Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1926, p. 7

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a address on "How to get more out of | the Bible." This subject will be again a part of the devotional exer- cises at the next meeting. Little Ruth Spence is seriously iil; NEWS BUDGET FROM SYDENHAM VILLAGE Death of Mr. Guess Was Shock to Community--A Lively Runaway. es -- Umer New Shipments of | PASSES 10 Rist Spring Counts She Spent Her Life In the Neighborhood of Yonge Mills. Just received a nice lot of Spring Coats A in the new light patterns. Good value. PRICE $20.00 and $22.50 Mallorytown, 16.--Thad Purvis is the delegate to tue King- Another range English Tweed Top Coats. PRICE $25.00 and $30.00. i ston rresbytery of the United Church Come in and let us please you. nen eli ISH _WHIG GANANOQUE | Gananoque, April 19. --Miss | Margaret Chapman has returned af- ter a fortnight's visit in New York with Mrs. Tassie Thomason. Mrs. W, Hele, Ttlca, N.Y, is the) guest of her mother, Mrs. W. 8S. Lloyd. Miss Agnes Deir was taken to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Saturday, where she underwent a serious op- eration. Miss Theresa Brennan has return- ed from Montreal, where she has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Dupuis, for the past few weeks. Graham Thompeon, who has been wintering in Miami, Florida, under- went an operation there last Friday, this being an aftermath of the injur- tes received by him a couple of years ago in a football game in Ottawa. According to last reports the opera- tioh was successful and his many friends here are hopeful that he will "Our family likes rich cream- and-butter flavor in milk dishes. But with ordinary milk my budget cannot stand the amount of expensive butter I have to buy. Now I use Car- nation Milk." In soups, baked dishes, creamed vegetables, sauces, cakes, Car- nation gives real cream-and- butter flavor. No need to use expensive cream because Car- nation has full, rich cream consistency and flavor. li| Turner is the alternate. Miss Hazel Chapman, from Seeley"s Bay, is visit- ing at the home of her sister's, Mrs. A. H. Votier. Frank Calvert, the teller at the Royal Bank, is taking his holidays and Mr. Wilson, of Perth, is supplying for him. Mr, and Mrs. William Chick are serious- ly ill. Their daughter, Mrs, John Brennan, R.N. from Montreal, is tak- ing care of them, assisted by Mrs. BE. Sydenham, April 17.--The death of Mr. B. 8. Guessj age 74 years, re- sident of this villege, was a shock to -all who knew him, although he has been an invalid for the past twelve years. or as long as he has resided in Sydenham. He was form- erly a farmér and resided about two miles south of Harrowsmith, in Port- land township. He was seriously Carnation is just pure, fresh milk, evaporated to double richness, kept safe by steriliza- in Sydenham street church, King- ston, on April 27th. Mr. Clarke George Van Horne 213 Princess Street. 'Phone 362-w. a strong bodies "'I want everyone to know how Tanlee helped me. For Quick : Repairs * We repair everything in the J line of Glasses on shortest no- tice. No walting. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3 Evenings by appointm--* W. D. GRAHA. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington Street Telephone 699. indigestion. Three bottles of Tanlae gave back health, strength and tite. Gained 1 The Edmund Mongean, 17 McGill Colley Ave., Montresl.. There's nothing like Tanlac to purity the blood, put the stomach apd liver in working order and build up a run-down body. Millions of men and women have been benefited by this great tonic and builder that is compounded after the famous Tanlac formula from roots, barks and herbs. If you are mervous, suffer from Indigestion; have rheumatism, tor- pid liver, buy a bottle of Tanlac at your drug store today. See how you start to improve right from the first. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills for constipation, . . THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter :: "Phone 087 See us for all kinds of Carpentry werk. Estimates given ox new flours laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ef with our mew Sider cleaning ma. EGG and STOVE AMERICAN ANTHRACITE ON HAND. Chestnut Coal enroute. Split Pea suitable for Spencer Furnace or to mix with Coke. SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. Kelly. Miss Vivian Tennant in the Gen- ii| eral Hospital, Kingston, is recover- fing. