Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1926, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH ma sr CITY AND DISTRICT Soi ee SOLE AGENTS : FOR TRESS Our FOR TRESS | KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE Founded 1847. * ENGLISH CAPS ENGLISH HATS Postponed. on display. . The idea is to bring out | Prof. Kanamori"s meeting has been | that flowers.can be delivered by tele- | postponed to Tuesday, April 27th, in| gram to any place and the best ser- | 'St. James' Hall, 8 p.m, vice guaranieed. The window deco- | T ® @ i -- ration is a novel one and has been ailoring | Firemen Receive Cheque. much admired. . | The firemen are grateful for a / | cheque received from Mr. John Tru- Passing Forged Cheques. 4 y ' ; { dell, Bath Road, for service rendered A man registering in one of the S ® | during the burning of Trudell's hall {Renfrew hotels as G. E. Mansfield, | * « Qa 1S es | about a year ago. Montreal, contracted with a Renfrew | 5 of i -- citizen to make him a number of | To Train for Inspection. boxes and gave a cheque for $75 in : A Sergt. Turner, Kingston, is leaving {advance made out upon a bank\in - | [tor Renfrew to train the cadets of Winnipeg. A wire to Winnipeg Ti 1 : 18 repre- 8 the Collegiate Institute, who are to jbrought word that there were 'no The limit of fine tailoring 1s'rep be inspected on May 21st. Capt. [funds." Meatfiwhile "Mansfield," sented in all the handsome garments | Heron wants to see the company having got the Rénmfrewite's signa- | there to be raised to 100 uniformed ture to something in the nature of a we make. |students. receipt, forged a cheque for $50, tavern using the Renfrewite's name, and . : Champion Lanark Fiddler. one of the local banks cashed the We are certainly masters of the fine Half a dozen disciples of champion |cheque. The police are now looking . . g old-time fiddlers met in competition [for the forger, who is known to have tailoring art. at the Ridean Theatre, Smith's Falls, {Charles D. Thomas as an alias. ' : : {and Fred Eamer, Smith's Falls, was et declared winner of the prize for the Sea Cadets at Church. You always get full value for every best performer, and upholds the hon- Led by the band of the local Sea 0 . . . . ors for Lanark County as champion {Cadets Corps, and in command of dollar you invest in our good tailoring. fiddler. Scoutmaster Percy Hall, the Kinge- -- ton troup of the Boy Scouts, at full R. J. Bushell Was There. strength, paraded from the market Value made up of very fine fabrics, Mr. R. J. Bushell has returned [square Sunday morning to attend from Toronto,. where he has 'been [the service at St. James' Church. The fine workmanship and correct style. attending meetings of the Progres- cadets were met at the church by the sive Association. Mr. Bushell stated | Portsmouth troup, who joined the . that the meetings were very large parade. Rev. T. W. Savary deliv- Woollens that are choice and exclu- and enthusiastic, and that many ered a very interesting and highly » plans for the future were discussed [instructive sermon on "A True sive. bo and approved. Scout." The speaker dealt with the life and service of the Boy Scouts "Fp WR aaa al M h S « 0 d A Very Old Resident Dead. and of the valuable work being ac- ay we have your Opring \Jrder, In the death of Mrs. Mary McCon- |complished by the organization. The : ' . nell, which occurred at her late [cadets paraded back to their hall Sir? You Il do well to leave it hee. residence, 256 Maple avenue, Pem- [after the service. broke, there passed away one of the - oldest residents of this part of the To Visit Toronto. country. Mrs, McConnell had lived Referring to the visit of the R.C. . S ® practically all of her eighty-five years |H.A. at Toronto, on May 19th, the ui S between Westmeath and Pembroke. |Toronto Star of Saturday has the : -- following : Broke His Leg. "The committee in charge of ar- . Robert Carmichael, grocer, met |rangements is distinctly pleased that ] al ored to your {with a very unfortunte accident on {this unit is to be able to provide part {Sunday when he slipped on the pave- |of the spectacular programme which |ment near the house of James Paul, [it proposes to put on The musical and broke his leg about four inches {drive which these young artillerymen measure {above the ankle. 