Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1926, p. 2

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EE ------ Te Sliver Foxes at $150.00. Beautiful fine skins, Pointed Foxes at $65.00. Browns in all shades, $20.00. Beautiful Reds at $25.00. Other Foxes and Chokers from $8.50 upward. - JOHN McKAY, Limited FUR HOUSE 140-157 BROOK STREET, KINGSTON gis STRAW HAT FINISH . Available in fourteen attractive colors. Dries in thirty minutes. Waterproof and durable. Thirty cents a bottle. Branigan's 268 Princess Street STORE LIMITED The flavor of fresh mint. Everytime you bite it you get that delicious taste! Other flavors too: WRIGLEY'S Juicy Fruit Doublemint and NIPS. Sold Everywhere Sop 5 pV fl v2 1 La ; who . should do your wiring. Our de pendability is your insurance. Detec- y wiring often you'll find you will have no cause for complaint. If .you are interested in the ont trical appliances come 'and see us occasionally. I» | WONDERFUL | Value, Peko Blend | Tea, Per pound . 62¢. ISLAND ROLL 'are much in evidence. | 1s good. TWO CLERGYMEN REGARDING THE KU KLUX KLAN | {Rev. E. H. Burgess of Zion Church Defends the Organization --Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson of Cooke's Church Makes Some Criticisms. | In Zion church on Sunday evening strength and mind, and my neighbor { Rev. Edwin H. Burgess preached &|as myself: not merely my Protestant | sermon to the local members of the| neighbor but also my Roman Catho- reading | | Ku Klux Klan. After the 12th chapter of the Epistle { ing the 12th chapter of the Epistle « | to the Romans the preacher sald In | COLORITE | part: "In judging the prin¢iples of a so- clety one must not be unduly in- fluenced by current derogatory re- ports nor by unworthy conduct on the part of some members of that so- ciety." He told how in Scotland horrible stories were once circulated and believed by outsiders regarding the work done in Masofjc lodges, and of the bitter feeling that once existed against the order in the State of New York, on account of certain things said to be in the Masonic oath, and the murder of a Mason by brother Masons because he hdd at- tempted to reveal the secrets of the order. Yet Masonry itself is a grand society, To be a true Mason one must be a true man, a true religious man." He next spoke of the horrible slander that were circulated against the early Christians that in their as- semblies they practiced abominable vices, that they slaughtered infants, ate human flesh and worshipped the head of an ass. Yet notwithstand- ing these gross slanders, and all the corruptions and hypocrisy and have been associated with the church, we all know that its real principles as sot forth by Christ and His apostles would, if lived up-to, turn this sin- cursed earth into a paradise. "We see, therefore, that in judg- ing the principles of a society one must not be unduly influénced by de rogatory reports nor by unworthy conduct on the part of some of its members. Attisude to Roman Catholics. '""Now apply this principle to the Ku Klux Klan. Certain things have been said against it. It has even been accused of burning Roman Catholic churches and of encourag- ing the spirit' of religious persecu- tion. I am in a position to say that like the slanders that were uttered against the early Christians these accusations are absolutely false. 1 lately had in my possession an official copy of the oath of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada. "Every member swears to be loyal to the British Crown, to our constitution, to our flag, to our laws, and to atd the duly constituted. officers of the law in the proper performance of their legal duties. Some members of the order have been accused of taking the law in their own hands. If this be true they violated their oath. If a mem- ber of the order should see persons trying to destroy a Roman Catholic place of worship he is bound under his oath to aid the regular officers of the law in protecting that place of worship. The Ku Klux Klan of Canada is opposed t6 the religious persecution of Roman Catholics or of any other religious body. "Where then does it come in con- flict with «the Roman Catholic church? When, in the judgment of the Klan, that church oversteps the bounds in its political activities. The Ku Klux Klan has nothing against the individual Roman Catholic, noth- ing against the rights and privileges of the Roman Catholic church as a religious body. But Rome has long since laid claim to temporal suprem- acy." Attitude to Foreigners. "What about the Klan's attitude to foreigners? It does not persecute them. It believes that foreigners amongst us should have the full benefit of our laws. Canada has ex- cellent men and women of foreign birth and of foreign extraction. But very many foreighers are bringing in a lower standard of living and of morals. It is® said that eighty-five per cent. of our crimes are commit- ted by them. In bootlegging they They are the promoters of communism and anar- chy. They have their Sunday schools where children are. taught fo blas- pheme God and to be disioyal to our country. Like the viper you take to your breast, such persons when you warm them to life sting you. We are being flooded by them. It is time that other societies joined with the K.K.K. in protesting to the Gov- ernment against the easy admission of persons from Eastern, Central and Southern Europe. We should admit nosé but those whom we know will make first class citizens. But my original purpose was to preach not so much about the 4s to the Klan. I believe the sot! Its principles are based ap 'the 12th chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, But it is one thing to belong to a good society, it is an- other thing te lve up to its prin: ciples. 