Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1926, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Erdey Apel, 1907, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS _ "-- King- : mt es ER | contractor ot Napanee and ston." AUNT HET - - . LIFE' S SOCIAL SIDE As a pleasant interlude to a hard day's work, the Dominion Executive . X of the W.A. were entertained at . Womin's Pace Editor Phone 2048 needs of the dioceses of Caledonia. |luncheon in the large room on the f Privates /Phane 857w. Je returned to Toronto on the night |second flat of the Belmont on Thurs- 3 | 5, RY, | ® 4 7, : y . . train, id day by-the membersr of the diocesan "Mr. H. H. Horesy, who was in . y board, Long tables, decked with fown on Thursday, has returned to Fred Vokes, who spent the holi-|flowers were surrounded by earnest Ottawa. days with Major Vokes, Royal Mili- women who relaxed for the time and : a. tary College, returned to Trinity (enjoyed the cheerful room, flooded RTI " Y Mrs. ¥. 8. Sine, Sydenfiam, has| College school, Port Hope.to-day." |with bright sunshine, and the com- | | p 4 ° : - been a visitor in Carleton Place, . panionship of the members of the i ds be HH . ' guest of Mrs. Charles Bates. Bert Winnett, who spent the holi- hoard and other women interested Zr A fil Cc 1IZQ9ES a * eo» we ve ay : days with Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Win- in missions. 'At the conclusion of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Kidd, Stuart |nett, Bagot street, returned to the luncheon, Mrs. Gilbert Ferrabee, Street, who spent a week in Dundas | Trinity College School, Port Hope, Montreal, the Dominion president, | , and Toronto, retursied to town on | to-day. thanked the Kingston ladies for| pl i 3 : Thursday. 3a: their hospitality and said the execu- -F . 23 4 ee The members of the Dominion Ex- [tive had found the stay in Kings- ; a e O = i . "I reckon the reason John's my Mrs. Williughby Cummings, L.L.D.. | ecutive of the W.A., who ledve for|ton'a pleasant one. Mrs. Havelock who was a Lt cousin, Mrs. Ed- | their homes this afternoon, were en- prica the diocesan president, re- favorite boy is because he kept me ' win Loucks, Division street, has re- | tertained at luncheon at The Bel-[,1104" caving what a pleasure and Siva an' I prayed most about turned to Toronto mont to-day. inspiration it had been to have the| "H- \ «so. hin® Dominion Executive in Kingst y {Dominion Executive in Kingston. . Miss Waude, who was the guest of 230 Budge, whe spept 8 dot. Among the veteran officers present ' eason Mrs. W. A. Sawyer, University ave- « ang . _ '|were Miss Halson, Toronto, senior . y _| Royal Military College, has return- The Editor Hears nue, for the W. A. meeting, return ed to Trinity College School, Port member of the board, who has been || | ed to Montreal to-day. | Dorcas secretary for thirty-one years; ; ; . e » Hope. +25 a Miss Muckleston,who has belongtd {0 That the members of the Dominion I lot of smart Mohair, Tagel, | lot of Chic Hats--all the new Miss Kathleen Daly, Albert street, Alfred Chown, who was with his the Women's Auxiliary since its in-| pyocutive who have been in tSwn | Ajour and Silk Combination : colors and shapes. 'will go to Hamilton on Tuesday to ception forty years ago; Mrs. Wil-| . parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Chown, | : S$ week preparing the agenda to be Tepresent Prince Charlie, 1O.D.E., at| FUCh ES: JUL MAG MO 10D) idayn, | loushby Cummings, L.L.D., Toronto, | tayen un ap van the Roig to «Trimmed Hats. All colors for the Provincial meeting, 3 ity College |@ditor of The Living Message; Mrs. i . e Trinit College indi has: YoaNiud: to: Trialy 8% Buxton B. Smith, Kingston, an hon- de hold ji ivgdus, Cularie, Were Women and Children. C i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Col-|™ . ee orory president of Ontario diocesan i ¥ Women 0 Bie betf ng 's Bay, were in town this week, x board. very little time in social events which Soe : Mrs. David | Mrs. Gilbert Ferrabee, Dominion take up.so many hours of most wo- : k - guests of Mr. and nd | president of the Woman's Auxiliary, . m8n's conventions. The members, of Uuic ker, Princess street. who was with Mrs. John Mair, Uni- . oe versity avenue, returned to Montsel | the executive are all women who are Selling at accustomed to transact the busines | We specialize i in large, head sizes. i" Mrs. H. E. Pense, Walkerton, and | to-day. . Mrs. C. W. Greenland, Timmins, who * ve | WEDDINGS in hand with despatch and they ac-| have been in