AFTER NOON By the author of "Madam Claire." SUSAN ERTZ. Price - - R. UGLOW & CO. $2.00. Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs, Chas. Bedoré & Son 840 NELSON STREET 'Phone 1746J. $35 -%40 .%55 For the Gift which must com- bine utility with beauty-- a convenience which in | live years--we suggest a | Gruen Watch, / TIONAL CLEAN AND DYERS # team from $35 to $250. | Kiar & fire | W. C. Cannon TELEPHONE BIBRY Mock, PRIN S ST. | Kin | Pi ANNOUNCEMENT Cameron & Co., Limited, Investmenit Rankers, To- Porto, dealers in Government, Municipal, Corporation and Pub. have appointed the undersigned as their sole in and vidinity. We therefore respectfully solicit a share of the public pat- ronage, and trust that our long business experience will mesit the same. We are at your service. 'Phone 102 or call and see ° what we have for dale. MILLS COMPANY 70 CLARENCE 8T. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. The first synthetic perfume was made in 1850. + ---- All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" i JIALLIDAY FLECTRIC CO, Err EGG and STOVE os CAN ANTHRACITE ON HAND. Chestnut Coal enroute. Split Pea suitable for Spencer Furnace or to mix with Coke, SOWARDS CO Al Co. ' UPTOWN OFFICE: MeGALL'S CIGAR STORE. . "Phone 811, [3 SPLENDID SPRING VALUES! v3 Ion whe some of ou: CORRUGATED, GALVANIZRD, AERTS, Gauge Irom, 6, 7, 8, 10 foot le hs, we + yuied > Raa an ax evry 11.86.00 PER SQUARD--108 FEEL THINKING OF FENCING THIS SPRING our 7 BAR, HEAVY, NO. 5, GALVANIZED WIRD =u inches A] PER ROD fi als." 3 p.m., Sunday school. T ------ "I was glad when they House of the Lord."-- Church Services on Sunday said unto me, Let us go inlo we alm cxxii., 1. HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG eee oes at the Provincial on Thursday eve- ing, when Judge McGlade was their guest of honor, goes down in its history as one of the very best. The Judge's address was a most elo- quent and masterly one, his subject, Canada, from the standpoint of B ies, Political, Racial and Re- St. Paul's--Holy Commnulon 11 a.m. Preacher, Rev. Canon FitzGer- ald, M.A. Sunddy school 3 q'clock. i | Evening prayer 7 o'clock. Preacher, Rev. Canon FitsGerald, M.A. . St. James' Church, corner Union and Barrie streets--T. W. Savary, rector. 8 am. holy communion; 11 a.m., morning prayer and Litany, | { Sermon subject, "The Risen Lord's Greetings." 3 p.m. Sunday school. 7 p.m., evening, prayer and sermon. Sermon subject, "A Messénger of Redemption," St. Luke's gorner of Prin. céss and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, 311 Alfred street. Phone 2978. 3rd Sunday after Easter (St. Mark's Day). 11 a.m., morning prayer: 8 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m. evening prayer. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordially invited to attend. St. George's Cathedral--Rey. W. B. Kidd, M.A, M.C., acting rector. 3rd Sunday after Eastér. This will be the last Sunday on which the Bishop will preach as Bishop of the Diocese. 8 a.m., holy com union; 11 a.m. morning prayer. eacher, The Bishop of the Diocese. 32 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m., holy bap- tism; 7 p.m. evensong. Preacher, The Bishop of the Diocese. The Sea Scouts will parade to the evening service. Princess Street United Church of Canada--Rev. John K. Curtis, B.A. minister. 11 a.m., subject, "Eternal Life." 2.456 p.m., Bible school. 1 p.m. subject, "Is Society Safe?" Fifth in series. You are cordially invited. Queen Street United Church -- Minister, W. H. Raney, B.A., B.D, 80 Colborne street. Worship, 11 a.m." Sermon topl¢, "The Kindness and Tolerance of Jesus." 7 p.m. to- pie, "A Problem of Health and Mor Young Peoples" meeting, Monday, 8 p.m. The United Church of Calvary, the Friendly Church, cor. of Charles and Bagot streets--Min- ister, Rev. Frank Sanders. Morning service 11 a.m. Sunday school 3 p. m. Evening service 7 pm. A hearty welcome and helpful message. Chalmers Church of the United Chureh of Canada--Minister, Rev. George Brown, M.A., 8.D. Publie worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., con ducted by the minister. Sunday school 3 p.m. Midweek worship, Wed., 7.30 pm. A cordial welcome for all. 3 b -- The United Church of Canada, Sydenham Street, Rev. W. T G. | GANANOQUE AMATEURS PRODUCE FINE PLAY Death of Miss Agnes Deir in Kingston--Qanadian Club Dinner. Gananoque, April 24.