THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG STARTING TO. THE PICK OF THE SEASON'S BIG PICTURES. TRIGGER ACTION! FAST AS LIGHTNING And startling surprises feature this geeat Fairbanks Picture. SPECIAL PRICES: Mat. 16¢., 25¢. | I THE FAIRBANKS "FILM il| The story Evgs. 25c., 50c. ni Floors When you want that Hardwood Floor Anid, call up. W. H. HUBBLE for « rea~ seopable price. Algo all kinds of Care penter and Jobling work. 31 PLUM §T. "PHONE 1430-W. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Plano Adjusting, Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 134. Tk Yorkshire Fish "and Chip Cafe We deliver all day Sat. Frank Haig's 13 MONTREAL STREET 'PHONE 2964. {Phone 64-355, A New Beant Beauty Parlor HAS BEEN OPENED BY MISS LOUISE (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP 856 Princess St. "Phone 821-w. ONE NIGHT ONLY Grand Wed.,Apr.28 SIRJOHN MARTIN- HARVEY | Supported by MISS SILVA and His ENTIRE LONOON COMPANY "The: Corsican Brothers" Prices: 73c. to $2.50. Seats now. "PUBLIC . NOTICE" "PURSUANT to the provisions of. Para. 421 King's Regulations and Or- derg for the Canadian Militia, notice is | hereby given that, under the Army Act, a soldier of the Permanent Active Mili- tia cannot be placed under stoppages of pay for 'a private debt. If persbns suffer soldiers of the Permanent Active Militia to contract debts, they do so at their own risk." H. A. PANET, Major-General, Adjutant-General. Department of National Defence, Ottawa, April 8, 1926. BOARD OF FEDUCATION Jobbing Work a Specialty Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting + Appl addressed to the Chairman of the Property Committee for the position of caretaker of Louise and Sydenham Schools, will be re- ceived until April 28th. W. J. C. ALLEN, Secretary. BOARD OF F EDUCATION The time for receiving tenders for the building and grounds of Rideau School, corner Princess and Nelson Streets, has been extended to April 28th, Ww. Jo CO. ALLEN, Secretary. TAXI Sonsre BLACK Phone 400-- in he Cy IN Chamberlin 'Metal Weatherstrip li! tire was extinguished Three Boys Are Rovowen From' Burning Dormitory Fort William,' April 22--Three boys were rescued . by firemen and fifty-five fled in an' orderly manner down fire escapes when fire broke out in a dormitory of St. Joseph's boarding school here last night. The only $3, 000 108s was caused. Free: To pipe smokers, sample package Herbert Tareyton Tobacco. | Austin's Drug Store, Saturday, April | 24th, Too many seem bashful so far as debt paying is concerned. Pineapple time now, prices down , to 26¢, 30c, 36¢, at Carnovekys'. AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions A STREAM OF ACTION The glory that was Spain's now belongs to Douglas Fairbanks, who 'has captured it and put it into his i [new photoplay, "Don il | Zorro,' Q. Son which is the featured at-| {traction which opens at the Capital Theatre to-day. is the graceful though {swift unfolding of the adventures of a young Spaniard who is sent to his motherland from California, there to il finish his education. How he meets and wooes a gorge- lous senorita; how he captures a bull i} running rampant in the streets; how ihe fights a duel with the villain; how he performs astounding feats Hl {with a stock whip; how he becomes acused of the murder of a visiting archduke; how he then turns into the mysterious and much-hunted Don Q; ----these and innumerable other an- {gles furnish a plot of many compli- cated twists that keys audience inter- est to a high pitch. The climax of "Don Q, Son of Zorro," Fairbanks' latest United Artists' Corporation feature, is one of the most thrilling, unique, and at the same tife humorous, that has ever been presented. As a matter jof fact, were it not for the comedy [reltet furnished in the star's laugh- jable pranks, the tension of the ple- ture would Je too great a tax on any audience. SIR JOHN MARTIN HARVEY IN "THE CORSICAN BROTHERS" "The Corsican Brothers," to be played by Sir John Martin Harvey at the Grand. Theatre, Wednesday evening, April 28th, is the story of twin brothers, alike in appearance and so closely knit spiritually and mentally that even when &£bsent from each other, each one knew the other's doings and thoughts to a great extent, and suffered for each other when there was trouble. They loved or hated the same people, and each one knew that if the other died the departed one would at qnce ap- pear to the other. This, with the {mysterious and superstitions of Cor- sica, is. the groundwork of the story, wherein they both loved the same woman---who married someone else. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY DINNER HELD AT DELTA A Prohibition Convention on Tuesday Evening--Organ=- Izer Bolam Present. Delta, April 21.--Mr. and - Mrs. Arthur Slack entertained a few friends to dinner on Sunday even- ing, it being the anniversary of their wedding day. An enjoyable evening was spent and all wished Mr. and Mrs. Slack many more happy years of married life. Mrs. Phoebe Washburn, an old resident of Soperton, is with Mr, and Mrs. Suffell for a week or two. Alfred Irwin has purchased the late Rohgrt Chant's property. Mrs. Sarah Horton is on the sick list. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna have re- turned from Toronto, wheré they spent the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Sinkins, Miss Teepal of Toron- to spent a week or two with her sis- ter, Mrs. William Burns. The W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Topping last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Barlow and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Irwin were in Kingston on Saturday. "Mrd. Willlam Camp- bell has recovered from her severe cold and returned to her home after staying for a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Breésee., The missionary open meeting of the Baptist Church was held at the parsonage on Tuesday evening last. A good programme was given and a dainty lunch was served. Miss Lo Phelps will be the president of the mission band of the United Church for the year, Miss Hough having resigned. Mrs. Girden is nursing near Eigin. Mr. Merrill Stevens of Plum Hollow has purchased the property of Pat- rick Murphy, in the west end of the village, d perhaps will take pos- session this fall. A prohibition convention was held here on Tuesday afternoon and even- ing. Mr. Bolan, organizer for East- ern Ontario, was present, also an- other gentleman from Toronto, who Sap Running. Bunker's Hill, April 21.--The {weather has been quite cool of late and considerable fuel is still being | Reaches THE WOLFE ISLANDER | CROSSES THE HARBOR | Island Wharf on | Thursday Morning--Ice Is Breaking Up. of Capt. MacDonald, with the steam- er Wolfe Islander, left the landing here about eight and about 10. o'clock 30 | quarters Thursday morning, Island wharf. The Wednesday night weakened the ice considerably, and Capt. MacDonald experienced very little trouble in smashing through between Wolfe and Garden Islands. The people residing on Wolfe Is- land were quite elated over the re- establishing of traffic communica- tions with Kingston, as the Islander will start making the regular trips now, The steamer returned to the city atfer two o'clock and made an- other trip back to Wolfe Island at 4.30 o'clock, As the result of the Wolfe Islander ice is breaking up fast and is slow- ly drifting down the river. A strong wind wilt clear the ice away and op- en navigation. CEP EFRIPTIPIIOIPIONS + ' * MOTOR BOAT MAKES first trip of the season bor Wednesday afternoon. The + little craft nosed its way through the floating broken ice with very little trouble. PRr rere reed * * * > * 9398843204000 DIED IN ROCHESTER FOLLOWING OPERATION Arthur Porter, Elginburg, Was Veteran of Great War, On Wednesday, Mr. Fred Porter, Elginburg, received word of the seri- ous illness of his brother, Mr. Arthur Porter, of Rochester, N.Y. He left for Rochester at midnight, and a few minutes after his train left, the city word was received to the effect that Mr. Arthur Porter had passed away. The late Mr. Porter was born at Elginburg, was widely known, and held in warm esteem by his large circleof friends, and the Font of his death was received with sincere re- gret. Mr. Porter underwent a seri- ous operation in . Rochester two weeks ago. He went to Rochester a few years ago, and was married there. His father, the late John Porter, died on October 3rd, 1923. Besides his wife; he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Emma Porter; one sister, Mrs. Arnold Cranston, of Wa- tertown, N.Y.; two brothers, John and Harry, of Rochestér, and Fred, on the old homestead at Elginburg. The late Mr. Porter was possessed of a kindly disposition, and made many friends. He was beloved by all who knew him. He served in the great' war. He was a Conservative in politics. Fliers Reach Bangkok, Siam. Bangkok, Siam, April 22.