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, of Kingston, spent the week-end at the home of the latter's mother. John Haffle, who has been seriously ill for some weeks at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry MacDonald, has now returned to his own home. The W.M.S. of the United Church met at the parsonage on Tuesday evening. The following were elected delegates to attend the meeting of the Presbyterial at Gananoque. The president, Mrs. R. Calvert; Mrs, Thad Purvis, Mrs. F. M, Purvis with Mrs. G. G. Root and Mrs, Lewis Trickey as alternates. On Friday, April 9th, there pass- ed away one of Yonge Mills oldest and most esteemed residents in the | person of Mrs. Susan Clow, aged | eighty-five years, who died at the re- | | sidence of her son, George E.®Clow. <9 Deceased had been in failing health | for the paét three months. On Thurs- | day pléurisy set in and she sank { rapidly. He death came as a shock { to the immediate family. Mrs. Clow { had spent all her long and useful life | on the farm where she passed away, | She was a fond and devoted mother, | the oldest member of the former Methodist church of the Mallorytown circuit, and will be greatly missed by her family. She was the mother of seven daughters and four sons. Three of these, Mrs. Sarah Cloeman, Mrs. Robert Eyre and Morton Clow, pre-deceased her, as did her husband in January of 1904. . There remain to mourn her loss, Mrs. Minnie Quin- sey, Lansdowne; Mrs. William White, Caintown; Mrs. Annie Elgin, Sherwood Springs; Mrs. Blake Dickey, Yonge Mills; Mrs. Charles Buell, of Brockville; W. J. Clow, Brockville; George and Arden at home. Mrs. Clow's brothers and sisters are Mrs. Minnie Baird, North Collins; Hiram Langdon, Detroit; George and William at Addison. Tocahontas, nut size, clean $18.00 AYLSWORTH BROS. or 'Phone U. R. Knight 1703-w, The funeral was largely attended. Children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren ' were present and a large concourse of friends. "The obsequies were conducted by the Rev. R. Calvert, B.D., of Mal- lorytown. The inferment taking place in the cemetery at Yonge Mills after which a large congregation as- sembled in the church. Her pastor reminded the mourners of the sym- pathy of Jesus upon a similar occa- sion. Speaking from the words in John 11:35, "Jesus wept." At the Young People's League on Monday night, the pastor gave an FRAME HO Nice yard FIVE ROOMED HQUSE--06 ft. fron $1,800.00, MANY FIRST CLASS HOMES FOR SALE in all parts of the city. M. B. TRUMPOUR 270 PRINCESS STREET. "PHONE 704 OR 1205.J. Professional Nurse Loud In Her Praises ll | Thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills' She Was Relieved of a Weak Back and Rheumatism. Mrs. E. Emeneau Now Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills to Any of Her Patients Whe Suffer With Kidney Trouble. Lunenburg, N.S., Apr. 19 (Special) "I cannot praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too highly to anyone. I have suf- All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. prices, gered a great deal with a weak back and rheumatism. I used a lot of doc- tors' medicines but they did me no good. I could hardly lift a patient alone. I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills; used a number of boxes and soon got relief. I often thank the good friend who gave me the advice about Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I was very much pleased that I did not have to give up my profession of nursing. I am bound to praise them for relieving me and will always recommend them to any of my pa- tients who suffer from the same trouble as I did. I am very thank- ful to write this testimonial for Dodd's Kidney Pills." This letter comes from Mrs. E. Emeneau (nurse) of Lunenburg, N. S., and tells of the benefits to be de- rived through.the use of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. hurt there, and has since that time made his home at Sydenham. He had been very well, up untfl three days before his death, when he suf- fered a cold. and also a weakening condition. He died very suddenly on Monday evening, April 12th. The funeral, under the direction of H. J. Knight, undertaker, took place from his late residence on April 15th, at 2 p.m., to the vault at Sydenham, where interment will be made. - The funeral was largely attended. His older chums were chosen for bearers while his newer friends were chosen to carry the large number of flowers which were sent in his memory. Mr, B. L. Guess, although an in- valid, was always Interested in the town sports and was there to enjoy all of them. Mrs. Albert Sills, who fell on the fce and broke her hip, while walk- ing down the street near the Angli- can church, is still in the General Hospital and is doing as well as can be expected. » Mr. George Gued#s is home from the hospital and improving nicely. Miss