Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1926, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Founded 1847. SUITS FOR SPRING WEAR Never was a time when Men's clothes were so in- teresting. New styles that are pleasing to wear --new fabrics and pat- terns that are likable-- but the same old stan- dard of good tailoring and three big feature groups at $25 $27.50, $30.00 SNAPPY New Spring Top Coats $20 $22.50 $25 LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk I City and District The late A. R | in Toronto, on Tuesday, was an ex- Public | | Was An Ex-Chairman. | chairman of the former | School Board of Kingston. Bank Clearings. "The figures of the Kingston Bapk- lers' Clearing House are announced las follows: Week ending April 15th, 1$672,460; corresponding week, 1925, | $739,433, | L. T. Best, Druggist, | Is giving away free with purchases | of 25¢. or over useful week-end pack- |ages containing face powder, face cream, tooth paste and soap. Starting April 15th, we will sell | I New Prices Yor Ladies' Hats. {any Ladies' Colored Hat in our {store for $3.98. --~Corrigan's. Outside repairs on the steamers in | {the harbor were held up on Friday {on account of the bad weather. The {snow storm will delay the repairs | considerably. i | ------ Storm Delayed Work, ! Disagreeable Walking. Overshoes, overcoats and other winter wearing apparel were again donned on Friday for the disagree- able weather. The walks of the city were, very slushy as the result of the snow. Openings in Harbor. The channel made by Capt. Pyke {with the tug Salvage Prince through [the harbor is now clear of the ice, {which has drifted below the cause- | way. Open water is. in evidence in many places below the bridge. Married In Brockville. Miss Jessie McBroom, nieces of i Dr. J. A. McBroom, and graduate of | the Brockville General Hospital | Training School for Nurses, and | Charles Heaslip well known merch- lant of Escott were married in | Brockville on Wednesday. ---- Hard on Auto Drivers. Drivers of cars experienced con- {siderable trouble in keeping their wind shields clear of the snow dur- [ing the day. The snow beihg damp, it would stick to the glass surface {and obstruct the view of the drivers. |The mechanical wihd shield cleaners | proved very valuable during the storm. Fractured Arm. Pear! Brown, four-year-old ward of the Children's Shelter was taken te the Belleville General Hospital guffering from a broken arm, the re- sult of an. accident when she fell from a step on which she was sitt- ing. The child is a cripple, suffer- ing from a diseased bone condition Phones: Retail 2600, 2601, 2602. Wholesale 1767. ANDERSON' Wanted: Turnips Carrots Q Butter is Eight Cents a' Pound Lower Than LARGER MARKET Last Week. ; 8,000 LBS. CREAMERY BUTTER ; Quality guaranteed. FANCY QUALITY MILK FATTED VEAL Office 365-w. Wanted : Turnips Carrots : SERVICE No Umit to quantity. All you want at this 39¢c YOUNG ONTARIO FARM FED PORK Shoulder Roasts of Pork, Ib, Butt Roasts of Pork, 1b, ................ 28c¢. Leg Roast of Pork, 1b. Pork Steaks, 1b. Limerick Sausage, 1b. 'ANDERSON'S EXPORT STEER BEEF IS BETTER ! STEWING CUTS ROASTS POT ROASTS OVEN |PRIME RIB ROASTS ' 10c 1b./12%¢ bj15c 1b.25¢ 1b.22¢ Ib. ROUND STEAKS price. Pound + - i! | Veena cvares 4 Tbs B50 fiadeanss B06 BEAUMERT CREAM CHEESE--!3 pound Outstanding Values i Grocery Department | | SOAP--(P. & G., Gold, Comfort), . JELL-O--a large assortment of airs. BAKING POWDER (Anderson brand), 1 Ib, tin TOMATO CATSUP-- (quart bottle), each MINCE MEAT . PURE CLOVER HONEY--5 1b. «pull, Sah h Hersley Blend Tea----pound iy 300. {| Now Beets, bunch irs Glbs. 2 Martin, who died All new goods this | { ditorium. His address says the On- { home with them. { 'an active part in the investigation | lm 1 1 80 that a8 any TE ig of her [@ = body may cause a broken bone. The distance of the fall was only about | five inches. i Returned Home Wednesday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crawford, Division street, | will' be pleased to: know that their | son, Gordon Crawford, who has been | seriously ill at the Kingston Gen-| eral Hospital for some ttme, was able to return home on Wednesday. Gor- don Crawford is a student attending Queen's University. | 1 . Was Born Near Kingston. Luke Graham, an old resident of | Prescott, passed away Tuesday, at- | ter an illness of several