oi ME LIFE"S SOCIAL SIDE 2's Page Editor Phone 261% Private Phone 857w. . . " Miss Gladys Amon, Y.W.C.A., will to her home near Ottawa this * - run . and Mrs. Garnet Lockett, n avenue, motored to To- > * ». ad G, W. Mylks, Kensington ave- entertained at luncheon on » . . Miss Phyllis Bryant, Queen's Uni- rsity, returned to her home In ow to-day. oe» Be Catharine Fairlie, Brock has gone to Toronto to attend the meeting of the Presbyterian W. M8. i Mrs, Thomas Smellle and Miss Smellle, who have been with Dr. and Mrs. Phillips Macdonnell, Edge- Bill avenue, left for Toronto to-day. » » * The Misses Crawford, Sarnia, who in the city settling the estate of aunt, Miss Sinclair, have been T HE uncertainty and insecurity v« of the old-time "sanitary pad" ten ended. Scientific protection jupplants it. ir sheer gowns, keep up with business requirements, at + » without handicap. is a new and remark- +. five times as absorbent ¢otton pads. oe it as easily as a piece seard No laundry. No nent. bs and deodorizes at the ie time. Thus ending ALL fear it for a few cents at any for department store simply by LOTEX." Women ask for hout: hesitancy. Kotex. Comes 12 in a pack- Fioves old ways an unneces- i" their cousin, Mr. J. F. Johnston, 605 Princess street. * . * Mrs. R. J. Higgins, Brockville, 1s in town with her som, Garnet Hig= gins, student at Queen's University. - . - Miss Hilda McTear of Belleville and Miss Brenda McTear of Trenton are spending the week-end in town. - * * Rev. E, F. Bambrick, Ottawa, has been visiting his brother, Mr. Ed- mund B. Bambrick, Sydenham Apart- ments, * se Mrs. A. Hayward, Wellington street, will sail shortly for Manches- ter, England, on the steamer Mont- rose, 3 » » . Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Macnee mo- tored to Toronto to-day and will be with Mr. and Mrs. George Quirk for a few days. . - -. C. W. L.. Tea Dance, Saturday from 5 to 7, Assembly Hall, Well- ington street, Melody Kings six piece orchestra. * . - Mrs. Charles Andersen, wife of the Bishop of Chicago, Ill., who is in Belleville with Mrs, John Bell, is a { visitor in town today. Mrs. William Bermingham, '"Ot- terburn, has returned from Montreal bringing Miss Nora Bermingham with her for the week-end. - . - Miss Halpin, Prescott, is spending a few days In Kingston, with friends before leaving for Detroit, Mich, where she will permanently reside. - - - Mrs. Duncap Robertson, Aberdeen avenue, president of St. Andrews' W. M. 8., has left for Toronto to attend the meeting of the Presbyterian W. M. 8. * + 0 Mrs, J. T. Sutherland, Clergy street, motored to Toronto to-day, with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Me- Bride, Woodbridge, who has been visiting her, -. » * Miss Pearl Bergonia, Queen's Uni- versity, will go to New York shortly with Miss Janet Henderson, Morton, another Queen's girl, to spend the summer, . * - Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, who has been in England with her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Preston, is now in Tor ronto with her daughter, Mrs, G. 8. Bowerbank. . . . Rev, Northcote Burke, Trinity College, Toronto, will return to town on Saturday and will be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burke, Queen street. - . . Miss Nan Skinner, King street, has left for Port Hope to spend two weeks, Her aunts, the Misses Shaw, will ocenpy her house during her ab- sence from town. . * * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sword, Gan- anoque, aanounce the coming mar- riage of their daughter Gladys, to Mr. O. Rae Orser, Kingston. The marriage is to take place at an early date. + - . On Thursday evening a pleasant bridge was held in connection with the "Spring Time Fair" being given by the C.\W.L. in the Roman Catho- lic Assembly Hall this week when the prizes were won by Miss Irene Nicholson and Mr.' Reginald Betts. LE Mrs. ¥1. R. Duff, Princess street, who has been in Hamliton for the meeting of the Provincial Chapter, 1.0.D.B., will go to Toronto for the meeting of the Provincial Presby- terian W.M.S. which is being held | there this wéek. She will be 'with her daughter, Mrs. David Forgan. . . * 'Rev. Dr. and. Mrs. W.-W. Craig and their family have left Vancou/ ver, B.C,, for Montreal, their former home, and will spend a few days there before coming to Kingston for Dr. Craig's induction and installation a8 rector of St, 'George's Cathedral and Dean of Ontario, which takes place on April 30th. » -. . Some friends of Mr. L. Clark, Earl street, surprised him and Mrs. Clark on Thursday evening with the purpose of wishing him many happy returns of his birthday and present- ing him with a smoking set accom- panied by many good wishes. Re- freshments were served and the ev- ening spent in music and dancing. . * LJ The Whig will be glad to have the hames of visitors in town and ac- counts of various social events for || Bohun received Publication in the social column. Buch communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613. . . * The farewell dance of Queen's Uni: versity 'was held on Thursday night, and marked the breaking up of the University for another year. There would perhaps be some difference of opinion as to whether the occasion was one for sorrow or for jollifica- tion, but #t would seem that the spirit of rejoiciiz was pre-eminent. The dance was held in Ontario Hall, and the music was supplied by the Melody Kings' orchestra. Mrs. Berhens received the guests, LJ » . Miss Nan Skinner gave one of her delightful talks on her work