'At latest reports carry out is said to offer many thrills. ' o | R. D. is resting as. comfortably as |It was also stated that the Gentle- {can be expected. men Cadets of the Royal Military College, Kingston, will again visit Olden Reeve Weds. the city and take part in the big S45 up [at the Methodist parsonage on {event. With these will be the vari- | Saturday, April 10th, Kathleen Ten- [ous local regiments and cadet corps dant, daughter of Mrs. William Ten- [from Bishop Ridley College, Upper nant, Matilda, was married to Sam- [Canada and other boys' colleges." 3 uel D. Stinchcomb, reeve of Olden 9 township, Frontenac county. They The Late Mrs. Spooner. $ will take up their residence at the The funeral of the late Mrs. groom's home in Olden township. Isobel Helen Louise Scott, widow of 75 79 BROCK STREET -- the late - Reuben Spooner, Glen- - Named Postmasters. burnie, took place Saturday after- N P . The following appointments to | noon from the residence of her son- tt I'l dra y rt { If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk thé position of postmaster in this | in-law, Dr. G. W. Bell, 450 Princess ew a ¢ S anc u dain ¢ S district have been made recently: | street, to Cataragui cemetery, The Addison, L. N. Howe; Bishop's] services were 'conducted by the Rev. a' \ : Mills, J. 8. Ferguson: North Lan-| Mr. Raney of Queen strest United 5 : "4 C y os ® 25c¢ yd. caster, Rodolphe Rozon; Stanley-| Church, and Rev, Dr. Brown of £5 ville, E. 1. Byrne; Wensley, J. S.| Sydenham street United Church. "The eyes of the house" will look neater wn than they ever have if these new Curtain ES e-- | 1 ow. Miss Nesbitt and Mrs..Crawford of the Queen street church choir, as- Nets are used. The assortment of pat- 9 : " Funeral of Robert Weir. - sisted by Mr. Eva, sang most feel- This range of Curtain Madras represents terns is large and very charming in- The remains of the late Robert | ingly the two favorite hymns of the value that is remarkable. 18 new and 4 wi pin re Fuiable Yn: every win. Weir, who died in Syracuse, N.Y., on | deceased, "I Shall Know Him," and dost a t "all 36 or ous. = b rt og hs retty igns oose from; 'all & : April 16th, at the age of sixty-nine | "Safe in the Arts of Jesus." The p il Another choice range of fancy Curtain QUALITY - - LARGER MARKET : SERVICE years, arrived here and the funeral | floral tokens were many and beauti- inch; in conventional patterns at a Nets in many varied designs, Priced at took place on Monday afternoon | ful. The remains were placed in the that : x ! price that means economy. 35c¢., 45¢. and 50c¢. yard PHONES: | from James Reid's undertaking par-| vault to await interment later. lors to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. J. terest Retail 2600 Wholesale 1767 Office 365-w ; W. Stephen of St. Andrew's church Evangelist Chapman's Message. conducted the funeral service. "The ten commandments are God's law, and should be kept by God's -- Appreciate Work of Mrs. Lavell, |people to-day, the same as they were L ' . The executive of the Ottawa Pres- (kept in the day of Moses," declared Im orte ane ets A W ord Regarding byterfal Women's Missionary Society (Evangelist Chapman Jast night, of the Unitqd Church unanimously [speaking on "God's law not being agreed to send a letter of apprecia- [taught in the pulpits to-day." He $ $ Potatoes tion to Mrs. Lavell and the members [said in part: "When one of the of the Dominion board for the suc- {commandments states plainly that ° O ° cessful manner im which the vast|the seventh day is the Sabbath, an We have just received one carload of "Netted Jem" Pota- amount of organization work had [easy Way to keep from obeying is to toes. These Potatoes have come all the way from VERNON, been accomplished. declare that the law has been dpne : : BRITISH COLUMBIA. White, smooth, shallow eyed, govern- | me away with. How can we go on, The curtain