pe Sy THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Poe as, § -- Pa. women = °° ££ on dashing men ~ . ars «9 tL < a ux of " i wedlih/ Full of 3 v Hearty . Laughter i x : ' a 7 - ONTE Rar Carlo! All ¢ A the lure of its o. ee - fabalious [a 3g Mute andre | ir in this great 4 film 1 V * . You mast see it! 0 ¥ with } .- LEW CODY TO-NIGHT on CERTEIDS . . O, "DON 0 hs vfl, ROY DARCY | ___ KARL DANE L ) ONE NIGHT ONLY ZASU PITTS. TRIXIE FRIGANZA A AN, ot © WED., APRIL 28 Sir John by MiSs SILVA RE LONDON COMPANY - "The CORSICAN BROTHERS" "Sir John Ing as Is held his audience by such an exhibition of act~ om seen," ~8. Morgan-Powell, "Montreal Star." GRAND a - . + PRICES: Hey Orch., $2.80 Tax SEATS i $28.00 E a Ba ; yey $1.50 i NOW TUE, WED, MAY 4-5 MATINEE WEDNESDAY 4 THEDUMBELLS oo | AUTO SHOW CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK Latest models McLaughlin-Buick, Chevrolet, wi Pontiac. F % hv a The COME IN AND LOOK SAT SR ET RARE ay Va ------ THEM OVER, OPEN 50c., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 50c., 75¢., $1.00 MAIL ORDERS NOW. AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions |SIR JOHN MARTIN HARVEY 'IN THE CORSICAN BROTHERS, That modern playgoers can still get ta thrill out of romantic drama bas been doubted by many students of the theatre but judging from the following review of Sir Joka Martin- | Harvey's production of "The Cor- {sican Brothers" .it only needs the | master touch of a real artist to make {the ultra-sophisticated theatregoer of 1926 flock to see it as their | fathers did in the oft spoken "good jold days." { Sir John takes two roles, those of | twin brothers, similar in appearance {and in many other things, making each susceptible to the emotions and feelings of the other, whether to- gether or apart. Bir John really really gives us a dual portrait of the | two brothers, one, Louis dei Franchi, | sophisticated and a graceful man of | the Parisian world, the other, Fab- | fen, lover of sports and devoted to his Corsican mountains and home. His delineation of these tyo char acters was accomplished" with a finesse and finfkh that were remark- able, an easy thing, doubtléss, for such a past-master of the histrionic art. But it amazed the onlookers. : The change, or perhaps one should | sa the differentiation, was as mark- ed. Sir John brings his entire Lon- don Company headed by Miss N. de Silva (Lady Harvey) to the Grand Theatre for one day, Wednesday, April 28th. LEW COPY GREAT IN "MONTE CARLO." Emerges - Triumphantly as an Al Comedian in New Production. Lew Cody. long distinguished on the screen as a sophisticated heart- breaker and home wrecker, emerges triumphantly as a first-water come- dian in his latest vehicle, "Monte Carlo," at the Capitol Treatre, Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Monte Carlo" is a frothy comedy, smooth moving and well constructed, with more of a plot than is afforded most comedies, and Cody's distin- | Buished performance as the Ameri- can sefon of wealth, who, estranged from his father, suddenly finds him- self receiving the adulation of a prince because he accidentally ae- quired the prince's clothes, gives its hilarious situation a delicious flavor, Gertrude Olmstead has the lead- ing feminine role in the picture and acquits herself creditabdbly indeed. She 1s charming and appealing as the little New England school ma'am who comes to Monte Carlo after win- ning a popularity contest in her home town. * Trixie Frigansa, famous on the vaudeville stage, where shé Bas been a headliner for many years, has thé part of Flossie, the. hefty proprié- tress of the small town garage, who, with Gertrude Olmstead and ZaSu Pitts, finds hersell precipitated into 8 trip to Monte Carlo by reason of winning the local néwspaper's popu- larity contest. Cody, Trixie, ZaSu and Harey Myers, as Greves, the faithful valet, carry the major part of the comedy, and the results are side-splitting. THE DUMBELLS IN "THREE BAGS FULL." Most persons directly or indirect- ly connected with or interested in the theatré in Canada are frequently asked the question, "How long will the Dumnbells continue to hold theif position as the premiere attraétion in the Bominion?" Personally we have been asked this question every week or so for the past five or six years. The answer is that they will continue indefinitely; or as long as Captain Plunkett continues to dig up fresh material-in the way of songs and skeiches and holds a staff and organization of the samé splendid Te BXECUTOR'S SALE ot he Bits of he a A, John W day, Sireas, Ninguton on Tuesday, April on That valuable hg brick dwell. if Nonooms Shetet Kin von: ot the time ince the Ny furn , stoves 4 coat nd ww on the premises The rt 11 be off ect toa vere ea. Fares and ne at time of sale. ° MURRAY, Auetionssr. Valuable Farm For Sale Lots aumbe 31 and 31h ne Poa Sr i, of th SATRIFF. up 10 the ret April let, 1926. GRANGE, A EN Ceti, Jo mby be seen Dated at Fo i quality and variety that has made The