Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1926, p. 11

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1] Mizket Place Business Services BY WILLIAMS. |= | PERMANENT WAVING For the very latest in Ladies' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "Friday, April 16, 1926. 'The Whigs Classified Page Is a Public Forum and ___Help Wanted OUT OUR WAY. Male and Female Help Wanted 3b a True British Whig | DEATHS. 7 al v Th KINGSTON, ONT. NICHOLSON--In Kingston, on April} J! th, 1928 M je Elizabeth John-| CLASSIFIED ADVERT.S[ND ston, beloved wife lof . Frank D.| All ads. are .destricted te thelr oon aed 53 ¥oars, praper classification, and to the Funeral from her late residence, 190 regular Daily Whig style of type. Division Street, on Moncay after- CLASSIFIED RATES: noon &t 2.00 o'clock to Cataraqul Dally rate per line or consecutive Cemetery. inse 8: WHITEMAN-- In Kingston. on April Minimum charge. 25 con's 16th, 1926, Marina M. Watt, belov- Daily rater per line Charg ed wife of Stewart Whiteman, aged S days .... - ve 8 50 years : 3 days : Funeral from her late residence, 373 1 cassasen . Deaths, Births, Engagements, Mar- McDonald Street on Saturday after- a $1.50; noon at 2.00 o'clock to 'Princess : 6s, one insertion charged, $1.50; eee A} Card of Thanks, and Memoriam | Not re MEN AND YS WANTED--- To pat- ronize . . Curson's Barber Shop. | Men's hair cuts, 25¢. Shaves 10c. Boyd | hair cuts 15¢. Ladies, ic. 201 Wel-| ington Street. { Positions Wanted EXPERIENCED STENOGRAVIER desires position. Refereaces. Tele phone 1256-m. . BV GEORGE I WISH TT WOULD GRIP r . LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. "Phong 2015-7. Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER---{nsurance Broker, all branches of Insumance in old Ii companies of highest financial stan ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones / GAD WES! SOMEHOW TS SCENERY ALONG HEAH ALLUHRS SEEMS T'GRP ME, T' HOLD ME. oe 1 e Cash 3 Street United Church, where ser- ces--Charged, $1.503 cash, §1.00 vice will bs held at 2.30 o'clock, thence to Cataraqui Cemetery. each insertion. . Advertising ordered for irregular APARTMENT -- Sydenham Apartments Brock Street, four rooms and tiled bathroom; gas range, refrigerator. hardwood floors; well heated. Apply 69 Brock Street AT 333 MONTREAL STREET---Flat of four rooms, ground floor, with cellar, shed, two privale entrances Apply | 376 Alfred Street. "Phone 991. $14.00] per month | | HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie. and Princess Streets, alse swres on Princess Street, centrally located with rear entrances. Apply 1. Conen & Co. Ontario Street. Phone 83f. TWO APARTMENTS--Of 3 and 4 rooms, partly furnished for housekeeping, for married couple without children. Ap- ply 236 Barrie Street 26i8-w. Res. 1121 Rochester papers please copy. SULLIVAN In Kingston on April Insertions takes the one-time inser- rate; no ad. taken for less taan 16th, 1926, Wiliam Henry Sullivan, aged 83 years. ne of four lines. Count six average words to the ed ads. will be received by telephone ad if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate wili be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of time$ the ad. appeared and adjust. ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of.type. rate for yearly advertising t. Funeral (private) nephew, ence of bis Rielly, 110 Earl Street, on Satur- day morning at $5.45 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where & solemn requiem mass will be sung at 900 o'clock for the repose of his soul Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend the mass. will leave the'resi. eo FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insure ance. BE. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street, 'Phone 1783- I INSURANCE--Only the. most reliable companies represented. Strange Strange, established in 1860. Office: Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in religble com es, dis- 'Phones: Lost and Found 1 trict manager 1 rial Life. Office 503-w. Res. