Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1926, p. 14

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y il. » cre. Kingston, on 16th, 1928, Maggie Elizabeth Ay i Saturday, April 17, 1926. « * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Vi IS [The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Pla eee ce Lost and Founda 1] | - - . | The British Whig Frys PIN--Found, on Saturday. | KINGSTON, ONT. Owner may have same at 50 Welling- | _ a i ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ton Street. | DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in are restricted | Ontario Chambers, corner King and A a ar cation, and to the | Gy assme Black horn-rimmed glasses | Clarence etreets. Possession 1st of | regular Daily Whig style of type. 4n black case, found on William St.| ago Apply King and SBmythe, 71-73 | * CLASSIFIED RATES: Owner may have same a. 96 Welling-| Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. ton treet. ye ---------------- Daily rate per line or consecutive 15 TTS t---- | | PAIR OF BALLET SL IePERS. Found | Three Excellent Offices Inagrtions; " Minimum charge, cen . C e Cash | at corner of University Avenue and Daily rater per line Shark 3 Clergy Bireet West. Owner may have 8 excellent Office Rooms with | 5 4 same at Imperial Laundry, Barrie St h ing at $15.00 month each, in | the new Synod Office Block, corner of 8 BRYS ....Visiiis vans : Jaye a - 3 3 | BY x riedtant oR + |PURSE--Found, on Sunday afternoon, Deaths, Births, Engagements. fa containing sum of money. Owner may | Wellington and Brock Streets. Im. Hoses, one nse. have ia Eo 2X phoning 1660-M be- mediate fon. Apply Canon and Memoriam dh rr {dgpes in the building. Card of Thanks, more | l Notiose- Charged, 31.50; cash, J1.00 | oo ound on Priore Street, on | Monday morning. Owner may have each insertion. irregular same at Whig Office. Advertising ordered for insertions fakes the one-time inser- URBRELLAA, Dur 2 on of money| Fo9ms, all improvements, good veran- thon rate; no ad taken for Jess taan of four lines. tran he > cation Mon-| dah. Possession May ist Apply to * nd Ao eave cal Sha Arts] Surprise Store, 352 Princess Street. ing. # unt six averagé wordg to 1 » ay. t " 8 | BRICK HOUSE -- Six rooms, in good | ed ads. will be received by one and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. orde for mors than one day and stop, before expiration will only be charged for the numberof the ad. appeared and adjust. ment made the rate earned. Rats per line for white space is the same as a line of type, Special rate for yearly advertising upon request Publishers reserve the right to edit ' or reject all classified advertising copy. Telapbone 243, ask for a want sd. taker. 8 gloves, and | BRICK HOUSE--116 Stephen Street, 6 Touscs condition, No. 8, 'Clow Block," Cha-| tham street; electric, good yard, cellar, | === | Rent $16 advance, inpcludes waler. Pos- 2| session May lst. Apply Martin's Real Estate Office, Bagot Street. Fates 3300 Tomsemen, beginners 50. | DETACHED HOUSE-- 7 _roome, fruit tions on saiiroads nearest their homes ee rake, 0, sar ine; MI ss APPT everywhere (which position?) Rall- on ine a bi "aR pay Association, Box K-17, Whig Of-| 27 Livingston Ave. 'Phone 2669. fice | EID ENC Way | RESIDEN( Eos West end, near "Th y . 'toria Park, eight rooms, h.w. fur- Portes Hahod SAITIONS -- Europe, | nace, hardwood floors, 3 p. 'bath, sas necessary. Send addressed envelope| electricity, verandah Possession pay | for list. "Box 336, Santa Monica, Calf., Office Phone 2515 or Box E-14, W hig | or Box 122, Mount Vernon, N. Y. - . ---------------- eee . 