RUST cannot its EAUTY A gas range that cannot rust! That is one of the many ad- van of the . Inside and out-- burners, oven in- terior, cooking gills=it is fin- "ished in glisten- ing electro-ena- mel. . The enamel fin-' ish of the Beach ' Gas Range, makes for a lute ease in cleaning. - regulator assures simplicity in fE57 i E88» L 1 .jertson, Mr. Charles Robertson, both ' Baste Mrs. has returned to LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Woman's Page Editor Phone 2013 Private Phone 857w. 1 . » Miss Phyllis Spencer, Montréal; | who is with Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street, entertained at) the tea hour om Monday afternoon for Miss Isabel Mooera and Mise | Lois Taylor. Exquisite pink tulips | were about the room and the table where Miss Grace Mooers made tea was lovely with spring blossoms. The brides-elect were presented with innumerable pots of jam to fill their jam cupboard shelves and a good deal of fun and good wishes were at- tached to the giving of the sweet condiments. Miss Phyllis Knight assfsted her niece in glying this pleasant party. . Madame Chabot, Royal Military College, gave a children's party on Monday afternoon in hodor of the birthday of her son, Master Luke Chabot. The children played games and enjoyed a delicious tea. A lol- lipop hunt was one of the excite- ments, and the prize was won .by Master Nelson Bridger. The chil- dren who were at this pleasant par- ty were Dounie and Anne Constan- tine, Virginia and Billy Day, Julia and Nelson -Bridger, Teddy Harvey, Royal Jeffrey, Norine Kelly and Denis Harvey. . . At the marriage of Miss Amey Louise Read to Mr. Willard F. Crocker, owhich is taking place ip Montreal on Wednesday afternoon, April 21st, at three o'clock. the wed- ding attendants will be: Miss Eileen Anderson as maid of-honof and Miss Alice McKeon -88 bridesmaid; Mr. Gordon Cushing will be best man, and the ushers are to be, Mr. John Rob- cousins of the bride. The bride is a niece of Mrs. H. A. Tofleld and has been a frequent visitor in Kingston. . * . The Whig will be glad to have the hames of visitors in town and ac- counts of various social events for publication in the social column. Buch communications. should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- vhone No. 2613. . Mrs. Frederick Etherington, Uni- verity avenue, entertained her mah jongg club on Monday afternoon when the members of the club were joined by other guests. The prizes were won by Mrs. H. J. Dawson and Mrs. T. Callendar. , LJ . . Mrs. Grant Cadenhead," Alfce street, entertained at bridge on Monday evenng for Miss Ruth Martin. LB J Mss Clara Farrell, Barrie street, is entertaining at the tea hour this afternoon for Miss Isabel Mooers and Miss Loic Taylor. . * Mrs. W. Bartlett Dalton, West Futreet, is a mah Jongg club hostess this afternoon. . - * Mrs. Ernest Stuart is leaving Montreal next week for New York, where she will join her son, Sir Campbell Stuart, and sail on April 24th, with him, on their return to England. Sir Campbell Stuart has returned to the Ritz-Carlton, Mont- real, from Ottawa.and 4s leaving shortly for New York.--Montreal Star. Miss Slater, Hamilton, arrived in town to-day and is with Mrs. Ernest Cunningham, King street, while in town, for the W.A. meetings being beld in St. George's Hall. . . L Miss Clara Farrell, Barrie street, who has spent some time in New York, has returned to town. Miss Janet Macgillivary, who was with Prof. and Mrs. John Mac- gillivary, Albert street, has return- ed to Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue. Af Miss Waude, Montreal, Dominion! Recording-Sacretary, who is in town for the W. A. executive meeting, is with Mrs. W. A. Sawyer, University avenue. Mrs. H. A. Tofleld and Miss Helen Tofield wili come from Belleville early in May and will occupy the house on Alfred street, at present the home of Mrs. BE. F. Torrance, Mrs. H. Angrove and little son, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, who have been visiting the former's parents, Capt. and Mrs. James Dix, Bagot street wei, Dave Tetumed home, Miss Doris McClelland, who spent with her parents,' Mr. and J. McClelland, Clergy strest, Colborne. ~ Miss Summerhayes, Toronto, who town for the W.A. executive Lamb, Toronto, are with Mr. and (Mrs. Willlam Bermingham, *"Otter- burn." . Capt. 8. A. Lee, who spent the week-end in town, has returned to Camp