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol icy will protect your salary. All I . of Fire and Automobile Insurance. 4 Williams, 2 Couper street. Decorators A. ANDERSON---Painter and Decorator. Shop and residence 'phone 1968. Of fice 283 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTING--And pa; 1 done now. I'rices reasonable. W; paper for sale. Horton, 307 Earl St, 'Phone 2984-J. PAPER HANGING Have your deco- Sting Sone now. See the new ples and get estimates. wiley. 'Phone 13 :¥ B. Rowief ul CAT WANTED---Please return grey and white mother tat, "Bright Eyes" to 205 Oollingwood Street Reward. bs Ld AN ~ FOUNTAIN PIN---Found, on Saturday. Owner may have same at 50 Welling- ton Street. PAIR OF BALLET SLIPPERS--Found wt corner of University Avenue and Clergy Strevt West. Owner may have same at Imperigl Laundry, Barrie St re thers erve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising phone 243; ask for a want ad. Business JMaces tee rio Chambers, corner King and ence streets. Possgssion 1st of Apply "King and Smythe, 71-72 st, Kingston, Ont. HALL--Over Lackie's store, to rent. Ap- ply to Lackie's Bakery. Three Excellent Off ices 8 excellent Office Rooms with | heating at $15.00 per month each, in | the new Synod Office Block, corner of | Wellington and Brock Strects. Im- mediate postession, Apply Canon Jones in the building a Sa a DESIRABLE OFFICES-- With vault in OQ Cl May. Clarence afternoon, Owner may 1560-M be- PURSE-Fdund, on Sunday containing sum of money have same by phoning tween 6.30 and 7.30 p.m ROSARY--Found on Princess Street, on Monday morning. Owner may have same at Whig Office UMBRELLA~--A pair of silk gloves, and 4 purse containing a sum of money found in Convocation Hall on Mon- day. Apply to janitor, at Old Arts Building. WHITE FRENCH POODLE Lost. Finder please return to 309 Brock St. or phone 144. Reward. SIGN PAINTING--J. 276 Bagot Street EE EE ELS rinancial 20 LOAN AND MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated 3 1861. President, A. D. Cartwright, vice-president J. M. Farrell Monuy to loan on city and farm properties: in- vestment. Bonds bought and sold; de- . posits received and interost paid on minimum monthly balance. ®, GC. Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St. Storage 20a. STORAGE-~For furniture, clean, a atry rooms and spaces; your own | aud key. Frost's City Storage, §99- 303 Guden St. 'Phone 526. Res. 988-w. or -m. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE.---For furniture or any merchandise. Fire- proof building. 'Phone 1000 or 1177. Carpenter Work 25b CARPENTER WORK--All kinds of car- OME: 8. Robinson, rear 49 COLBORNE STREET : AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. N CORNELIUS er and Embalmer * Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 599 ar an r u ne ' Yarker, V and 'ph BRICK HOUSE~--116 Stephen Street, 6 roums, all improvements, good veran- dah Possession May 1st Apply to| Surprise btore, I'rincess Street. | fio FRUNTENAC MOUNTAIN FASTNESS AND LOOSENESS. Male Help Wanted Articles For Sale 15 PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent. guar- anteed live delivered. Give us your order. "Phoune 181.w., Your eggs hatohed ¥ desired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. REFRIGERATORS --Four Eureka Re- frigerators; only used short time, Suit- able for grocer or butcher. Apply to E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1391-J. Real Estate For Sale Articles For Sale. | BRICK HOUSE--On Sydenham Street, North, 7 roums, with 5 rooms in attic, ments. Possession May modern impr 1s.. Apply 0 Sydenham Street. 'Phone 1915-w 15 WOOD---Best of Mixed Wood $300 a quarter of a cord; hardwood slabs under cover, $2.75 ' a quarter of a cord; body hardwood, $3.50 afquarter of a cord. Delivered. Saunders' Wood Yard, cor. Barrack and Bagot Streets. 