7 4 | HOUSE--2567 Rideau Street, § rooms; YOUNG MARRIED MAN -- With car . et, 6 BIRTHS. { wanted, to deliver samples and demon- | Sil Jmprovements. JAPPIY 155 Queen LICK-~At Roblin, on April 1st, 10 state Fuller Brushes. Previous ex- . Phone : Mr. and Mrs Herman Fralick, (nee perience not necessary; we train you, Allce Johnston), a son. Site 207 Barrie Building, Peterboro. IPPINGS--At Mount Pleasant, on Ont ri 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon | Oppings (nee Stella Mae Wiood- ), & som, . !YORK----At Tamworth, on ril 10th, fo Mr. and Mrs. F. a daughter, Helen. MARRIAGES. wei) BRYANT -MacDONALD-- At elling- ton, on April 10th, Miss Lily Mac- Donald, daughter of Hirem Mac- Donald, ty Leonard Bryant, sof of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bryant. RICHARDSON --MARTIN--In Kingston on Saturday morning, April 17th, 1928, by the Rev. Wi E. Kidd, M.A.. MC. Enid Ruth, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Willlam C. Mar- tin, of Kingston, and Henry Egles- ton Richardson, also of Kingston. DEATHS, BABCOCK--At Oshawa April 9th, Mary a Calisia Way, wife of Barton Black, formerly of Prince Edward county. UNNING--At Vernon Centre, N. Y., on » April 7th, Mrs. A. B. Dunning, formerly of Napanee. " ILLANDERS--At White Bear, Sask. e April 7th, Donald Gillanders, form | erly of Wellington ) MACDONALD In Wellington, April eee HOUSE--311 Queen Street, near Busi- ness College, § rooms, bath, hot water, i a 84s, electricity, furnace. Immediate | possession. Apply 139 Union Street Female Help Wanted | West. "Phone 3045-w. COOR-GENERAL--Wanted. Apply 138) HOUSE--3§ rooms and all improvements, Albert Street or phone 511. | newly a ated and painted. Also 7 ---------------------- =| Toom Concession Street." Pos- GIRL--Wanted, at once. Experienced | Session af Once. Apply to W. Jenkins, preferred. Apply in erson to | 15 Quebec Street or phone 1708-w. ell's, next Grand Theatre, Prin- Suckell's, nex | HoUSE--3 Chapman Street, near Busli- | ness College, § rooms, bath, hot} 1 with children| Water, gas, electricity Possession May [oo Tonanted So ehulat Apply to 152] lst. Apply 139 Union Street West. King Street or 'phone 1482. Phone 3045-w. --- 3 1st, widow or| HOUSE--On Livingston I ome" esa 40 and 50,( car line; 7 rooms; ail improvements, | Protestant, to do plain cooking and| furnace, gas, electricity, good garden. keeping downstairs clean; family of| Possession At once. Apply 28 [ving three; no laundry. Highest wages. | Ston Avenue.™'Phone 712-m. ' - eee Apply Box A-12, Whig Office. HOUS, 8 Earl Street : nu et, 9 rooms and 3 | GIRL--Wanted eneral housework, In attic; 3 piece toilet; gas for cook. one who ta seal on Apply| ing. electric lighting; plugs for lamps, in person after 9.00 a.m. to Mrs. Roy| fans, etc. Sunshine furnace, heating Watts. 295 Alber: Street. Satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap. ply for key a p MAID For Reneral housework. Apply t Gilbert's Grocer » 194 Barrie St. 'Phone 254. Y. In evening to Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, 90 Johnson Street. SX. Room ED HOUSE--§1 RELIABLE GIRL---Wanted to look af-| Ap A. York, Avenue, near Livingston Avenue, three piece bath, furnace, electricity and garage, Rent $27.00 ter baby in afternoons, | quired. Apply during momin ber month. Apply 204 Bagot Street. Y gs ROOMED HOUSE 12th, Elizabeth Macdonald, aged $3 Seana to Mrs. Taschereau, 'Ph years april young Ly crank Db. | For Bookkeeping and Stenography, in| ston, beloved wife of Frank D.| , large Kingston store. Apply in own ™9 SRIoK Hou $P5.0n Bi Nicholson, aged 53 years. | handwriting, to Box G-15, Whig of.] LX ro ch. hot air Funeral from her late residence, 190 ce. ia electric Division Street, on Monday after- Em---------- & i Sarde ga one; | Male and Female Spey ohnson noon at 2.00 o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery, S4 QUBBEC STREER 3 x | 8 J EET---Seven room SHANNON ~*At the home of Meg, Peter Ly AND DOYS WANTED-- To pat. 800d condition: rr, 8, Cole, Picton, April 12th, AM | "ronize J. W. Curson's Barber 8 OFP-| $15.00 advance, Possession May 1st Shannon, in his 73rd year. Men's hair cuts, 26c. Shaves 10c. Boys | Steady tenant With small family ge- hair cuts 16c. Ladies, 26c. 01 Wel-| sired. lington Street. IN MEMORIAM. NE aT Wanted + Wahted To Rent 11 BMITH--In ever loving y of our dear husband and father, Waiter ih, Who passed away April 18th, FURNISHED 1934. MAN OR WOMAN--To travel and ap- MENTS Wan point agents. Yearly guarantee $1092! be in As We loved him, go we missed hifm, (being $21 weekiy average), os. in our memory he ls near, - penses. Experience unnecessary, For Loved, remembered, longed