Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1926, p. 9

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1 X -- THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG - a (Tuesday, April 27, 1926. i AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions What a whirl of rills, romance, hi- pious a d venture e'll show you--the American maid who became the toast of ashion's gay Capital! Here is the perfect sieture 'entertainment with a Lew Cody n : Qertrude Olmstead ~~ ONE NIGHT ONLY Wed.,Apr.28 CURTAIN AT 8.15, ~ SIRJOHN MARTIN- '¢/TheCorsican Brothers" B ., $1.50, $2.00, $4.50 2e. SEATS NOW ON SALE RW a v MBELLS LD. MATIN Heats on sale at Grand ATIVE «ANNUAL BANQUET tenac Hotel, April 30th ¢ 730 pom. Drug St . Mi Abe ogee and at Cub y ust be secured Weanendny xening, A HAS Beauty Parlor NL MUISE. (FP BARBER SHOP WHITE | - = "Three Bags Full," the newest |Dumbells' revue, will be the attrac- [tion at the Grand Opera House for jtwo days next week, Tuesday and { Wednesday evenings and Wednesday matinee. The new revue is divided !into three parts, each one & complete unit in Haelf. The first "bag" bursts in a blaze of glory. The second "bag" iis a budget of melody, with Capt. { Plunkett's orchestra in the fore- {ground, The third and final "bag" is fairly brimming over with comedy and laughter. There is not a "re- peater" in the entire programme. Every song, sketch and bit of dia- logue is entirely new. The personnel of the company and orchestra remain exactly the same as on the occasion of their last appearance here. LEW CODY IN MONTE CARLO SCORES BIG HIT. Thé Capitol seems to be having a splendid run of high class pictures. Following close on the trail of the great Fairbanks pleture, "Don Q." Lew Cody in "Monte Carlo" held the boards on Monday starting a three days' engagement. As is the case in all good pictures, the Capitol was sold out last night shortly after op- ening time and those inside saw one of the Tinest film stories presented in a long time. Different in many respects to the average rum of ple- ture, containing an interest that | seems entirely new, depicting situa- | tions hitherto unthought of and crea- ! ting an interest that cannot escape, Monte Carlo" is truly a pleture well | worth going far to see. There is a laugh in every foot of the film and Lew Cody is the cause. Cody in "Monte Carlo" possesses the ability to create fun and amusement where others fail and he will be found at his best in this picture. In addition to this splendid feature | the Capitol offers other Feels that | should prove very entertaining. The | "preliminaries" to the feature pic- tures at the Capitol are well chosen and theatre-goers make it a point to see them. The Capitol programme for the first half-ef this week is one of the best {fi 'weeks, Le MAY COME TO QUEEN'S, Rumored that Ottawa Quarter Will Be Here, Rumors were current om the street today to the effect that Char- lie Lynch, famous quarter-back of the Ottawa Dominion champions, Was coming to Queen's in the fall. The rumor took strong fornr but up- on making inquiries at Queen's Uni- versity today it was stated that they knew nothing of such a move, "It would be a lovely thing," one of the Queen's officials stated, "but we | don't know anything about if here." Should Lynch come to Queen's, it would mean a great deal to the Tri- color. Lynch is in a class by himseir a8 a quarter-back. BRITISH INCOME TAX I HEAVY ONE 'Phone 821-w. BLACK¢ London, April 27. Britishers are d on one of the highest in- come tax schedules in the world, A married man with one child earning $2,000 pays $36 annually; at $3,000 he would pay $125; and if he made $5,000 the government would take $450. It is expected ' that Churchill's budget will provide for more than $4.050,000,000 In taxation, I RELIABLE 2 Sc PHONE 1900 Trips to Belleville or Brockville, 4 Passengers, 13% hour stop, $15.00. Geo. Sleeman, 852 Frontenac Street. PIANO TUNING Plavo Tuning, Repairing asd Player Plano Adjusting. Normans H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 134. BUS FOR CATARAQUI ETERY } | DUMBELLS AT GRAND, | | HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs. Qathered by Re- porters--What the Merch. ants Are Offering: Very fancy Strawberries only 30c. fat Carnovsky's. | There were no cases for hearing