'Phone 2955-J. Wanted To Buy PONY--12 hands or cob, 15 hands, quiet to ride and drive, wanted. Apply to Box C-12, Whig Office. YOUNG MARRIED MAN With car wanted, to deliver sampleg and demon- state Fuller Brushes. Previous ex- erience not necessary; we train you. Site 207 Barrie Building, Peterboro, nt. Battersea. Ambulanee 'phone 35. -- Misceilaneous "Miscellaneous "P. H. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embaimer, Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS .. ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S Houses 14 E. W. SULLAN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone 539-w. See AAVL Page 2 J. E. CUNNINGHAM Rea] Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. E -- Six rooms, in good 8, 'Clew Block," Cha- ectric, good yard, cellar. Rent $16 advance, inoludes-wa er. Pos- session May lst. Apply Martin's Real Estate Office, Bagot Street tham sireet; 3 Apply 138] Female Help Wanted COOK-GENERA L-- Wanted Albert Street or phone sil. -------------------------- + GIRL--Wgnted, at once. Experienced | preferred. Apply in person to Sackell's, next to Grand Theatre, Prin- DETACHED HOUSE-- 7 rooms, fruit 19 garden, close to cap line; all conveni- ences; immediate possession. Apply 27 Livingston Ave. 'Phone 2669-0 $5,000--Brick, 7 rooms, modern, central $2,600.00 rame, 7 roums, all improve- ments, central RADIO-- One 3 tube Westinghouse AND FLOWER STORE hones 452 and 1218-J. Olassified Display PLAIN AND SIMPLE ! Second-hand Furniture and and Clean---may be a as new--the only kind I handle, Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. Stoves 8 good MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER . Fire, Life, Automobile, Ag. oudant sickens Plate Glasg or ot lines of Insurance. » 38 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 683), Auctioneers Expert Service, Moderate Charges. ~ William Murray Arthur Murray 16 Market St. "Phone 801.7, PEA COAL | | . . and COKE | ¥ The best and most economical || fuel on the market to-day. Try a load to finish out the season, James Swift &Co Ltd. FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. : 'PHONE 136. Record Late Frost. ing his records on Monday a long period of years, G. G. overnment meteorologist, rock? could find no registra- tion to compare with that of Sunday night, when the mercury dropped io twelve degrees above zero; repre- senting twenty degrees of killing frost, and causing new ice to form on the open waters of the St. Law- River opposite the town. [| Council held a smoker on Wednesday cess Street. re er eee eget GIRL---~Wanted to assist with ehilateny and light housework.' Apply to 152 King Street or 'phone 1482. FINE RESIDENCE--- W Victor:a Park, eight rooms, nace, hardwood fioors, 3 p. bath, gas, electricity, verandah 2516 or Box E-14, ist, Phone Office. t end h.w . near fur- Possession May Whig GENERAL -- By May 1st, widow or single woman, between 40 and B50, Protestant; to do plain cooking and keeping downstairs clean; family of three; no laundry. Highest wages. Apply Box A-12, Whig Office. GIRL-Wanted for general housework, one who can do plain cooking. Apply y Street. HOUSE---On Charles Street, frame, gas and lights, two plece bath, four bed- Apply 68 Lower 'Phone 1233-F or 327-J. rocms, Bagot Street. HOUSE--257 Rideau Street, all improvements. Telephone 985-w. large celiar. Apply 6 185 rooms; Queen in person after 5.00 a.m. to Mra. Ro Watts, 205 Alber: Street. MAID--FOor general housework. Apply in evening to Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, % Johnson Street. car line; 7 furnace, gas, electricity, good garden. Possession aA: once. ston Avenue rooms; all "Phone 71 HOUSE--On Livingston Avenue, near improvements, 2-m. Apply 25 Living- RELIABLE GIRL---Wanted to look af- ter baby in afternoons. References re- quired. Apply during morning or SYShinm 10 Mrs. Taschereau. 