months. The | late Mr. Graham was born near | Kingston seventv-two years ago, but | had resided in Prescott many years. | | He was well known to the travelling { public. He is survived by his widow land two sons, Henry and Aleck, Prescott. Frontenac School Club. The monthly meeting of Frontenae Home and School Club was held on | Tuesday evening. Miss Saunders of |8t. Paul's Church kindly put on the | programme for the evening, with a comedy entitled "Three in One," which was a great success, During. the intermission, Miss KE. Ashley gave a delightful dance, Candies were sold by Mrs. Gyanne and Mrs. Downs. On behalf of the club, Mrs. W. Marsh, the vice-president, ten- dered a vote of thanks to Miss Saun- ders and her efficient workers for making the evening a pleasant and profitable one. The evening closed with singing the Wational Anthem. Afterwards dainty refreshments were served to the artists by Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Parks and Mrs. Steacy The Late Mrs. J. J. Clarke The friends in the township of North Fredericksburgh and in Nap- anee regret to learn of the death of Mrs. J. J. Clarke, which occurred at Napanee, on Tuesday last, Deceased had been in ill health for some time and owing to her advanced age of 76 years, little hope was held out for her recovery. Deceased and her late husband, who predeceased her a few months ago, were lifelong re- sidents of the township of North Fredericksburg, moving to Napanee a few years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss an only daughter, Mrs, Samuel Baird, with whom she resided. Got Valuable Information. , 'No other service club in this city can be of more real service than the Horticultural Society for its members can co-operate with other service clubs and make the city beau tiful, and also free it from pests such as mosquitos, moths and other winged creatures," sald Professor W. T. MeClement of Queen's Univer- sity, to the members of this thriving soclety In the City Hall, Belleville, on Tuesday evening before an audi- | ence that comfortably filled the au- tario, was illustrated with lantern glides and those interested were able to take a great deal of information Kingston's New Officer. The Brockville Recorder-Times of Thursday has the following: '"Pro- vincial Censtable G. V. Clubbe left this afternoon for Kingston to which city he has been transferred after being stationed in Brockville since \December, 1924. During his stay in Brockville Constable Clubbe, through his gentlemanly character, has made many friends who regret his depar- ture from town and wish him every success ip the future. He has been a capable officer in every respect and always carried out his duties in an unoffensive manner and In a way that reflected creditably upon his tact and sense of fair play. His sue- cessor will be Simon J. Elliott, who for the past year has been stationed at Pembroke, and who recently took {ot the Billings and Stringer deaths, {which occurred in the woods near | Barry 's Bay, Ont., early last Janu- tary.' | George Ham, 'noted humorist, { author and C. P. R. publicity man, is | dead in Montreal at the age of 79. | nm ui rr ---- DAILY MEMORANDUM. Remember. the Food Sale in add of e "Kingsin Kitchen" Greece, Saturday, from from 2 to §. Corner of King and Brock Streets. | Special for Saturday 4 Rinso for . . .. Enis New Male Syrus, por quart « Te. Good Soy Apple, peck iam 57s . J KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE ON SALE SATURDAYMORNING AT 9.30. 1300 Yards English Broadcloth Mill Ends 35c¢ yd. Just the great sale every housewife has been waiting for. 1,300 yards of fine, English Broadcloth of sheer, silken finish in a rainbow. of shades. The lengths vary from | yard to 10 yards each, and are values from 60c. to 75¢c. per yard. The following are the shades: White, Mauve, Sand, Powder Blue, Pansy, Fawn, Peach, Flesh, Pink, Cream. 300 Yards Black Duchess Satin *1.49 yd. So great was the demand for this beautiful quality Satin that we are repeating the sale to-morrow morning at 9.30. We advise an early purchase, as this amount 'is limited. The width is full 36 inches. SILK HOSIERY In Spring's Richest Shades Super Silk Hosiery *1.50 pr. This great make of the finest quality Sheer Silk Hosiery represents another of the feature lines we are selling this

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