town for three weeks, Wallace Newman, who was with | complished a good deal in two days. i They turned a deaf ear to offers of -- returned to Walkerton to-day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, William Bie street west, for the holidays, return- entertainment except the necessary Se Mrs. Herman Macdonald, Ear! | ed to Trinity College School, Port luncheons, and tea was sent in to, street, gave a pleasant bridge and | Hope, to-day. Ferguson-Potter. them so that the time would be sav- mah jongg on Thursday,.and is en- ." + At St. George's cathedral on|ed. The members of the diocesan | *tertaining again this afternoon. Miss Halson, Dorcas secretary of | Monday evening last, at eight 0'-| hoard would have arranged a drive | 2 . * * the Dominion bpard of the Woman's | Seek, Rev. x E. Ba Jaited 131 for them if the time could have tif Archdeacon Rix, Prince Rupert, | Auxiliary, who was with Mrs. ~ W.| matrimony, Emmett Reginal ©T-| spared from business, but the presi- - B.0., was in town on Thursday to] | Kirkpatrick, Barrie street, returned | guson, of Trenton, and Ellen Agnes| jent felt that it could not. Between Barrie and Division Streets. 322 BROCK ST. Minna Potter, daughter of the late a address the members of the Do- | to Toronto to-day. . minion executive of the W. A. on the * se Andrew John Potter, The bride and 0. \ " " n _ a ; _ ' a --------am---- tin ; § Mrs. H. R. Dufl, regent of the| groom were assisted by Miss; Mary| That the peacetime activities of the nr me Pe Municipal Chapter, 1.0.D.E., will go | Potter, sister of the brid>. and Mri] Canadian Red Cross in Canada which por ; S RE a Sl EE =%y : to Hamilton on Tuesday to repre-| Robert Duncan. The bride was|include the enrolment of 105.000 ! . A sent her chapter at the - provincial | prettily gowned fn blue with hat tb! children in the Junior Red Cross with : . meeting of the 1.0.D.E. match, and carried a bouquet - of | the object of making healthy, happy « so» roses and carnations. She was given | citizens, were brought before the - v ¥ Get Rid of These Ugly Spo Surely . » Clare Kirkpatrick, who has been | away by Mr. Frank Truesdale, her| Central Council of the Canadfan Re1 uncle. Following the ceremony MF.| Cross at a meeting held in Toronto Com: exion 3 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. pl With Charles Kirkpatrick, Victoria street, | and Mrs. Ferguson and a few friends | this week at which the president, Sir 0 i HINE returned to Trinity College School, | enjoyed a wedding supper, and many | Robert L. Borden, presided. Port Hope, on Friday. handeome, iM ue Djety) ite ey - * * were s vere n y-weds, . testifying to their popularity. Mr. That a glimpse of blue water along no longer imperiled under 32 inch Ginghar--English winks, and Mrs. Ferguson will reside at 44 | the shore is an earnget of spring and hygienic handicaps -- new - James street. we hope before many days to see the way off pe iyrh 2 in a wide variety of patterns; fast col y offers true protection; -- dancing waves of Lake Ontario Siscards like tissue ors, for .".. ae le .2lc. a yard. EJLEAL Sop SR Mrs. Charles Constantin, "Bolton Royd," regent of Annandale chap- ter, 1.O.D.E., will go to' Hamilton on Tuesday to attend the meeting of ' the Provincial Chapter. : , . sparking in the sunshine, Then we : 3 he . » P LJ The T Men Lie About. ' turn with" renewed energy to : a : "No matter how excellent a man's > ont 'p rations forthe Stim RESH, charming, immaculate House 'Dresses--Mar tha Washing- Dean Woodsworth and hls two |ntentions, it is impossible for him : ne - under ALL conditions. Sheer . . "PHONE children, who arrived at Vancouver |,, yo honest all the time," So Prof, | Mer: turn the house out of the win- gowns worn without a second's fear, ton make, in all sizes from 34 to 51. from Kobe, Japan, are visiting in the iywo)1ace Ww. Charters of the Univer. | 40s and let in the sun and air. Look | nv time, any day! : west and will join Mrs. H. F. Woods- sity of Chicago told the Ontario Edu-| OVe¥ our wardrobe and begin to gar- If k thi dd d.charm, sto Very special at $1.95 and $2.95 each. worth in Kingston on April 23rd. den. The people living near the you see is added ¢ p « = = cational A=fociation last week. laos aever believe spring has really employing old-time "sanitary pads," . ; Mrs. W. G. Jordon, Barrie street,| Now Margaret Mooers Marshall in " insecure, uncertain. The best Silk Stocking at $1.00 a a EL a fas No. the New York World makes this re-| come till they hear the boat whistle, Eight in 10 better-gliss women . . y ranged luncheon on Thursday for |PI¥: ~ now employ "KOTEX" . .. a new pair--Luxite make--all the new shades "all" f us would read 5 ti bsorbe di- . Miss Lois Taylor, when her guests | 'For "all" some o That His Grace, Archbishop Spratt| Way, 5 times as absorbent as ordi : . were girl friends of the bride-elect. any of but, waving jtide al having given his consent, a company | UAary cotton pads. in all sizes Win Wena aw a Re $1.00 par ee Wah edema. cynic oa vou ws the! ,¢ Girl Guides will be organized un- Absorbs and deodorizes at the: : Mrs. J. E. Singleton, Frontenac Pro ¢ior a for & mew sup.