Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1926, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Friday, April 16, 1926. Et | JOHN McKAY, Limited, FUR. HOUSE 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTOX Silver Foxes at $150.00. Beautiful fine skins. Pointed Foxes at $65.00. Browns in all shades, $50.00. Beautiful Reds at $25.00. Other Foxes and Chokers from $8.50 upward. a | coro RITE STRAW HAT FINISH Available In fourteen attractive colors. Dries in thirty minutes. Water=proof and durable. Thirty cents a bottle. Branigan's Drug iin STORE 3. Phone 18 who should do your wiring. Our de- pendability is your insurance. Defteac- "tive wiring often causes 'a disastrous fire. Let us serve you electrically --~ you'll find you will have no cause for complaint. Jf you are interested in the eleétrical appliances come us occasionally. | FRIDAY AND | SATURDAY 1 pound Magic Baking Powder for 81 Island Roll Butter . .. ....38c. | Dairy School Butter, 1b. . .44c. ll 5 kinds Fancy Cakes 2 lbs. 25c. I Post Brand . . .... 2 pkgs. 206c. . 20c¢. ll Peko Blend Tea, Ib. ..... 62c. Baker's Pure Cocoa 2 lbs. 25c. Finest quality Matches 8 for 28c B53 pounds Rolled Oats ... 25¢ Pure Cherry Jam (extra), 4s. 78¢. 7 1b. bag Pastry Flour . . .. . Blué Rose Rice , Special price on Potatoes, Let's fill your basket. You'll save, "House Wiring and Repairing. All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasopable prices. § "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets. - « 'Phome 04. a HANLEY'S | (Batablished 1871) eamship passages kod 10 All Latis of e world. Pass- | ports arranged. Through tickets issued over all ms-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Alaska, Il West Indies, Mediterran- Round the World Steamship passages arranged for if to bring relatives or nds from abroad. full particulars apply to or 1 PB. ey, C.P. & T.A,, C.N. Oftice, Canadian National Station, carne! Johnacu And gston, Ont. Oper ig 'Phones 99 or 2831 Y A -- | 182 Wellington Street _ When you want the best in Cut , Plants or design work WATTS', 1763 Store, 1187 Campbell Bros. "The Style Centre for Hats and Furnishings" HATS Ours are the kind you will be pleased to wear. You can't help liking their distinctive cut $2.75 to $7.50 And no matter which price you pay yom are sure of utmost value here, We sell every best make. '| ing able to quote statistics and taix | of budgets. Rotarian A. D. McConnell moved ll] mother of the speaker and Mrs. T. | DESERONTO | severe attack of grippe. 1 LANSDOWNE | tm WEEE | reron THE HOPE OF CANADA | Picton, April 15.--The funeral of| | the late Willlam Shannon was held |Acoording to Arthur HUN rom the home of his niece, Mrs. Chute, Who Addressed the | Peter Cole, Mary street, on Wednes- | | day afternoon. Mrs. Cole's mother, Rotary Club. op Sweeney, is a sister and the " ec s¢ - only surviving member of the family. Canadian Nationalism' was the |, L hv subject of the address delivered be- | a i ee ] fore the Rotary Club on Thursday | qienwood. : afternoon -by Arthur Hunt Chute, Capacity audiences greeted "The | journalist. In the course of his re-| Golden Links : Minstrels" Picton's | | marks Mr. Chute deprecated the lack | 1ocal colored troupe, at The Regent | of courage with which, he said, Can-| Theatre on Monday and Re ada was facing her problems and| evenings when they were seen In || made a plea for a return of the spirit | "College Boys on the Campus." shown during the war, when peo-| Gerald Way was interlocutor and ple all over the country sunk their|the end men were Messrs. Mulhol- little differences and all worked to-| land, O. Ward, J. Vestervelt and A. ward the one end. Canada's great-| Minaker. A musical sketch by the est need according to the speaker | Orchestra and the quartette was par- was a spark of that prophetic fire ticularly well rendered, the quar- which inspired Jim Hill and Donald | tette singing "Southern Melodies," Smith, later Lord Strathcona, to open | 'Old Black Joe" and "Black up that vast wilderness, now known Mammy." The show was clear, as the fertile Canadian Northwest. bright and snappy throughout and Canada is overshadowed by the reflected great credit on the young United States, in the opinion of Mr Profle whe worked so uasiauously to ate and he sees in this both a|f ntertalnment of merit. Shuts ud o curse. One would] Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McQuade gather, however, that he believes it Re on Must Oaliava Jue Toten, rather more of a disadvantage than turned ro their ge n By Ye otherwise. He remarked that it Was | .. yoving spent the winter in Pie- not ever worth while answering such | men as Sinclair Lewis and Don Seitz | yjsq Madeline Currie spent over who saw Canada as a future part of | gaeiar week with her grandparents, the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Toronto. "1 believe Canada has a distinct Miss Mary Dunkley entertained contribution to make to the North| at afternoon tea on two days of American continent. Let us foster | last week, Friday and again on Sat- an aristo-democracy with "all that| urday. Lovely spring flowers were comes from a kingship and a crown," | much 'In evidence in the pretty par- he said. Greater than being a Cana-| lors and the time was pleasantly dian, Mr. Chute declared, was being | spert in social visiting. The hostess a Britisher. was assisted in the tea room by Mrs. In the present concentration and |F. T. Knight, Misses Helen and monopolization of Canada's wealth Kathleen Gillespie, Meadames Al- by a few powerful concerns, the fred Hubbs, C. B. Hadden, H. Ham- speaker saw a grave problem. It wag ilton and Miss Clare Porter. anything but a healthy condition for | Mr. and Mrs. George Ward and young industries or for the rest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubbs spent the Canada outside of the financial dis- week-end in Trenton, the guests of trict. