Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1926, p. 13

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C THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Saturday, April 17, 1926. NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS poveve LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE , Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613 Private Phone 857w. Toronto, is in| Hon. W. F. Nickle, town forghe weck-enc. . -. . Mont- Mundell, Rex Calvin DE Mr. and Mrs. real, are with Mrs. Barrie street. «. ss 0» Mrs. Richard Uglow, Frontena. street, entertained at bridge on Fri- | day afternoon. . . - | Mrs. J. Conacher, Alfred street, en- tertained at bridge and mah jongg, | on Friday afternoon. | * . *. | Mrs. James Odell arrived from] Boston, Mass., on Friday and with | her sister, Miss Lois Taylor, left for ---- BEAUTIFY IT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" | | | | | | Just Dip to Tint or Boil }| to Dye ) ! be | Corners, | in Kingston Each 15-cent pack age contains direc tions so simple any woman can tint soft, | P delicate shades or dye | rich, permanent col- ors in lingerie, silks, | ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stock- | ings, sweaters, drap- eries, coverings, hang- | ings--everything! Buy Diamond Dyes--no other kind ~-and tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wdol or L _.silk, or whether jt is linen, cotton or mixed goods fHSorine unrest makes you long to own a c carpet. "A JAEGER pure wool travelling rug, with the magic of warmth and comfort, makes a wonderful wandering com- panion. NG Tleccecoertoececetcectes CRRA CRATE LER ANLSASRLLRRALL CR % GALLAGHER'S 'PHONE SERVICE 960 3 25¢ ANYWHERE IN CITY : DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Hi MOTHER GLAD DAUGHTER IS WE s Tells How Lydia E. $Y egetable Compound or Daughter's Sy daughter 'an invalid ever since she was six onths old and as been com | a recent"guest of Rev. | Aultsville, Belleville { with her | Mrs. J. A Toronto to-day to spend the week- end « = Mrs spent the Mrs. A. J. Joseph Donovan Kingsten, week-end at the home of Sword, Gananoque. PEE Miss Florence Barr, Lanark, was Mrs. Ferguson Dr. and Mfs. Edward Ryan, '"Rock- wood House," - are spending a few davs in Toronto and are at the King Edward . - . Hannaford, Mont- week-end with Hopkins, King- Mr real, Dr ston Maitland is spending the and Mrs. Bruce « + = Mrs Gibson Morgan, are spending some time in Kingston and * Mr. and With friends «v0» Miss Frances Cartwright, who was aunts, the Misses Cart- wright, at "Densmere,"" returned to Toronto on Friday. « sv Allan and his daughter, Ferguson, visiting with Mr. J. D. are relatives Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, who spent a few days at the Commandant"s Re- sidence, Royal Military College, with Col. and Mrs, C. F. Constantine, has returned to Toronto. « sv 0» Mrs. D. D. Calvin, Toronto, who with Mr. Calvin is in town for the Calvin-Mooers wedding is with Mrs. Henry Duckman, William street. -. . . Miss Isabel Oliver, Montreal, is leaving on April 24th for Kingston, | to attend the Windeyer-Taylor wed- ding on May 1st, and will be the "guest of Miss Lois Taylor. Mr. Irving Martin, Toronto, and Miss Grace Martin, Montreal, are in town for the marriage of their sis- Miss Ruth Martin to Mr. H. E. which took place this ter, Richardson, morning. Mrs. Walter Boyd, Ottawa, who is in town for the Calvin-Mooers wed- ding was the guest of Mr.-and Mrs. George Hague, University avenue. Sie returned to Ottawa this after- noon. Mrs. W. A. Wallace Harriett Wallace, Detroit, Mich, who have been visiting Mrs. W. A. Burns, Lansdowne, are spending the week with Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Brock street. and Miss The marriage of Miss Doreen Mc- Avity, daughter of Col. and Mrs. J. L. McAvity, St. John, N.B.,, to Mr. Gerald Anglin, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Anglin, St. John, N.B,, is tak- ing place at the end of April. . . . The friends of Mrs. R. J. Reid, Unipn street, who have been inquir- fng for her will be glad to hear that she has sufficiently recovered from her recent indisposition to be able to return fr®m the hospital to her home on-Sunday. - . . Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie street, gave a small mah jongg party on Thursday for Miss Winnifred Hague, who with Mr. and Mrs. George Hague, sails for England early in | May to join Major and Mrs. Hackett, who are coming from India with their children. The Whig will be glad to have the hames of visitors in town and ae- counts of various social events for {publication in the social column. {Buch communications should be |signed and the address of the sender {given. Write or telephone to the |Bditor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613. - . . Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Bogart are giv- ing a box party to-night for "No, No, Nanette" at the Grand Theatre which will include Dr. and Mrs. de L. Campbell, Kingston, Dr. and Mrs. J, P. Sinclair; Dr. and Mrs. BE. 8. Bird. Dr. and Mrs, J. J. Dayis and Dr, ani Mrs. E. J. Bracken, Gananoque. The party will go back to Dr. and = Mrs. Bogart's home on Wellington street for supper. . » A very delightful party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Victoria street,"on Fri- day evening in honor of their wed- ding anniversary. Cards and danec- ing were the forms of entertainment and supper was serveg at midnight, the tables being autifully dec- orated with flowers. The guests numbered about forty and many very handsome presents were re- ceived. - . » MiSs A. Muriel Dunne, president of Queen's Alumnge, Ottawa, was hostess at a tea for Queen's grad- uates and their friends at her home, | 27 Melgund avenue this afternoon. Miss Dunne was assisted in receiving the guests by Mrs. O. D. Skelton, ¥ me Herbert Hares an and Miss Kath- T. J. S. and | Johnson street. J McDonald's | Mrs. R. H. Davidson of Kingston and her son, Master John I. V. Davidson, grandson of the late Colonel John 1. Davidson of Toronto and Judge Vance of Barrie. ---- leen Wingard, and the following ladies presided in the tea room: Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw, Mrs. Andrew Haydon, Mrs. N. B. MacRostie, Mrs C. H. Bland, Mrs. W. A. Dobson and Miss M. Clifford. . - - As 1926 is the golden jubilee of | the W.C.T.U., a special effort is be- ing put forth to increase the mem- bership, and a week or so ago thn} members and prospective members received an envelope with al golden daisy attached and a date fixed upon which it should be brought, with some money inside, tn the home of Mrs. C. S. Anglin, Wel- lington street. Friday was the day set, and in spite of the April snow storm, a good many women arrived with their well filled envelopes and enjoyed an excellent programme ar- ranged by Miss Ida Garbutt. They were received by the hostess and the president, Mrs. A. E. Knapp, and also met by Mrs. W. T. G. Brown and Mrs. John Wright who take much interest in the work of the soclety. Mrs. Elmer;Smith received the en- velopes in a pasket tied with a big white bow, and Mrs. J. A. Miller took the names of new members. Thal tea table decked with tulips was presided over by Mrs. G. A. Bate- man and Mrs. G. MacCallum assist- ed by Mrs. R. H. Ward and Mrs. C. +4 Proc rmitme tBs smi cme smi ti tm sms sme. Curling and Waving Dries Life from Hair @IEE $I HBL IEP EBs TBE LEI LEI LBL PE te Proiroiiaiier tere cms sme $rotimiimiimiimiimi sme ras The constant curling and waving demanded by present styles in bob- bed hair, slowly burns the color, lustre and very life from the hair, leaving it dry, faded, brittle, and full of dandruff; then the hair roots shrink and the hair falls out fast. Since girls just must curl and wave the hair to appear their prettiest, try "Danderine" to offset any bad effects. After the first application vour hair will take on new life and that heal- thy, youthful lustre, become incom- parably soft, wavy and appear twice as thick and abundant. Falling hair stops and dandruff disappears. A 3b-cent bottle of refreshing "Danderine" from any drug store or toilet counter will do wonders for] any girl's hair. It goes right tv the roots, fiuvigorates, nourishes and strengthens them, helping the hair to grow thick, healthy and luxuriant. Public Library Bulletin "The Northern Map Of Truthful T A guide to 77 titles, telling the story of the continent of America North of 45. | of 71 parents of the bridegroom, C. Nash, Mrs. W. A. Kaitting, Mrs. Bannister and Mrs. Wilson. The ef- fect of the daisy chain the W.C.T.U. wishes to form was carried out in the dainty cakes decorated with daisies. The programme consisted two piano ' numbers by Miss Eleanor Ham, several songs by Mrs. John Bvans, who also sang the So- ciety's song, '""'Some Glad Day," In which all the members joined in the | chorus. Miss Lottie Sanders and Mrs. E. A. Goodwin sang and Mrs. Kil- gour recited. . . . One of the most successful euchre parties and'dances of the season wes held at the Catholic Assembly Hall by the Home and School Club of St. | Vincent's Academy Friday evening. About fifty tables were in play at euchre and nine games were played the prize winners being as follows: Ladies first prize, Mrs. Holden; sec- ond, Miss Margaret Babcock; con- solation, Miss Bedore; gentlemen's frst, Mr. Grooms; second, Mr. A. Gilmore; consolation, Mr. W. Dor- see; door prize, Mrs. Taugher. Mr. B. Abernethy, who kindly donated the tickets, also gave a special booster prize for the winners of the first prizes. At the conclusion of the card games, refreshments were ser- ved by the ladies and dancing fol- lowed. A very large number was present for the dancing and the music was rendered by McGrath's orchestra. Mrs. Marcoux was the convener of the committee and she was capably assisted by Mrs. Grooms, Mrs. Milne, Mrs. McQuaide, Mrs. Taugher, Mrs. Paus, Mrs. Mortlock and Mrs. C. Murphy. WEDDINGS. Calvin-Mooers. St. George's Cathedral was beauti- fully decorated with epring flowers in shades of pink and mauve on Sat- urday morning when the marriage was solemnized of Isobel Allan, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis Mooers, and