3 _THE DAILY 'DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ~ PICTURE A MARVEL Famed Artist Seen at His Best |(tuehter. | murdered by Don Sabastian but by a | ruse, Don Caesar is accused. in Expensive and Elaborate Film Production. It is a long time since a photoplay | | has previous altercations, "By chance he meets the daughter of Seperal de Muro with whom he falls Don Sebastian, captain of ad guard, with whom Don Caesar is also a { suitor for the hand of the General's The Archduke Paul is What follows, the intrigue of Don Sebas- { tian, fhe covering of the slayer by Don Fabrique, a former social para- production has taken hold of King-| site who has been raised to civil gov- ston theatre-goers the way that * Q. Son of Zorro" has. Starting out | 'Don | ernor by keeping his secret, the trick- { ery of Don Caesar over Colonel Mat- on Thursday for a three-days run at | 5ado, sent to capture Don Caesar, the Capitol Theatre it scored the | how he fathoms the mystery of the greatest triumph of any picture that | { killing, how Caesar and Dolords, the has visited Kingston within the past few months, and that Is saying a great deal, | General's daughter are united, go to | make up one of the finest screen for Kingston has been | 5tories ever unfolded before a local fortunate in the pictures' that have | audience. been secured by the management. The scenic splendor and georgeous Starring Douglas Fairbanks, play- | effects seen in this picture are such ing a dual role as Don Caesar de Vega, and as Zorro, his father, the famed screen artist is seen at his best, though 'throughout the major portion of the story, his role is play- ed in that of Don Caesar de Vega. The action which the great Fairbanks exhibits, the amazing skill he dis- plays 'and the superb acting of the man go to show more and more why he has reached the pinnacle of fame in the film world. In this picture he i has a most difficult role which he executes with amazing skill and dash that mark him as greater than ever before. The story of the play gives Rim plenty of scope and as Don Cae- sar de Vega he rises above the usual heights and acts as he has never done hitherto, Returning to Spain from California to"tomplete his studies, he Togins hh very active and amazing career in the land of his forefathers at a Students' Club. Displaying his skill with the California whip, he attracts the at- tention of the Queen and of the Arch- duke Paul, the guest of the queen. ------ Do You Want to Provide for your depend- ents in case of your death? 2 Establish a fund for your child's education ? 2 Guarantee payment of a mortgage on your home ? 2? Provide additional security for your business ? 2 . Provide a pension for your old age ? 2 & 5 » It will be a pleasure to tell you about the convenient way in whith life insur- ance will enable you to do any of these things. Geo. L. Carpenter 408 'Albert Street, Kingston, District Manager, Montreal Life Insurance Co., : (Formerly The Travellers of Canada) » {as will not soon be forgotten. Ex- pense has not been spared to make it a super-production. Ft is surely that. In addition to the Fairbanks picture, the Capitol management offers other splendid reels that are w8ll worth seeing. ST. GEORGE'S DAY * . The Englishmen of the city on Friday celebrated the birthday of St. George, their patron saint and a dinner and concert is to be held in the evening under the auspices of the local lodge of the Sons of Eng- land. St. George was not an Englishman having been born in Cappadocia and from 356 to 361 A. D. was Arian Bishop of Alexandria. His popu- larity in Bngland is supposed 'to date from the time of Richard Coeur de Lion who invoked his afd during the first crusade. It was not until the time of Edward III, how- ever, that he was made patron saint of the Kingdom. The republics of Genoa and Venice were also suppos- ed to be under his protection and his name is much revered in all the Oriental churches. Flags floated on the city build- ings and the Sons of England hall in honor of the day. THE UNEMPLOYMENT: SITUATION IMPROVES Those at Present Out of Work Will 8oon Be Ab- sorbed. The unemployment situation in this city is gradually improving and within another month will reach the low level according, to the local Government Employment Office. At the present time the Public Utilities is employing a number of laborers digging a drain on Union and York streets and a small gang is at work on street cleaning. The fine weather of the last few days has opened up a very consid- erable number of gardening and cleaning jobs and it only remains for the marine and the building trades to get into full swing to practically absorb all the men who are yet with- out work. From the condition of the harbor it would appear that all the boats will be out within the next two weeks at latest and prob- ably building will by that Hime also be under way. ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT. A very successful and enjoyable entertainment by the, Girl Guides of St. James Church was given on Thursday evening 'before a large faudience. The programme consisted of select musical numbers, which were heartily encored. A plano solo by Phyllis Gunnar and a vocal solo by Bisie Holland were both very entertaining, and re ceived great applause. Symphony orchestra. .aer the di- rection of Mrs. %.uffamson, scored a success and produced much laugh- ter. Rattles, horns and other toys were the instruments used, and 'made plenty of noise. Isobel i Seargent acted as violinist and Mr. Sello presided at the drum. Nursery rhymes and dances were.given by N. 8. Scholberg and Phyllis Gunnar. A play by the "Clancy Kids" was greatly enjoyed, and very well pro- duced. Between the acts, selections on the drum and traps were given by Bisie Entwhistle. The entertain- ment will be repeated this evening. -- i Celebrated Golden 'W. Havelock, April 23.