for always, particulars write Winston Co., Toronto, Bringing many a silent tear. -- We Gan «it, Lord, thy purpose see, SBLL--Guardnteed Ladder-Proof Silk But | fs well that's done by thee. Stockings. New pair for every pair ly missed by wife and family. | that ladders. Pay daily. Family Hos. EE ts Na iery catalogue free. Sterling Hosiery IN MEMORIAM. Mills, Dept. S., Toronto. OWELL~In sad but loving memory Se my dear sister, Mrs. James Howell, of Byraouwe, N. Y., who departed this life, April 17th, 1935. We thin h or | SIX ome Ch. fry 0 let aries Street; electric light and e J 69 Patrick Apply to H. Norman, DY OFFICE ASSISTANT | Street. "Phone 730-w. rch Ave. furnaces, lights and garage on street, » In Rent HOUSE OR APART. gy anted by Pros Ist. Must Cl . . Whig Of Py y Pply Box F-14, sro Tn For Sale or To Let | THAT BEAUTIFUL Known as "Channel Grove" on Simcoe Apply D. A. Cays, 239 Bagot Street or phone 943-3. > ila PROPERTY -- Jae I Eastview m Kingston, § to 7 ba tr Rdahs , bathin - commodation. y J. D. Boyd. 358 University Avenue, Kingston. 'Phone ~m. ~=. Positions Wanted EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER desires position. References. Tele- phone 1266-m. Real Estate For Rent. Apartments and Plats 7 k of thee, dear Annde, not with outward show, For the heart that mourns sincerely, Mou #til] silently and low. The toaden grief that's in the soul, No human tongue can trace, For many an aching heart is hid ind a smiling face. and Land Real Estato For Sale 12 | fond remembrance of her sister, . Haggetty, Brewer's Mills, Ont. EID The od MNES END kets 284 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance LS REID Princess Street ERAL 40 LOLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889, JOHN arm; LOT-That desirable Tot, 44 feet by Tio feet, on the south side of Princesa Street, becween University Avenue ang Alfred Strewt. 'Phone 964 or $66, Re, 14 APARTMENT -- Sydenham Apartments, Brock Street, four rooms and tiled bathroom; gas refrigerator, hardwood floors; Apply 69 Brock Street AT 333 MONTREAL STREET--F lat of four rooms, ground floor, with cellar, shed, two Jilvate entrances. APR 378 Aied treet. 'Phone 991. $14.0 per month. HEATED APARTMENT-Corner Barrie and Princess Streets, also stores on Princess Street, centrally located with rear entrances. Apply I. Cohen & Co., Ontario Street. Phone 836. TWO APARTMENT SOF 3 and 4 rooms, partly furnished for housekeeping, for arr couple without children. Ap- ply range, well heated. EW. MULLIN Real Estate ang Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Stree 'Phone 639.w, See Advt. page HOUSE AND LOT--8ituated on corner, In desirable locality, To be sold ot once to se.tle an estate, Apply 212 Sydenham Street or Box J-16, Whig ce. - Phone 577. central. $5,000-Brick, 7 rooms, modern. $3,600.00 mprove- Frame, 7 rooms, all | 00.00--Frame Three farms ne Houses to let. Insurance, Barrie Street, form, SonARte Ht H Business Places Ambulance Phone 580 \ HALL--OQver Lackie's tore, to rent. Ap- Ply to Lackie's Bakery, se PEA COAL and COKE The best and most economical fuel on the market to-day, Try a load to finish out the season. James Swift &Co Ltd. FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. . § rooms, garage. ar city. Would exc ange. to loan. 8 Money T. O'CONNO 351 Princess Street. Phone 1189-2. HJ. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Jaentam, Yarker, Verona, + Gnd Hatterded. Ambulance 'phone 33. P. H. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embaimer, _ Sydenham, Ont, Phone 20. CUT FLO F WEDDING ARTISTIC rofl; AND FLOWER STORE ARLAND 452 and 1218-J. Stone Bungalow Beautiful summer home cedar e. Sydenham Lake, main line dian National Raliway. Ortaws to Toronto: complete urnished, f1 , commodious | ing cel £e stone fireplace, hen, spacious cool Fheurpadeed View! Tous. Nundced aes ul ; four hundr fAfty foot frontags on the one-quarter acres of gro large Fata hoith Soherete v 88, co double i in sions K'S ouT OUR WAY. R 0 HOW'D YA LiKE THATN-HUH ? DA AG GunvA? HOOH~eE-HEE ANOTHER 'N, RIGHT IN TH Ma P.sssT Wl \ \ NER Ww \\ =A IIHR \\ AAW ---- 3 0) "WRY MOTEeRs ET ERAS - "THE ANGEL OF PEACE. TRrwllams, 1828 BY NEA SERVICE, WC. Articles For Sale made Miscellaneous | om set of McConnell mats, pat used. Apply to 247 Brock Stree. J. E. CUNNINGHAM Rea] Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--And garage, | University Avenue, 9 Tooms, modern | improvements, 2 fireplaces; larg» lot, | shrubs and rose bushes. Apply 832] University Avenue. 