Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1926, p. 11

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* The 4 . A Te NT 1G THE DAILY BRITISH WH KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTSING All ads. are restricted to their proper classification. and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimuin charge, 25 cents. Daily rater per line sigh akereissnes 3 6 Engagements, Mar. y insertion charged, $1.60; 1 ds, Deaths, Births, 68, On Shanks, and Memoriam 'harged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 mn Sash sertion. Adverts ordered for Irregular Fri y Bog the one-time fnser- Son rate; 0 8d. taken for less taan of four lines. Count six *average words to the ads. will be received by and if paid at The Brit- Office within 6 days from of Insertion, cash rate ged ih the first i on per line for whits space is as A ne o BPecier sate for yearly advertising upon uest. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject 'all classified advertising Tethnone 242. ask fo; a want ad. / IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Mamie WhitLy oved RUBhTer of Ms. and Mrs. Wil Woods, who died April 18th, 1917 our a our memory lagers, yet Ly ond and true, We do not thinlk of you. "and oft our ought do wander, & grave not away, A we laid our only darling, Just nine years ago to-day Lonely mother and father. IN MEMORIAM. sad and loving memory of our § baby boy, who was called away on April 18th, 1923, after an {liness of | two weeks. Was only a little white rosebud, x get lit le flower from birth, took him home to heaven, Be he was soiled on earth Three years have passed since that sad God called the one we loved away, fot bam, no, we never will, Wie loved him then, we love him still Charge Cash 4 3 Sadly missed by his parents. Mr) and Mrs. CAR" OF THANKS Frank Johnson, Elginburg. Mr. Patrick Kelly and son wish to thank ther many friends and neigh- Dors for their kind assistance and ex- o hs of sympathy, also for the ful floral tmibuteg received dur- thelr recent sad bereavement NN A sa CARD OF THANKS. The family of the late Kenneth MM. Johnson wish to shank their many indness shown during his long iliness, also for the sympathy and floral tributes received. ' ; JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID i The Undertaker 6 'Phone B37. Princess Stree MW, P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. JOHN ELIU Undertaker and Embal: Parlors: 274 Princess Street .__ Ambulance Phone 568 H. J. KNIGHT P. H. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embaimer, ham, Ont. Phone 20. ! WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE morning, April J7en, 1926, at St rge's Cathedral, by Rev. W, BE. ida, M.A. MC. Isobel Allan, daughter Saturda of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis Mooers, of Kingston, and Collamer Chipman Calvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram R. Calvin, of Toronto, Ont/ no DEATHS. ADAM~In Toronto, on April 18th, 1926, Margaret Adam, widow of the late Major Adam. Funeral from rs. Oscar Fililon's regidence, 1%. Durham Street, King- ston, Ont.. on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, to Cataraqui Ceme- tery. " 1 | | | CHARBST--Died in Kingston, on April 19th, 1926, Edmund Charest, form- erly of Montreal, Que, aged 30 years. Funeral will take place from his grand- ughter's residence, Mrs. John Hilyard, 117 Stephen Street, on Wednesday murning at 8.45 o'clock to St. Mary's Cathédral, where a solemir requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of his soul. invited tp attend. Montreal papers please copy. WBIR-- Died in Syracuse, N. Y.,, on April 16th, 1926, Robert Weir, aged 69 years. \ Funeral took place from James Reid's undertaking parlors at 2.00 o'clock Monday afternoon to Cataraqui Cemetery. ------ Lost and Founa 1 GLASSES---Black horn-rimmed glasses In black case, found on William St. Owner may have same at 96 Welling- ton Street. LAVENDER