Dumbells famous throughout Canada and the United States for the L{ past seven years. | The English music halls have at- { tached to them staffs of writers and composers who are constantly turn- ing out new material, which has a stronger appeal to the Canadian audiences than to the populations of American cities. of Captain Plunkett to London, én- ables him to acquire the cream of the English songs and sketches, That Capt. Plunkett has lost none of his keen insight into the require- ments of Tanadisn Sedianees and still retains his remarkeble ability to pick winners, has been amply de- monstrated by the overnight suc- cess of his latest revue, "Three Bags Full," which comes to the Grand Opera House for three performances commencing Tuesday evening, May 4th, and Including a matinee Wed- nesday. AT KILMARNOCK ISLAND. Sugar Making is Order of Day in that IVistriet. Kilmarnock Island, April 23--Su- gar making is the order of the day. The ice is not all out of the river, and the trappers are scarce as yet, They are glad of the extemsion of the season for muskrats. The roads are very bad. A few autos have made their appearance. Miss Dorothy Achie has returned, af- ter spending her holidays at Kempt- ville. Mrs. Matilda Gardner, Delta, is visiting friends at Easton's Corners and Kilmarnock. Mr. Seabert War- ren, Easton's Corners, called on their brother, F. H. Warren. Mr. Milton Kilborn, Jasper, is em- ployed at Mr. Frank Tallman's for a few days. Mr. Wilbert Hawley 1s at Mr. Morris'. Mr. Frank Tallman, el- ectrician, is busy charging batter- ies, At the home of Mrs. F. H War- ren occurred the death of her mo- ther, Cyntha Cornwell, wife of the late George Good, on February 4th, 1926, 1n her sixty-eighth year. De- ceased was ill only six days with in- fluenza. She was born at Antwerp, Jefferson county, New York state, in November, 1858, and spent most of her maiden life on Wolfe Island. Her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cornwell, move t8 Fish Creek and at the age of twenty she was married to the late GeBfge Good, who predeceased her three years ago on March 22nd, 1923. A short im- pressive service was held by Rev. Armstrong at the house on Mon- day, Feb. 8th, before taking the re- mains to Smith's Falls to entrain for Parham, where a funeral service was held in the United Chureh. The body was placed fn the vault to await burial in the family plot in Parham cemetery. There is left to mourn her loss, one son, PF. BE: Good, Harrowsmith, fOnt., two daughters, Mrs, M. A. Brash, Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs. F, H. Warren, Jasper, Ont., one sister, Mrs. J. C. Mauck, Los Angeles, Cal. and two brothers, Daniel Cornwell, Long Lake, Ont., and F. T. A. Corn- well, Edmonton, Ont. A RECEPTION GIVEN ---- In Honor of Miss Julia Pitagerald, Tichborne, Tichborne, April 21--Owing to the bright warm sun and high winds the roads are getting dry. The farmers report a poor run of sap. The cars Are Once Again seen spinning in this vicinity. The many friends of Mrs. William Steele are glad to see her home again after her recent opera- tion. A few from here attended the reception held at E. Fitzgerald's on daughter Julia. "The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. James Hannah on Wednesday, Mrs. Joseph Steels received the sad news on Thursday last of the death of her brother, Thad Reyfiolds, after a ser- fous operation in Kingston Hospital. are busily engaged in building a cot- tage on Greén Bay. Mr. and Mrs. John Steel, Mrs. Harold Smith, Miss Hazil Steels, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, Mr, and Mrs, J. A, Ken: nedy and family spent Sunday even- ing at W. A. Steele's. Mrs. Main Valcore and son Junior at A. R. Revell's; Mrs. Brown at Mrs. John Steele's Sr, Roy Kennedy made a flying trip to Perth, on Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Wm. Hayes and daughter, Helen, are leaving on Sat- urday to spend the summer months in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Howes, also Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Steele, spent Tuesday evening at Wm, Swerbriock's. Ceeil Haul, Ocon- to, at Wm, #; Mr. and Mrs. Also Mrs. Main Valeore at Thomas McEwen's, Jr. Fred Dermott and Derwood Craw. | The yearly visits Yo | HEARD ON THE STREET] Local Briefs Qathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. Try Tweddell's for Men's and ung Men's Suits, $18 to $35. There was no session of the Police Court on Saturday morning. The government steamer Scout returned from Prescott on Saturday morning. Prof. Rey, of Queen's is to lecture on "Germany" in Napanee on April 30th. William Swaine. plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. The Forty Hours devetion held at the chapel oi the Hotel Dieu Hospi- tal closed on Friday night with solemn benediction, Try Tweddell's for 'Men's and Young Men's Suits, $18 to $35. Mr. James Burns, Kingston, was renewing acquaintances in Perth this week and was the guest of his bro- ther Mr. Thomas Burns. . Illustrated lecture by Rev. Dr. O'Reilly, Toronto, on the life of St. Theresa, The Little Flower, to be held in St. Joseph's hall, Hotel Dien Hospital, Wednesday, April 28th, at 8 p.m. under auspices Ladies' Auxil- fary. Silver collection. BOLTON WANDERERS WON Football _Cup--Defeated Manchester 1 to 0. London, April 24.