Done to the Orohards the Wolfe Island - Farms. Island, April 23.---Wililam on, Jr. has purchased the 'Grimshaw farm from Grant 'also the fifty acres at the The rabbits have played 0¢ with the apple orchards this ir; owing to the deep snow they 'eaten up into the centre of the Mrs. Ira Payne, who under- fit & serious operation in the Hotel eu, ton, is out of danger shortly leave for her home. 8 cheese factories are getting, pess for the opening of the B.. The steamer Wolfe Islander d the dock here, on Tuesday, d very little difficulty in land- ihe was a welcome visitor as "many of the islanders are to get to Kingston. A con- mt of veal calves was shipped on, on Friday, for Fred 6. 'The purchase price was ts a pound, live weight. Arthur Cough left on Thurs- Sor Watertown to visit her sis- Robert Miller. The farmers anxiously awaiting to get start-| thelr seeding. It will be a yet before the frost will be the ground to enable the work plough, At this date last the seeding was almost com- "The Cape channel is clear of harbingers of spring are here r some time. Robins are building nests, the frogs are croaking in 'blackbirds ate numerous, are flying south, the snow almost = disappeared and the are drying fast. /{GGERS ATTACKED | ROCKPORT RESIDENT White Was Severely on April 11. port, April 24.--Allan condition still remains ser- Mr. White received severe in- 8 when attacked by bootleggers ndria Bay, April 11th. and Mrs. Corvin Mallory were pantly surprised on Thursday night when a miscellaneous shower #8 given at their home by a num- ; friends. They were the Te- "of many useful gifts, ) "assessor, Walter MacDonald, y his annual trip through kere Mr. and Mrs. William Escott, were guests of Mr. and Thomas Hodge one evening this Sadie Dickey, Ottawa, is parents, Mr. and Mrs. , 8. D, Wilcox is ful- -eontract of painting Os- tage. , river is nearly free of ice and are heard once more. iG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. > -- - 1 Organized at St. Lawrence, Pittsburgh. , April 24.--Everybody the beautiful spring 'are having and the farm- are hoping to be able to start work soon. Mrs, William h . the past week with p The Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. Wil- 1 od, on Wednesday next. Bdgar has returned to his n Belleville after spending a } his father here. r friends of Robert Me- glad to Near that he is : meetings are to Frifay nights weekly. THE DAILY B | ety rE more In Why do motor cars cost anada than in the United States? Here is one of the big reasons accounting for the difference: Last year manufacturers of motor vehicles and parts in Canada paid the Canadian 'Government--- In customs duties on parts and materials - In sales, excise and stamp taxes Total Meanwhile, the number of motor vehicles they made and sold in Canada was - $10,000,000 7,400,000 $17,400,000 Dividing one into the other it is obvious that on each such car the Canadian Government collected in taxes 84,000 $207.14 Therefore, every person who buys a made-in-Canada motor car has to pay a price that includes an average of $207.14 which the manu- facturer has had to collect for payment to the Canadian Government! So don't lay the blame for this on the Canadian manufacturer! Automotive Industries of Canada - Representing 25, 000 workers =-- an annual production of $107,000,000 --- 100,000 dependeiits 1 { upper end of the island and from the foot. The Stella grist mill has clos- led {ts doors, the proprietor, John er. having left to sail on the r lakes, Quite a number of our sailors are taking their departure for the upper lakes, among them Capt. Alexander Glenn, W. Marshall, Andrew Wil- lard, R. Taylor and E. Fleming. C. A. Gibson and A. L. Tugwell left on Monday for Cornwall, where they will enter the employ of the Fronte- nac Dredging Co. Albert Taylor re- turned on Saturday from a business trip to Buffalo, N.Y. ; Mrs. John Flapnigan, Emerald, AN with Just a8 soon as the bay is clear of ce. Owing to the danger of crossing the ice at the present time St. Pail's Presbyterian church has been clos- ed for the past few Sundays. Just as soofi as navigation opens a min- ister will be procured from the city to occupy the pulpit. Rev. F. O. Ware preached his farewell sermon in St. Alban's and Christ's church, Emerald, on Sun- day, to large congregations. Mr. Ware and family will leave soon sok {9 take up his new duties in the can church, Wolfe Island. DIED IN BUFFALO, N.Y. the sleighing continued till a very late date, which was April 16th. Ploneers state that this is a very rare case, Gordon Winters recently, made a business trip to Kingston. Dr. 8. C. Wilson, Perth, made a dental visit here last week and was well patron- ized. He was enroute to Denbigh, Matawatchan, and other pots. Mr. Mr. R. Reid, I. P. S., of Sharbot spectorate. Mrs. M. Weber and son, Wilfrid, returned Friday from attending the of her sister-in-law, Mrs. 4 , of Glenburnie. Born to Me. and Mrs. Dick Perry; 7 April 5.--Council met at 1.30 p.m. Members all present. Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. Com- munications: From the Mowat Me- Lake, called at No. 3 school, and /morial Sanitorium, re keep and main- others in his North Frontenac In- [tenance of patients; from A. B. Cun- Townsip Comal | PITTSBURGH. ningham, K.C., re back taxes on pro- iperty of the late Mrs. Bennett. Ten- der of Henry Macrow for the town- ship crusher and plant, and crushing and spreading of stone, accepted, subject to an agreement satisfactory ito the council. Accounts passed: {Kell, drawing gravel, rer ME Donaldson, drawing gravel, Wiison, drawing , 'William 1353.76; William Simpson, , $38.75; James. Agnew, draw- Hitchcock, {ing gravel, $38.75: Cecil jjfrvwing gravel, "era, V0 do Bal- ET re > Thompson, drawing gravel, § evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Raitt, Toronto, were week-end guests of Rev. and Mrs. Seymour. Mrs. Margaret Louis, Os- hawa, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and ~{ Mrs. William Doktator. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vivian and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keirl, took tea Mon- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Vivian. Mrs. Staples and Miss Hazel, Roslin, took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. Elmy. Mr. Arthur Houston, Toronto, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. K. R. Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent were Sun- day callers at Deseronto. Miss Mur- fel Stone spent Saturday afternoon in Belleville. Rev. and Mrs. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark and Mr. W. Mark took tea one evening last week with the Misses Suttor. Miss M. Hickerson hspent the week-end with Miss Vera Provins, Deseronto, . -- News From Outlet. anoque, after spending the past weell with her sister, Mrs, Milton Burns, The students from this vicinity, whe are attending school in Brockville, are again taking advantage of the Gananoque-Brockville buss service, This enables them to have a day fone ger at home since there Is no train stopping at Lansdowne on Sunday, - The funeral of the late Mrs. {liam Nugent, who passed away her late home in Newburg, took ' place on Saturday from the resis dence of her son, Mr. William Hude son, Napanee, 3 Se