--The play, "When Doris Comes to Town," was presented in the parish house on Thursday and Friday evenings, both performances being very largely pa- tronised. It is saying a good des! to report this as one of the best amateur plays ever put on in the parish house 48 the Dramatic Club of Christ Church has the reputation of present- ing always something unusually good. Every member of the cast is to be congratulated for the splendid manner in which they produced this little play, and which madé one for- got at times that it was really just an amateur performance. The fol- lowing made up the cast: Misses Chrissy Worth, Freda Chevis, Ada Mills, Daisy Worth, Messrs. A. Laver, Ray Ward, Howard Currie and Bar! Hastings. Thursday evening the St. Lawrence orchestra furnished music and last evening a symphony orches- tra, comprising artists from the con- gregation, suplied exesllent music. Brown, D.D., minister. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister wil preach. Evening subject, "The Worth of a Man to Society." Fellow. ship class at 10 a.m. Sunday pehool at 2.45 p.m. Mid-week service, Wed- nesday at 8 p.m. The United Church of Canada Cooke's, Brock street--Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, B.A., minister. Publie worship, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Morn- ing theme: "Eternal Life-- When Founded." Bible school, 3 p.m. Evening theme: The Ku Klux Kian. Their claims examined in the open. A cordial invitation to all. Evangelist Chapman. will speak in the New Church Sunday night at 7.45. Subject: "Who is Taking Away or Adding to the Word of God?" How can this be done? All invited. Bother" Congregational Church, corner Johnston and Barrie streets --Sunday services 11 am. and 7 pm. Mr. M. R. Moore will preach at both services. Bunday school meets at 3 pm. Y.P.S.C.E., Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. St. Andrew's Presbyterian-- Rev. John W. Stephen, minister. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conduct- ed by the minister. Students, sold- fers and strangers cordially invited. Sunday school and Bible clashes, 3 Pm, First Baptist Church--Rev, M. C. Johnston, B.A., B.Th,, pastor. 11 am. "God's Voice. 2.46 p.m., Bible school. 6.45 p.m., Song service. Eve- ning subject, "As a Little Child." The ordinance of baptism will be ad- ministered at the close of the even- ing service. Gospel Tabernacle, corner Union and Collingwood strets --11 a.m., Lord's Supper. $8 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class® 7 p.m., Gos- pel 'service. Mr, Alfred Diamond, Trenton; will speak. Wednesday, 8 P.m., prayer meeting. Thursday, 2.- 45 p.m. ladies' sewing circle. Fri- day, 8 p.m.; Bible reading and study closs. ; Christian Science, First Church of brist, Scientist, 121 Johnson street ~--Services at 11 am. Bubject "Probation after Death." Sun- day school, 9.45 am. Wed- nesday, 8 p.m, testimonial meet. iug, Including testimonies of healing through Christian Sciehce. Free public reading room where the Bible and %ll authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or, purchased. Open every afternoon except Sundays and holidays, from 8 to 5 p.m. All ave cordially invited to the services and to make use of the public reading room. Ai The net proceeds will amount to a very gratifying little sum. Mrs. W. B. Meggs, Detroit, brought the remains of her aunt here from Detroit, Interment was made yes- terday at Caintown, and among the Gananoque friends who atfénded from here were Mr, and Mrs, A, E. Meggs, Miss Sadie Meggs and Mrs, B. O. Britton. Following =a serious operation, Miss Agnes Deir passed away at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Thursday. Miss Délr, whose home was in Lans- downe, spent the winter here with her sister, Miss Lottie Dier. Surviv- Ing are five sisters and two brothers: Miss Lottie Deir, Gananoque: Mrs. John Fodey, Lansdowne: Mrs. P, Shea, Sheatown; Mrs. Patrick Innes, Detroit; Mrs. Patrick Milne, Brew- er's Mills; Thomas, Ganinoque North, and W. A., on the homestead, Lansdowne. The funeral took place this morning to St. John's Church, where a requiem mass was sung for the repose of her soul by Father Hanley, after which the remains were placed in the vault at the Gananoque cemetery, and interment will take place latér in the family plot at Lansdowne. Clifford Lucey's friends are sorry to learn that he is quite seriously {ll at his home here. With a goodly portion of the town in the Capital yesterday, there was a holiday atmosphere in the air, One week from Sunday Gananoque starts on the daylight saving sche- dule, the clocks being turned for. ward aa hour at midnight, May 2nd. Judging from cottages already ligious gave this eloquent man big scope. The judge was introduced by J. Arthur Jackson. Rev. Father Han- ley mpved the vote of thanks which was seconded by Dr. Sinclair. Fa- ther (Capt.) Nicholson, Dr. Fergus