BAG--Found. Owner may have same at Whig Office. skin glove, ¢n Frontenac Stree: be- tween Princess and York Streets. Finder please return ¢o 548 Frontenac Street. PAIR OF STOCKINGS -- Children's, Bough! at Newman & Shaw's, found on ing Street. Owner may have same al 68 Ontario Street. PAIR GREY SILK GLOVES--Fourrd in Frontenac Park. Apply at 89 Lotver Bagot Street. | | at corner of University Avenue and Clergy Strest West. ---- PURSE--Found, on Sunday afternoon, | containing sum of money. Owner may | | have same by phoning 1560-M be- | tween 6.30 and 7.30 p.m. eee eee | | UMBRELLA--A pair of silk gloves, and! & purse containing a sum of money found in Convocation Hall on Mon- day. Apply to janitor, at Old Arts Building. ETT m------ Help Wanteo Male Help Wanted 2] FIREMEN---Brakemen, beginners, $150, | later $2560 monthly. Placed in posi- | Friends and acquaintances respectfully' MAN'S GLOVE---Lost, right hand, pig-| PAIR OF BALLET SLIPPERS--Found, | Owner may have | same at Imperial Laundry, Barrie St | ply to DESIRAB May. Business Places ver Lackie"s stove, to rent. Ap-| Lackie's Bakery. ILE OFFICES--With vault in 8g and) of | 72} Ontanio Chambers, corner Kin Clarence #treets. Apply King and Smythe, Clarence St, Kingston, Possession Ont. Three Excellent' Offices| 8 excellent Office Rooms with heating at $15.00 per month each, in the new Synod Office Block, corner of Wellington and Brock Streets. Im- niediate | possession. Apply Canon Jones in the buflding. | hiss Tiouscy @ | BRICK HOUSE--116 Stepren Street, § dah. (Nort 1st. condition, ences; 27 Livingston Ave. 230 | rooms, all improvements, good veran- Possession Surprise Store, 352 Princess Street. BRICK HOUSE On Sydenham Street, fh, 7 rooms, with 3 rooms in atic, modern improvements. Possession May Apply | "Phone 1915-w. BRIOK HOUSE .- Six rooms, No. 8, tham street; eleotrie, good yard, cellar. Rent $16 advance, inoludes water. Pos- session May lst. Estate Office, Bagot Street. DETACHED HOUSE~~ 7 rooms, fruit garden, close to ear line; all conveni- immediate poss May 1st. Sydenham Street in 'Clow Block," Cha- Apply Martin's Real sion. Appty 'Phone 2669-J. i 1st. Office FINE RESIDENCE. West end, near Victoria Park, eight. rooms, h.w. fur- nace, hardwood floors, electricity, veramah 'Phone 2515 or Box E-14, Whig a p. bath, Possession fis | HOUSE--17 Clergy Street West, seven | rooms, bath and furnace. Apply on premises. : | HOUSE--2567 Rideau Street, 6 rooms; | all improvements. Apply 1855 Queen Street. H Telephone 985-w OUSE~311 Queen Street, near Busi- nesg College, 9 rooms, bath, hot water, gas, electricity, furnace Immediate possession. Apply 139 Union Street west. 'Phone 3045-w. HOUSE--8 rooms and all improvements, newly decorated and painted. room house, Session at or 15 Quebec 1st. 'Apply 'Phone 3045- ----p-------- HOUSE..On Livingston car line; 7 rooms; 4ll improvements, furnace, gas, electricity, good garden. Possession at once Apply 28 Living- ston Avenue. ing; electric Also 7 Concession Stree'. Pos- ice. Apply to W. Jenkins, 1708-w. Street or phone HOUSE--3 Chapman Street, ness College, Wetler, gas, electricity w, rooms, ba:h, hot Possession May 139 Union Street West. Avenue, near 'Phone 712-m. HOUSE--98 Ear] Street, in attic; 3 piece tollet; lighting; plugs for lamps, near Busi- 9 rooms and 3 gas for cook. hel | ; re rrwhtre toni reat thelr homes rh IR and stable ing | 'way Association, Box K-17, Whig Of- ply for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 134 fice, | Harrie St. 'Phone 4. Female Help Wanted 8 SIX ROOMED HOUSE--S 1 Livingston o Avenue, three piece bath, furnace, EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT| electricity and garage. ient $2700 wanted, no washing er upstairs) Per month. Apply 204 Bago: Street. work. Apply to Mrs. C. A, herson, 138 University Avenue, '| SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To lot on Charles Street; electrie light and gas. GENERAL -- By May 18t, Widow or; APPly to H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick single woman, be:ween 40 ang 89, | Street. 