Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1926, p. 7

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4 ONTARIO MOTORISTS FAVOR MORE SPEED" {Increase in Speed Limit Is [ Asked for by the Motor ; . ' ¢ ' ; 0 PY - A deputation representing the One 4 , k {tario Motor League recently waited! | | 60 the Minister of Public Works an | Highways, to réquest an amendment: 2 | to the Highway Travel Act, increas. ) 1 Ing the present speed limit of 28 miles an hour in the open country te i ~ 85 miles. In presquting 1t3"*Rrgm. ' " 3 ment for this increase, the "leaghe! / pointed out that the great impro 1 ment made in the highways of One fario in recent years, as well as the ; y improvement in mechanical construe | "NM . tion, braking, and tire equipment of motor * vehicles, justified such change. Under present conditions, The following statement is based on figures ob- The test mm tained from thoroughly reliable, disinterested The only way to judge the life of the average car you ) sources. It gives the names and relative standing or anyone else may get, is by the life of ALL the cars of | cars could be driven just as safely at 35 miles an hour as they could of the four longest-lived American cars. There1s a each maker. difference between automobiles of various makes. Take the total production of passenger cars for each' Some years ago at 25 miles an hour. The higher speed would do no dam- age to the modern smooth-surfaced highways which were built to with. stand speed. It was pointed out alse that the present speed limit being {low in comparison with that of oth | er provinces and states, proves very {#nnoying to motor tourists from without the province who have been accustomed to travelling under high er speed limits. g It was also pointed out that it is What This Mea: tacitly understood that motorists are " ns permitted a leeway on Proviscial | in Dollars to You | Highways, under normal conditions, | One of the greatest differences is in lasting qual- ity and in all that it means to the owuer's purse We could hardly believe the fizures when they were first brought to us. It did Bot seem possible that the Reo, always a moderate priced car, could outlive even the costliest creations of American automobile manufacturers. | So we had the figures checked again. After all the checks had been made the make for the last eight years. Compare these figures with the number of cars of each make registered on December 31, 1925, as compiled by R. L. Polk & Com- pany, automobile statisticians. This method eliminates statements of opinion, protects buyers from miaking formance of a few cars out &f hundreds of thousands-- cars often driven by mechanics or dealers and repaired or rebuilt at any cost. How they rank, in actual figures senger cars registered than have been built in the, And again--and yet again. | Rg Sovemtay, 1925, there were 24.9% more Reo pas- amazing facts remained unchanged. The four longest-lived cars Reo automobiles have a longer average life--a much longer average life--than any other American automobile. ' Adds atid Second to Reo in average length of life are the big Pierce-Arrows., Ne entire last eight years. Or, in other words, Reo had 124.9% of its last eight years' output in registered use. The only other cars having more than 100% of their production i were: Pierce-Arrow with 10.1% more, [Cadillac with 8% more, and Franklin with 4.9% more. judgments on the basis of the per. S--This long fife means that Reo cars cost very little in depreciation because their cost is spread over so many years. "--That re-sale prices of Reos are always higher than the average because there | up to 30 miles an hour, but are not | | permitted such a leeway on other! | highways, with the result that mots { orists have many unpleasant oxpet! | ences. with speed traps and local ma. | gistrates, which