Dorothy Woodruff is home for a time. avival services are being held in the United church under Mr, and Mrs. Brown. This is the third week of the revival, yet it has had a great- er attendance this week than ever before. The United church board and Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth invited Mr. Brown to remain this week: which he kindly consented to do. A runaway occurred here which might have proved fatal. While Mr. William Keon, an elderly man, who is a farmer, living about six miles east of Sydenham, was unloading milk at the farmer's dairy here, the 12 o'clock whistle blew and fright- ened his team. Mr. Keon was thrown out of the wagon when the team jumped on the start, He fell on his face cutting and bruising it very much. The team ran very fast up the front street. 'In fromt of Dr. Sargent's, the team left the centre of the streetiand 'threw the wagon against a telegraph pole. The wagon was broken and also parts of the harness. 'The horses were caught about a quarter of a mile out of Sydenham. The boys of the Tlxis Square here are the winners of their "Bond sell- ing campaign." This means that this group of Tuxis boys sold more bonds than any. other group in the counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Hastings and Kingston city. These boys deserve great eredit. They have won the shield which is a monogram of the Tuxis Square about ten inches square all carved in metal. It is on display now in the windew of Maybee's store, but will be presented to them as a body of boys, later, They have been ac- customed to having -a meeting each Wednesday night. Since the special services in the United church the meetings have been postponed. The boys of the Tuxis Square have been taking a very active part in the spec- {al services, Their efforts are great- ly appreciated by their leader, Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth. A TAMWORTH COUPLE WEDDED. -- Several Deaths Have Occurred in Vicinity During Past Week. Tamworth, April 15.--Miss Annie Gilmour and Clarence Milligan were united 'in marriage at the United Church on Wednesday, and. took the afternoon train for the west. Robert Kirk dled on Wednesday and the fumeral will take place on Friday morning to Christ's Church. Mrs. Basil E. Donoghue, Toronto, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kidd, at Erinsville during the past week. Mrs. Thomas Killpot Thursday last. The funeral, largely attended, took place on Saturday to Christ's Church, | have a speedy convalescence. MacPherson, Seeley's Bay, which took place yesterday afternoon, was one of the largest in the commuity for many more were unable to gain admittance tothe church. of the pastor, Rev. Mr. 8. H. Cook, Rev. Mr. Perry conducted the service and was assisted by Rev, Mr. Gibson. gation of the United Church, Pine Grove, have the community in the loss of their church by fire yesterday afternoon, presum- able due to overheated pipes. | tion stone of a new Presbyterian The funeral of the late Mr. W. years, Fully a hundred or Owing to the illness The Rev. Mr. Servage and congre- sympathy of the "A SOCIAL EVENT. Was Full of Pleasure at Tichborne Recently. Tichborne, April 15.--The weather is very cold and backward for April, The rain on Wednesday night made the roads very sloppy. The social evening held ,in the hall by L.O.B. A. and L.O.L. was well attended. The many friends of Mrs. William Steele are very sorry to hear of her having to go to hospital fer an operation. Stewart McEwen is very low with pneumonia; all hope for their speedy recovery. A number from "around here. have had grippe but are recov- ering. Sugar making is very back- ward. Everybody Is very busy . house- cleaning. Mrs. Annie Kennedy re- ceived the sad news, on Wednesday last of the death of her sister, Mrs. Bertrim, Parham. A number from here attended the funeral on Friday. The ladies' meeting was held at Mrs. Alton's with twenty-six members pre- sent and somé visitors, Mys. Wil- liam Hayes and children are leaving' to spend the summer in British Columbia. Mrs. Marn Valeore and son, Junior, also Mrs. Harold Smith, and son, Dondld, Webster, N.Y., also Emmard Steele, Belleville, at John Steele's, Jr. ' Austin Kennedy and sister, Laura, were guests of Clara Kennedy one day last week, William McKeayer at Charles Clobridge's; Miss Hol- larin, Christie Lake, at William Ken- nedy's; Hilvern Thompson at T. Howes', Parham; Mrs. John Steele, Sr., af William Steelé's; Mrs. Joseph Steele and boys spent Easter at Oak Flats{ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Steele and family at Mrs. Annie Kennedy's. Eugene Martin, Verona, has start- ed a barber shop in the