'Phone lusi-m Ra Re Articles For Sale. WOOD--Best of Mixed Wood quarter of a cord; hardwood under cover, $2.75 a Quarter $300 a slabs 2.75 of a cord; body hardwood, $3.50 a quarter Of a cord. Delivered. Saunders' Wood Yard; cor. Barrack and Bagot Streets. 'Phone 2955-J. PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent guar- anteed live delivered. Give us your order. 'Phone 181-w. Your egRs hatched if desired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. REFRIGERATORS --Four Eureka Re- frigerators; only used short time. Suit. able for grocer or butcher. Apply to E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1391-J. SET OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMEN For sale. Apply Walkem Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. TWELVE ANCONA PULLETS--]1 male, good layers, also Brooders. 'Phone 1886-F. YOUR AUTO PARTS---Silverware can be replated like new. Phone 380. Part- ridge Wire & Iron Works. Gates, Fences, etc, close prices. pam WE WILL RENT--You a Plano for six dollars per month and at the expira- tion of six months will allow all mon - ies paid to apply on purchase price of iano. Easy terms arranged on the lance. C." w, Lindsay Limited, 131 Princess Street. WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheets 40c. Suitable or household use. Size 16%" x Apply Brush Whig Office. WHITE WICKER GO-CART--ipn good condition. "Phone 1154. Wanted To Buy PONY--12 hands or co to ride and drive, wanted. Box C-12, Whig Office. MILK AND SWEET CREAM---Wanted at once, for joe cream purpoges, also churning cream. Prices and satisfac- thon guaranteed. Write, phone or call Willowdale's Dairy, Litd., Foot of Gore Street, Kingston, O 19 b. 15 hands, quiet Apply me 2 ---- Miscellaneous | 15 EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with easy terms of payment; large selec- tion of newest pasterns. 'Phone 2208-w. J. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. ASHES -- And heavy Clinkers. Especially suited for road work. To be had for drawing, Apply to Angrove's Foundry, King and Queen Streets. ARMY BOOTS--Good condition, Mén's used suits, good &g new; hanic's tools, grips and sult cases, Prices very reasonable. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. TS & Tailo W. ROBERTSON ~=Tailor, Pressing, Repairing. Suits order. Samples in stock. up. 273 Bagot Street. ro er Professiunal 21 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER I Ww. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin- Cess Streets. Chiropractic adjust ments, electric treatments and hand- massage. X-ray service. Consulta- tion free. Hours 9-13 &m., 1-§ p.m. Evenings by appointment. Office tele- phone $23-J. Residence 'phone 957-7. LUCY--Geo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- ractors, Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot RE treet. 'Phone 951-w. Hours 9-13, . Furniture Bal 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. FURNITURE-- Antique and "modern furniture sold and bought. - M. Cram. bl BLEMISHES er. 607 Princess Street, successors to Sear pb riiinar 8, _Lesseg Antiques Shop. ly. Satisfactory furnished after Goitre cured wi Cleaning, made to $20.00 and AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply Frank W. Cooke. *'Phone 436. eee eee. ete Seed NUMBER--Of Used Bicycles from A 16 up; easy terms. Also Bicycle Tires | 1.76 while they lagt. Muller's Bleycle Works, 371-3783 King Street. ¥Phone 1961-w, BABY CARRIAGE--Navy Blue, Eng- Heh style. 'Phone 2518-J. BASEBALL OUTFIT -- Consisting of cdtcher's mitt, first base mitt, 2 bats, (Wright and Ditzou), mask, stomach | proveutor, nearly new. Sell cheap to ick buyer. Apply 404 Montreal St. ' ne 1028.J. BICYCLBS--Cleveland Sport &fodel and Motorbike Model; your © Bicycle taken In exchange. "Terms/arran ed, Muller's Bleycle Works, 371-373 ing Street. 