Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1926, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG is Unsightty. | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | April 15, 1926. [BENTRE Rl 3 Bm, E IE IPIS] LIOIOIT] IE WES] oF] SABLE REIT] Miss C. C. M.- Smart, South Battle ford, Bask., writes: --*'A while ago I was troubled with facial blemish les, and was really shamed to go out with sch » bad looking face. I tried 2 or 8 different remedies, but they didn't help me any, so one day a friend, who had been trou hr A a 1 wi Sve arutied Burdock LL JIL) Lae SITET there wasn't a a of a kind left on my face, and I now have a Clear, smooth and velvety comp! Put up only hy The T. Milbara Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THOME CHILD'S HANDS Eczema on Head Itched Badly. Cuticura Healed. "Eczema broke out in imples on my little girl's head. & itched badly and she scratched causing sore eruptions. Her hair fell out and she was very fretful. We had to tie her hands to k * jaf from scratching, and she cou o% lied. : We had her treated but the kept getting worse. "We began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in a short time could see an improvement, We continued the treatment and in less than six weeks she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. A. G. Awcock, 706 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Cuticura Talcum 'is cooling, SOobing #4 and avaioeny to tender, aching, burn Eine Buckwheat Coal For Spencer Furnaces Fresh mined - Ss e and Frames There is no more suitable wood than our Old Growth Native White Pine. It costs more, but that is what we use, and we back it up with good workmanship. Answer to Wednesday's Crossword | Puzzle, interpretation of this story of the |} beginning of sin? Manifestly it is an allegory. If we had not been ob- {I}l° sessed with undue literalism and with false theories of verbal inspira- tion in our reading of the Bible, we || should never have regarded it in any otffer light. Anywhere else In literature we would immediately regard as an al- |} legory a story in which a serpent spoke and acted as the serpent is represented as acting in this record. So also the very terminology, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," ete., brings us into the world of allegory. The mistake, of course, is in im- |} agining that a mythical or allegori- |} cal story may not he a very real statement of truth. One would not |} think of calling John Bunyan's "Pil- |} grim Progress" untrue because it is | an allegory. On the contrary, it is a figurative and literary conception of the greatest of all triith. So here || though we should do an Injustice to |} the narrative if we interpreted it with crude and narrow literalness, ||| we should also do a great injustice |} to it if we should (fail to grasp ts Er ------ tfuth. The writer was accounting for the fact of sin in human life, and the teaching of this narrative is that the coneciousnéss of sin arose with the consciousness of disobedience. That is exactly where sin arises to-day. It is in the discovery of the true laws of God and in obedience to them that man finds life, just as it is in the failure to discover these laws, and in the failure to obey them when discovered, that man enters upon the path of sin that leads to death. 150 Wellington Street. "Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. i» KOGSTON TRANSFER (0 = fe, et Buin Ean MONEY LOANED "Phones 377. Evenings 2281. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION "ALL RISK POLICY" Protects you for LiAnitiey. PROPERTY DAMAGE, ee and cheapest policy on the _gnarket. Let ne quote you rates, R. H. Waddell Dental Seirgeon #188 WELLINGTON STREET AGAINST MORTGAGES Now ig the time to insure with an: ILLISION, FIRE AND THEFT 86 BROCK STREET Telephones S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1871. 49 i) House Wiring and Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC co. Corner King and Princess Streets. - FOR BUNIONS AND CALLOUSES D0 THIS-TODAY Pleasant Home Treatment --Swift, Cereatn Roller 6 Relief No matter how severe or ianding.-sore, "touchy" bun pagent, calloused ised spots aan \iarely and Janngly the soothing, Phin lin ling Gero Wormwood ion 0 8, or Bains Bm wood bd Geero in" and within 30 ie pr 2% 4-1% 18. Metric weight. . Radio station, Tar- rytown Research Laboratory, Tarry- town, N.Y. . Insect collecting honey. . Radio station, Bank- ers' Life Co., Des Moines, la, . "Radio Station, Cros- ley Radio Corp. Cincinnati, Ohio. . To devour. . Radio station, Mex- ico City, Republic of Mexico. . To depend or trust. . Plant from which a bitter drug is ob- tained. . Radio station, Kodel Radio Corp, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 5. Radio station, Elec- tric Park, Painfield, IL. . You and I. 7. Radio station, Am- erican Radio Tel. Co., Seattle, Wash. . You. . Radio station, Uni- versity of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D, . Radio station, Cana- dian National Ralil- way, Moncton, New Brunswick. 