----The Bolton Wanderers won the English associa- tion football cup, emblematic of the soccer championship of England, to- day at the Wembley stadium, defeat- ing Manchester City by one goal to nothing. Several men were hurt in fist fights which resulted from attacks by enraged crowds of football fans on profiteering ticket speculators. It was estimated that there were ninety thousand people present in the Wembley stadium. The King was introduced to the players and shook English Tuesday evening in honor 'of their | Josh Dermott and George Thompson |: hands with them, amidst a roar of: Presentation and Address, } Stanley Hart, C.N.R. agent at Yar-' ker for some time has been trans- ferred to the C.N.R. station, Smith's Falls, where he holds the position of operator. Before Mr. and Mrs Hart and daughter left the members of Yarker United Church and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Har: and daughter, Hazel, met and presen'ed them with a beautiful electric floor lamp, and an appropriate address. Tornadoes in Oklahoma late Fri- day took three lives and damaged | property considerably. t Try Tweddell's for Men's applause. i | and | --DANCE!-- SUNBURY HOCKEY CLUB . SUNBURY HALL Tuesday, April 27th, 91 O'CLOCK «SID FOX ORCHESTRA or Cataragu! Ledge Neo. 10, 1.OO.F. Owing te the fact that the mew lodge room will mo. be available, the r meeting will be held in the old room, Montreal Street, TUKSDAY EVENING, April 27th, at 8 pan, and future meetings until further notice. BUSINESS: Firat Degree will be eon Discussion regarding By-law dealing with Siekngas. J. W. CRAWFORD, R. M. PUGEAS, Noble Grand. Ree, Secretary. BUS FOR CATARAQUI OEMETERY Will commence Sunday, April ' &Bth, leaving at 2 p.m. 9 : Godkin's Livery "Phone 316, ". Queen Street. Capt. L. Dalzell came into Boston Harbor with refugees from wreck, making 31st rescue he has effected in 20 years at sea. Tracks of giant cats which trod soil of Arizona 100,000 years ago were discovered by Kansas professor in Oak Creek Canyon. Mexican * Government aceept Rockefeller"s offer to establish hospi. tal at Mexico City for study of do- mestic tropical diseases, Returns at Ottawa show birth Pr | ! "PUHLIC NOTICE" "PURSUANT to the provisions of Para. 431 King's Regulations and Or- ders for the Canadian Militia, notice is e Army Aet, hereby given that, under Agtive MiM- 4 SoMisr of ihe Fermanen Rive a cannot Pp under pages of pay for a private debt. If persons suffer soldiers of the Permanent Aotive Militia to contract debts, they do so at their own risk." x i Mi ral, : Adjutant-Genersl Department of National Defence, Ottawa, April 8, 1926. BOARD OF EDUCATION Applications addressed to the Chairman of the Property Committee for the position of caretaker of Louise and Sydenham Schools, will be re. ceived until April 28th. W. J. C, ALLEN, Secretary. BOARD OF EDUCATION The time for receiving tenders for the building and grounds of Rideau School, corner Princess and Nelson Streets, has been extended to April 28(h, 4 W. J. C. ALLEN, Sdtretary. rate for October in all provinces but Quebec: declined from 25.3 in Oecto- ber, 1921, to 20.5. Automobile Owners Attention! L------ bile liability FIRE and THEFT--Pays full market value. $1,800., caused or by upset. CARS LISTED--- il Avoid financial losses by securing the "ALL RISK" Auto= ii mobile Policy issued. by the INSURANCE COMPANY, giving the following protection: : PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE -- Pays up to $10,000.00 inclusive, arising from your automo- for injuries to persons or damage to their property. COLLISION--Pays all damage over $25.00 on cars listed up to $1,500. Pays all damage over $50.00 on cars listed over by impact with any movable or stationary object Premiums Without . Fire and All risk Collision Theft only Up to $1,500 -- $10 $22 $ 7.00 $1,501 to £8,000 -- 850 828 $13.00 $3,001 to $4,500 -- $63 $35 $15.00 $4,501 to £6,000 nd $40 $20.00 W. F. WEBSTER, Ju. Phones: Office 2058. Res. 86. Residence: 281 King Street West. ANTS OASUALTY damage by Fire and Theft up to KINGSTON, ONT. 1 88 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Tel. Office. Young Men's Suits, $18 to $35. i maT? revelation. Now Reo "That's the New Reo" ' This statement. frequently heard these days. distinguishes one of the most attractive look- "ing cars in many seasons from the ranks of the . ordinary run of motor cars. For many people who have learsod to think of Reo only in terms of +H great mechanical wo excellence can 'be desirable attire. REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY CANADA, LIMITED Windsor, Ont, dability and rth, the New : had in very A --------- Reos are a OF.