'Phone 1961-w. BAY HORSE -- 16 hands, 9 yer old; quiet to ride and drive. Also buggy. cutter and harness. Apply 447 Alfred @reet, City. ' BRICK -- Plastic '$21.00, Red Rustic $35.76; Red Cottage $26.75 per M. B. Kingston . Tax included. A. 624 Johnson Street. 'Phone ~~ Halr, Moles, Skin Cancers, removed permanent- Glasses fitted and have failed. thout Operation. 3s Years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11357 ET rrrer ay Se Fuel and Feed 18 HARDWOOD--Dry hard We handle Jone . GC DRY BODY and soft wood Slabs. but the best. Phone 251§-w. 'wain. Barristers ana Soiicitors 21d bem a------ W. H. HERRINGTON Barrister. Sollei- tor and Notary Publig. 151 Welling- 'Phone 2548-w. CUNNINGHAM and Solicitors, 78 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunnnipgham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith, DAY AND REVELLE---Barristerg and DRY, BODY HARDWOOD $3.75 per load. Dry mixed $3.00. Split 25c. ex- tra. Dry. kindling under cover, $2.75 er load. 'Phone 1439-J. Myre. Ray arker, cornef Johnson and McDonald roots. ton Street. HARDWOOD--Any qu L Ap- Highway Service an Bupply Co, th Streets. DRY ply corner Prinoéss and Smi 'Phone 2706. 'PHONE 1385, Solicitors, 69 Clarency Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian L Revelle. Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 2065. REYNOLDS, J. C~--Barrister and Solici- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 2509. SLATER---Douglas, Barrister and Soli- oitor, 79 Clarence Street Mortgages arranged. 'Phone 422. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A. Solicitor. Law Of and Brock, over Ro to loan. 'Phone 1999. Ladies' Hair Pirior ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK MADE ORDER --Ladles' Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, swit wy sham- Rone, singeing, curling. es' and hildren's cutting. Mis Cun- hingham, 8 Bay Str ngston. Telephone 2999. MARCEL Water Wavin Curling, Hair Facial and Scalp Treatment. attention given Hair eng. Mise Switser, 267 Queen Street. ap- intment 'ph 1 BGG C. Rhode Island Red Eggs, for hatching: besutifu), dark red, best winter layers. Winners Kingston Fair, $2.00 per setting. Apply W. H. Anderson, Barriefleld, Ont. DE LAVAL-Sooner or later you will usé a De Laval Separator and Milker. Inquire about our power milker from $175.00 up. Some good used engines and separators. Set of double harness and democrat. Also Lion Disc Har. row. J. P. C er, Frost & Wood Agency, 31 Brock Street. 'Phone 685-J or 1317-F, FISH AND CHIPS--The chip oafe in city. Ww. Montreal Street. Hours m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2635-m. FURNITURE---One oak china cabinet, six chalre and table; one walnut din- ing set. Apply 33 Livingston Avenue. GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 quarter cord ~--mixed wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarter rd---hard slabs $3.50--soft slabs 5s quarter cord. Rough and dressed lumber always in stock. Clean saw- dust § cents bag. 'Phone 2753-J. W. H. 'Talbot, Concession Street. PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL --Chestnut and stove on hand and ready for distribution. 'Phone 2362-m. Price $15.50 delivered off cars. Cw, Neville. Barrister and corner of King Bank. Money REDUCED PRICES For wood, coal and peat. My .bi building must be cleaned out by the first of Ma in order to put in a concrete floor, so I am sell. largest load of dry, mixed Wood or slabs in the city at $3.00 Also a few tons cart loads, $7. ton. 'Phone W. C._ Bruton, 299 Wellington oldest fish and F. Redden, 260 24 Le ghorns, 2 Roosters; Apply 19 Ells 8t WOOD--Mixed body and slabs; cedar kindling, $2.75 00d slabs, $3.50 load; 4.00 quarter cord. J. P, Sorner Toronto and Brock "Phofie $89. soft wood load: hard- hardwood & Son, Streets. HENS--35 White hens all laying. 'Phone 1533-w. LOOSE MIXED HAY--For sale, $10.00 er ton. Apply A. E. Weller, "Phone Aying Round and Te there's a will there's a way. When you want wo buy or t Hones classified ads for "the wi J ads. ii the classi BRINGING UP FATHER MAGGIE - IT'D 90 NICE || THATS A COT 1 THINK I'LL TAKE 2 HAT- '™M DOIN' WITH 'oQ - WAT UNTIL. | GE My a 3... 