--The Spanish fliers, Capt. Loriga and Gon- zalez Gallarza, who are on a flight from Madrid to Manila, arrived here to-day from Rangoon, Burma, -a flight of about 670 miles. Free: One week only, with every film developed and printed, enlarge- ment 5x7. Austin's Drug Store. Mayor Duff and Daniel Jones, president of the Pembroke Board of Trade, waited upon Hon. James A. Rohb,. Minister of Finance. The spokesman expressed approval of the budget and urged the minister to ad- here to its provisions. Godkins' busses of this city are taking fifty persons of the delega- tion from Gananoque to' Ottawa on Friday. ' succeeded in landing at the Wolfe] mild weather of | ter, Formerly™ of i i making a passage to the island, the | Albertson, R. Gray, A. + | et Baseball League is reqhired. It 4 | Was expected that Mat Coyne would TRIP OVER HARBOR + be able to do this work but his time | will be well taken up with the Vie- Carl Powell, a member of the | torias. There is little or no expense Kingston Yacht Club, made the + | attached to the Midget League and in a «it is hoped that some one will come gasoline boat around the har- & | forward to take the midgets in hand. SPORT \VICTORIA BALL CLUB HELD FIRST PRACTIOE i] All Members of Last Year's || Team Out--Tommy Boyd ' Captain. So FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE--S8 rooms, 8 Plecs bath, Nice yard electric lights, garage. 82 00 FIv BRUOMED HOUSE--686 ft. frontage---garage--good garden -- MANY FIRST CLASS HOMES FOR SALE in all parts of the M. B. TRUMPOUR 270 PRINCESS STREET. The Victoria Baseball Clab, which i made such a fine showing last.sea-| son in the junior City League, held | the first workout 'of the season to-!f gether at the Victoria Park on Wed- | nesday evening, practically all of the members of last year's team being on hand. Manager "Chuck" Coyne was present and gave the boys a light drilling for a starter. "Vies"" will continue their practice each 'evening and they hope to be able to give the Circle-Six a hard run for the honors this year. Those out at the initial practice last night were Pennock, Jamieson, Stone, T. Gibson, M. Gibson, Conley, Gray, Ship- man and Tommy Boyd. The last men tioned will captain the team during the coming season. WANTED, A LEADER. A man to take charge of the Mid- Kingston would be represented in the O.B.A.A. midget series and would be developing material for junior and senior teams in future times. May Practice Saturday. 8 If the present fine weather keeps up the Kingston senior team will likely trot out for its first practice of the season on Saturday afternoon at the cricket field or "the fair grounds. The ground is drying up well and the players are anxious to get started. The certificates for signing the players have not yet ar- rived, Circle-Six Practice. About the first of next week will see the Circle-Six out at the Cricket Field for their first practice. Mana- ger Jack Derry stated today that the boys are about ready and as soon as the ground dries up a bit more he will start the boys away. TARIFF CHANGE TALK. Robb Says He Is Not Responsible for Newspaper Report. Ottawa, April 21.--"I see by the newspapers there is some talk of changes in the tariff," remarked Hon. R. J. Manion (Conservative, Fort William) as the House was about to adjourn at six o'clock last evening. "I am no more responsible for newspaper reports than I was be- fore the 29th of October," replied Hon. J. A. Robb, Minister of Fin- ance. Students Leaving. The Arts and Science examinations at Queen's University finished Thurs day afterpoon and many of the stu- dents have left for their homes. The medical classes are still being carri- ed on and their examinations will start early in May. ' At Club, Judge David B. Harkness, Educa~ tional Secretary of the Child Wel- fare Council of Ontario, .