3a STATE VIEWS What advertisement am [ for Protéstants if I do not stand by my, church, support my church, attend its services and live up to {ts principles? What adver- tisement am I for Protestantism if I am dishonest in business .and un- principled in politics? Will I impress Roman Catholics with the beauty of our religion if, being an employer 1 refuse to give a fair day's wage for a fair day's work, or being a working man,I refuse to give a fair day's work for a fair day's wage. "I am longing for the day when all those churches which acknowl- edge Jesus as Lord; Protestant, Ro- {ic neighbor? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SHAW'S DAILY STORE NEWS Beautiful! Velour Curtains $2.75 yd. up ime ear me Sunfast Casement Cloth 95¢. yd. up Big Values in Floor Coverings' FLOOR OILCLOTH, 55¢. SQ. YD. { Over 30 new designs in the best Dominion Floor Oilcloth at this special low price, while the range is All widths from | to 2} yards wide. complete! Buy now, 4 YARD WIDE LINOLEUMS, $4.00 YD. Best, heavy quality Block designs, lity 4 yd. wide Linoleums in dew Carpet' and at a price that means a real saving. SPECIAL--$4.00 RUNNING YARD. CONGOLEUM 'RUGS AT SALE PRICES man Catholic, Greék Catholic, shall come together, and go forward side | by side, in unity and in love, to fight | the cause of our Lord and Master. But at present a great gulf separates | us. Let us pray that that gulf may | be removed. Wherever error keeps | us apart let us pray that we may all | have the light which the Holy Spirit | alone can give. Let us pray earhest- ly that a great out pouring of the | Holy Spirit may descend upon 'all churches, upon each individual in| these churches, so that against all | forms of sin a great, united, Spirit-| filled Church shall go forth 'fair as | the moon, clear as the sun, and ter-| rible as an army with banners'." | WANT THINGS FREE AND OPEN. | - | View of Rev. T. J. S. Ferguson of Cooke's Church. "We don't want to get into the realms of secrecy, we want things free and open," said Rev. T. J. S. Ferguson, preaching in Cooke's church on Sunday night on the sub- Ject of the Ku Klux Klan. "If 1] have wronged you," he continued, "you can bring me to trial before twelve of my peers. While there are flaws in our British courts they are being handled pretty fairly and if they are not we have the power to change them. We don't need secret guides," In his opening remarks Rev. Mr. Ferguson pointed out that the great- est goal toward which to work was universal brotherhood: peace on earth, good will toward fhan. "I value every organization just in so far as it Is working toward that goal," he sald. > "Last October' there appeared in our midst something new and start- Hing," he said, "when a number of men dressed in a peculiar regalia paraded our streets . and held 2 meeting in the city buildings. An address was given by the 'Imperial Kleagle' and we heard of the 'Invis- ible Empire." These were new words and, they set us thinking. "Then do you remember as report- ed in The Whig one of the speakers at the meeting held in the city build- ings stated, 'we are also interested in | politics. Watch us tomorrow night.' Then as time goes on we see a fiery cross being burned and this arouses our interest. We wonder where is this thing headed and what are its aims?" Origin of Klan. "I got all the literature I could on the matter and read it and found it very interesting. The Ku Klux Klan was started in the southern states following the eivil war with the idea of terrifying the negro who had been newly emancipated and so keep him in his place. The aim was to have some power acting in the place of law to guard the rights of the white people. This lasted only a little while for while it was origin- ally started by some excellent men it got beyond their control and became the rendezvous of bandits and others SIZE 6 x9 feet . .. SIZE 9 x9 feet... SIZE 9 x10] feet . . SIZE 9 x12 feet 7' Here 1s a chance to to choose from. socure one of these lovely Rugs at a ridiculously low price, at a time when they are most needed." And we have (not one) but TEN pretty designs . +SALE PRICE ..........3$ 728 SIZE 74x9 feet ..-..........SAIE PRICE ........ wrni SALE PRICE ALE. PRICE ...SALE PRICE NEW, INLAID LINOLEUMS .......... $1.50 to $2.50 sq. yard D. A. SHAW, Limited KINGSTON CARPET WAREHOUSE New Carpet Successors to | Newman & Shaw Star Window Shades | 85c¢. each up Hats $3.98 Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET of a like character. Much harm was done so it was put away and in 1871- 72 legislation against it was passed in the United Btates Congress. "In 1915 it again took head in the United States and played a large part in the last two presidential elections. Recently it has come into Canada, in- troduced by American organizers, but under the Union Jack it is some- thing new and foreign to us, On the American side its avowed aims are to keep the white race as the supreme race; and te keep the Roman Catholic Chureh in its proper place. There it is sup- posed to appeal to the 100 per cent. American but in Canada it is supposed to appeal to the 100 per cent. Britisher and its aims are much the same, Think Over It. "In this country," said Mr. Fer- guson, "the Jew is apparent. ly; getting more than he should get and there is a feeling that the Roman Catholic Church is working in a secret political way. Here is the problem: If the Roman Catholie Church is