could be obviated by: giving effect to a province-wide réa~ | sonable speed limit, The advisability of doing away entirely with speed limits, apd placing the emphasis on "'safe drive | ing, having regard to all circum | stances" has been gonsidersd by the! | board of directors. It Is felt, how: ever, that the time is scarcely oppo! [tune as yet for advocating thisi change, although, much might be said in its favor, both from the mop torists' standpoint, as well as that o public safety. The question of al minimum speed limit has also boen| considered by the board. With the' | purpose of such a rfguiation=-the' | prevention of slowing up traftié om! main highwdys, the board is fully in accord, but it is feared that aii culties in the way of enforcing such! 4 regulation would be formidable The fact must be kept ia mind that the speed of heavy motor trucks fis restricted by law to 10 miles per hour, and horse-drawn vehicles are driven at an even lower rate of speed The solution of congestion of tratfie on main highways in the slowing of passenger motor cars seems to lie rather in the direction of build wider highways, which would permit of four lanes of travel, or the build ing of special highways which vould take the slow moving traffic, The league is hopeful that an in- crease in the speed limit, as recom mended, will be authorized by the Legislature at its presen' session. Third are the Cadillacs, Fourth are the Franklins.) These four makes of automobiles, and these four only, have a proved average life of more than eight years. ! Pierce-Arrow 110.1, The cars whose records were compared Franklin 2. 1049 Reo, Pierce-Arrow, Cadillac, Franklin, Stearns, Loco- 2 y, i" mobile, Stutz, Paige, Kissel, Marmon, Chandler, Velie, Tested for nine years or \ 73 I Buick, Case, Dodge, Packard, Hudson, Hupmobile, Davis, Yiln Knight, Jordan, Studebaker, Peerless, Auburn, leadership. And it is sig- ash, Overland, Oldsmobile, Oakland, Chevrolet, Moon. nificant that, in this long TL lifeleague, Reo's constantly VL oer y { improved construction has re eae eoserican bulls car ave miming. Some of greatly increased its lead w -- PERMIT FOR 9% DAYS: : over other cars in its price cote Spi Berend beers. A EE FOR ALL NOTORISTS not yer heen tested by the years, or are no longer built. class, ing and Spiit-Second Brak- - ~ Greater Privileges Are Granted RZ0 MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED - Windsor, Ontario : to Tourists in the United Tr rrind : mo -- San { } Until a féw months ago, mo \ | Boyd's Garage Limited SIX ~ 129 Brock and 231 Bagot Street Phone 1000 Remember the respective costs of these cars and then' again compare the records: Reo . . . 1249% nish a bond for the guarantee of re-export of their cars, if remain! in the country for a period lon than thirty days, By an amendment to the United States Customs reguls ations, Canadian motor tourists are' now permitted a stay of 90 days* duration without bond. Representa~ tions are now being made to the Cus- toms authorities at Ottawa, by the League, in cohjunction with the ans tomobile clubs throughout Canadas. with a view to having a similar pris viléege extended to motor tour 4 ited States who visit C WOMEN DRIVERS AS = 1108 the Tnlieg COMPETENT AS MEN It is Interesting to recall that From the standpoint of safety, the | pirgt regulation giving special exem advent of millions of women drivers tions to tourists originated NEWAND IMPROVED SEDAN $2370 PLUS FREIGHT----TAXES PAID Fillets, WW... cv. inane as Fru. - Finnan Haddie, D»... ... Binanas,; des. .............. 40-60 | Steak, porterhouse, Ib.. .. .. . Kingston Markets Flounders... ... Oranges, dos. 40-75 Steak, rouad, Ib... .. .... ..... Cabbage, 1b. J : White Fish ... 2| Lemons, doz.-. . « 30 Bolling aut: I... Loui. Carrots, JW. . ..... 