3. Possessive pronoun. 4, Point of compass half way between Asia and South Pole. . Point halt Asia Pole. DENTIST 84 Princess Street, Than. 1880 ET -- FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY homa City, Okla. unit of . Radio station, West- worth Radio Sup- ply Co., Hamilton, | Ont. . Radio station, West- ingtonhouse Elec., Chicago, Ill. . Allots, . Moor. . Some. . Radio station, Ra-|!? dio Shop of Newark, N.J. . Indian closely re-|2 lated to the Ojib-|2 was. . Radio stat on, Oak- land, Cal. . Radio station, Hotel |3$ McAlpin, New York City. Horizontal. . Radio station, Am- erican Tel. & Tel Co., New York City. . Radio station, De- troif Néws, Detroit, Mich, . Radio station, La Presse Publishing Co., Montreal. + To knock. . To bow. . Portion of a circle. . Flies, - Radio station, Maris on Mulrony, Hono- lulu, Hawaif. - Radio station, A. H, H. urebe & Co. Yienmoad Hill, N. @GET IT REPAIRED Machines, FPhonographs, repaired and refitted. Supplied. Saws filed, knives, and i + tools ground. Keys fitted to all he. Lava Mowers sharp- We ean repair hat feds repairable, J. M. PATRICK am Street. 'Phone 3056J. First Quality Season- ed Lumber, all Pine. Large quantities. Also Roofing Iron and Sheet. BURIAL OF BURBANK. During Last Rays of Setting Sun. Santa Rosa, Cal., April 14.--Just as the last rays of the setting sun brighten for a moment the flowers in the gardens of Santa Rosa, Luther Burbank will go to his final rest to- day, borne by the hands of old and trusted friends to a quiet grave un- der the Lebanon pine he planted many years ago. Only his widow, his sister and a chosen few will be permitted to witness the final scene. All are invited to the public services! among the living monuments to his memory in trees and flowers of Doyle Park, but Burbank, unosten- tatious inp life, preferred that his burial be clothed With SIMPLY. | Sorerece seas rod i: a iow dan feet will oe] as soft, 000! and om yh ' fortable as those of ah Warrant for "Babe" Ruth. amntesd by all Sugkisthatry en: to Boston, Mass., April 14,--Warrants for the arrest of George Herman ("Babe") Ruth, New York Yankees' baseball player, are. held by the Massachusetts State income tax au- thorities. This was learned yester- Ar when Ruth visited the state. house and the income tax collectior headquarters. After a conferenco service of the warrants was post. poned one week. To Be Done . adie station, Gen- eral Electric, Den- ver. Colo. . Radio station, Am- erican Radio & Re- search Corp., Med- ford Hillside, Mass. . Radio station, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. . Radio station, Em- manuel Missionary College. Berrien Springs, Mich, ' Exclamation of In- quiry. . Bixth note in scale. . Radio station, Reo Motor Car Co., Lan- sing, Mich. . Radio station, Fan River Daily Herald, +» Fall River, Mass. . Radio station, Mis- sionary Society of St. Paul the Apos- tle, New York City. . Radio station, Radio Shop, Okla- Vertical. . Radio station, | Woodmen of the World, Omaha, Neb. . Mischievous. .'Fourth note scale. . Radio station, Ohio State University, | 3 Columbus, Ohio. . Company (abbrev.). . Radio station, West- inghouse Electric, Bast Pittsburgh, Pa. . Radio in |$ Honored Hockeyists. The Pembroke hockey team was banqueted on Monday and given a warm reception by 150 citizens. They are.1926 champions of the Upper Ot- tawa Valley Hockey League, holders of the Anderson-McKinnon cup and champions of Lower Ottawa district and Rideau group. Apply: .Cohen & Co, ONTARIO STREET 'PHONES $80 ana 837. A Whesl you want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 Lackawanna Coal $9.00 per ton station, In- ternational Bible Students' Asso., Saskatoon, Sask, Postscript (ab- brev.). Not sufficient funds ... (abbrev.). 13. Contest of speed. 15. All right. 16. Sun god. Drop in Coal Prices, Galt, April 14.--Reductions in the price of coal varying from 25¢. to § a ton, were annouticed by the local - dealers yesterday. These will be the prices for spring. Stove coal is 1 selling at $15.75, and egg at $15.50. Pea coal has been 1 . to $12.50. Egg and nut coke | bv. experienced a drop to $12.50, and pea coke to $11, J. C. Jamieson, Ottawa, an ex-al- derman, aged eighty-two years, died on- Monday. Listless, Tired Women Quickly Restored Hoadaches and Depression Pass Away When System is Regulated. Must Overcome Constipation 10. 