village. The high school pupils have gone back to school Efter spending their holidays with their parents, Mrs. Alexander Howes, at J. A. Kennedy's. Mrs. Allen at Willlam Steele's; Mrs. John Steele, Sr., at James Hannah's; Mrs, William Hayes at William Allison's. THE NEWS OF CONSECON Organist of the Anglican Church Returns From Toronto. Consecon, April 16--Miss Muriel Howe, organist of the Anglican church, has returned from her visit to Toronto. She presided at her ac- customed place at the Sunday after- noon service and during the offer- tory, Mrs. Dass sang a solo in effec- tive manner. There were several United Church people present. Miss M. Killop of Picton, has been a visitor at Mrs. J. Johnston's, C. French has moved into hia new re- gidential quarters over the chain store near the bridge. R. Spencer and C. Wannamaker, fourth concession, were visitors in the village on Wed- nesday, Mrs. Bfown has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. D. Murphy. There was quite a large congrega- tion at the United Church on Sun. day evening. The Quarterly official Board held their last meeting for the year ome evening this Week in the vestry. Mrs. Tripp continues on the sick list. Her granddaughter is stopping with her at present, Mrs. J. Viant is still quite fll. Among recent callers were: Mr, J, R. French, at Mr. Fox's, Mrs. Deli- Bunt at Mrs. Viant's, Mrs. Dass is looking forward to her concert at Roblin's Mills' Village ofi 21st inst. Miss M. Howe will be the planist of the evening. ) 5 "At Arnprior preliminary steps are being taken for laying the founda- It tastes It is creamy Two sizes--tall and small, The label is red and white, "From Contented Cows" tion. Economical because. it keeps. Order several cans or a case of 48 cans from your grocer. f Send for a free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, Aylmer, Ontario, Carnation ® Produced in Canada. - Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Simmon's "Graceline" Beds Simmons' Ostermoor MATTRESS (Not stuffed but built) Simmons' Slumber King Springs gocs to make up a good night's rest. For anyone seeking individuality in Bedroom Furniture, Simmons' new line of Bedding,--snappy All-Steel Wood Finished Beds Only © _ -- -- 5 JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. 'Phone 147 for Service. MANY WERE PRESENT. At a Social Event at 8. McCracken's, Sand Bay. Sand Bay, April 12.--Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leadbeater, Ellesville, are liv- ing in Mrs. T. Wallace's house. Miss I. Goff is visiting in Gananoque this week. James McCrady"s little girl, Frances, is sick with pneumonia; we hope she will soon be around again. Tapping is the order of the day in the sugar bushes. The social evening held at 8. Mc- Cracken's, on Friday night last, was]: well attended and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Our cheese fac- tory started Monday with a good supply of milk. Kenneth Lappan ex- pects to go sailing this summer, The remains of Mrs. Parsons, Brockville, arrived at Lansdowne, Saturday. Mr. Sly, undertaker, conveyed the re- ains to his sister's, Mrs. W. J. Run- g's, Warburton. The funeral took place on Monday at Dulcemaine United Church. » Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray have moved back from Athens and are now living on their farm. Mr. Wright has moved off and has gone cheese making. Miss Roxey McCrady has returned from Gananoque where she has been nursing at Cecil Fair's, who are rejoicing over the arrival of a nine pounds baby girl. Mrs, V. Goff is visiting in Ganano- que. Archie Running has returned tq Ottawa. He spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Run- ning. Mrs. Larkin epent Sunday with Mrs. R. R. McCready. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCrady, Lyndliurst, spent yesterday at Alexander Me- Areal Crady's. = Miss Ellenor Gavin and Miss Rosie Lappan have returned to Lansdowne to school, after spend. ing their holidays at their men here. Our snow is gone and the roads are in a bad condition in some places, ; Harry Dixon, Smith's Falls, leaving for Boston. Mrs. Dixon two children will follow at a date. The senior band, the 0 of Westminster church and his £ low-employees in the C.P.R, have tendered presentations to him. After having been confined to bed for four weeks with heart tr ble, Mrs. Robert Balfour passed a at the home of her daug Mrs. R. A. Wilson, in North Bh near Perth, on April 12th at the of seventy-eight years. Wednesday night unknown. broke izto the store of the C Newton €o. store, Trenton, and ed thomeelves liberally to the pturnishings to the amount of

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