088 EH se SAYS THAT IF DON'T YOULL rt START BAWL In' - WHAT'S ALL THIS? YOUR, wife YOu THESE DAK AS LONG AS YOU ARE. SONG OUT - P roe | | | | | | GET YOUR PAINTING--ANg pa | 'Phone 2984.J Sp------ | sam | a Rr Je ree Business Services Ladies' Nar Tarior 24 ERMANENT WAVING For the very latest in Ladies' hair dressing. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBU ss 8 ee tt-------- R--Insurance Broker, insurance in old line ghest financial stand- King Street Bast * hones Res. 1121. » ap , 1 25i8-w, fe eet FIRE--Automobile and Casualty In ance, E. M. Crumle 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANCE--Only companies represented. 3 Strange, established in 1860 Clarence Street, -------- 5: COOKE Life, Sickness, jn reliable trict manage; Imperial Life Office 503-w. Res. 1781-m, re eee ee m---- OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENTPol- icy will protect your salary. AHN lines - of Fire and Automoblle Insurance. EB, Willlams, 2 == Y. 420 Karl Str the most reliable & eR me ------ A. ANDERSON Painter and Decorator, Shop and residence 'phone 1986. Of« fice 283 King Street. perin, reasonable, Wail Horton, 3¢7 Earl St, done naw. Paper for I'rices sale, ee rete PAPER HANGING Have rating done now Ss ples and get estimates. hone 1352-F your deco- the news H. Rowley, P SIGN PAINTING], S. Robinson, rear 475 Bagot Street Tinancial 20 | FRONTENAC | | | | to & SMITH -- Barristers), | | i | | Bobling and Trimming, Sea -- LOAN AND NYRI: MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated in President, A. D, Cartwright, Vice-president J. M. Farrell Monuy to loan on gity and farm properties, in= vestment. Bondg bought and sold; des Posits received ana internst paid om minimum monthly balance. nC Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St. Sree 20 OF Ula 20a, ure, clean, dry, Borage rT ------ STORAGE--For furnit alry rooms and spaces; your own lock: and key. Frost's City Storage, 299+ 305 Queen St. 'Phone 526. Res. 939-w, or 2518-m. = ¢ * BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE-For furniture or any merchandise. Firg~ proof building. 'Phone 1000 or 1177, 5b ---- mee siea---- CARPENTER WORK--A]] kinds of care penter work, contracting or day work, Hardwood floors a spewinl Y. Charges moderate. CG. Hunter, Pembroke Street. 'Phone $48-w Carpenter Work i3 Miscellancbus ASHES-Cleaned out of cellars and vg clean job done. A MacGregor, 4 Russell Street. 'Phone 2256. ASHES--Removed from yard and cels lars; general carting; first class dry= wood for sale. Estimate, Hive, Buckley Transfer, 143 York troety 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER Co. Princess Street, ploughing, har and discing gardens; also genera team-work done. Estimates given, 'Phone 1507-J. i SPARE TIME---Income tax returns, secs retarfal work, verbatim reporting; typewriting, etc.; expert. 'Phone 891-§ Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Aajusting. : Phone 1544. i V. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN GeeA nd Ecneral repalr« i /e s at or drop a cand . W. Harold, 104 Clergy Sireet. 'Phone 1600-J, BN Auto Accessories KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat To, Commercial, Sedan, ..and Cushions. 5 "Coupe bodies, Cllitornia Tops and Ups Awnings and Tents, ete helstering. 347 King street. 'Phone 2945. ito. annem -- Auto Wrecking Co. Oe Light Six McLaughila Car, d Sood condition. A Ome Light Six Roadster : Me. Laughlin----good running order. 3 Also all kinds of Second Hand Automobile Parts for al makes of cars. Second Hand Tires, all sizes we price $400 to $6.00, ROSEN & POLLITT | 140 RIDEAU STR EET Phone 2475-w, Ee -- Automobiles For Sale 20 FORD COUPE rd 1925 mode), § balloon tires, spot light, speedometer, m meter, motor horn, Automatic a. shield wiper and other extras. Cheaps Apply L. A. Wartman, Callin's Bay, STAR ROADSTER -- Good mechan Condition, lately overhauled, five er for Swer your classified ads. bo! ho, if ber rowing &

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