in the Police Court on Tuesday morn- ing. BY Dr. J. J. Robertson, Belleville, was In Kingston on Monday on a consul- tation case. William Swalne. piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone S5f4w. A chimney fire at 94 Collingwood street gave the firemen a run at noon to-day. There was no damage done. Look at your clothes--others do. For the newest see Calhoun, opp. Y.M.C.A. "It's on your route." R. A. Hocking, B.A., having finish- ed his term at Queen's, has taken a position In the Belleville high school. Provincial Officer Maclachldn of Belleville was in the city on Tues- day making, arrangements to move his family to Belleville. On Sunday night seven men were given protection at the police sta- tion and on Monday night one lone and lonely wanderer was accom- modated. : The old steamer India, which lay at the causeway at Kingston for many years, has been fitted out and will leave for upper ports to engage in 'the lumber and pulp carrying business. The boat was purchased at auction last year by a group of men consisting of Capt. Webb, of Midland, and two Ramsay brothers from Meaford, who are running her this year independently. th St Sm MINISTER AND DEPUTY CHARGED BY DUNCAN With Receiving Liquor They Knew Was Shipped From Government Warehouse. Ottawa, April 27.--The confiden- tial report of Inspector Walter Dun- can, which has been before the cus- toms probe for some weeks, was made public this morning. Chairman Mer- cler announced at the outset of this morning's proceedings that the com- mittee had decided unanimously that the report be read. The report states that evidence tak- en by Inspector Duncan shows that Hon. Jacques Bureau, ex-Minister of Customs and Excise; R. R. Farrow, Deputy Minister, and M. J' Laroch- elle, member of the Civil Service Commission, "received liquor that they knew was being shipped from the Government warehouse in the province of Quebee, city of Mont- real," also that they contravened the Canada Temperance Act and the On- taria Temperance Act in transporting Hquor through the province of Que- bec into Ontario, The report includes a complaint from H. Provencher to the Deputy Minister of Customs that R. P. Clerk, inspector' of Customs of the port of Montreal, was "shipping out of the province of Quebec a large quantity of liquor through M. F. Wilson, chief preventive officer, to Hon. Jacques Bureau, former Minister of Customs, R. R. Farrow, Deputy Ministre o#Cus- toms, and of. J. Larochelle, member of the Civil Service Commission." The evidence discloses, Inspector Duncan states, that R. P. Clerk has received wholesale quantities of liquor from the customs house for a number of years and large quanti- ties of sugar and molasses. It reveals, says Inspector Duncan, that Inspector Clerk used a smug- gled and stdten car and illegally re- moved the tires from the car under seizure that had been sold by tender to H. Provencher. J. B. A. Bisaillon, former chief preventive officer at Montreal, fig- ures in the report at length. Eleven alleged offences are enumerated against him. 'LAKE NAVIGATION. Preparations Being ing Fort William, May 27.--Prepara- tions are being made here for the opening of navigation, which will not, it is expected, be delayed after May 1st. 3 ? As far as conditions here are con- cerned, boats could move out any mo t. The Iice-breaker, James Whalén, yesterday ran up the Ka- m:nistiquia River as far as the Grand Trunk %ridge, and the river ice is now loose. The fice fields in the bay have Been broken by the re: cent windd, and for a time yesterday the bay was clear of ice. But a change In the wind brought it all back in front of the harbors. The Made for Open- 1. QUEEN STREET CHURCH HOLDS ITS ANNUAL Substantial Balance Reported by 'Treasurer--~Rev. Mr. Raney's Splendid Work. The annual congregational meet- ing of Queen street United chureh was held on Monday night when re- ports of the different societies were presented. Reports were received from the Mission Bang, the Lime- stone Trail Rangers, Girl ' Guides, Mission Circle, Epworth League, Sunday School, Woman's Missionary' Society, Ladies' Aid, Chotr Guild, "District Visitors', Class 27, Adult Bible Class, Ladies' Guild, Treasurer, Maintenance and Extension Fund. 