among the Italians both in Italy and 'in Montreal, to the members of St. George's Cathedral's Mother's Club on Thursday evening. The meeting was the last regular ope of the sea- son. The next meeting will take the form of a social evening, when the new plano, secured by the ef- forts of Miss Austin and Miss Elsie Jones, and used last night for the first time in the club, will make it 3 sssible to give a musical programme, . . . Mrs, R. O. Jolliffe, the retiring ppesident of the W.M.S. of Syden- ed the old and new executives and the conveners of committees of the W.M.S. at her home on Frontenac street, on Thursday afternoon. The party was an exceedingly pleasant one and an interesting feature was Mrs. W. 8. Gordon on behalf 6¢ the executive, of a basket of beautiful roses, 'sweet peas and ferns. The la- dies who assisted the hostess in the tea room were Mrs. W. 8. Gordon and Mrs. C. B. Walker, who poursa tea and Mrs. Harold Ettinger, Mrs. C. IL MeKellar and Mrs, Carl Can- non. 5 - - - The "Spring. Time Fair" being held by the C.W.L. opened in the Roman Catholic Assembly hall on Thursday afternoon with a tea and sala of pretty fancy work and home- made cakes and candy. Miss Agnes , the president, and Mrs. M. bought the wares displayed for sale and for a cup of tea and a chat near the prettily ged table with its centre of yellow ham street United Church, entertain- the presentation to Mrs. Jolliffe by the visitors, who -- The Editor Hears That the Paris dressmakers have decided they will make no more} gowns for women with shaven necks unless they cover up the said necks with a chignon. A chignon with a vacuum cup arrangement, by which the curls required to soften the effect of the shaven neck for the more for- mal toilet, has been invented. This up-to-date contrivance is warranted to hold the chignon close to the head and to defy even the dancers of the Charleston to disturb it. That the women of Kingston are busy with annual meetings at home and abroad. This week several Kingston ladies have been in Hamil- ton at the meeting of the Provincial Chapter of the 1.O.D.E. and later in the week others will attend the Pro- vincial meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. in Toronto. Next week the members of the diocesan board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the diocese of Ontario will hold their fortieth an- nual meeting in St, Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, ahd the board officers, many of whom live in Kings- tou, and delegates from the W.A. of the Anglican parishes, will meet the other W.A. officers and delegates from the various branches in the dio- cese in a three days' conference be- ginning on Tuesday, April 27th. On Thursday, April 29th, the ladies of the United Churches will go to Gana- noque to hold an interim meeting with a great inaugural service. King- ston will be largely represented at this most important meeting, at which delegates from the W.M.S. of all the United Churches and the Kingston board officers will be pres- ent. . £8 -- ~THat the most fascinating materials are to be found n our Kingston shops and the ready-to-wear shops have gay frocks and stunning coats that will delight the women who, after the cold weather, have at last begun to feel they need light cloth- ing and pretty summer things. That the number of medical prac- titioners practising in London is 7,688, and of this total 12 per cent. are women, according to the Public Health Departmént of the London County Council. This number of wo- men is not due to economical reasons, for both men and women receive the Same remuneration. ; The only dif- ference fs that if the women marry they have to Tesign their appoint- ments. SEPP 022 900000000 , $ i i 5 2 A young man, who was a # member of the Blue Cross So- ciety during the war, and who takes great interest im all birds and beasts, telephoned the ed- itor of the Woman's Page on Friday morning that the swal- lows have come back to his bird houses where they always bulld their nests, although his home is in the heart of the city, He says the swallows are two weeks later in their arrival in Kingston than they were last year, PEED EPL LIPO PRS O Oh a sh 0 I 3 RS CERF PPILBPROIL P00 N "Sally needn't brag about bein' slim. If I wasn't no better cook than she is, I'd be skinny myself." al The New Wonder of Electric Cooking * is its Economy 'The Canadian Beauty Rangettes Will Astonish You to Behold TAKE the biggest of them--number 24-- with three elements. It costs only half as much installed as a large electric range. Itis so simple, so strong, so light--and so easy to install. Yet it does the work of cooking a dinner for the whole family, : But what of baking, you say? The " able oven placed over "the A 4 5h Rangette will attend to the baking. 'From meat roasts to the lightest of cakes the results are always satisfactory to the most exacting. & The Raugetie is a natural devel of e big electric range. It is just as efficien for cooking and. rae. so that thousands of families who have 'been deprived of the con- Yeences of electric cooking may now enjoy, Any good elec- and trical dealer will demonstrate th write us for folder which tells all phon x wits Beauty appliances, including Rangettes, Plates, Irons, Toasters, Percolators, Seite Heaters and the new Majestic colored Por- Renfrew Electric Products, Limited Renfrew, - - Ontario 'Branch Office: 29 Richmond S¢. Wy, Toronto x See Us For Canadian Beauty Electrical Appliances Graham Electric Co. : '426 PRINCESS STREET. "PHONE 1944,"