THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Tuesday, April 20, CITY AND DISTRICT |® -- : Postponed. to Canada enabled him to meet | Prof. Kanamori's meeting has been many of the literary men of the day | postponed to Tuesday, April 27th, in | 'n the capital, The bard charished | St. James' Hall, 8 p.m. hrough life reminiscences of those | | | eminent men with some of whom he | maintained a most interesting cor-| Mr. W. Holder has secured a per- respondence. Founded 1847. QUALITY AT LOW PRICE KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE Two Trousers SUITS You get more than fine mit at the office of the city engin- | eer for the erection of a brick dwel- | | ing on: Thomas street, between Kent | Each Give $5,000. { Dr. J. Mackintosh Bell, noted geo- | land Montreal streets. | ' logist and mining expert, and Mr. D.| Spring Coats At their Smartest wool . I . - | a and excellem "i £5 | Cha I. McLeod of the firm of McLeod, | talloring in these Two ffl ' | Ontario Level Rises a Little. Young, Wier & Co,, Toronto, have | Trousers Suits -- you get Lake Ontario is .04 higher than in each given $5,000 to the Queen's| | February, it is announced, It is 1.06 | University endowment fund. authentic style--modes as | of a foot lower than the March stage designed by the foremost W/7 i J | ; of a year ago and 1.26 feet below in the business of particu. Go | the March average of ten years. lar interest to the Man 4 : who caves for a large se- ha | lection. Featured at 33] 35. WITH 2 PR. TROUSERS HAVE INDIVIDUALITY, EXCLUSIVE FABRICS, CLEVER MAKE-UP, FASHIONABLE DETAILS Muskrat Season Extended. W. Ford Webster, game overseer, received a telegram from J. W. Cof- Beaten the Record. fey, district warden at Ottawa, on | Roy Simpson, Northport, has beat- | Tuesday morning, announcing that | jen the record established last week |the muskrat season had been extend- | by Bert Walters for. large size hen's eq until April 30th. The former date {eggs, he showing an egg measuring |for the closing was April 21st. 181% by 6% inches in size. ------ Canadian Pacific. Called to Aylmer, Que. City ticket office, 180 Wellington Rev. Ernest Codling, who has re- street, report the following arrivals signed from Carp United Church, | or thetr steamships: has accepted a unanimous call to] Empress of Scotland, from New the United Church of Aylmer, Que. |york que Southampton, April 21st. He was formerly at Battersea. Montnairn, from Liverpool due] ee Quebec, April 24th. Y's Men's Club. : Montglare, from St. John due A meeting ofthe Y's Men's Club f eenock, April 23rd and due Liv- was held at the Y.M.C.A. on Mon- | orn001, April 24th. day evening, Mrs. C. C. Wyatt pre- | 1 2 CO SHINE, There. was cousider ors ho | Melita, from St. John, due Cher- | bourg and Southanipton, April 24th, cussion on the minstrel show to be | ana due Antwerp, April 25th. Reid by Hie sub 334 Pass and 81 Metagama, from Liverpool, Bel- ang Te: approved. {fast and Greenock, arrived St. John, April 19th. Removes to Ottawa. g { G. M. Dallyn, in charge of the im Jom 3 John, arrived | Forestry office at Tweed for a num- | Em oi : PR Rue. ) : ber of years, has accepted an import- | Kon P iy v o L ussia, from fong- | ant position as assistant manager of | "°"& an Okohama, due Vancou- . . . ss | ver, April 19th. the Canadian Forestry Association | ' ; Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, at Ottawa. He will enter on his new | dds Hooos OT duties in a short time. Tweed will |4ue Hongkong, April 21st. lose two good citizens in Mr. and | Mes. Daltyn. |PROF. C. F. GUMMER | ASSISTED DIRECTOR Forty Hours' Devotion, The Forty Hours' devotion will be | held in the chapel of the Hotel Dieu And Accompanist of Kingston | Hospital this week, commencing at | Choral Society® as Had eight o'clock on Wednesday morn- | ¥ ing and concluding with solemn Wide Experience. benediction on Friday night at eight | , -- o'clock. High mass wif be cele- Prof. Cuthbert F. Gummer, Ph.D., brated on Wednesday, Thursday and [has been appointed as accompanist Friday mornings. [and also as assistant director of the value. $20--$22.50--$25.00 -- {Kingston Choral Society. This so- Ir] They Did Not Elope. jclety has been very fortunate in hav- Joseph E. Mohan, formerly of {ing had among its office-bearers from SOLE 9 SOLE AGENTS AGENTS FOR FOR TRESS Odessa, and Miss Mary G. Murray, lthe beginning a musician so accom- STRESS ENGLISH 75-79 BROCK ST. CAPS formerly of Sydenham, were married plished and so versatile as Dr. If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk i Topcoats Very dressy models for the young man who wants some- The reliable Grey Chesterfield for the older man. Great in Watertown, N.Y., on Saturday. It |Gummer. He was formerly conduc- was said the couple had eloped but tor of the Queen's University Choral this was not so. They had gone to |Society. It was under his leadership visit friends while awaiting baptis- {that the joint choirs of the uniting Silks, Imported Tweeds, Trico- tines and Twills. 