'Phone 632-M. YOUNG LADY OFFICE ASSISTANT Sunshine fu 'Phone 254. rhace. HOUSE--98 Earl Street, 9 rooms and 3 in attic; 3 plece toilet; gas for cook- ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps, fans, etc. eatin satisfactory. 5 Garage and stables. Ap- ply for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie St. $1,100.00--1'Tame, § rooms, garage. Three farms near ¢ity. Would exchange. Houses to let. Money to loan. insurance, O'CONNOR. T. " 361 Princess Street 'Phone 1189-7, Articles For Sal i es Miscellaneous 15 Radio, complete with loud speaker and batteries; used only three weeks. $75 cash. A. J. Buell, Bharbo! Lake, Ont. RADIO-One 5 tube Westinghouse Ra- dio, complete with load speaker and batteries; used two weeks. $150.08 cash. All in good order. A. J. Buell, Sharbot Lake, Ont. OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS =kor sale. Apply to Walkem & Walkem, #3 Clarence Street, EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with y terms of payment; large seléc- tion of newest patterns. 'Phone 2206-w. J. 4. Patterson, 180 Johnston Street. { YOUR AUTO PARTS--Silverware can be replated like new. Phone 380. Part- ridge Wire & Iron Works. Qates, Felces, etc., close prices. ARMY BOOTS--Good condition, Men's used suits, good Ag new; mechanic's tools, grips and suit cases. Prices very reusonable. A. Shapird, 45 Princess Street. AWNINGS--Verandah Cartaing. Apply WE WILL RENT--You a Piano for six dollars per month and at the expira- thon of six months will allow all mon- fes paid to apply on purchase price of plano, fasy torms arranged on the Jande. CC. W. Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess Street. Frank WwW. Cooke. 'Vhone 436. For Bookkeeping and Stepography, in a large Kingston store. Apply in own handwriting, to Box G-15, Whig Of- ce. Agents Wanted 3 AN OPPORTUNITY --For two ambitious young men with either sales: or teaching experience is being offered by a large Canadian Company. A high school ucation in Canada absolutely necessary. Money to start fair; good chance Tor advancement. Write, giv- Ss Avenue, Apply Street. electric 15.9 to H. . 'Phone 730-w. OVOMED HOUSE Charles Street; electric light and ". Norman, SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE---In town section, for cooking. light Rent To 69 ¥ down- and gas Apply 46 Wellington St. SIX ROOMED HOUSE--61 Livingston three piece bath, electricity and garage. per month, furnace, $27.00 Apply 204 Bago. Street. let an gas. Patrick ing 'full pariiculars. Salesmanager, Suite 701, 357 Bay Street, Toronto. -- Presentation to J, H, Fisher, The Kingston Building Trades evening, with a very large attend- hot ®ood warden air ligh Wanted To Rent TWO BRICK HOUSES--On Birch Ave. six rooms each, three piece bath, elec ric sas, other. furnaces, ts and on ome; garage on _Apply 530 Johnson sweet. a ance, A. pleasant event was the presentation of a gold watch and club bag to the business agent, Mr. J. H. Figher. Mr. W. Fowler, in the presentation address, spoke of the splendid work performed by Mr. Fisher in connection with the organ- fzation and of the great appreciation ROOMS rooms wanted fo for occupation M cated preferred. 'Phone 1329-m FURNISHED HOUSE MENTS \Wante, be in good loc Whig Office, by ny. ay ist oR ¥ lst. Centra For Sale or To Let APART. Must Apply Box F-14. eesti doin eareamtions, -- Comfortable unfurnished r light hoysekeeping, Hy lo. 11a felt by the members. The president, Mr. W, Eva, presenfed the gold watch, and the vice-president, Mr. E. Stanford, presented the club bag. T Island. HAT BEAUTIFUL 239 H PROPERTY Known as "Channel Grove" on Simeoe Apply D. A. Cays, Street or phone $43-J. a ES Bagot Mr. Fisher, in replying, expressed his great appreciation of the gifts and the splendid spirit in which they were given. The evening was thor- oughly enjoyed by all present. Officers Appointed. The officers have been selected for the first season's running of the LOT--That desirable lot, feet, on the south side 44 feet of by 130, Princess ween University Avenue and 'Phone 964 or 86 I 14 steamer City of Kingston, the mew 'boat built for the Canada Steamship Lines. The captain will be J. Al- phonse Lepine, of Montreal, who for App HOUSE AND LOT--Situated § In desirable locality. Ne a ne To be sol tle an estate. Street or Box J-1§, by a1 Whig some years has commanded the steamer City of Ottawa, of the same line, and M. J. O'Brien, of Kingston, will be chief engineer. + land . . NEN. Boren Tred Tora Bis be : or §2. x - able for garde oN Jun ot? 