= SI SER ar 4 E oe : WHIG rUbLIHING - KINGSTON, fs RU DAV ig oo | throw it away. if observed; will go far toward Te- ducing the number Of QeSLTUCIIVE forest fires reported every year: 1. Matches--Be sure your match is out. Break it In two before you 3 2. Tobacco--Be sure that pipe ashes and cigar and cigarette stubs are dead before throwing 'them away. Never throw them into brush, leaves or needles. 3. Making camp-- Before building a fire scrape away all inflammable material from a spot five feet in diameter. Dig a hole In the centre and in it build your camp fire. Keep your fire small. Never build it against trees or logs or near brush. 4. Breaking camp------Never break camp until your fire {is out---dead out, 5. Brush burning---Never . burn slash or brush in windy weather or while there is the slightest danger that the fire will get away. 6. How to put out a camp fire-- Stir the coals while soaking them with water, Turn small sticks and drench both sides. Wet the ground around the fire. If you can't get water stir in dirt and tread it down 248 | until packed tight over gnd around the fire, Be sure the last spark is 36013} dead. OF TOW ~ REPRESENTATIVES: Thompson, 100 King to the JKditor are published aver the mame of the of The British Whig By the Audit Bureau of LUCKY CANADA, Mr. Frank Yeigh, Toronty, has splendid address on "Lucky Can- * and in very vigorous language Be. pictures our advantages over 'other countries. For instance he Nolds we have no boundary dificul- such as Europe has, no jealous pugnacions neighbors, no un- ie republics or uneasy mon- chies at our doors. The Canadian farmer is very much better off than peasants of France or Italy, Hun, or Jugo-Slavia. We have degree ¢f peace the Balkans might and a respect for law and or- few other lands possess, while standards of living are excep- r high. Then we have great in natural and national wealth, ried climate conditions, in a that produces the best food- ly wheat in the world, in a legic position on the world map, fréedom of religion, press, spéech eduéation, in & high degree of 'and order, and a high standard P. Yeigh has given a very timely r of Canada's good fortune in ty of things. We should pon- our blessings, should re- over our privileges and with jo and foresight seek to im- © our conditions and thus make # land of prosperity, high dness and noble living. The is ours to make Canada a heritage for millions of people days to come. ank you, Mr. Yeigh, for telling that we possess. We have been in appreciating our good for- Th MEN, WOMEN AND BRAINS. The remark Is sometimes made the women are g in more tal development than men The women's clubs have pro- mes made up principally of in- 'lectures and discussion. men's clubs are very apt 'have programmes consisting f entertainment stunts. the men will not come out an informing lecture. - It } sald that men are weary oir daily cares, and the "tired man" is supposed fo be ex- for anything he does. Bat 'work also, and are pro- SWIPING THE CREAM. New York people are up in arms over the frauds practised on milk. The farmers turns it over to dealers as contalning three per cent. and over of butter fats. But, says the World, somewhere between the farm- er and the area door somebody takes off as much of the cream as he can without passing the 3 per cent. limit. He has both cream and milk to sell where the farmer had only milk, "It is a mean trick, and it is earnestly desirable that something can be done about it--not only punishment for somebody but preferably some con- struetive action which will make it possiblé for the babies of the city to get really rich and creamy milk. WORTHY OF PROTECTION. Our song and insectivorous birds are worthy of our attention and pro- tection from all enemies, crow or man, It is a commonly admitted fact that without the aid of the birds the earth would be soon overrun with insect pests and all vegetation would be destroyed, Our experts tell us that many species of birds destroy insects equal to their own weight in a single day, and are equally as valuahle as weed seed eaters. Most of us do not know much about ornithology, but it is worth while to e¢all the attention of our folks to the value of our birds to mankind, and especially to the rural community, Our robins are among our bust friends. Their food is forty-three per cent. insects, and about the same percentage of seeds, and about seven per cent. of domestic fruit. One robin mother was known to feed her young 103 times in six hours, and you may be sure it was not sour cherries, but insects and grubs of various kinds. We ought not to grumble about the small percentage of fruit they eat when we consider the amount of cutworms and grubs that they consume in a single sea- son, Our Canadian birds are an asset as great as our trees, our shrubbery and flowers. Warren Jacobs says: "Our insec- tivorous birds are worth' their weight in gold, so some measure of protection becomes as esSential as watering places for our stock." THE PERSONAL TOUCH. The incident given in The British Whig of Sir Henry Thornton's de- sire to attend a function at Belleville when & parchment testimonial is to be given to George Cornish, a CN.R. employee for saving a child from drowning, leads. the St. Thomas Times-Journal to say that Bir Henry is a firm believer in the efficacy of the personal element in the conduct of a great business. In this he is of kindred spirit with Premier Stanley Baldwin in Great Britain, a patern- alist who knows his farmhands by name and, before his great steel works at Swansea grew to their pre- sent large proportion, was on simi- lar terms with his industrial rank and file. Sir Henry is convinced that the best and most satisfactory | public service can only be performed by a body of employees imbued with a fine esprit de corps that pervades the whole system from the highest | riod of her rallwsy history, to have Fat ihe "hear or tie Iational-system a4 warm-hearted man as well as a highly competent executive. i e---------- EDITORIAL NOTES. Flowers that bloom in the spring will have to start soon if they expect to have anything to do with the case. -- ' We talk a lot about the racial and | religious hates in Europe and Asia. |} How would it do to pick the