'Phone 730-w. Protestant, to do plain: ococoking and . keeping downmigirs clean; family. of| 34 QUEBEC STREET--Seven rooms, In three: ho laur®ry. Highest wages| 800d condition, electric, gas. Remt Apply Box A-12, Whig Office. of $18.00. advance. Possession May 1st. y tenant with small family de- GIRL---Wanted for general housework,| Sired." A otie who sant do plain cooking, Apply Ne SE person after 9.00 a.m. to Mrs. Roy ol Watts, 295 Albert Street. ante To Ment 1 TWO ROOMS WANTE Furnished A FY 1 s or evening fo Me, HJ, Gardiner 8S| SREAPISSREd (Drereraby wneatedy Johnson Street. with privilege of light housekeeping M Apply Box M-19, RELIABLE GIRL--Wanted to look af- ter baby in afternoons, References re quired. Apply during morning or JrShinE to Mrs. Taschereau, 'Phonel 1632-M, | TWO GOOD RELIABLE MAIDS --| Wanted for general work. Apply 'tol Housekeeper, General Hospital. WOMAN COOK--Wanted. Frontenac Club, corner W King Streets Male and Fe MEN and BOYS ronize J. W. C Men's hair Sats, Apply to illiam and WANTED-- To pat- ursow's Barber Snop. 26¢. Shaves 10c. Boys hair cuts 15c. Ladies, 26c. 201 Wel- _Hngten Street. Positions Wanted 6 MARRIED MAN-- Wih farm experi- ence, wants position on farm. Apply to good gv Viet Nig Jthy wi yh t } Ugggavee Us _ IP Wet) frill fl Al . Ji W 7] ~~ y "Hy | rr cn i An ais 40 J, | (1) a 1 = his ay, ie gS, . Chart, o A) yf 1), 11, 1s 4 ' LL PSSST CORN "TELL TM HE IN ONE WOULD ONLY BE PAR HEAW le! 2 CH, oni 2 tin Ghetiny Ay, MADE "TWO HOLES IN ONE --A HOLE ee hp vel, fc = of Higi oo 128y A GEORGE BONS THATS LUCK! WHE B-EE EE! ! j / foe 1 1 + War a Vl gg i i! 2X = ' va HK it (R PO wight ecg "a AU | Facial and Scalp | attention Switzer, PERMANENT WAVING 209 Princ ERNIE D, SL The Whigs Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place - The British Whig [ou 00000 | Rou Gute For emt |OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS, -- poses Seven ___ | MARCEL WwAVI r Waving, Round and Bol ; Hair Bobbing and Trim: Treatment. 5 & Miss or ap= iven to Hair Dyein Queen Street. bolgtment 'phone 20186. For the very latest in Ladies' hair dressing. LADIES': EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBURY, ess Street. 'Phone 2015J8 Insurance a* ITER----Insurance Broker all branches of Insurance in old line Companies of highest financial Sta { FIRE--Automobile and Casualt ing. 281 King Street Bast. 'Phones Insure of Street. 25i8-w. Res. 1131. nce. E. M. Crumley, 420 E 'Phone 1782-M. 4 Badd i | | J. B, COOK Office 503-w. Rea | OUR HEALTH NSURANCE--Only the most reliable © gompanies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860 Office: " Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. E--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness. in reliable com nd trict manager Imperial Lite: L 1731-m. r-------------------- AND ACCIDENT--Pol- icy will protect your salary, All lint of Fire and Automobile Insurance, g 8 Williams, 2 © vet. | | | A. ANDERSON---Painter and Decora GET YOUR PAINTIN 'S-- Shop and residence 'phone 1968. wr ce 283 King Street. at -- GemAnd bepering I'rices reasonable. Wa Horton, 307 Karl St, & done now. Paper for sale. 'Phone 2984-J tes een eset eei-- PAPER HANGING Have your decos ! i = 3 = | rating done now See the new {Vi > Z = | samples and Es estimates. H. Rowley. / "hone 1352-F, PRAIRIE POOL, ; | SIGN PAINTING), 8. Robinson, rear -- ata 276 bagot Street A se ag Afi I 3 or Sale |_Anticles For Sale ANS For Sala, 7 | Fluanclal s0 { { ET } "---------------- ; | | | NT y --- Rouses 4) Sisceiiancous 18] Miscellaneous 15 | PASNTRAC LOAN avn TnvewE: HOUSE AND LOTP--Situated on corner,| DAVENPORT---Baby's Crib and Car- WOOD --Mixed "body and soft ry 130: redraident, Farrell prigtts 5 in desirable locality, To be sold at Ail a4 Jew wi sell) "giaba; cedar kindling, $2.75 load; hard-| loan on city and farm properties: ine 3 once to fu tle an estate. ARDIL 313 Livingston Avenue | wooq'slabs, $3.50 load; body hardwood | vestment. Bonds bought and gold; des 83genham Street or Box J-18, 1g iy. $4.00 quater cord. J. Peters & Son, | posits received and interest on . ~ - S-- corner Toronto and Brock treets.