= I Tuesdey, April 13, 3, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG §/DR.. C.W_BROOM) ner wens | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE || RADIO . E Dental Surgeon Palpitaved | . Try this « 'on your | re "150 wal Surg "Phone 679. She Had : ; : ft a Evenings by appointment. Fainting Spells WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14. ; 3 Mrs. J. Wilson, Port Ks, CKAC, Montreal (411). 00 0 VW € KINGSTON TRANSFER CO | writen: +1 suffered from palpitation 1.45 p.m.--Windsor Hotel luhch- 158 WELLINGTON STREET | of the heart and fainting spells, and, ue Hotel vere . y -- Steel, Building Equip » at times, I could not be left alone iy Ret, . 2 Yes, we have some good Chestnuts, re » Was 80 nervous. -- Weather, stocks and grain re- Went, Machinery, Safes, Pianos, ete. | "\(y rouie-mas caused from over- ports, We have some good Chesnuts to-day. A IONEY. LOANKD work and worry, having been left And P. dE d Buckwh GAIN RTGAGFS alone with a large family. 'Phones 877. Eveénings 2231. Thad tried onan, without any Tp Saye: Moutren] 1411). n €as an gEs an uckwheat . . ' relief, but I know, to-day, that I Rei teen s Ho oncert or- R 1 BI k Di ds f the f CAR OWNERS would have been a nervous 'wreck Shesire, Pade hy direction of Mr. eal Black Diamonds from the famous but for your wonderful - RK. Marowski. ATTENTION a 8.30--Studio programme D. L. and W. Scranton district. No' 18 the tng to tare. with os ONRO, Ouawn (435). The pure Anthracite that we have been : " 8 p.m-- Chateau Laurier Hotel selling § "ALL RISK POLICY Concert orchestra in popular and g for forty years. | - LIABILITY, PROPRIEY. DAMAGE Siassical selections. " Will you have some ? : ? x P) ; : » 9-- Studio programme of vocal oy 3 COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT Aid Plane or poten d 4 ind Cheapest poliey on the i a Juno sul os, and string quartet 3 market. Let me quote you rates. These Pills are for sale at all drag: 10.30 -- Chateau Laurier Da ; Re 1 and dealers; put up only by orchestra. Sau Tauris Bee S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED 3 8 R. H. Wadde 3 T: Milinza Ga, Limited, Toronte LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, i ae BROCK STREET ' KDKA, Pittshargh (309). BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO 2 je 'Telephones SUe. 30 p.m.--Dinner éoncert. a SER FREIGHT DELIVERY 8.30--Russion Chorus in _Russion Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1871. - = 44] DR RUPERT P. MILLAN A SPECIALTY me be - Local and long distance. 4 : DENTIST A Spun" L. SRTANT 4-13 7 wear to Ao i ET " , x cnn oe asses Eager ag 334 oR Street. 'Phone 1708 Horizontal. 36. Courtesy title for a, 7. Preposition, year Studio and from Station WH Ne £2 OPES EVENINGS BY . . Bed of iron bars for man; 8. Away. AF, New York, including the U.S. ouse in al f i Nr holding fuel. 37. Bottoms of shoes. 9. To gratify. Navy Band orchestra, Washington: "4 ~ PIANO TUNING || 8 Large circles of me. 39. External organ of |10. Intelligence. 4 the Shincls Bn sug Spans = : tal, sound. 12. Mistake. Toubadours from New York. : * 8 Piano Tuning, Repairing ard ||11. To complain. 41. Exclamation of [13. Aqua. : -- All Kinds of Electric Apparatus 4 Player Plano Adjusting. Norman |/13. A squared batter laughter. 16. Snake-like fish. WSAIL Cincinnati (826). Satistaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, . 5 eat H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. cake, 42. Period. 22. To preclude. 7.30 p.m.--Programme from Sta- 8 ' 'PHONE 184. 14. To dine, 3. To depart. 23. Flocks. tion WEAF, New York, , "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" " 3 { 15. Vision, 14. Stir. \ 24. Ten-cent pieces. 10--Talk from WSAI Studio. | i fon Sree Fura ee it Ronee, | Cue +h wun "| HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. [5 Fresh mined ¢ 18. 'Paid publicity. 48. Wing part of a seed. 3. Ventilating machine. | Card String Quartette. % 7 Now You 19. To soak flax, 19. Servile. 29. Correlative of neith- Corner King and Princess Streets. - 2 Lackawanna Coal 20. Like, 651. Jumped, er. WGR, Buffalo (319). ; B K the Jo 21. To scatter, 53. To make correction |32. A 'crown. 8.30 to 10 p.m.--Joint broadéast- 2 \ $9.00 pér ton now y 23. Drove a ball into a in a literary work.|33. To warble. ing with Station WEAF, New York. - : o cavity, 54. 'Gown, 34. Iron or steel. 10--Buffalo Choral Club, FINE CABIN SHIPS TO GL ASGO w - : W. A. MITCHELL & C0 of Feeling Fit 25. To employ... gio 35. Eraes. 