usual sub- ject of the course. .Our teachers should be among the wisest people in the community. To know how to guide the boys and girls of the coun- try through a good schooling, teach- ers should know Mauch about the laws of the human mind and much about the business of life for which thelr young charges are to be pre- pared. Canadian teachers cannot know too much abot Canada, can- not know too much about the moral qualities that are required to carry on the work of making this country one of the greatest in the world. Paper Hanging, Paint. ing and Graining First cluss work. Prices reasonable FRED YOUNG 198 COLBORNE STREET ni GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Ohi : ATR 13, 1.30 p.m. Wheat-- May ... .. July Oati-i.. ... May, new .. ' Guild Euchre. The Orphans' Guild held one of their most successful euchre parties of the season at the House of Provi- dence Monday evening, twenty-two tables being in play, The prizes were won by Mrs. P. Mellville and Capt. When you waht that Hardwood Floor id, ell up W, H. HUBBLE for a rea- price. Also all kinds of Care and Jobing work. 'PHONE 1430-W, officers were elected as follows: Vice-Coémmodore -- William Har- ty, Jr. . Rear Commoédore-- D. M. Jem- mett. May ~~ and Chip Cafe Ye We deliver all day Sat. Frank Haig's 'PHONE 2964. -- REX TAXI BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY ANY PLACE IN "THE CITY C. Sauve. Refréshments were serv- ed at the conclusion of the games. Mrs. W. J. Maiden and Mrs. W. £haw were the convenors and Mrs. C. Diamond accepted the entrance fee, Case Dismissed. The case of Henry J. Knight vs, Amey Helen Lalande, concerning the ownership of certain lands in Stor- rington, whieh was heard in County Court last weeks has been dismissed 'with costs. . The Soviet Trade Union at Mos- cow is preparing to help British miners wage war against the Gov- ernment. Five American states joined to offer $2,000 for every bank robber killed. n THE FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL of BALLER CLASSIC AND resident in succession to W, J. Me- se ANNUAL MEETING. Of St. John's Church, Pittsh J Held Monday Evening. ( Thé annual meeting of St. John's Presbytefian Church, Pittsburgh, was held a: the home of Mr. Charles MacLean on Monday evening, April 12th, when reports were received. officers electéd and routine business transacted. The reports for the year showed an increase in membership and the outlook for the future Is very encouraging. The meeting was & very harmonious one, and the members of Bt. John's Chureh are looking forward to a year of useful- ness and growth. i ---------- Seoretary-treasurer---- C, 8. Kirk. patrick. Auditor--F. H. Smythe. Measurer--F. H. Ryan. Chaifman of entertainment com- mittee--W. K. Macnee. Chairman of regatta committee -- R. H, Waddell. x Executive commitiee--W. Rigney, R. H. Waddell, W. Casey, T. G. Bishop, H, Hora. THREE-CORNERED TIE IN INDOOR BASEBALL "B" Company Defeated Ser geants in Game on Monday Night. As the result of "B"" Company de- feating the Sergeants at indoor base, ball at the Armouries on Monday play off with the band, but the date for this game hax nét yet beem de- cided. In the game on Monday night, the batteries were: For "B" Com- pany, Lt, Coburn, pitcher; Quarter. and read and they showed the club to be in a very sound and flourishing con- dition, reflecting great credit upon the officers and executive of last sea- son. Callum, who held the office last year. Mr; W. H. Smith was elected secre- tary-treasurer of strong executive to support the offi- cers was also elected. The tary last year was Albert M. Stroud, who is now a resident of Toronto, the club and a secre- The annual report of the president the secretary-treasurer were Extensive improvements to the club weré discussed by the large number of-members at the meeting and proposed work on the ceurts and grounds were formulated which will eventual ly make the Kingston Tennis Club one of the finest in the province. The large was discussed and the necessity of night, thers is a three-cornered tie|limiting this in some way was fully in the series. "B"" Company will now ]gone into. was talked over, Plans increase in membership Indications are that the Kingston Tennis Club will enjoy a very suc- cessful season. way, the club has grown rapidly and the interest in the game and in the club, as shown by the members, Starting in a small FA ISIIU I The Late Miss Cartwright. , The remains of Miss M. J. Cart- wright will be taken to the home of her brother, Dr. R. C. Cartwright, University avenue, on their arrival from Halifax and the funeral will be held at St. George's cathedral, on Thursday. || m---- New Zealand steamer Paparoa took fire and was abandoned at sea, 500 miles from Capetown, all pas- senihey being transferred to another liner. . Cargo of the steamer Atlantic City of the Isthmian Line, was burned near San Carlos in the Phillipines, with loss of $100,000, France and Spain are conferring with the Riffians regarding peace and at the same time planning a major offensive, . Lieut. Ridzotti, cavalry officer, shot himself at Florence in presence of American girl who had rejected his offers of marriage. Earl.of Croner, British censor, in London speech, said fiftten of 161 plays submitted in 1926 had been refused licenses. criticizing radio programmes. Two sons of Count Plunkett were arrested by police when his Mb was raided by large force at n London professor told meeting jazz music without riiythm was destined for early demise. Es Well-intdrmed quarters in Madrid forecast early solution of Morosean problem by diplomatic t Australian Government has pointed expert to act as advisor to High Commissioner at London. * of Master "Sergt. Wainwright, catcher; for the Sergeants, Quarter-Master Sergt. W. Payne, pitcher; Band- master Christmas, catcher. been largely responsible for growth of the Kingston Tennis Club. Followdrs of the game, whether mémbers or not, wish the Kingston Mrs, E. Black, Oataraqul Suffers Fracture of Hip Son 38 Se the. 914, Chap. 131, Mrs. E. Black, an aged resident of Cataraqui, suffered a broken hip on Saturday night when she fell on sli tioor at her home. The was removed to the Hotel Dieu hospital where was attended by her condition was reported. to be very satisfactory on Tuesday. The game was played following the parade of the P.W.O.R, Sein Rodden Signs Contract. The St. Patrigk"s hockey elub, To- ronto, announce that M. J. Rodden has been signed to coach the local pro team during the 1926-1937 sea son. The new coach has had consid- erable experience in coaching hoe- key and rugby teams in recent yes and in the last two seasons has acte a5 referee im numerous pro and amateur hockey games, * Li las Tennis Club every success in the coming season. ; Rs

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