--Mr. ow of their April 12th. Mr. Barlow was 'bora li| seventy years ago in Belleville, and in 1876 was a to | Grey Muir of that city, Havelock as a fireman on ito land at Cape Vincent. TOY [first trip of the season to Cape Vin-| COST OF POWER FOR THE STREET RAILWAY tory to the Company Will Be Reached. i { As a result of a private confer-| ence the members of the Public Utl-1 lities Commission had on Thursday | afternoon it is believed that a satis- | factory agreement will be reached | for the supply of power for thei street railway company. Another | meeting will be held probably on | | Monday afternoon, when it ts expect- | ed that the final arrangements will be made for the supply of power to the street railway company, i The conference was attended by | Mr. Ross, the well-known expert, | and H. C. Nickle, manager of the; street railway. The members of the] Commission also had before them | the report of Prof. Arkley, of, Queen's University, who made a re-| port on the cost of power for the | street rallway, for the tommission. ! | No official announcement was made | j regarding what transpired at Thurs day's meeting, but it is understood | that arrangements are underway for the providing of power for the street railway at a figure that will meet | with the approval of the street rail- way company, and will guarantee! the continued operation of the street cars, Ne | The street railway company is at present paying 1.20 cents for pow- er, but as far as can be learned, this price will bé much lower in the new agreement to be made. ICE DRIFTED OUT OF HARBOR DURING NIGHT Jammed Considerably Down the River--Cornwall Locks to Be Filled. The greater part of the ice drifted out of the harbor during Thursday night and on Friday morning the harbor was practically clear. The steamer Wilfe Islander made her regular trips to the island without any trouble. t It is reported that the ice is jammed considerably down the; river. It is the intention to fill the! Cornwall canal lock on Sunday next and put the guard gates in position for the opeping of navigation. | The steamer Lethbridge of the Canada Steamship Lines will clear' on Monday for Hamilton and the other boats of that line will likely leave by the end of next week. Re- completion. ~The government steamer Scout cleared for Prescott this nome and will commenee the work of plac- ing the buoys and other maging} équipments. The gasoline launch Segul, of the Oswego Fisheries Company, arrived here on Friday morning. The boat § ft Oswego on Monday last, intending Ice condi- tions would not permit stopping dnd it proceeded to Amherst Island, where it remained till early Friday morning, The craft has a four- cylinder engine and the men stated that they made good time and had little trouble on, their trip. It was the intention of the captain. of the steamer Wahcondah, which was purchased last season by the! Spanish River Pulp Company, to, clear for the head of the lakes on Friday or Saturday. I It is expected that By the emd of | next week practically all the steam-! ers that have wintered in the Kings- ton harbor will have cleared. The! crews for the steamers have been in| the city for some time and the cop-| tains are waiting word in regard to the conditions up the lake. ! cent on Monday next. The ice has day there should be an open chan- | nel and the steamer will have no trouble. hurst Island on Friday next, and on The marine provisioners are re- ceiving 'orders for supplies for the | steamers and are having their busi- est season. | Work of repairs on the fleet of the Donnelly Wrecking Company has al- most been completed, and the boats are about ready for the season, BRITISH WHIG NL \ | BS PROBS: --Fair and a little cooler most of Saturday. Belleved That Figure Satisfac- = The steamer Waubic will make its | || | | | pairs on the steamers are nearing - i | { | 1 nearly all cleared away and by Mon- | 1 The steamer Brockville will make| | her first trip of the season to Am-! | May 4th will start her regular trips, | 0 Lacon. + ~ STEACY'S 45 1881 in. -ANNIVERSARY § Started to-day with great crowds in attendance--all sales records were shattered! To- morrow we hope to repeat and have added many special features, which we invite you share 4 Gold Dollar Silk Stockings 75¢ pr. 300 pairs of the Gold Dollar Silk Stockings in all the new Paris shades. Sold regular ly at $1. 00 pair. |" House Dresses 89¢ ea. Gingham House Dresses in Black and White and Blue and White Checks, with tie backs and colored Chambray trim. Sizes 34 to 44. Dress Ginghams 14c yd. In Colored Checks and Plaid patterns-- all shades -- full 27 inches wide and regu- larly priced at 25c. yard. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs In all the new pat- 'terns and colors at spegial 'prices. Size 6 x 9 feet. Regular $8.50. Size 74 x9 ft. Regular $10.75 Sale Price . . . $8.95 Size 9 x 9 feet. 'Regular $12.75. Sale Price .. $10.95 Size 9 x 10} feet. Regular $15.00. Sib + $1295 of the season's smartest styles, developed in the newest, all wool In a full range of sizes. fabrics and colors. COATS A Sensational Sale of DRASTICALLY REDUCED 'AS FOLLOWS: Reg. $12.50 to $17.50 Reg. $18.50 to $20.00 Reg. $22.50 to $26.50 ug. 9215010 95250 airs 23 ies eg. $35.00 to $40.00 -- to $46.50 - eg. $47.50 to $50.00 a eu ag SALE. PRICE $9.95 SALE PRICE $29, SAL E PRICE $32.95 Reg. $52.50 to $60.00 Reg. $62.50 to $75.00 SALE PRICE $39.95 SALE PRICE $49.95 Children's Coats Less 5% Reefers and Coats in a full range of styles an marked in plain figures less this special reducti SUITS Reg. $15.00 to $17.50 values No = stock to clear. . $10.00 SALE PRICE Reg. $18.75 to $22.50 values . SALE PRICE Reg. $24.50 to $27.50 values Reg. $30.00 to $35.00 values Reg. $39.50 to $45.00 values Rex $49.50 to $60.00 values Wo shislately eae a comparative . SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE fig- ars a erin quoted tobe exaly ss cmmerto -1926 ors --all . $129 | $16.95 $29.95