'Phone ois. or call at BRINGING UP FATHER henery. 3 i | 3041. et eer tee at LOOSE MIXED HAY--- sale, $10.00 132 fis Apply A. B. Weller, 'hone A NL HER-Of Used Bicycles from $16 up; easy terms. Also Bicycle Tires WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheets for 40¢. Suitable for wrapping purposes or household use. 8ize 16%" x 23" Apply Bridsh Whig Office. Muller's Bicycle 31.76 while they last. 'Phone works, 371-378 King Street. 1961-w. WHITE WICKER GO-CART---In good condition. 'Phone 1154. BABY CARRIAGE---Navy Blue, Eng- Heh etyle. 'Phone 2515-J. BICYCLES«Cléveland Sport Model and | Mijtorbike Model; ytur old bicycle! taken in éxchange, Terms arranged. Muller's HJioscle Works, 3871-373 King) sired. 'Phone i961-w. Puranure 15a FURNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street, successors to Lesseg Antique Shop. Fuel ana Feed 18 BAY HORSE -- 16 hands, § year old; quiet to ride and drive. Also buggy cutter and harness. Apply 447. Alfre Street, City. DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard and soft wood Slabs. We handle none Sut {ie best. 'Phone 2516-w. J. C wain. BEES---Forty hives of bees for sale; all good and strong; no foul brood. Ap- ply /. H. Reynolds, R. R. No. 3, t. BRICK «= Plas.ic 321.00, Red Rustie $25.76; Red Cottage $26.75 per M. DRY, BODY HARDWOOD-- $3.75 er Dry anixed $3.00, Split 25c. > - tra. Dry kindling under cover, $2.76 ér 'Phone 1439-J. Mrs, Ray arker, corner Johnson and McDonald Streets. load. .O.B Kingston fax included A. Neal, 624 dohnsoy Street. 'Phone Nd DRY HARDWOOD--Any quantity. Ap- ply Highway Service and Supply Co, corner Princess and . Smita Stréets. 'Phone 2706. EGGS-8 C. Rhode Siang Red Eggs, for hatehing; beau:iful, dark red, best winter layers. Winners Kingston Fajr, $2.00 per setting.' Apply "'W. H. Anderson, Darriedeld, ont. DE LAVAL--Boonér or latér you will use a De Laval Separator and Mfiker. Inguure about our power miiker trom GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 quarter cord ~~mixed wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarter cord--hard slabs 3.50--soft slabs 2.76 quarter cord. Rough and dressed umber always in stock. Clean saw- dust § cents bag. 'Phone 2753-J. W. H. Talbot, Concession Street. $1600 up. Homie good used engines and separators. Set of double harness and democrat. Also Lion Lisc Har- row. J. F. Cramer, Frost & Wood Asens A Brock S.rest. 'hone bis-J or -¥F, PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL ~Carload stove in now," Carload of Chestnut arrived and ready for distri- bution. 'Phone 2362-m. rice $15.50 delivered off cars. C. W. Neville. FISH AND CHIFS---The oldest fish and chip cafe In city. W. F. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.90 am. We deliver. "Phone 26i5-m. e-1h Mhag Logins 3 Roper ens a ying. t. 'Phone 1523-w. | urns, 2 pply 19 MODEL INCUBATOR--140 eggs. for sale, Is Sood condition. Price $15.00. ory 42 Clergy Street or 'pho REDUCED PRICES ot ihe ede 8 For w peat. My big buliding cleaned out by the first of Ma, to put in & concrete floor, so ing argest load of dry, mixed cordwood or slabs in the city at $3.00 a_ load, Hvered. - Also a féw tons Ry $14.00 rr 2 cart Josds. oal 37.00 ton. 