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds. The youth of Canada, and by youth he did not imply young in Edward Fairfax Milburn, some years but rather men who still|time prine¢ipal of the Belleville High dreamed dreams and saw visions, | School, died Tuesday at his home in were looked to by the speaker as the | Belleville. He had been in ill health salvation of this country. The spirit} for some time. Prominent in edu- of discontent which seemed prevalent | cation, Mr. Milburn was also a noted just now, he said, was but an expres- | yachtsman all his life. ) sion of the progressive spirit which was ready to break oyt at the call of the right leader. This leader, ac- cording to Mr. Chute, would have "THE HAT STORE" to possess other capabilities than be- a vote of thanks, which was second- ed by Rotarian W. J. McCallum. A number of ladies and other guests were present at the meeting includ- ing Dr. and Mrs. Chute, father and aN W. Savary, his sister. Successful Selling of Smart Styles Our Ladies' Hat de- Desetronto, April 15.--Mr. Gibb, : . representing the McLean Publishing partment increases in Co., was a business caller in town : on Thursday. popularity as the sea- Mr. Esmeads was working for the Gillette Co., of which he is repre- sons come. sentative, among the citizens on Buy on the ad Wednesday and Thursday. - Mrs. Staynor has returned to take is easy to reach and so are our up residence with her ey Mrs. prices, for you do not pay high Howton, after an absence of some hove for name oF sigle; You Frank Creeggan of Maidenstone, get real value here and exclu- Sask., is spending a few weeks at st 1 his home, Ohrist church rectory, on ve styles not shown in other the reservatign. stores. And best of all we have Mrs. Clayton Orser, of Picton, is one price and all Hats are the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. Elwood Metcalfe, Dundas|fjl marked in plain figures. street. _ On Tuesday evening, a number ofy her friends honored Mrs. Lilian Woodeock's birthday with a sur- prise party, John F. Thompson of Napanee Road is confitied to his bed with a S------ - Lansdowne, April 15.---Jack Ted- tord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tedford, is 111 with pneumonia, Miss : Lillian Marshall, Vars, Ont. spent SPECIALS FOR SHAW'S DAILY STORE NEWS Gold Dollar Silk | Royal Damask Hose, $1.00 Linens % Special Values | ~~ InEvery ~ Department! PONGEE SILK, 50c. YD. CURTAIN SCRIM, 123c. YD. 34 inch fine Pongee Silk. Will | 36 inch double bordered Curtain wash and wear like iron" Regu- Scrim--your choice of White or lar 75¢. quality. Cream. Saturday .......... 50c. yard MEN'S COMBINATIONS, 75c. | MEN'S FINE SOX, 50c. PR. Broken sizes in Men's fine Bal- Men's fine Silk and Wool fancy briggan Combinations. Regular ribbed Sox, in Brown, Fawn, price $1.25, / Navy and Grey. Saturday « ALL WOOL SERGE, 69c. Yd. ENGLISH VOILE, 20c. YD. 40 inch, fine White English Voile 38 inch, all pure Wool Serge in | ___. Black, Brawn and Navy. al ch. Bogor 506. goat $2 Tapestry Coverings, $1.49 50 inch Tapestry Covering, in a nice range of the newest patterns and colorings. Regular $2.00 quality. On Sale Saturday, Special, per yard PURE LINEN, 16¢. YD. PILLOW CASES, 25c. EACH All pure Linen Towelling, 17 | Good, large size, White Cotton inch, in White with Red or Blue | Pillow Cases, hemmed; yery ser- borders. Regular 20c. a yard. viceable. On sale for one day-- UMBRELLAS, $1.39 Ladies, heré is real value. A | Women's fine Brocaded Bras- tape 'edge, absolutely rainproof . h z Urnbrella.. Your choice of all the. sieres--hook back or front. Sizes new handles. 5 ... $1.39 each Floor Oilcloths, Printed and Inlaid Linoleums D. A. SHAW, Limite "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" > Barrymore : Pictorial wi | i Death of Michael Haley. Baster with Miss Myrla McCullough. TO-MORROW Misses Mabel Patience. Dora Smith, Marjorie Nunn, returned to Ottawa on Monday to resume their studies at Normal. id On Friday evening a dance will be Hats at $ ) 95 held at Mallorytown, under the aus- b ' 8 pices of the baseball club. The|l - \ -~ ' Michael Haley died at the home of his nephew, Martin Conroy, Carth- age, N.Y., Friday morning, April 2nd. Death was due to acute neuritis, from which he had suffered during the past three years. Funeral ser- vices were held at St. James' chureh, Carthage, Monday, Apri] Sth, at 9.30. Danby orchestra will play. A Farm- A y ~ ers' Club meeting was held on Satur- LS day afternoon and evening in the|ly . McCullodgh and her friend, : ! is Lillian Marshall, spent Friday in Kingston. ' Messrs. Moxley and Stringer are ex-

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