LE 1 TT -------- a a Se -------- 7 THE 00D FELLOWS OF | Fragrance "Nive 7 canen| Tr agrance === "SATADA" TEA wy Popular Athletes, Moves to Iroquois Falls. betokens the perfection of the leal. The excellence of qudlity never varies. 5 Brown Label 75c| = Orange Pekoe Blend 85¢ FORE EE IN'0DD FELLOWSHIP [Presented With Jewels at Sun- TUESDAY, APRIL 27. | Extra Value in | Blue Suits Single Breasted Indigo Blue Serge Suits --Semi-English models. Price $25.00 to $35.00, - Double Breasted .Semi-English models ; indigo Blue Serge Suits. Price $30.00 and $35.00. For a nice Suit see these | oh George Van Horne i; €@) 213 Princess Street. "Phone 362-w. Nature's own body builder thon day Celebration--Orser= i Sword Wedding. 'CKAC, Montreal, (411). 4 p.m.--Weather; Stocks; Grains. 7 p.m.--Talk by the Province of Québec Safety Windsor Hotel Trio. 9.30 p.m.--Special broadcacts hy the entertainers. of the Canada Steamship Hner Richelien, in" a travelogue from Montreal to. Chi- coutimi, with musi¢ and songs. 10.30 p.m.--Harold Leonard's Red Jackets from the Windsor Motel Grill Room. Napanee, April 26--On Sunday morning the Odd Fellows lodges Noy 86 and 212, and also the Quéen of Sheba Rebekah lodge, attended div- ine service in St. Andrew's United Church, in commemoration of the one hundred and seven:h anniver sary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Rev. A, J. Wilson de- Mvered a very appropriate sermon. The choir was composed of twenty- five brother Odd Fellows. Bro. Re- ginald Wiseman sang vary acceptab- ly, "There is a Land Mine Eye Hath Seen." Despite the inclcmen: weath- er the church was filled to capacity. Napanee is losing one of its most popular athletes, Mr, Fred Bentley, the | who has been employed i= the Gib- bard Furniture shops for a number MANY FIRST CLASS HOMES FOR SALE in all . of of years is leaving on Tuesday n®xt parts the city, for Iroquois Falls, wheres he las secured a lucrative position. Fred M i B. TR U M PO U ba Bentley has starred on the Nap¥neao . - , team for the past four years both in |[lf #70 PRINCESS STREET. 3 PHONE 704 OR 1205-J. hockey and baseball. On hockey he [ji eee me . was a hard checker and was consid- ered one of the fastest skaters on the local team. In baseball he has star- red in the outfield and was a very consistent batter. He is also a boxer of no mean ability and his loss will be keenly felt By Napanee. His many friends are sorry to see him leave, and all join in wishing him thé best of success, Mr. Fred. Lapum, of Mexico City, Mexico, arrived in town last week to visit his brother, Mr. Hartley La- i pum. It is fifteen years since Mr. po All-Steel Wood FinisHed 1 Lapum visited his home town. i r . ; No mn 3 Miss Lena Graham, of Utica, N.Y.,| ' Bl} 0b : arrived home last week and will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. C. A, Graham. Mrs, Victor Atkins, who has been spending the past couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. BE. Scott, returned on Sunday to her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knapp and Doris, and Mr, and Mrs. Ham Loucks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graves, Kingston. The Women's Institute are jsen- ing an evening class in Domestic Science on Monday at seven o'clock. Mrs. Cook of Beamsville, is to be the instructor during the ten dags class. Mr. and Mrs. Leacock, of Galt, are spending a few day¥ with Mrs, W. H. Milsap. | Gananoque, April 26.