0... cocod Haddock, fresh, ®.. .. .. .. . Prunes, Cal., I... 15-25 Stewing cuts, 1b... .. .. .. : . Friday, April 16 } s + ve > = must be regarded as an encoiraging the advent of the motor car, 40-45 Halibat, fresh, 1b.. .. .. . Peaches, Evap.. I.. .. ry 'Egg Markets Unchanged. factor for the reason that actual permitted Sightsaers at. MI i'ppers, pair... SLL CL VS --~---- Beef, local. B®... ..... .... Ottawa, April 16--Egg markets tests conducted under sclemtific ob- Falls to cross the boundary line Hay, Grains, Seeds. Loin, roasts, b.. generally are wunchadged today. servation have proven that Women | carriages or bicycles, under a Barley Aaa aan aa vag dh Shoulders, toast a im Some Seutres gor 8 keen demand | drivers are as competent fis men, ac- mit. This privilege was later ext 9 mR Ne ay aE a gs, ' . or stor: pur; 8, : tatem. ron Buckwheat, bus... ... es .80-85| Chops, Id Toronto--Steady, with firm un- Syrdius to am eal 34 to a Rorsts, Dt oe Tn Som ry hn LR vis wt ood « S100 Jon, Fa ax ay .. 3 Ssrtane. Jobbing extras, 31c; firsts,| The statement, which is a direct chal the immediate vicinity of the Team a rhacad . amt rx he. lenge to the popular belief that a ired fits export within Hay, baled, ton... ... ... Hogs, dressed, cwt. .. ... . we a pie h and requ } Hay, looge, ton... ..... . ... Bacon, breakfast, sliced .. . tre. Tags: Te de-{ woman at the wheel of an automo- hours. Through the efforts of Household ... ... Bacon, cuts.. .. .. . NID pop as receipts tn. | Pe is less dependable than & man, 8 Ontario Motor League, the Oats. local, bus. . .. .. ., Hinde, I... creasing. Country shippers are sell. based on a series of tests carried ou! was extended to three days, Middlings, ton ,. ..... . |. "44 Mutton: et BE aioe Tor Ter eons | in Washington by scientists and pay- tourist while permitted to use Straw... 4 3 Mutton, chops. ™.. .. .. a 18e: aoe returned " * chologists, So far as the tests have vehicle anywhere in Canada, eee $33| Mutten, carcass. .. .. Saskatchewan Receipts show a| 500% the women have scored a high-| required to return to the Uni . .31:25 Chickens, 1b. ..... : er average as regards those qualities ed States by the same port steady increase. Country shippers h Fowl oh essential in a good driver. which he had come. v oud do: . 20-45 Selling Sxtras, 24c; firsts, 22c; sec- AE te Ne ctnar otto a 2 my 1 : areal. v Edmonton steady. Prices to retail- . bus : A a I tn ths 3 ers, 30c; firsts, 28¢; seconds, 26c. -- Hea wae avs a S10 dae i hey 31 Vancouver steady, Retailing ex- VF & - a ww 'ua wwii Ye se we en Raa ahaa +1 tras, 8¢ to 35¢; firsts, 30¢ to 32¢; Sala be we seconds, 26¢. ch Cow NS Am lore rr aes oo B00 V8 John, N.B.Lower prices lo h : ? 23 |retatlers extras, 40¢; firsts, 38¢c; sec- Meats and Poultry. Vegetables. Potatoes, bag " £0 Butter, creamery, 1b Ty -40 | Batter, dairy, 1b 19 Oysters, PE rl Cheese, new, Ib. ... ... «++ 28-30) Pik Cheeses, old, Tb.. .. .. i: '.. .35 LT asd sang Eggs, new laid, doz. ........ 30-35 | Salmon, fresh, B.. ... ... Trout, salmon, 1b. ... Fish. White Fillets.. .. Cod, Wisi vinsin, ies rs Mackeral. . . CL ee ae ata aril ag |onts. 326, "Be 13 Lup 5 : >: CR Chicago--Spot, ; April, oo 2190 19 320.78 189 ; evar £30 gay, 29 1-20; December, 33 ide, . New York--Extra firsts, 30 1-2¢ . a a to 31c; firsts, 29 1-2¢ to 30c; April, | Yoal. Xiph i.e. oo. 2 8 ue or oo. ..36.50|31 1-dc; December, 34 3-8e. Sheep skins, fresh ... up to $1.10 Re aaa eal = Tallow, rendered in cakes, ® ....7 oe ie a REE The executive committee of the . wid, B., .. 0... vr or4 seca oo v2.10 [Synod of the Diocese of Algoma pro-| Jeet waz, clear. Ta | a 3 jod od civ evs eas ov..B [Dose that Archbishop Thornloe bel aol, unwashed, 1b. .... ..1 : "er steve + oT given the assistance of a coadjutor Wool, washed, 1b. .... .. «33-33 Honey, COmb vas on ws os «28-30 | bishop. he : 3 i 2 '¥

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