working in a secret way is this the best way to combat it? 1s this the best way to promote good relations with the Jews? Is this the best way to promote patriotism? If I were contemplating joining this society I would go home and think about it for six months. "Kant said, 'I have very grave doubts of anything being right that we can't allow everyone tq do' and if we allow one society to parade in white robes and masks hasn't an- other an equal right to parade in yellow and a third a right to parade in black and so on?" Mr. Ferguson pointed out that a society in which the identity of its members was hidden was a bonanza to a typé of men of questionable character. There might be many s8pod men in it but a number of the other kind would also get in. As evidence of this hé pointed to re- cent events in Dresden and Picton where men were ill-treated by per- sons garbed in the same manner in which the Klan dresses. He also re- ferred to the recent blackmail case in which a former organizer of the Kian was concerned. Jews' Contribution. With regard to keeping the Jew in his proper place he reminded his hearers that all that they had of in. spiration toward God of the highest type came from the Jewish race. He wondered if the Gentiles bad treat. ed the Jews just rightly during the ages; if they made any attempf to know them better. "The momiént you get it into your head that you are a superman be- cause you are white," he concluded, "you will become blinded . 1 have preaching in this and E $f 4f i g i Ii -3 ji i PICTON Primes} in the week to visit friends. . lightfully at bridge at her Wexford, on Saturday The beautiful home with spring blooms. won by Mrs. Ernest Miss Marjorie Calnan. Wright Mrs. of refreshments. ~ 'A. W. Dunkley has returned his sister, Miss Mary Dunkley. of number children to the buted by the public school 1,381. to think of us still. need yoar help more than Such an appeal might well meet with a response from other ] throughout the county. Staff Captain Wright of Montreal, is expected up to conduct special services at the Salvation Army Citadel on Sunday, April 18th. Charles Prior slipped on the {cy pavement near his home, Queen street recently which resulted in a broken shoulder. ' Mr. and Mrs. George L. Collier have returned from a trip to Oshawa and Toronto. Miss Winifred Pearce was a re- cent visitor in town with Mr. and Mrs. A, BE. Calnan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stafford of Orono were recent guests of Mr, Stafford's parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Al- fred Stafford. _ FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF ORE CHIMNEY MINE Is Likely to Procesd--Engl- neers' Report Show Pro- perty Very Valuable." Northbrook, April 16.--~Ore Chim- ney's mining property proves to be very valuable, by recent mining en- gineers' examination, Future suc- cess now seems assured. The pro- perty shows merit worthy of con- tinuous development. A recent 'ex- amination by a prominent mining engineer of Toronto of the Ore Chim- ney Mining Company property shows an average ore value of $12.75 per ton, with many samplings running several times this amount. I has ment to proceed with the develop- imentat once as outlined in the de- velopmgnt programme, namely, the main shaft to be sunk an additional Picton, April 17.--Colonel French, Mrs. French and children and Miss C. Porter motored to Kingston early |} Miss Mary Currie entertained de- home, afternoon. was fragrant Honors were and wil- ligm Rankin assisted in the serving | to #s at Oakwood where he is | on the staff of the Collegiate In- stitute, after holidaying with his Letters from Mrs. Crockett of the |i Loyal True Blue and Orange Orpha- nage of Richmend Hill. acknowledge the receipt of Easter eggs contri- Picton of She says "It's lovely of you We have more little ones now to care for and so ever." | REAL ESTATE] AND INSURANCE $8,000 -- Detached frame, rooms, modern, with g po central. I Ui -- il $3.200--Double stone dwelling, | 6 rooms, each side, good yard. | $5,000--Victoria Street, de tached brick Bungalow, hard. J.500 Hooes, hot water heats ng, electric, 3 piece bath, } £004 cellar, garage and deerds | $6,000 -- Queen Street, 9 rooms, stone dwelling, harde wood floors throughout, hot water heating; two garages. ih I schools | i Pe ent Walue or better, plans for arrang- ing the present mill will be made for this smaller tonnage instead of 350 tons as was originally planned. With the necessary finances to car- ry on this work it is estimated that ix to eight months will be required jto complete this development pro- :gramme and start production. With an average ore $12.72 a the economical operation of - t mine, due to the fact that the co! pAnw owns and operates its ow power Dlant of 1,100 horsepower, a good pro on its -ore can tained. eo The cost of this development will be shout $54,000, and arrangements aré now being made to co, financing of the same, llety the The directors have received the engineer's report and much enthu- slasm was expressed, as the directors have furnished most of the cap! for the past work, it is almost sured that the hecessary amount mohey will be available shortly, Toronto broker for a $200,000 por- tion of ifs recently established $300,- 000 seven per cent. note issue. This has not ag yet been consummated, as it is expected the directorates will take up a large portion of the com- pany's notes. Ore Chimney, after many years of struggle, has now a very splendid outlook. Passing of Matthias Manton. Matthias Hanton ' passed

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