| mintmmum month) balanc nA FISH AND CHIVS--The oldest fish and] J, y ance. JE. CUNNINGHAM chip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 239 | Fhons 339. Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St. Real Estate Moantreal Street. Hours 9 > 1.90} woop--B tf Mixed Wood 0 a 268, insurance aid Loans am. We deliver. 'Phon [ quarter of a rs araaaaa 3 Storage 2 79 Clarence Street. sem Rte aon ens i vs | under cover, $2.76 a uarter f a © - | FURNITURE--~One oak china cabinet,| cord; ee hig LL $550 a uaTter STORAG For turniture, clean, d SOLID BRICK HOUSE---And garage. six chairs and table; one walnut din<| of a 'cord Delivered. Saunders' Wood | &iry ropms and spaces; your own } 7 Unuversity Avenue, $ rtboms, modern| ing get. y 38 Livingston Avenue.| Yard, oor. Barrack and Bagot Streets. 8ud ke Frost's City Storage, Jigs ; improvements, 2 fireplaces; larg iui. | 20 eee -- we [* 'Phone 2955+d. 305 Queed Si. 'Phone 526. Res. §89-w. shrubs and rose bushes. Apply 332) LOOSE MIXE AY Foy jale. Jio.00 sm or 2516-m. 4 University Avenue. 'Phone ivss-m ton. Apply A E. 'eller, 'Phone 3 era.ty Augen. Por. py " Wanted To Buy 19 povrs STORAGE WAREHOUSE---For $1,100--Frame, 5 rooms, garage, garden, -- furniture or any merchandise. Fires 8 stores--each going business, would | MATS--One set of McConnell made! PONY--12 hands or cob, 15 hands, quiet! proof building. 'Phone 1000 or 11% exchange. | mats, not used. Apply to 247 Brock| lo ride and drive, wanted. Apply to - 3 Houses--central, all imp. Terms | Street. Box C-12, Whig Office. o Work ath 2 Farms--near city. Would exchange, | - arpenter 1 x Houses--and flats to let. | PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED | MILK AND SWEET CREAM---Wanted gx | Monéy to loan, T. O'CONNOR, 351 Princess Btrest 'Phone 1189-J. Insurance, ust Whig Offi For be central, ce. Sale or To Let ila THAT BEAUTIFUL Kmown as "Channel Grove" on Simcoe Apply. D. Street or phone 94 -------------- SUMMER BUNGALOWS PROPERTY Ay Cars, 239 Bagot 3- Eastview Park, ¢ miles from Kingston, 5 to 7 rooms, furnished; screened wrandahs and fireplaces; god view, bathing ac- commodation Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 University Avenue, Kingston. Phone 1083-m. eR RR Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land 12 200 ACRES---1 mile from th e class buildings. un Lennox County, half a village of Odessa. I"irst good soul, well drain- 15 Sean Articles, For Gale. Miscellaneous EASTER SUITS -- From §20.00, with éasy terms of payment; large selec- tion of newest pacterns. "Phone 2206-w. J. GU. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. ARMY BOOTSUGood condition, Men's used suits, good Ag new; mechanic's tools, grips and suit cases. Prices very reasonable. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess Street. AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply Frank W. Cooke. "Phone 436. ---- ot ---------- ess onset es we NUMBER--Of Used Bicycles ffom "is up; easy terms. Also Bicycle Tires $1.75 while they last. Muller's Bicycle Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent guar. anteed live delivered. @Give us your order. 