--The annus! | church parade of Gananoque Lodge {| No. 114 LO.O.F. had a very special | significance yesterday. it" being the { 53rd year of the institution of Gan- | anoque Lodge. Previous to parad- ing to the Anglican Church ten of the members who have given twenty- five years or more of faithful ser- vice to the Lodge wer presented with veterans jewels, tis honor be- ONRO, Ottawa, (485). Ing conferred on Bro'hers Willlam| 8 p.m. Chateau Laurier Orches. Hale, 1878; Dr. D. H. Rogers, 1880; | tra. . Andrew Edwards, 1886: Jossph| 9 p.m --Special Courtney," 1886, Robt. Haig, 1837; | English music in J. T. Green, 1890; James Davis, | George's Day. 1891; George B. Haynes, 18§2; George A. Dowgley, 1889: J. H. CONRA, Moncton, (201). Thompson, 1901, all of whom are| 8 p.m.--Juvenile programme. resident members. Non-resident| 9 p.m.--Studio Concert py members are, Johm A. Jolnsten,| Masonic Male Quartette of New Montreal; 'Joseph Shields, Lans-| Glasgow, N.S. ' downe; R. N.:McCalpin, Brighton: 11 p.m.--CNRA Dance Orchestra. F. W. Hudson, Toronto: R. G. Bald- ing, Detroit, Mich. Though the day WSAI Cincinnati, (326). was not at all favorable, upwards of| 8 p.m.--Eveready Hotir of Musi. 100 members marshalled bv P.N.G.| 9.30 p.m.--Programme [rom the C. W. Knight and headed by the| WSAI Studio. Gananoque Band, marched direct to the church where the rector, Rey. FP. Louis Barber, preached an oloqnent sermon. The cholfr, under the able direction of its organist, Mrs. F. B. Cowan, had prepared special ringic which was particularly fine = Miss{ Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg. Rhea Haynes and William Worth| 11.35 pm.--Concert from the were the soloists while in the - an-| Grand Theatre. *| them Mrs. Harry Keyworth took the solo parts. This marked the 147th anniversary of Oddfellowship., In his congratulatory address to the veterans, Bro. Mayor Wilson referr ed briefly to'the earlier history of the Order, its wonderful progress and noble principles. At the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sword, Gan- anoque on Saturday, April 24th at eleven o'clgek, a very\pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. A. FP. Ball Kingston, when he united in mar- how . Fy . | Triage their eldest daughter Gladys SPOLIOD. tek Tan ore: ta Bo on to O. Rae Orser, Kingston, Im- + | mediately following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served after which the happy couple left on the noon train to spend their honey- moon In New York Citv Ambrose Morgan of the Oshawa Railway staff spent the wesl-end here with his mother Mrs. Frank Amo. i FOR SALE " FRAME HOUSE--8 rooms, 8 pleco bath, electri lights. garage Nice yard wn FIVE ROOMED HOUSE--#86 ft. frontage--garage--good garden -- $1,800.00. a programme . of honor ot Sr CERES 1H tI mover "-- 4 get vid of my KDEA, Pittsburgh, (309). stomach trouble. 6.30 p.m.--Dinfier concer:. 8.15 p.m.--University of Pitts- burg address. ; $.30 p.m.--Quartette of the First kriy o -- ; epai rs | Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Wa repair everything in the || B line of Glasses on shortest no- . ties, No waiting. Simmon"s "Graceline" Beds' : For anyone seeking WGR, Buffalo, (819). 8 to 11 p.m.~--~Joint broadcasting with WEAF, New York, including the Eureka Revellers, the Gold Dust Twins, the Eveready Hour, and Vin- cent Lopez Orchestra. WEAF, New York, (492). 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinner mnusie from Waldorf Astoria Hotel; University lecture; American Composers' pro gramme; Mabel Anna Corky: Gold Dust Twins; Eveready Hour: Vin- cent Lopez Orchestra, Itoss Gorman and orchestra. Tanlac is Nature's greatest tonfe and bullder. Made from roots, Jaths and herbs after the Tanlae ormula, it revitalizes the blood, tones up the digestive organs and Fits the whole system in fighting 'Don't go about your work sick] and discouraged. e the y ample of millions who have helped by Tanlac. Stop at ar druggist's today and get this won- derful tonie. Youll be surprised Simmons' Ostermoor MATTRESS (Not stuffed but built) Simmons' Slumber King Springs goes to make up a good night's JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. Service. ---- WEKRC, Cincinnati (320) 10 p.m.