Borden. Capt. and Mrs. Lee, who will return to Kingston early in May, have taken_the house on Bagot street at present occupied by Col. and Mrs. A. E. Harris. Miss Grace Martin, Montreal, will spend the week-end in town with her. sisters, the Misses Martin, Earl street, Miss Bessie and Miss Lucia Me- Tear, University turned from Trenton, where they spent the holidays with Rev. A. H. and Mrs, McTear. Miss 8. O'Mara, Ottawa; spent the week-end with Mrs. T. H. Pelow, John street. The Editor Hears That the pussy-willows that are 80 much ,used for decoration are with us once more, the first sign that spring has touched the woods. Not all budding branches are pussy- | willows nor will they be decorative. The pussy-willow is found in damp | places near water and the slender, graceful stems are very different from the gnarled branches one sometimes sees ;passed off real thing, A few of these the golden trumpets of the jonquils sold on the market for such a rea- sonable price, make a charmingly springlike decoration, : That the W.M.S. of the United church will hold their annualémeet- ing at Gananoque on twenty-ninth and thirtieth of April and the Wo- man's Auxiliary of the diocese of | Ontario will go to Brockville on April 27th for a three-days session which will be the fortieth annual meeting of the Ontario diocesan W.A, That according to the Daily Star Toronto has driven practically all married women off her teaching staff with the. exception of widows and those who are the support of ill or disabled husbands. The present 's Tomato Ketchup on chops, or omelets brings added en- Joyment. Canada's National Sold iment 2-4 RTA GALLAGHER'S 'PHONE » TAXI SERVICE 960 2 Sc - ANYWHERE IN cry DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS CARRIED WIFE TO BED for the | harb- | ingers of spring placed in a jar with | ~~ -- { COMING EVENTS Kingston Girl Guides' tea and sale, K.CI. gymnasium, Wednesday, April 14th, 4-7 o'clock. Admission 10c. ADVT. HATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming events, not intended to raise oper 2¢..a word; minimum 80c, If held to raise money, dc. & word; minimum $1. Receptions, engagements, mar- riage Hr caments person 1 no« frses, 38 woids or , $1.00 per T ly Lntertalnments, concerts, meet. Ings, étc, 15¢. per I'ne for readers; 10c. per line for display advts. Mini mum charge $1.00, A a ee ee | practice is that even in the night | classes in the collegiates and tech- | nical and commercial schools the avenue, have re-|Married woman teacher is avoided, and solely because of her matrimon- lial bonds. There are a number of ex-teachers, married women, who are on the occasional staff, and are used at times to take a class when the regular teacher fs absent. So careful are the school authorities to | | teaching profession in this respect that there Have been complaints "| that wives of teachers are being dis- criminated against, That the Girl Guides are expect- ing a good attendance atstheir exhi- bition of Guide work advertised on {this page in the "Coming Events' column. The Guide movement is a useful one and should be encourag- ed by the citizens generally. That the sun shone on the Royal Military College on Monday when His Excellency, Lord Byng of Vimy, pald a visit to the college and con- gratulated thé . commandant and staff on the éfficiency of. the institu- tion. That J. M. Blson, author of "The Scarlet Sash," writes thus appreeci- atively of Miss Janet Carnochan of Niagara-on-the-Lake, who has Just died: "By earnestly devoting her maturer life to research, collection and writing, Miss Carnochan hélped save for her" country antiquities, lore, facts and traditions that are invaluable to the student of Cana- dian history. Few, perhaps, except those whe have come in intimate | contact with her work and person- | ality, realize what a Heritage she left to posterity, It is two-fold. She recovered from partial or complete oblivion a wealth of material asso- tlated with early days, and by hér 2éal quickened the pulse of others in a worthy cause. Patriotism of this quality erects its own menu- ment." 5 i ---------------- Dominion Executive. The Dominion executive of the Woman's Auxiliary to the M.8.8:C. of the Chureh of England in Canada meets in Kingston this week. The meetings open noon in'St. George's Hall, Mrs. Gil- bert Ferrabee, Montreal, the Domin- fon president, presiding. Members