mote | out of our Canadian'eyes? { Hon. Mr. Raney was recently pre- sented with a cane,' Not much use for a man who takes it without a stick. chortles the Ottawa Journal. A Gouverneur, N.Y., man who risked his life to get a bag of coal | is too late for public sympathy. shonld have taken potatoes to coun popular sympathy. A predilection. that has long pre- vailed in juvenile circles has been confirmed by high authority. An eminent health specialist says' there is no better food than pie for chil- dren." Would you like to keep young? Then forget your birthdays and just keep working. It is in the looking forward, the having something to do on the morrow, the hopes and dreams of the future that we live best. Jefferson county, New York State, has had a bill passed in the assembly giving the board of supervisors auth- ority to create a blicity fund to make known the THousand Islands as a recreation centre. Plans will be laid for a 1927 campaign. The Jefferson county National Bank at Watertown, N.Y. is 110 years old. It has shown wonderful expansion in later years. In 1905 the resources were $1,817,838.71; fn 1724 $5,823,337.80 and in 1926 approximately $9,000,000,000. Good luck to the institution. The most important achievement of the recent session of the Ontario legislature, remarks the London Echo, was the drawing of the -ses- sional indemnity. Hon. members might just as well have done that at the outset and let it go at that. Attention is being Hon. N. W. Rowell's declaration in & message to the new Minister of |i Labor-~his first pronouncement on Dominion affairs' since 1920---that Canada's greatest need is "not a high or low tariff, but a { dtable tariff." rr il No matter how many welfare Jor! i ganizations of this or that kind may be established, there is no body that can successfully fill the place of the Board of Trade. body which makes the welfare of the community in every respect us ff outstanding objective. For this rea- son every man should make active lf membership in the Board of. Trade the proper indication of his interest in the general progress of Kingston. Harvard undergraduates, acting through their student council, sug- gest breaking up their institution lf into six colleges. This would follow the model of English universities, It is a wholesome sign when active stu- dents themselves recognize that size ll is far less important than quality, and that the student who is lost in the crowd in a big institution may develop his individuality and equip himself for life far better in a small college. The question of giving the parlia- mentary franchise to women on the conditions that apply to men is to be taken up seriously by the British government. Lord Cecil, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in a letter to the National Union of So- cletles for Equal Citizenship, has conveyed a message from the Brite {sh prime minister to the effect that a conference on the subject will be held in time fo enable legislation to be undertaken during the present|' attracted by h his retire- || ment from the Dominion Cabinet in || This is the one if ILY em TAIN Hemlock Park Dairy Butter is un- usually full-flavored and delicious. Always absolutely fresh and pure and packed in sanitary one-pound cartons, Your Children Will Benefit From This Pure, Richer Milk Y- can obtain Hemlock Park Dairy Milk has a creamy enjoy 'because of the high-grade herds from which it comes and the ideal conditions under which it richness you'll no better, more dependable milk supply of guaranteed quality than Hemlock Park Dairy offers. is produced. Hemlock Park Dairy offers you the as- surance of perfect purity as well as safety, because our new, model dairy is equipped with can and bottle washing sterilizing machines which wash - cold water, and sterilize with We will continue to supply the same high- culin-tested cows om grade milk from tuber- the Hemlock Park Dairy Farm for those who desire it. News and Views. Sm ---- Bound to Be Mannish. Los Angeles Times: Women are now wearing the dinner jacket. It much resembles the tuxedo worn by our males and the matrons are claring that it fills a long-felt want. The men still have their pipes, their suspenders and their beards, but otherwise they are not to be dis- tinguished from our out Walls females. Portland oreamins: Telephon. have been istavlisbed between honden 4 wd and all bottles and cans with then boiling water, live steam---in order that the utmost sanitary conditions may be maintained. All 'milk is bottled; capped, by machinery, de-| would have afforded pleasure Hemlock Park Dairy Milk reaches your home as pure and safe as when il leaves safer, and the bottles. affords. man to call. its keeping qualities. ities or alter its taste. 380 PRINCESS STREET OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL NEXT TRIP our dairy--with no danger of contamin- ation as when sold from open cans, Hemlock Park Dairy salesmen offer courteous, on-time deliveries every day. Surdly such a milk service as Hemlock Park Dairy offers is very much worth while--in 'the safeguards it affords and the benefits to Health its richer; quality Telephone to-day for 'a sales- Hemlock Park Dairy Milk is pasteurized for absolute safety. Pasteurizing does not alter milk in any way. It simply, by a scientific process of heating and cool- "ing, destroys all harmful bacteria which may be in the milk. Pasteurizing makes milk more easily digested and improves It does not re- - move cream, affect ifs nourishing qual- Hemlock Park Dairy Milk is guaranteed to have no al- teration in cream content. let alone, so that others may look, t00." The destruction has already proceeded so far that in many lo- calities our most titul native blossoms have become almost ex- tinet. A motorist may fill-bis ton- neau with thousands of blossoms in an hour which 24 hours later will be in the ashcan, Left unmolested, they to hundreds of passersby. Wit and Humor rims A Female Barkis. He--You should see the altar in oi words | our ehurch. A350 - Bhe--Lead its to it! oh The Retort or Gallant Lady--Do you keep dates? ¢ Clerk--1'd never keep, you wait. ing * minute. Tk Yorkshire Fish and Chip Cafe We deliver all day Sat. Frank Haig's 18 MONTREAL STREET 'PHONE 2964.