Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1926, p. 7

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sss ssi asm ---- DENNISON'S DECORATED CREPE PAPER For Making Lamp Shades. Instructions Free. R. UGLOW & CO. ty Diamond | Rings The Diamond is the birth stone for April and fs the emblem of purity. You will be agreeably surprised at the beautiful Diamond Rings } we are showing. Priced at $50.00 Every stone guaranteed per- fectly cut. The mountings come in a wide range of designs, embodying all the latest styles. Hard Wood 4 Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son : 840 NELSON STREET 'Phone 1746J. An Frigidaire Automatic, Permanent Re- . trigeration. Send Postcard for Illustrated Booklet W. C. Cannon TELEPHONE ty] Tr. BY LCR aston ei re ---- THOMAS COPLEY 32 "Phone 987 us for all kinds of Carpentry Estimates given on mew Soors 1414. Have your hardwood Soors clean od with our new floor cl ma. chime. Avhuiuiuiuiuiuhuihrhaiddd dd dA 4 24.8 8 Add A Ad ------ * Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET uhhh AA a0 a a A a = ; READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know What Is Best { their daughter, FARMERS OUT WEST | ARE THROUGH SEEDING This News Has Reached Odessa - From Former Residents Out There. - Odessa, April 12-- The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tierney will be interested to hear that they are at present in Berlin, North Dakota. A letter received re- cently and written April 4th, stated that the past two weeks had been Uke summer and that the farmers had about finished their seeding. | Mre. Hugh Perry and children, Deseronto, spent a week recently with the former's parents, Mr. asd Mrs. Arthur Fraser. Mrs. Jack Long and little daughter, Dorothy, Osha- wa, spent the past week guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thom and Miss Bessie Day, Kingston, spent their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. Robert Cairns. * Miss Marie Kenvbn spent the Eas- ter holidays with her sister, Miss Zita Kenyon, Kingston. Mr, and Mrs. D. O. Frink, Hilton and Thora, spent Easter guests of Mrs. Frink's sister, Mrs. Joyce, Gretna. Mps. Ar- chibald Simmons and little son, Russel, Wilton, spent the week-end guests of Mrs. Simmons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Arthur Clark, of the Royal Bank, Arthur, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sid- ney Clark. Ross Clark, also of the Royal Bank staff, is home for his Fholidays. Mrs. Marcus Fraser spent a few days last week with her niece, Mrs. (Dr.) Dixon, Richmond. Mrs. Henry Burley returned om Saturday from spending the past two months with her daughter, Mrs. Boiton, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fraser returned on Friday from spending the past winter with Mrs. Scott, Mont- real. Mrs. Austin Fraser has return- ed from sPending a month in Tor- onto. | Col. Leonard's Gift | & Ham fiton Herald) ( St. Catharines is fortunate in the|. of a citizen' so generous Tr serve ii tries than by waking more obvious- fi | Iv benevolent use of it. | An excellent tonic W. F. GOURDIER © 7680 BROCK STREET x ~~ EGG and STOVE ° AMERICAN ANTHRACITE ON HAND. Chestnut Coal enroute. Split Pea suitable for Spencer Furnace or to mix with Coke. SOWARDS COAL CO. UPTOWN OFFICE: wei HONE 15 5 : FOR SALE-BRICK BUNGALOW 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, electric light, gas, 8 p. Bath, furnace, K.w. , fireplace, hot and cold water in gellar. Forty foot frontage, on Broek Street. Price $6,000 . _.M. B.TRUMPOUR 'Phone 811. ll] Mr. Louis Babine is. Very Satisfied i | sleeplessness," says | tween kidney and stomach troubles. and public-spirited as Colonel R. W. Leonard, who'has presented to Rid- ley Collpge $200,000, to be used for extension purposes. Such gifts de- public commendation. The surplus wealth of a rich man can be devoted to mo better end than the advancement of education' By the way, although we have some very rich men in Hamilton, no public institution in this city, nor any other public cause, has been benefited by their generosity and publi¢ spirit in the same degree that Ridley College has benefited at the hands of Colonel Leotard. Maybe the explanation