--Organ recital. 11--Piano recital. 11.15--The Virginians. 11.45--Blues and Ballads. WRC, Washington, (409) 7.30 p.m.--U. 8. Marine Band. 8.30--Gems of Remance. 9--To be announced. 10--7The Grand Tour, 10.30--Hotel Mayflower Orches- tra, * EY 'Phone 147 for WIP, Philadelphia (508.2) t WOMEN'S INSTITUTE } z : The medical examinations will not = 4 " Snieh for a few days yor. a)? V-m==Mohis Clon oid tim. ROADS BREAKING UP. t is pleasant and gratifying tol". " hear of another of Ganav .qne's 315 Orentstra of ss Leviathan. youth who Is forging ahead. Wilirid 3 Ores 'St . | burnie Women's Institute was held a Time. Morgan, wiio™has' been with tne [315 Schmidt hee Quartetie. Lat the home of Mre. R. C. Hawkey | * Matawatchan, Apel; 17. Snow, Aétna, ong of the largest Insurance| 11! Patio Orchestra. on Wednesday afternoon, April 21st. { and more snow seems to be our lot Companies in America, has just re- with a good attendance of members| this year, as we were visited with celved high promotion. For the past and visitors. Before the business| quite a flurry during the early Was uroceeded with, the president, | hours this morning. However the Virginia Egg, semi-hard. $12.00 Black Gem, egg size .... $12.00 Pocahontas, nut size, clean $18.00 AYLSWORTH BROS. or "Phone U. HR. Knight 1795<w. James Dowsley, Edwarl Taylor, Donald Bews, Lloyd Hailpenny. Ed: ward Delagey, Stewart Chapman. Donald LaFrance and Frank La- Que, Arts and Science students al Queen's are home for the holidays. +" AllKinds of Electric Apparatus " : GLENBURNIE. The monthly meéting of the Glen- And Travel Will Be Very Bad For WGY, Schenettady (379.4) few years this young man has been| 5:30 P.m.--Hotel Van Curler Or Satisfaction guaranteed, Best work at able prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" - HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets. * * = 'Phone 94 EGG and STOVE CAN ANTHRACITE ON HAND, . Chestnut Coal enroute. +. Split:-Pea suitable for Spencer Furnace aR or to mix with Coke. SOWARDS COAL CO. | employed - by this company at Re- chester, receiving frequent promo- tion, and is now asked to report at Hartford; Conn, where he will ra. ceive instruction for a time and then 80 on to Bridgeport to aciept the position of assistant manager at that point. - For the past few days he has been "With 'his mother, Mrs Frank Amo. * : Michael O'Connor, Sr., had the misfortune a few days ago to fal and dislocate his hip. Owing to his advanced age, over ninety, there is §| little that tan be done beyond keep. ing him as comfortable as possible. ~ Mf. and Mrs. Sanford Delaney and children motored to Prescott yester- day to spend a couple of days with friends. By chestra. 6.45--NMarine Band from Washing ton. ance. land." tnt ' WOK, Chicago (217.8) 10 pm, 16 1.30 a.m.--Dance or« Theatre gramme; studio programme, WBZ, New England (883.1) 7 p.m.--Programme by the Deer. field Academy Glee Club. . 7.30--Goldie Shouse, violin: Dore- piano; Signey Sand- chestra; Capitol thy Kraemer, strom, cello. 8--WBZ Radio Movie Clubs 7.30--Deltah Halt-hoar of Rom. 8----WGY Orchestra. 