that changes the appearance of the house ment inspected, this stock represents the choicest we have yet | Novel Suit Is Dismissed. knowing it to be true and deliberate into the *Home Beautiful. These imported panels were , veceived. When cogked they are white and mealy, and are well Justice Mowat has dismissed, with |ly violate God's express command ? . f . flavored. These Potatoes are priced ss reasonably as possible costs, the $10,000 suit against the |Do you have any satisfaction in do- selected with greatest of care and choice of pattern. They 3 § | Public School trustees of 8.8. No. 7, ing that ? Are you:content to do - : : 2 * and we are glad to be able to offer our customers such a cholo tat ronan Ds Arthur a et tae wtontont 'te So are the utmost in design. Patterns copied from old Eliza- " || Cameron on behalf of his daughter, (is only one way and that is to obey || § bethian period and others inthe Renaissance design. 2} Vera, for injury to her health, alleged {God." » . . yards in length, with 4 panels to the yard. to have been caused from breathing i BREAKF AST BACON ' ; § | poisonous carbon monoxide gas, Macdonald School Event. from soft coal, while attending A concert was held on Friday 'A streak of fat and a streak of lean, § | school. night in Macdonald school. Several » . * > lots of goodness in between." Sliced, Ib. 40c¢ | of those who took part were ex- / . fi May EfXtend Buildings. pupils of Macdonald school. All the ew aperies ng | grade A sides of young Ontario Ib. It is. understood that an appeal parts were ably rendered. The fol- Fed Piece, Ib. 35¢ y cured and smoked to for funds is to be made by the House | lowing took part: Mrs. Enoch God- $ of Providence in the near future for! win who presided; piano solo by Vera : the purpose of extending buildings! Lowing; vocal solo, Dorothy Tul- ° g y . t : | from the present point on Drdianes loch; recitation, Norman Pringle; 3 iC Oo C tog . §| street to the corner of Sydenham | vocal, Myrtle Dorey; cornet' solo, , » PEA-MEAL BACK BACON street. It is understood that the| Willie Christmas: A solo, Ethel ; You do not need the services of an in- With. the thought' in mind that color . re b a work of extending the buildings will { Hebert; vocal solo, Jack Gibson: re-| |. terior decorator {o tell you of the rich. s J i Wo. selected. these Preferred by many. The sweet pickled oon! of these mew Silk | choice, new, English Chintzes that are ba Y. P be commenced as soon as sufficient | citation by Marjorie Lyons; piano ness and elegance Rew . rich in floral and decorative designs; 36 Cl are rolled in fine pea-meal-- a deli- funds have heen secured to warrant|solo, Lily Saunders: vocal duet, Draperies. They are dignified and rich Inchonwite. Thre 10 vier rus: 30 ECT d: } 2 a start being made on the work. Aileen Lowing and Geraldine Mur- in color. ' The range is deep Tan and every room. J treat--poun SORT NG Shae -- ray; dance by Florence Baker; vio- 'Wine, Burgundy, Blue and Tan, Antique a : display at Smoked Meat Counter. , Called to Montreal. lin solo by Tom Woods; recitation by Gold, Rose and Brown, Blue and Eng- : . Rae Rev. J. J. Monds, formerly minister | Ethel Fletcher. Candy was sold dur- lish Gold. Each one with the "shot" ef. C 1 ] Dr - . of St. Andrew's Church, Carleton | ing Intermission. A silver collection . O onia aper y _ , Place, for many years, has received a | was taken at the door. feut in stripe. ANA conventional designs, . hth 500 PICNIC HAMS - call to a Montreal charge. The Cote * » ' ¥ Chintzes : i ; (des Neiges and Mount Royal Vale Honor : : ts, 4-6 lbs. each. Sangregations have beeu formed tuto : $ ) . jjione pastoral charge 3 oa Educational Association is a much {been extended to Mr. Monds to be-|o5veted position, and it was an honor C an {come their minister. For the past|,, nr: Wichware and an honor to few years he has had the Presbyter- Smith's Falls that he was tendered ' fan charge at Petrolia, Ont. ; position unanimously, | ext J E ------ v 28 to 48 inches .. ...20e. 36 to 63 inches .. .. 30c. |

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