is that most of our wealthy citizens have thg bulk of their wealth tied up in industrial en- terprises, and they th théy can do more good by putting their sur- plus wealth back imto their indus- for Spring Nova Scotian Speaks Very Highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills, With the Results Received From Taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. a North Belleville, N. 8, April 12. (Special) "I have ued , many boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills for rheumatism, stomach trouble and Mr, Babine, a well-known resident of this place. "I take them from time to time When I feel dull and tired, especially in the 'Spring. I find they keep me well. I always enjoy good restful refreshing sleep after I take them." There is a close connection be- If the kidneys are not acting proper- ly, the stomach, like every other or- gan of the body, must suffer. No man ever had a healthy stomach and unhealthy kidneys. The kidneys 'are the great cleansers of the body, and carry off all the waste, poisonous matter. a Your health, strength and vitality depend upon the condition of your blood, for it is through the blood that every part of the body is nourished and bufit up. Dodd's Kidney Pills purify the blood. n. Miss Alice Day|g _ THE DA ---- | | | Laundering and a// Cleaning No Grit - No Odor No Sediment - No Waste Your Grocer Sells +! E.W. GILLETT CoO. LTD. TORONTO, CANADA "WORLD'S RIOHEST One of the richest--and least known--men in the world is George F. Baker, dean of American bank- ers. He Is chairman of the First Na- tional Bank, New York, and one of the little group of men that control America's railroads. Here he is at White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., cele- brating his eightyssixth birthday. = NEW TOURING CRAFT JOINS ISLAND FLEET Alexandria Bay Firm Completes Craft for Wagner and Van Dreaser. At Alexandria Bay, Uncle Sam, one of the finest touring boats, has Just been completed By the boat building firm of Hutchison Brothers for Capt. Harry Wagner and C, R. Van Dreaséer, who conduct tours of the islands for summer visitors and tourists, This new boat is complete in every detail and will be a worthy addition to the fleet of fine boats on the Thousand Islands. The new Uncle Sam is sixty-two feet long with eleven foot beam and is désigned for the accommodation of eighty people for the famous tour of the most beautiful spot in the world. The boat has an ppen cock- pit forward and is finished through- out in mahogany, She has a speed of 20 miles an hour, fully loaded, and is brand new in every particular. -------- ILY BRITISH WHIG GANANOQUE 3 | Gananoque, April 13--Miss Mar-! jorie Lawlor, Kingston, who been the guest of Miss Genevieve | Ledged for the past few days, re- { turned home on Sunday. The Knights of Homor are bring- ing Charles A. Cooke, Indian basso and entertainer, here. Miss Nellie Hanley expects to leave in a few days to visit friends in New York and Baltimore. Miss Irma Nuttall has accepted a position on the staff of the St. Law- rence Oil and Supply Company here. George Gibson has returned from spending the week-end in Brock- ville with his mother and brother. Mrs. Gibson and little Ann are re- maining until the end of the week. Chas. J. Wilson returned from Northern Ontario yesterday morn- ing after a six weeks' trip. Mr. Madrand, Kingston, presided at the organ in Grace church yester- day. Miss Catherine McDonald and Miss Ethel Brown retirned on Sat- urday from North Laflaster where they had spent Bastertide with the former's parents. © Miss Lotetta Bishop, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Daniel Bishep. Miss Loretta Pelow has returned to Utica, N.Y. after a visit with friends here, Miss Kathleen Kirke of the Sep- arate School staff, Toronto, has re- turned tv resume her duties afrer the Easter holidays with her par- ants. Miss Isobel Greenley, Joyceville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fen- ton Webster. Mrs, Arch. Welsh has arrived in Montreal and has completaly recov- ered from her recent severe Illness. She will probably arrive in Ganan- oque shortly to get her popular hos- telry in readiness for an anticipated busy season. " | | NAPANEE Napanee, April 12--The death oc- curred on Saturday morning last of Fred K. Gordanier at his home on Adelphi street after but a few hours illness of heart trouble. Décoased was aged seventy-two years and ele- ven months, He lived at Morven the greater part of his life, and was well and favorably known, and he moved to Napanee a few years ago. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the residence of his sister, Mrs. H. V. Fralick, Adelphi street, service at the house, thence to Morven vault. He leaves one bro- ther, John Gordanier of Morven, and two sisters, Mrs. H. V. Fralick and Miss Margaret Gordaaier of Na- panee. Miss Vera Shorey and Miss Susie Shorey were in Picton on Saturday attending the funeral of their cou sin, Miss Mary Shorey, who died in Kingston on Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. George Shorey, who have been spending the winter with their son, Dr. Kénneth Shoréy, in St. Anne de Bellevue, Que., returned to their home in Switzerville last week. Dorothy Reid, five-year-old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reid, has been very ill with pneumonia. Mr. George Bush of Consecon is spending a few days with her mo- ther, Mrs. Robért Webster. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Webster spent Sunday in Gananoque with her mother. Miss Vera Shorey left on Monday for Utica, N.Y., to resume her pos- ition. PICTON 5 Picton, April 12----The® Misses Cla- ribel and Louise Platt of Toronto, who have been spending Easter 'hol- idays in Belleville, motbred over to Picton on Friday and spent the day calling on old friends, Mrs. D. Wallace came down from Belleville and spent over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Earle, Ferguson street. Friends and patrons of Mr. Jer- ome Helferty regret that he has been obliged to retire from business for some time owing to {ill-health Jand trust that the rest may soon restore his former strength. Mr. and Mrs. Helferty have left Bridge street and moved back to their for- mer home on Main street west. Dr. and Mrs. Mérley Branscomhs of Belleville were guests of Dr. Platt and Mrs. Platt on Fridsy last. The L.O.B.A. 487 served a has | 7 That " Kruschen" Feeling! { Can you look your tongue in the face? sign is the coated tongue; then follow ; Be Jou et up in the moming Senstipation arising out of 'with a nasty taste in your mou and a dark-brown coated a that you Shudder to look at in the g ? hes, i and all the esto, a disordered liver and kidneys. Do you enjoy the real flavour of what you eat and drink and |these smoke ? r has that "coppery" * taste got into everything? If so, it is because your digestive system is out of order. A furred jongue is one of Nature's ways of indicating that all is not as it . should be. .In all probability you do not get enough fresh air or exercise, are sitting down nearly all day work too hard, worry too much an snatch hasty, unsuitable meals at midday. This state of affairs cannot easily be avoided under modern conditions of life, but Nature makes no allowance for those conditions. Sooner or later she rebels. The first to cover a 10 cent plece every morning in your first cup of or tea, will soon make & new man You will wake up in the Slann pak Jan Tasteless in Coffee or Tea : il on & 10 pent piece. It's the little daily dimeful Good Health for Half a Cént a Day Krusehen 2° iiajaed trom wny | helt a cmt 3 day. The dose ly use fait a Co A T5¢ bottle comtains is "as much as will lie ". 0 rly for six monthe-- t plece" taken in your cop which means bounding for Jess than | coffee or ten: Get 5 Ths besoin oun of 'SOLE IMPORTING AGENTS: CHARLES GYDE & SON, MONTREAL Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Pot b &2, A rare chance to furnish for present or future use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying in- vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac- tion and happiness. Satisfied with the price, satis- fied with the quality. When you buy here you have the added comfort in knowing that you are pro- tected from inferior goods. : JAMES REID | If Teeth Lack Gleam * Just Do This ' Gives sparkling whiteness quickly

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