O'Connor and Dr. Gibson, Kingston, also gave short addresses. Mayor Wilson was In the chair. The dinner a8 provided by Mine Host McCarney was a most excellent one. There Was a large number present from Kingston, In view of the presence of so many strangers and out of de- ference to them the annual meeting which was to have been held Thurs- day evening was postponed to a later date. Mr. Fox,. our new shoeman was received into the Fold on this occasion... . Wifrid Morgan, Rochester, N.Y., is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Frank Amo, but will leave in a few days for Hartford and other points in Connecticut. - G. RUSSELL DONALDSON Of Toronto, who becomes MacLéan's Magazine Manager in New York. He was on the reportorial staff of The Whig for several years. Across Canada and Back. Marvelous beyond conception in- aptly describes the glories of Can- ada's Rockies. To be fully appreéci- ated they must be seen. To start Cut oh a trip by one's self into this unfamiliar but far-famed paradise- on-earth, to many appears quite a task. Realising this, Dean Sinclair Laird, of Macdonald College, an ex- perienced Rocky Mountdins travel ler, for. the third year in succession, has undertaken to conduct a party through this glorious wonderland. A special train of dining, standard sleeping, and observation compart. tuent. cars has been chartered, to leave Toronto on July 19th via the Canadian Pacific 'Railway, will. be made at Port Arthur and Fort William, which together form Canada's greatest grain port; Wine nipeg Beach, the popular summer re- sort for ' Winnipegers;. Winnipeg, Canada's third largest city; Indian Head, the chief tree distributing cen- tre of the Federal Forestry Branch; Regina, the capital of Saskatche- Wan; Calgary, Alberta's largest city; Banff, the world-famous mountain resort; by automobile for 104 miles over the Banff-Wildermere Highway, the most spectagular drive in Can ada; through Kootenay Lake to Nel son, the commercial centre of South ein British Columbia; then through the Doukhobor country to Penticton; along lovely Okanagan Lake, and to Vancouver, thence by steamer to Vie toria. Returning, the trip will be dy the main line of the Canadian Pacife, through the great canyons of the Fraser and Thompson Rivers, sad through the Selkirks, and Rockies, aflording seénery such as can be found nowhere else on earth; Lake Louise, the Pearl of the Rockies, the most perfect gem of scenery on the world; another day at Banff, Edmon- ton, the Capital of Alberta; Sa¥ka- toon, the city of optimism; Devils Gap Camp, on the Lake of . the Woods, near Kenora, thence to Fort William, where one of the fine Cana- dian Pacific steamers will be used across. Lakes Superior and Huron to Fort McNicoll, thea rail to To- ronto, where the trip will terminate. Bvefything 1s included fn the price ot $830, from Toronto; trans- portation, sleeping cars, ascommoda- tion in hotels, and bungalow camps, meals in diners, hotels and on steamers, and sight-seeing tours at points visited. . The trip is open to all, and appii- cations for accommodation, ing received. She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad Mrs, I. M. Parks, Comsecon, Ont., writes:--"I had heart aad nerve trouble, and became seo short of breath I could hardly do my daily housework, and was so nervous I could not think of JaYing alate, as every little sound I felt a shock to me. LE {7 90 gid Neve pit LS A Aa 41! réputation for the relief of all heart and nerve troubles. by The T. Milbure Or he Oat. Custom Made Footwear For All! MORE COMFORT--MORE. WEAR--MODERATE PRICES JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE PHONE 281.3, MILLERS ¢o ® \orM POWDERS © coon ss Stope. are be-| Kingoton's Biggest Home F urnishers Simmon's "Graceline'"' Beds For anyone seeking individuality in Bedroom Furniture, Simmons' new line of Bedding, snappy All-Steel Wood Finished Beds Only $15.00 (Not stuffed but built) Simmons' Slumber King Springs 80¢s 10 make vp a good night's rest. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. obs Tra Tile HAVE YOU READ ? Adventures in the Near East--ai. Rawlinson. Menroirs of Sir A. Fitsray, 2v. Why China Sees Red--P. Wesle Disraeli snd Gladstone--D. C. Som erville. fisa--N Good Golf--J. M, Parnes. ' England Since Waterloo--J. A. R. Marriott, Mary Stuart--F. A .MacCunn, Odtaa--J. Masefield. Shepards--M. C.-Oeimer. Threshold of Fear--A. J. Reon. With or Without--F,. 8° That Washington Affair--J. Hay. Electric Motors 1 Sas fenish detail Sinan sions particulars, - cluding prices, for any sise| motor. Save time and money and do your business locally. rena ID ALY