-was the speaker at the regular Rotary Club luncheon held at noon on Thursday. His subject was "Social Policy and the Child." F. Hill, Smith's Falls, has sold his horse to Thomas Devlin, Perth, and has purchased a new transfer truck. Free: Sample box Neilson's Choco- lates to the ladies. Austin's Drug Store, Saturday, April 24th. Try treating boys like young gentlemen and watch for results, Always take more pride in your The | |i » "PHONE 704 UR 1205-3. the same. what we have for sale, 7 CLARENCE ST. Due December 1st, 1945. 7 per cent. mon (voting) stock. The 79 CLARENCE ST. ANNOUNCEMENT Roberts, Cameron & Co., Limited, Investment Rankers, To- ronto, dealers in Government, Municipal; Corporation and Pub- lic Utility Bonds, have appointed the undersigned as their sole representatives in Kingston and vicinity. We therefore respectfully soliat a share of the public pat- ronage, and trust that our long business experience will merit We are at ybur service. 'Phone 102 or call and see MILLS COMPANY GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. menses rr -- FOR SALE--This Week Only -BOR TERMINALS, LTD., TORONTO, and "strongly recommend them. Price: 100 and accrued interest, yielding The purchaser of each, $1,000 Bond recelves 5 shares of Com- Board of Directors is to include Sir Wil- Ham Hearst, Sir John Willison, A. E. Warren, Esq., C.N.R., and John McMillan, Esq., C.P,R., and other prominent Canadians. MILLS COMPANY GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, 'Clean cheaper than elsewhere, 85-87 PRINCESS STREET. ALFRED GOODERHAM DEAD Brother of Founder of Distillery Was Aged 90 Years. Toronto,, April 22-- Alfred L. Gooderham, brother of the I!ste George Gooderham, founder "of the Gooderham and Worts firm, aled at his home here yesterday at the age of 90 years. One son and four daugh- ters survive him. ' Mr. Gooderham was the last sur- viving member of the older genera- tions of Gooderhams, one of Toron- to's oldest families, of which the head was the late Williahh Gooder« ham, his father, and founder of the distilling tirff of that name. Tractor Sinks in Lake On Trail to add Fields Stoux Lookout , Ont., April 22.-- One of the tractors used for transpor- tation purposes for the Dome and Mecliityre mines on the Hudson-Red Lake route went through the ice and sank in thirty feet of water yester- day. The driver went with it but after a hard struggle was able to reach safety. Green cabbage, Pinach, caulifiow- er, onions, celery, cucumbers, 'etc., manners than in your dress. at Carnovskys'. up and Paint up" Make Your Home the cleanest place in town By heeding the call of Spring, "CLEAN UP AND PAINT Cp." We have the sort of Painting Supplies you need. kinds of Carpenter Tools for those little odd jobs. We have Gar den and Lawn Tools, Lawn Hose and Sprinklers to keep the garden and lawn in shape. Everything we have you can buy We have all . Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. TARIFF ADVISORY BOARD 9% Holds Its First Meeting at Ottawa on -- Thursday. Ottawa, April 22.--Canada's new Tariff Advisory Board, of which Hon, George P. Graham is chairman, as- sembled this afternoon for its first meeting. Speculation is rife at the as to whether the Tariff Boar receive as its first. direction a ree quest to probe the whole matter of automobile tariff. That is what the automobile industry is asking. The board cannot investigate anything of its own initiative, but can only deal with matters referred to it by th Finance Minister. Toronto Manufacturers. Toronto, April 22.--The Toronto branch «of the Canadian Manu- facturers Agsociation, holding its annual meeting to-day, elected A. Ross Robertson as president to suc- ceed A. T. Thom. Membership of the branch increased 33 during the year, and now stands at 980. Free: Samples Lile Savers and Gum to 'the kiddies, Austin's Dr Store, Saturday, April 24th, Premier Briand announces t debt settlement agreement has reached with the United States. "THE WORLD'S 'MAGIC CARPET