| der the directfon of some of the Ro- ame time, thus ending ALL danger Our assortment of new Scarfs is un- man Catholic Women's societies and | Of offending: street, regent of La Salle Chapter, ' . . » LO.D.B,, will go to Hamilton on vey--What Do Men Lie About ? Mrs. I. G. Bogart, divisional commis- y You discard il as easily as a piece rivalled in style or variety, m Shetland It has been our observation that-- Tuesday to represent her chapter at]. sioner, is arranging for work to be- of tissue. No laundry. No em: . " the meeting of the Provincial Chap-| Men lie-- gin at once. barrassment. Wool, Crepe Georgette and Silk from About golf scores. a : ter. 3 -- " You ask for it without hesitancy, win oH About poker hands and winnings. at any drug or department store, $1.00 to $12.50 each, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Routley, Miss| About athletic prowess. That the highway is in good con-| imply by saying "KOTEX." Routley and Mr. K. Routley. hava| About the running expenses of the| gition and the motorists are begin- In fairness to yourself, try this returned to Peterboro, from a seven | 3 ning to enjoy life once more. Every amazing way. Costs only a few month's trip to California. Mr. and| About taking cold paths. day a new car appears drivem by | cents. Comes Awelve in a package. ® Mrs. Routley are former Kingstons sibout fig many cigars they, ..s friends. It those fortunate W. N. Linton & fans. . enough to have cars would make up T . ».N.. About what they said to the boss. | their minds to be generous in giving K Oo € X ' ; > a . Miss Florence Macdonald. Mallory-| About the money they made last') i. srends who have none a lift No lavndry~discard like ti Phone 191. The Waldron Store town, was with ' her sister, Mrs, [Yo2T. now and then, or a drive in the coun- . » John N. .Alexander, Barrie street, Bout their being thea boss at fry, they would be happier them. for her post-nuptial reception on selves and would make life more Wednesday and opened the door for vt the hit they made with the pleasant for others. A An Jnaguate Witness, her Wau Yan, . | What--ELSE---do men Jie about ? _--- sel, "tell the at a oan Mrs. Garnet Lockett, Kensington] There Is this to be sald for such! mu. [ondon's Royal School of doing in the interim." avenue, entertained at bridge on|®® investigation : . Nuay o a is Needlework reports a revival of petit | 'I never went there," retorted the Thursday afternoon for her mother, |5uits wil ma it pr neh er as point embroidery, and another | Witness indignantly. "I stayed in it Is now for @ man to tell a good) po, h neglected art--the quilting of | the drawing-room all the evening." Mrs. BE. Douglas, New York when the prizes were won by Mrs. G, w.|ohe and be believed. bed-spreads--has been taken up by Mylks, Mrs. T. D. Minnes and Miss hot Lady Dalhousie, while Lady Kyl- Elizabeth Sutherland. sant's youngest daughter and Miss A Good Siart. Tee. k . Angela Paget aré two young people | Teacher--How old are you, little who have returned with great en-| bo The Whig will be glad to have the , y? hames of visitors in town and ac-| | © 272 Princess St. thusiasm to the vogue for embroid-| Sonny (who has just started doing counts of various social events for 8 ering. > fragtions,--1'm six and five-twelfths, 4 ran publieation in . the social column. Saturday' $ Specials ; ; 2 Such communications should be . . wax. signed and the address of the sender - 3 usehold given. Write or telephone to the jars Marmalade q Ss msi f Editor of the ams i phone No. 2013, ite 3b. J of 40c. ea. Black Ceylon In the evening Mrs. Lockett en- "alee tertained again when the prize winners were Miss Doris Spackman, Montreal, Mrs. Stewart Robertson |, and Mrs. W. Harold H The men's prite was won 3 with tulips and daffodils and in spite of the wintry weather the guests felt that spring waa hers, a A

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