Mr. Collamer Chipman Calvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Toronto, Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.A, M.C., officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of ivory white satin with long sleeves and a flared skirt. The long train was lined with pale pink georgette, edged with lace and embroidered with pearls. The bridal veil was of embroidered tulle caught to her hair with orange blossoms, and the bridal bouquet was of roses showered with lily-of-the-valley. Miss Grace Mooers, sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor, and wore coral georgette with a flowered bordered and a hat of the same shade in silk straw with cerise velvet rib- bon. Miss Hilda Calvin, Toronto, a sister of the groom, was bridesmaiu and was frocked in orchid geor- gette In a similar design. Both at- tendants carried sweet peas and roses. Mr, H. A. Calvin, jr.. acted as best man for his brother, and the ushers were Mr. Sherman Hill and Mr. Hew Duff. After -the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride when Mr. and Mrs. Calvin received congratulations with Mr. and Mrs. Mooers, who was gowned in grey georgette and wore a corsage bou- quet of lily-of-the-valley and sweet + peas. Mr. and Mrs. H. A Calvin, the were present the latter wearing a lovely grey georgette'gown = with a cor- 9 sage bouquet of violets. The bride's going away costume was a navy blue foulard sult and a small bois de rose hat. Upoh their return from their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Calvin will reside in Good with Lveryth thing! By virtue of its rich, thick fruitiness, and de- licious mellow flavor, H.P. is the ideal sauce for use with :-- . BACON TOMATOES COLD MEAT SANDWIZHES CHEESE VEGETABLES MEAT AND FISH PASTES Just take a little on the side of your plate. You will be surprised to find how good it is "with everything." SA of UE5 * 4 appetising, H.P. aids the digestion,.adding to the enjoyment of even the plainest meal Earl street, the marriage was quiet- iy solemnized by the Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.A., M.C. of St. George's Cathedral, of Enid Ruth, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William C. Henry | Martin, Kingston, and Mr. Egleston Richardson. After the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. Richardson left for Virginia, the bride travelling in a smart tailored suit of navy blue with hat to match, an Isabella fox fur completing the costume. The Editor Hears That on April 19th, 1925, after weeks of springlike weather and with the harbor clear of ice, a heavy snow storm caused a great deal of dis¢om- fort and several cold days follow- ing, was the means of starving and freezing many of the birds that had come from the south, This year the snow storm came on April 16th but as a snow fall has been a weekly oc- currance this year, no one took much notice of it except the birds. But happily the weather has moderated and few of our little feathered friends will suffer. That the late spring has kept back the vegetables and only those grown under glass have appeared on the market. The tulips, however, hard- fer than rhubarb, are showing green spikes that shield their blossoms from the frost. J That at the funeral of Miss Vera Vanluven, a Girl Guide whose loss from the ranks of the Kingston Guides will bé much missed, Mrs. I. G. Bogart, divisional commis- sioner, and Mrs. F .W. Partridge were present with eight cadet girls who, with their arms full of flowers, were drawn up along the walk. The Guides were Verna Saunders, Rhoda Hayward, Margaret Stafford, Edith Turner, Helen Deacon, Frances Dart, Daisy Gibbs and Maud Thomas. FOR TONIGHT Women's Cotton and Crepe Night Dresses in White and colors. Extra well . $1.00 each. Women's Broadcloth Slips-- White, All sizes for made, for Black and new colors. $1.00 and $1.50 each. Men's All-Wool Cashmere Sox -- all sizes and colors 50c. a pair. English make; See our assortment of new Scarfs. ' W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store Your Husband's Success or Failure "Homeward lound ENGR Mother? A hot, well made Sap of delicious BAKER'S COCOA will appease these keen appetites and also provide considerable nutrition. Dr. Louis Fischer, former instructor in Dis- eases of Children at the New York Post raduate Medical School and Hospital, lists # cocoa in diet for school children. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS, CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free LEC CC ECC ereeir ieee celrheeCteeecetrececicecere pm er Depends upon Proper Rest When ou buy a Bedspring, keep in at it is the key to your family Rappine ppiness. This is wo far fetched advertis: ing idea, but very, very true. Lip rest =--¢ -- sound rest -- depends success : SN, Upon success happiness. Don't sacrifice success for a few dollars, Buy a guaranteed "York Cable" -- il's safe. Jfcecccerccecoccccccceceececrcccccececccecccccectccofl J ABRAMSKY & SONS LIMITED for Kingston for York Cable Bedsprings. 261 PRINCESS STREET.

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