11. of compass way between and North Hamilton Council passed unani- mously the street railway agree- ment and made arrangements for the taking of the vote on May 10th. | As the result of a stabbing case, Mike Sinoff, Hamilton, is in the hospital and Woko Menoff is under arrest as the alleged assailant. The transfer of General Kingi from London to tommand the Mon:- real district has been postponed till Oct. 1st, i] tl / / Doubtful whether the recent labor convention in London could be term- ed a political convention, the fin. ance committee and Board of Works of that vity reduced the grand fo- wards its expenses from $100 to $50. J. Hetherington, a lineman em- ployed by the N., 8. and T. Railway, was seriously burned when he came in contact with a live wire at Thom old power house. No other remedy acts so quickly on tired women as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cleanse, regulate and tone the system, appetite sharpens up, head- aches disappear, strength and buoy- ant spirits return. To feel good, to be your own self again, use Dr. Ham- sible. Buch a conception will be|liton's Pills frequently. "26c., at all found worked out in many books. |dealers. One might mentjon particularly the 4 late John Fiske's portrayal of WV NN "Man's Rise From the Innocence of Brutehood." It all comes down to the Congoleum Gold Seal-- The Beginning of Sin The International Uniform Sunday School Lesson for April 18.--QGenesis 3:1-12, Se BY WM. E. GILROY, D.D. Editor of The C Honalist. From the loftiness of the creation of an orderly universe out of chaos, and of man made in the image and likeness of God himself, we turn very quickly to the tragedy of his- tory in the marring of human life by sii, and in the shadow that, through sin, has fallen upon the universe. The fall of men and the doctrine of human depravity have been dis- cussed at great length. Scientists (Established 1871) Steamsh SET ge . booked to Through tickets ranged over all ward goodness made progress pos- the world. : Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Alaska, Bermuda, West Indies, Mediterran- fean, Round the World Steamship | Prepaid passages arranged for if iyou desire 'to Being relatives or || Evidence of Degeneration. Over against this conception there is the opinion of those who, not de- nying the evidence of evolution, find that the evidence is equally strong abroad. 'For full particulars apvly to or J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., O.N. O Canadian ua * Station, corner Johnson and Kingston, Ont. Oper "Phones 99 or 2897 4nd theologians have discussed it in- terminably, and in modern times, largely under the influence of the doctrine of evolution, there has tended to be a reversal of former conclusions in the claim of some that "the fall was a) fall upward," that instead of lapsing from a condition of loftiness of character and of con- scious goodness man's apparent fall marked really the perceptions of moral distinctions and the dawning of moral freedom. Even though this involved human error and the sad consequences of sip, the teaching of those who held this view is that man's freedom and his consciousness of the impulses to- Heart Trouble or Indigestion? TELLS WHATS : WRONG tn ls who NS ve Et Fh gud ; rE for degenefation. They see a sad and terrible reality in sin which is too often neither merely the nega- tion of good nor the error through which one discovers his mistake and improves upon his experience to come to higher things. They see in sin a damping, overwhelming, ter- rible, catastrophic power of evil that destroys the souls of men, There is plenty of evidence in Hte that the fall of men was real enough, and though the doctrine of total depravity may have been push- ed to great extremes, the world In which we live reveals every horrible evidences of the degradation to which man can descend. Nor is this power of evil manifest merely in the poor, the weak, and the illiterate. We find men of in- telligence and of great power of will who put-their strength into ways of selfishness and tyranny. Where great mén have not been only of the life of service and of de- votion to his Father's will, they have | . too often been almost flends Incar- nate, who bave acourged h are| with the lashes of thelr The whole question of getting low-priced, ad, dependable floor- It's & -- sign. o superior beauty and proved val a mare, it itis She bli of urability and avait Tor wi for which Congoleum d Seal Art-Rugs have been for many years. rec. ord of satisfactory service is with- out duplicate among tin floor-coverings. And when quainted with ties and convenience | charming; he value repented realize that the the Gold Seal is well pi Andie pal Mba Dns

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