of the executive from all over Can- ada are present. A corporate com- munion of W.A, members and others interested in missions will be held in St. George's cathedral on Wed- nesday morning, when Rev. W. B. Kidd, M.A., M.C,, will be celebrant. WEDDINGS. Willison-MacMurchy. An interesting wedding was sol- emnized in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Saturday after- noon at half-past five o'clock, when Miss Marjorie Jardine Ramsay Mac- Miarchy, youngest daughter of the late Principal and Mrs. MacMurehy, became the bride of Sir Joha Ste- phen Willison. The ceremony, which was of a very quiet nature, was per formed by the Rev. Stuart Phrker, minister to the congregation, assist- ed by the Rev. Canon Cody, of St. Paul's. 'The bride,. who was unat- tended, wore a French ensemble creation of green box cloth embroi- dered in batik with small hat of let- tuce green mohair with French flower trimming, She also wore a handsome Freiich wrap with kolinsky collar and cuffs and corsage bouqust of Ophella roses. The on Dr. Helen MacMurchy, 0 Walter A. Willison, Miss Bessie Mac- Murchy and Dr. and Mrs. W. B. tle. The two former signed the fs §f 2d% li 2 in Atlantic City and will fater take up their residence at 10 Elmsley Place, Toronto. < avold any suspicion of favoring the' on Tuesday afters : guests were "Jenny needn't tell me nothin'. I knowéd she'd bring a hen to the ¢hureh supper as soon as I seen that crippled one in her yard." pod iT MISS 'WHITTON SPEAKS IN SWITZERLAND, A 'cablegram from Geneva, under recent date says, as follows: Canada is opposed to the draft convention concerning the repatria- tion of abandoned, neglected and de- linquent children, which was pre- sented for consideration to-day be- sion for the Protection of Women and children. Miss Charlotte Whitton, Canadian member of the commission, sald its provisions would not be acceptable to Canada. The "Convention provides for re- patriation at the expense of the country of residence if a"minor has lived thére for more than five years, but at the expense of the country of; origin if a minor has been in the new country less than five years. Explaining that 80,000 children went to Canada from Great Britain | in the last 40 years, Miss Whitton | declared Canada believed the cost of | repatriation and deportation of im-! migrants should be borne by trans- portation companies, not by govern ments, The convention was referred to a sub-committee, + WOMEN'S MEETINGS Glenburnie W.M.8, The Women's Missionary Auxil- lary of Glenburnie met on Thurs: day afternoon at the home of Mrs, W. J. Blacklock with a fair attend- ance. The recording secretary gave a good réport of the year's activi- ties while the treasurer's . report showed an increase over last year. ' Mrs. Blacklock as 'president, and Mrs. Adamson and Mrs. A. McKen-' dry as delegates, will attend the con- vention in Gananoque, April 29th] and 30th. The 'following officers | were elected for the coming year: | Mrs. - W. J. Blacklock, president: Mrs, A.-McKendry, 1st vice-presi- dent; Mrs, R. J. Orr, 2nd vice-pre- sident; Mrs. M. Shannon, recording- secretary; Mrs. R. J. Vair, treas- geer; Mrs. A. J. Craig, correspond- ing secretary; Mrs. C. Hawkey, strangers' secretary; Mrs. B. Coul- ter, convener of works; Mrs. G. 9 christian stewardship. maiapissad mon Two New York doctors declare! they have found a method of re-: moving the bad taste from cod liver oil. fore the League of Nations Commig:]* NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ¥ First Actress (cuttingly)---I won- der, too, Just you try - OYAL YEAST CAKES delicious E-BREAD Tels making HOME-MAD 40 You never know your luck. Let's Always a Hope. : hope eo, anyway. dear, if I shall lost-my 100ks, x when I reach your age? Denmark is trying to entourage Becohd Actress (equally cutting-|the rayon ifdustry through favor- | ly) -- Well, dear, perhaps you' may. able tariffs, "FOR WEDNESDAY Women's Cotton and Crepe Night Dresses In White and colors -- very special for $1.00 each. ; ; Broadcloth Slips in the new shades at $1.00 and $1.50 each. The best $1.00 Silk Stocking -- Luxite make--in all the new colors -- all sizes. \ GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES - A big variety of colors and patterns for $1.00 each.# W. N. Linton & Co. 'Phone 191. The Waldron Store HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH Kl po