'Phone 181-w. Your eggs hatched if Cesired. Marshall, King- ston Halchery, 101 Queen Street. REFRIGERATORS --Four Eureka Re- frigerators; cnly used short time, Suit able for grocer or.butcher. Apply to E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1391-J. SET OF SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS ~For sale. Apply to Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. YOUR AUTO PARTS--Sllverware can be replated like new, Phone 380. Part- ridge Wire & Iron Works. Gates, Ielices, ote, close prices. WE WILL RENT--You a Piano for six dollars peg month and at the expira- tion of six months will allow all mon. les paid to apply on purchase price of piano. Kasy terms arranged on the alance. C. W, Lindsay Limited, 121 rincess Street. at once, for ice cream purposes, also churning cream. Prices and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Write, phone or call Willowdale's Dairy, Litd., Foot of Gore Street, Kingston, Ont. CARPENTER WORK---Al kinds of cre penter work, contracting or day wi Hardwood floors a specialiy, moderate. OG. Hunter, 73 Street. 'Phone $48-w, 'Business Services Talloring and Pressing 20 eg et inten W. ROBERTSON Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Suits made fo order, Samples in stock. $20.00 and 273 Bagot Street up. " Professtuna 2 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess Streets. Chiropractic adjust- ments, electric treatments and inassage. X-ray service tion free. Hours §-12 am. 1-8 p Evenings by appointment. Office te phone 822-J. Residence 'phone 957-4. LUCY--Geo. F. and Jenule A. Chiro. 0. le igi, Sid King Sirest. "Phone | Cangition. Phone oi | $004] 'gractors, Resistered Nurse, 33 rt 1961-w, 1-5, 6-7.30. Cénsultation free. BASEBALL : OUTFIT -- Consisting of ; : catcher's mitt, tipst base mitt, 2 bats, fn Furniture 18a, ris i AaiES -- Hair, Carols; (Wright and Dit), mask, stomach] FURNITURE-- Antique and modern! scars, Pits, etc removed parma on pro.ecior, nearly new. Sell cheap to] "furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- iy. Satisfactory Glasses Potted a quick buyer. Apply 404 Montreal St.| or 507 Princess Street, successors to furnished after others have faited Phone 1028-7. Leases Antique Shop. Goitre cured without operation. 3§ tei, Svort Modal ang Fuel and Feed 18): Ere" Sar Nowe. Front Skin iss ILO e ; yo D HCY * » " . he . > Bagot Street. Phone 301w. taken in exchange, Terms arranged. DRY BODY HARDWOOD Dry hard House 1136J ASHES-Cleaned out of cellars yards, ciean job done. M ir 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2255. ASHES--Removed from yard an Buckley Transfer, d lars; general carting; first class wood for sale. Estimate 143 Yor Phone £91 and 2516-M. Ss t CAVERLY TRANSFER CO, Princess Street, ploughing, har and discing gardens; téam work done, retardal also gene! Estimates given. «7 tax returns, sees verbatim reporti Ta 'Phone 891-, Phone 1507-J. PARE TIME-Income work, ypewriting, ete.; expert, u i to F. a Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED PHOLSTERIN GeeAnd genera} ng. Love orders at or drop . Haro 104 Clery Fhone 1600-J, i viol __Automobites x 1 ' y 271.37 A 'Phones 452 aud 1218-J. » William Madden; R. 1, Malory vay to Box ord 18 Oftier To Apply Buller arr, 311-373 Rung and soft Wood Blab. 5 fandle jou y Bare Soil 316 Auto Accessories nt. Be a ee - : the ' 2516-w. ui sters ana citors se ge yet rs fo pi _ - a Bae cell] Swain. $ . Classified Display WORK-- Wanted in afternoons by| _ Howes LRT re gies roms 8 gas RY, BODY HARDWOOD 3i.7s W. H. HERRINGTON Barrister. Sollol. aka of Ame HuaD Boat | young lady. Apply tg Box L-19, Whig o B. WO MULLIN. waggon, will sell or exchange for PRY, Dry mixed $3.00. Spiit 35. ex. OF and Notary Public. 151 Welling-| and Cushions. Commercial, i - _Oftive. Real Ebtate and Insurance Broker woud, lumber or saw mid mchin-i 2G Dry kindling under cover, $2.751 ton Street. "Phone 2348-w. Coupe bodies, California Jops and g PLAIN AND SIMPLE ! Phong ois on and Division Streets ery. Apply Box N-19, Whig Office. er load. 'Phone 1439-J.. Mrs. Ray CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers helstering. Awnings and Tents, Second-hand Furniture and Stoves Facttud See Advi Page 3 g : 5 arker, corner Johnson and McDonald | ana Sol'citor ¢ 47 King st Vhohe 3945. aperfeet and clean--may he us good Real Estate For Rent. - HOUSE VURNITURE~--English Wikon| Farker Ro pooneitors, | 19, Clarence Sircet, L Yhone anes. bs 3 x 4, almost new; Kitchen uten- . 