10.30--Recital, : i Be hr o 26. To direct as for in- Vertical. 25. Ismominy. / You'll think youre back in / elephone 67. -- ; formation. 1. Eminent. . Quantity. " 2 No Need of Nervousness, Weakness, | 's To dip in water to| 2. One who persues, | 40. Avenues. e aan Now Yom sien), trom . the land o' heather, when you -- Lack of Ambition or Soandeee, remove spap suds. 3. pis. . 35 8 tablet Waldorf-Astoria Hotel;® services by hear our own band of kilted : ". . Make This Test To-day. 80. To obstruct. 4. Seventh note in a|46. Small tablet. : y Seslcouniog 3 4 8 First Quality Season- NN 31. Extinct flightless scale. 47. Guided. United Synagogues. of America; 2 in pipers yo oy board. P 3 . . 11 of life's joys and 1 Man and the Shinola Boys: Davis 4 : ed Lumber, all P Frattically all of lite ratite bird, 5. To finish. 48. To imitate. Rear Sati ; um Ine. || yccesses are due to good hoaics and 32. Fop 6. Thigh of a hog |50. Within. Saxfphone Octstte; Ipana Troubad- Sinks [rom ) oon wd § youthful energy -- as a result o te d salted. 2. ; ours; Hotel Commodore dance or- A # Larze quantities, abundant nerve force! 34. To mingle. % cured and salted 52. Measure or area SPER fia 7 Third Class. $85. Round : : Also Roofing Iron and Sheet. Because it is "the very spark of : rip Third Class $155, be . life," sufficient nerve force is abso- years later the family moved to WEKRO, Cincinnati (326) a lutely vital! Without it, you are a eg INIC NH Arundel, where Mr. Cooke's father 8.15 p 50 Fano: aid teDr a " : Apply: pitiful weakling--a failure--a victim nl OAR SIEKIS|y| | had purchased 700 acres of heavily oy .m. p : of worry, nervousness, despondency 1S) . \ 4 v | wooded land, 300 acres of which | 19% . J. Cohen & Co. end chronic fatigue. But with SEEN [K[O]A SA aftérward became the possession of | J--Instrumental Quintette. : * "ONTARIO STREET aliidaut nerve lores, Jou dip 4 iC the son. He hewed out, with all the | 12--Dance music. ANCHOR- -DONALDSON Ta ¢ % "PHONES 880 ana 887 glant of power with the ambition, V WE toil and hardship common to the E E of . confidence, strength and endurance LIA experience of the early pioneer in a WIP, Philadelphia (508.2). Sl : to carry you on to bigger and better CTIA TE oded land. a fine far ne. 6.05 p.m.--Dinner music, Benja- The Robert Retord Corr Lim tos. ovate ag and Wel- thin WITIAIB) wooded land, a fine farm and ho lington Sts., Toronto, or any Steamship Agen: it wani to know the joys of I) A man of remarkable energy and | min Franklin Concert orchestra. 6 , " ».if you want to laugh endurance, possessing a fine physique " rr axeeling av-it yo "age" with its EY NEI and strong personality, he was able WGY, Schenectady (879.5). usual weakness, wrinkles, dimmed |™ a! "oy; oT. S to accomplish an unusual amount of 7 p.m.--Dinner music by East-| 8.30--Davis Saxaphone.Ottette. ). To Remove Across the Line, 5 J INI YC | I work. 'Like his parents, he was an | man Theatre orchestra, Rochester. 9--Ipana Hour. 'Wolfe Island, April T~<Many far. | eyesight and gray hairs--make sure IWINIJ | hat Wit 10 .-- Fox Theatre Studio CREE IIL IX) A) active supporter of Methodism. As 8.06-- Musical programme from pro- | mers here tapped their trees in their that you have an abundance of vital | WATTS, Floris 182 Wellington Street nervous emergy and the appearance Ed & licensed local preficher, a Sunday | Rochester. gramme. their sugar bushes. Miss Lillian Hail and activity of youthful vigor should |g. cover to Monday's Cross Word jschool superintendent, Bible class te ian 10.30-- Hotel Ritz-Carlton or-|day was taken to the Kingston Gea- When you want the best iu Cut || be yours unto a ripe old ase} Nerves: Puzzle. \ teacher, leader of song and also as WBZ, New England (888.1). chestra. : oral Hospital, to be { Flowers, Plants or design work As & Tellatie bullae ae --- school commissioner, munfetpal coun-| 8 p.m.--~"The HolyokeaHour," un- is able to come home again. "| call WATTS, 1768 Store, 1187 || Force~to increase strength and vi LATE REUBEN CUUKE. cilior, and mayor of the township for| der the auspices of the Holyoke WGBS, New York (316). R. F. Faweett, who has been gS Ba the early approach of old yw many years, he led a life of great Chamber of Commerce. 7.10 p.m.--Royal Flush orches- going treatment in the Member of Florist Telegraph || age--the value of Double Strength{Died at Arundel, Que.--Brother |8ctivity and influence. 