'Phone a, W. C. Bruton, 290 Wel ee coal must be in order am sell lington body and fl a dee Foto EE $4.00 quarter cord. or Toranto gt A A Busines: Services / Tailoring and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Suits made to order. Samples in stock. $30.00 and 272 Bagot Street. Professiunal a1 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER --. W. A Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess Streets, Chiropractic adjust- ments, electric treatments and hand- massage. X-ray service. Consulta- tion free. Hours #-13 am, 1-6 p.m Evenings by appointment. Office tele- phone $22-J. Residence 'phone 957-J. LUCY-=Geo. F. and Jennie A. Chiro- practors, Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot Str 'Phone 951-w. Hours 9-13 1-5, 6-71.30. Cansultation free. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits. ete, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre cured without operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 268 Bagot Street. Phono 301w. House 1135J Barristers ana Solicitors 21b W. H. HERRINGYON~Barrister, Sollci- tor and Notary Public. 141 Welling- ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. penter work, contracting or day work. Hardwood floors a specialty. Charges moderate. G. Hunter, 73 Pembroke Street. 'Phone $48-w. REI TT Miscollancous nr ASHES Cleaned Sut of , ogliars and yards, ciean jo one. 34 Russel] Sireet. "Briones 3255" * ASAES---Removed from yard and oel- lars; general carting: first class dry wood for sale. stimate, ven. Buckley Transfer, 143 York Sireet 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER C0. -- Up Princess Street, ploughing, har: n and discing gardens; also Foner team-work done. Estimates given. 'Phone 1507-J. SPARE TIME--Income tax returns, sec~ retardal. work, verbatim reporting, typewriting, etc; expert. 'Phone §81-}. Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Piano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING--And general repalr< ine lesve srdsts At or drop a card 0 FF. W. Hare 104 Cler sir 'Phone 1600-J, .y " Automobiles Auto Accessories CUNNINGHAM -& SMITH .. Barristers and Sol'eitors, 79 Clarence Str Klagston, A. B. Cunnningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristerg and Solicitors, 69 Clarencs Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Revelle. Morigages arranged. 'Phons 205. REYNOLDS, J. C~--Barrigter and Solicl- tor, 81 Brock Sireet.. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. 'Phoné 2509. SLATER~Douglad, Barrister and Soli- Gitor, 79 Clarence Street. Mortgages arranged. 'Plone 422. #4 Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Sonor. Law Office, corrér of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. Ladies' Halr Parlor 24 ALL WFIAST CLASS HAIR mains Dobbed ria, switches, aham, Rooins. siugeing, curling, ou gy ir_ cul tting. § Bay Street. Telephone 2999. MARCEL WA Water Waving, Mound' r Bol mi Scalp Treatment. yuigntion given lo rials Drcing, "lime poiniment 'ph 2018. one Someone wanis to buy your home, 5 "mite ipl See Erin + 10 om Want Ad. on your er quick KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat Tops and Cushions. Commercial, Coupe bodies, California Tops and helstering. Awnings and Tents, 4 347 King street. 'Phone 29045. Auto Wrecking Co. One Light Six MeLaughlia Car, good condition. Mew Ome Light Six Roadster Laughlin-----good running order. Also all kinds Second Hand Automoblie Parts tor all makes ears. Second Hand Tires, all sae -- price $4.00 to $0.00. ROSEN & POLLITT 140 RIDEAU STREET "Phone 2478-w, Automobiles For Sale 20 FORD 1925 model, § balloon tires, spot light, speedometer, meter, motor horn, automatic ona shield wiper and other extras. Apply L. A. Wartman, OCuilin's Bay. STAR ROADSTER -- Good oindition. latély overhauled, tires, balloons on rear w license, Box H-1§, Whig 'phone 3085-w, battery ice, of RE re It makes it easier for readers to an- swer your classified ade. Sorialns both your telephone nimber 40 g MR JIGGD- 1 NR REALLY THIS = HR NG! fd Fl IT WOZ ALL" ME PLEASURE- hore we NOW LISTEN - DON'T EVER ON IT AGIN BE A NICE GOIN' LITTLE GIRL - BEE - I'M GIVE YOU A NICE = NICKEL ~~ 00.

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