4 3 by : . as mew--the only kind I Ee sls: Dall Rent afd MEO Toad en Cyril M. Smith, 8 Apartments and Plats 7 Stone Bun alow chasterfieid, tapestre Annis The ak | DRY HARDWOOD--Any quantity, Ap- . re 9 S : 8 chesterfield, 1apsatry. . App BAY aushway Service and Supply Co. | DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and : Turk 8 tore APARTMENT In the Wington, § rooms, Beautiful summer home in cedar r i = 'Phone Hon Wd Smita Streets Sollttors, 2 Daaronce Street, Xing. i 0 I : 'PHONE 708. heated; hot water all year round; gas rove, Sydenham Lake, main line || HAVE---A good, used furnsce for sale, > Hi i os ArH ¥. Adzidn evelie. { Stove in Kitahen. Appl = Anglin, 53 tanadian National Railway. Oftaare {heap also 11 ids ot brick abd hal. GOOD HARD D-=$3.50 quarter cord origages anged. ne 205. ous Lisht Six Me A i "arl sree Phone i © toronto; eon & urn , ow -ware for ng. Best --~miged wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarter REYNOLDS, J. C~Barrist So, good Laughlin Car, five ms, commodious lounge || w on the market. A. Neal, 624 ot 2 kt, Cees er and Soliet. condition. : {APARTMENT Sydenham Apasments,|| room. large stone fireplace, dining || Jolin treme onset JA 3275 Qubrier cord. Money Soft .olabs| tor. si Brock Street. Mortgawes ar-|| © One Light Six Roadster Mee . op guarier cord. Rough and dressed | ranged on city and farm property.|| La Brock Street, four rooms and tiled) room kitchen, spacious cool ceilars, umber always in stock. Clean saw- |. 'Ph 2509. ughlin--good running order, : Ww. KENT MACNEE has hrogm; ua range, Jolt fetator, yoraniahs a rigoking hale Jake BAY SUBSE 28 hangs, Be pa: dust § cents bag. 'Phone 23753.J. W, ons . Aro all kinds of Hand v " Ti 00TSs; We el neur ew; r hundr an ulét to ri . 0 y utomoblle Pa makes a INSURANCE BROKER | 89 Brock Street fifty foot frontage on the lake, one || cutter and harness. Apply 447 Alfred] i: Talbot, Concession Street. SLATER ~Diuglan BE aiater and. Soll- || care, Tia for all hs Sian falckn "iste" vase: i lo a movIREAL STREET--Fiat of| | "Iarge Earage with cororeis Cand: || Street. City. EE nestnut ang Movs RACITE, COAL| Arranged. 'Phone 433. price $400 to shan? AN slses -- 2 RROCE PHONE sass. || os, Toon Srand Goer. with Apply iarge dou Dl. "room annex" habs; || BOOSTS, C, Rhode Island Rad Egon BIST J0E Ae Aen, HO | RAT Ambrose, BA. Birrister an ROSEN & ] hs Na % 375 Alfred Street: "Phone 991, $14.00] | spr Dg water from rock-drilied well, || winter layers. Winners Kingston Fair. Neville. "| and Brock, over Royal Bank. MoLi¥ POLLITT ; per month. 5 : boat o for launches and skiff, 2.00 per setting. Apply W. WH, 191 y 140 RIDEAU STREET AEATRO AFAR . as one a, Jon minutes walk or ndeérson, Barriedeld, Ont. REDUCED PRICES 7 w coal Phone 2475-w. rner o enham. Ap. My big building must be ss and Princess Scores on | Ply to I. Sherwood, 4 Regent Sireet, || DBE LAVAL--Sooner or later WH cleaned out by the first of May in Ladies' Hair 24 Princess Street, ce: with tawa, vr Daniel Moore, n se Laval Separator and Mitker, cret order Parlor rear mairahces 3 & Co. || ham, Ont. Byes ingles' about our power Aileer. from Tag. the. hres Aa at ry ee HAIR WORK Automobiles Tor Sale ntario Street. , : Used engines, or ® in the eity at $3.00 --~Ladies' Transfor en a 4nd separators. . Of double harness; 5 lod, dell Alfo a- few tons os bo : ade ou swit «| STAR ROA = Good Tn ana. Ot EE FT Bo ha Se] TT Fen SRT) SNE 7 | Bela Set Sn Te RE re mee en Mtried Sounle w Ap-| both Jour telephone number and your Asope ! Brock Siréet. 'Fhone 585-J } 40-w. W.C. Bruton, 200 Wellington 56 Bay Street. license, . H-16, Whig vue Em ; a a BRINGING UP FATHER i 2 a 3 $ a 2 3 2. uw un un BY GEORGE ¥ * ee - XY : 7 » 5 a . LE SHAY SHILD MUP Sree WELL "THANK [8 - LOOKIY THE . Fy THA DRUM - GOODNESS - | GOT : ON CBUTUF LTAKE IT Away : ant og ui ed 5 gh i A ln TOHELL CRY DOLLAR! br

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