9--Grand Tour--"Northern Ire pro- Mrs. Blacklock, referred to the sud- deén deaths of two very valued mem- vers, Mrs. Kempt and Mrs. Kelly, and it was resolved to place on re- cord the sense of loss sustained by the Glenburnie Women's Institute. The secretary read a letter from the House of Providence and the Home for the Aged acknowledging the donation of frait received at Easter; a card of thanks from Mr. Kempt and family for the floral tri- bute was also read. The question of making a dona- tion towards furnishing a sun room at the Kingston General Hospital was discussed and laid over for the present time. # Mrs. A. W. Birett, of Kingston, was present, bringing the seeds and bulbs which were afterwards dis- roads are breaking up, which will make traffic almost impossible for a time. Angus MacPherson, who was, for | the winter months, employed 'by William Smith, Black Donald Mines, as cook's assistant, has arrived home for a short period. W, L. Hutsan was obliged to take his little daughter, Lorena, to Repffew physician. The troubl ronounced serious, though not gerous, , Miss Pearh Love is spending an indefinite time with her sister, Mrs, W. L. Smith, Black Donald. Miss A. M. Fraser reopened school, Monday, after enjoying a plepsant vacation at her home in Ardoch. Miss Gladys MacPherson is with Burnstown relatives and friends. William Warlich has installed a radio in his home. TELEPHONE 155 MeGALL'S CIGAR STORBE, 'Phone 811. Nn as ts cn A 9--To be announced tributed and the ladies greatly ap- préclated the many valuable hints she gave on the culture of these while. explaining clearly each item Misses Katharine Carswell and Grace McLellon were Sunday visi- tors at Alexander Thompson's. Charles Strong was indisposed for | ecammted Them WOR, Newark, (103) 6.40 p.m.--~Hotel Bretton Hall String Quartette. or ----_---- iL --------------_-- '3 SPLENDID SPRING VAL 'XOU ARE PLANNING A GARAGE ? some of oup Gauge Irom, 0, 7, 8, ji to Scores of Sufferers Manitoba Man Used Dodd's Kidney Pills for Aching Back and Bladder Trouble. rn Mr. G. I. England Received Great Re. Completa radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores, GOD'S WORD THE SAMB oh the paper of the Horticultural Exhibition. > A short programme was then en- joyed, consisting of a apiendid paper on practical nursing by Mrs, G, Pat- terson, a humorous reading by Miss Gardiner and a solo by Mrs. Vair, a few days last week. Roy MacPherson, after a recent operation for appendicitis, in Ren- frew Hospital, convalescing favour- ably. Belford McCoy arrived home Jast week, having been employed for use CORRUGATED, GALVANIZED, HON SHEN, 9 aus Iran. 0. 1. 8, 10 an ages Fo the past six months, at J. D. Flake's, THINKING OF FENCING TINS SPRANG 4 : Plevna. { Tepeour ¥ BAR, HEAVY, NO. 0, GALVANIZED 8 1 MER seansssn mes dion Sassen pane In a ainsi : A SATURDAY SPECIAL 1 Tw SERS Nines PE serra a 1& Sons! na 0, Tinsmithing, Chapman's Message In [after which refreshments were Serv. EB Discussion od by Mrs. Hawkey and her daugh- "From the time sin entered ints | ter. 3 the world, and as long as time 1asts,| The next meeting, the annual God is the same, and has made no| meetidg for the election of officers changes, (od has sent a message of | and the payment of fees for the com- warning to the human family that|ing year, will be held in Glenburnie to suffer with an aching back and can | its a dangerous ness to either | hall, Wednesday, May 19th. assure you I found your Dodd's Kid-|add or take away from His Word," {ney Pilla gave me great relief. I have! stated 'Evangelist Chapman on Sui taken them for ten yearsand have re-| day night in the New Church on Al- commended them to scores of suffer. | fred street. He sald in pari: Ee 3 Ts "We find men today who are serv- lief and is Now, Very Enthusiastic! Evangelist About Dodd's Kidney Pills. :Destord, Man., April 26 (Special) ~""I was troubled with my kidneys," States Mr. G. F. England, a well known resident of this place.' "TI used Born, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, a son (Albert John) and on April 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Kelly, a daughter (Mar- garet Jane), Peter " | It have