9--WBZ Concert Company. tra. Kingston, is improving. vy "Delivery for Erbac Tablets can hardly be over. Lives in Seeley's Bay. He was first married on March ---- 3 . ' Wilfrid Hogan purchased a fille Your out-of-town orders soe || ¢stimated. Erbac is a natural and| Reuben Cooke, a resident of Arun. 15th. 1869, to Agnes Thomson.| WOR, Chicago (Central 217.3). Complete radio programmes sold | horse from J. Irvine Mrs. B. Crowe : X V positive nerve food with swift and gq Que., for over sixty-seven 'years, |There were four Shildren born of 10 p.m. to 1.80 a.m.--Dance or- at Canada Radio Stores. ford and family intend moving to i -- certain action. Pleasant to use, Der-|qi0q a¢ his home om April 2nd, after |this union, three of whom survive, chestra; studio programme. I Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. / the eldest, Margaret, having died in Infancy. Mr. Ceoke was again be- reayed by the death of his wife in June, 1878. On September 25th, 1877, he wae married to Mary, daughter of the fectly safe and non-habit forming--- but not intended for children. James B. McLeod will gladly supply you-- on a strict guarantee of money back if not fully satisfied. Without slight- est risk of loss, start the test of Br Russel left on Saturday for Orlando G a, former mill : et Pat od, former Will {pone in Buftilo, NT 4 hand, is to paint portraits of well- 2 gE known society people of England. A building 250 feet higher then. It has been estimated that one day's fog in London causes a loss of | the Eiffel tower is proposed in New ten weeks' illness, at the age of eighty-four. Deceased was born in Hawkesbury, Ont., on March 20th, 1842, the sec- ond son of Coral Cooke and Euphe- Woo, Phsaelphia (Eastern, 7.30 p.m. Has) Sylvania orches- tra. "HANLEY'S % (Established 1871) as Black, His dfather, Reube ; "Steamshi £3 Passages bac to-day--you'll never be sorry! Jia Blak Rr he oo paulen 18 Donald * Loonsmar : of Boos 8--"Myatery Merrymakers." $1,750,000. , - | York City. booked to parts of . came from Ticonderoga, N.Y., with Ridge. Que., who, JHeh one daughter ~ - ~--r . wo ass / e the United Empire Loyalists, and set- {4nd six sons, survive. 7, | the: rid. P Dr. Vincent AMartin pin in Cihtham. Re in 1807. The surviving family are the wid- 3 & ports arr anged. 'When four years of age Mr. Cooke |OW. two daughters and eight sons: 2 rough tickets ang. over ' ail DEN TIST) moved with his parents from Hawkes- | Mrs. Effie Canipbell, at home; Wil- : antic, Trans Pacilc, Alaska, 1] ©". gpumtann. 07 t bury to Grenville, Que., and thirteen Sats 5, ee od homestand ; Rau: : Bermuda, West es, Mediterran- wa {ben T., 0 , Que.; 8 3 Ba the: World = Steamship || 372 Feiasess Streat. . , 'Phene 108 Frederick, T. Edmund and Delmer % L., of Grande Prairie, Alta.; Mrs. og (Rev.) C. F.. Bowen, of Brockville; o Joss" pasages 28 arranged for it Rev. H. Selwyn, of Seeley's Bay; D relatives or DR.R.E.SPARKS) (Baby Eczema GULD SEAL : . .|Bertram and R. Raymond, of Grande For | BA al parceuiars aly DENTIST Soon Disappears with | prairie, Alta. Three brothers aise ArRTR] Rugs rite cin. National 159 WELLINGTON EE kak the use of Dr. Chase's survive, John, of Beech Ridge. Que.: Made in Canad R Sata corner Johnson and rial AE. and h oO Samuel and Jathes, of Arundel, Que. streets, Kingston, Ont. Opes "Telephone 346. intment The funeral service was conducted Bi 177 1 Poa . 'al 'thones 99 or 2837 . / . in the United Church at Arundel, on " -- ae one. i Sunday, April 4th, by the pastor, ig , ue . Big Variety Rev. Mr. Hubley, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery nearby. Big Economy-- Big Satisfaction [RT what makes Congoleum Gold Seal Ars popular with Canadian housewives. Thai aud he fact ha they re unquesionay -priced floor-covering in all have a smooth, sanitary surface and ---------- Visitors at 'W. Westport, April 12---Dr. H. Lock- wood, Toron%p, spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. H.. W, Lockwood. Mr. J. BE. Plamondon, Montreal, spent the week-end with friends m town. Mr, Ford McCann returned to Joanie on Souder, ving spending are easily cleaned -- just 80 over them with, a damp : t h mop i ars Tm pane: of the Ot- and dirt will disappear lke magic. tawa Separate School staff, is spend- The Gold Seal shown below is on every genuine, ing the holidays with her mather, Mrs, J. B. O'Hara. Mys. V. Fallon, Kingston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kearney. Mr, Tracy spent Easter with relatives in Morrisburg. Mr. Harry McNally, North Bay, is spending the holidays with his mothér, Mrs. H.W. MeNal- 1y. guaranteed Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rug, ' Your Dealer Sells