4 2600 First Shipment Louisiana trawberries ; Will arrive for this week-end selling. * Quality will be excellent and price very rea- an injury to his left eye which caused him pain and anxiety for a few days. A piece of tin struck the eye, and on and financed by Frederick H. Daw- son, Chicago banker. : led by Capt, Donald B. MacMillan | . on ble. examination it was thought the par- Harriet Hubbard Ayer Powders : $8 ticle had lodged in the eye. Mr. Lee (and Creams are sold at Gibson's TOES (Mexican), choice, ripe supply, Ib. . . . . went to Ottawa and consulted a spec- |Drug Store. UCK--Tcoberg, firm, large heads, each falist. X-ray treatments were re-| New York State Assembly passes 0 5 Prices are lower, Special, each . quired to decide the conditions of the [bill for a prohibition referendum injury. No particles had entered the [next fall by a vote of 87 to 62. eye. 2 '"Phone Gibson's, 220." Drugs. ------ British engineering unions eall Off for Overseas Trip, CARROTS --bunch RIDA CELERY--medium size bunch---each CABBAGE--firm, hard heads, 1b. DTS, each . ..... 10c. .. LEMONS, dozen Sea vaans for a vote on the question of strik- Dr, H. A! Boyce and Ald. Edward ing for higher wages. Anderson left at noon today for New "Buy Bath Salt" at Gibson's. York from which port they will sail] ~~ mn for Cherbourg, thence to Paris and DAILY MEMORANDUM. Vienna. Dr. Boyce intends spending | fOi- suchre 0 Sone Stat the time in study, this being the TI Ml Ai. Sa fourth trip he has made to Europe for this purpose, having previously || studied in London and in 1923 in Vienna. It is possible that Mr. An- derson will visit Ireland, the home ot his ancestors, while he is away. The travellers will return about An- gust 1st, Death of J. H. Thiall, Jason Howard Thrall, a veteran of the American civil war and for half a century a jeweller at Almonte, died : EY, bunch .... 10c. ASPARAGUS, bunch .... . dosen ...... 45¢c., B6c., answer in this immence showing of fash- for the older woman. gara Falls, N.Y. |inagurated the union. Dr. Gumme known as the Eastern Ontario Short |ty. He has from the beginning together with a list of class races. |measuré due to his efforts. He has . : LK i Brockville, Ottawa, Russell, Morris- [rections he has done much valuable 2 LARGER MARKET SERVICE burg, Winchester, Mountain and fencerae work. On many occasions C O i O R S h y l di 1 f : others, including a fu range o Both were Guilty. efficiency in wielding the conductor's Self Cordings, Unique Braid- with illegal possession of liquor in [he would be a welcome addition to went to jail, Mrs. Wright expec? to [convener of the art and public lec- held that both were guilty. "New Bath Salt" at Gibson's. 1 0.00 to 50.00 ; . Qo and chic the Spring mode. Thursday The dressier suit of Navy \ fa vu 5th at Ottawa, at the age of ionable wraps. Conservative Coats for wide usefulness. Original, distinctive Coats for mal certificates from their old [churches sang so admirably last June ¢ was one of those who co-operated Circuit Formed, with Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson in MATERIALS ; -------------------------------------- | Ship Circuit, has been formed, .and {thrown himself heartily into its work The races will beheld at Perth, Arn- [been twice vice-president and three Z Navy, Black, Sand, Love-bird, PHONES: Alexandria. he has with great acceptance acted Bert Scott and Mrs. Bessie Wright, [baton on any occasion when Capt, TRIMMINGS violation of the Volstead act. Scott |the Srthenisa it. he could be spared Ing, chic Embroidery, some- was placed under $5,000 bail, and [from the chorus or the piano stool. times Fur. have her bail raised soon. Scott [tures committee of Queen's Univer- takes blame for possession of the sity. -------- The Field Museum of Natural His- The Eye Is All Right. tory, Chicago, announces an exped:- There is a youthfulness and originality about these Suits that Tailored Suits of Parisian in- spiration, combine smart man- reg Ne fe ouay Twill or Jerge is favored. Also A very fine stock. eighty-four years. 'Ho became i1|| Wolfe Island Butter the weed Suit featured Soh . { only the evening before. Born at} ] : eo ? . 080 ..........00.....21bs. 25¢. | Poole's Landing, near Brockville, he | Ib. prints . .35¢. Ib. at > Have you a coat problem ? Here js the gala occasions; and Coats of quiet elegance homes. The couple will live at Nia- at the service in Grant Hall, which | . A raéing circuit which will be founding the Kingston Choral Socle- arrangements made to offer a $500 [and the success which has attended S T Y I E S Flaring -- pleated -- plain or 9 stake for 2.30 horses at each meet, [this society has been in no small caped prior, Renfrew, Smith's Falls, (times president, while in other di- Ashes of Roses and numerous as accompanist and he shows equal . Wholesale 1767 Office 365-w imported Tweeds. = Alexandria Bay, N.Y. are charged | Light is unable to be present, while Mrs. Wright d 1,000, Both | Since 1924 Dr. Gummer has been S1Z E S Te out dndey 3 ? from 14 to 44. liquor found, but the authorities -- Mr. W. M. Lee, Tweed, received [tion to the sub-Arctic this summer characterizes every product of nishness with feminine charm. 3 » padi le fa -------- = [ AN NANANNAIIS wr rrr. | rer wT ps