'A very successful year in the Sun- day school, of which Dr, C, C, Nash is superintendent, was reported. All other branches as well showed a splendid increase in finances. The report of the treasurer, given by Chief James Armstrong, showed all accounts paid to date with a subs- tantial balance on hand. The reports from all quarters showed around $12,000 raised in the eleven months, this year closing one month earlier on account of union. Misses Nesbitt and Belch gave an excellent Plano duet during the eve- ning and the male quartette, com- posed of Messrs. A. E. Middleton, V. Fraser, J. W. McCallum and Harold Allen, rendered several numbers which were appreciated. The balloting for representatives to the Quarterly. Board resulted in the following being elected: I. B. Mason, W. H. Warren, George Smith, James Armstrong, Mrs. H. A, Lavell, W. H. Wormwith, George McCallum, E. L. Martin, M. McDon- ald and W. L. Williams. A vote of thanks to the heads of the different departments was mov- ed by Judge H. A. Lavell, particular- :y to Rev. Mr. Raney for the splen- did wark he had dome. The motion was séconded by Robert Crawford, and unanimously adopted. 5 During the nominations very dain- ty refreshments were served and a social time was enjoyed. _--_ News In Condensed Form Off the Wires Labor matters are likely to oc- cupy much time at the economic con- ference at Geneva, Eddie Leblotch, aged nine, lost in the woods near Fort Francis, Ont. died from exposure, Hon, H. C. V. LeVatte, ex-warden of Cape Breton, died suddenly at his réshdence in Halifax. After deciphering Celtic calendar, French savants say Celtic year was composed of 355 days. Daily Herald London Labor paper, reports Italy is making feverish pre- parations for aggressive war. : Alarm fis felt for the safety of Capt. Wilkins and companion, lost on the border of the Arctic. Free State budget proposes to re- move ban on betting ,and to tax licenses issued to bookmakers. The outlook for a. settlement of the dispute between the British op- erators and coal miners is brighter. The French offer of debt settle- ment is not high enough and a revi sion is suggested by Washington. Wabash passenger train No. 3 was derailed at Moulton, near Welland, Tuesday morning. Several persons were injured. At first sale in two centuries at the Tower of London, Beef-eaters sold sever! hundred pieces of arm- our at bargain prices. Commercial wireless service (n- augurated at Rio Janiero, Basil, js in touch with London, New York, Paris, Berlin and Rome. Chicago burglar sentenced for theft, got names and addresses of victims by listéning in on. reading of applause card-genders. Rt, Rev. Winnington-Ingram will celebrate his 25th anniversary as Bishop of London next Friday, and will soon leave for American tour, Washington correspondents agree that no change in the Volstead Act wil be made by thé present Con- gress, and prohibition will remain, Official Soviet Church of Russia has decided to participate in all- world church congress, ta be held in Greece, on condition that anti- Soviet speeches be suppressed. Ed EVANGELINE BOOTH. ------ wr Is Taken Seriously Ill in New York Hotel. ! New York, April 27--Evangeline Booth, national comman®®r of the Salvation Army, was in an hotel here today seriously ill with an acute at- tack of appendicitis, baving returned from Chicago in a special car. Slapped Teacher's Face. Jersey City, N.J., April 27.--Miss Margaret Deisler, Public Sehool teacher, is suing Mrs. Palma Vesper, widowed mothen of 11 children, for $10,000, becanse Mrs. Vesper is al Jeged 40 have invaded the school |sTock MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges). Montreal . Abitibi Power ... Asbestos Com. Asbestos Pfd. Bell Telephone . . . Brompton ... B, C. Fish > Can, Cement Com. ... Can. Cement Pfd. Dom. Bridge Dom. Textile ... Hollinger Ind. Alcohol *. .. Laurentide. Mackay ... ... x .. Montreal Power ... ... National Brewieries Com. National Breweries Pfd. Ogilvie Ottawa Power ... ... . Ont. Steel Produets .. Penmans ya Price Bros. Quebec Power ., .. .... Spanish Rover Com. .. Spanish River Pid. Smelters .... .... Shawinigan Steel of Canada Rwih City Winnipeg on April 27, Amer. Can. Baldwin Loco. B. & 0. California Pete. C. P. R. Dodge Com. General Motors Hudson Motors Inter. Comb. Eng. Inter. Nickle . Mack Truck Marland Oil . N.Y 0 Pacific Oil Pan. Amer. Pete. | Pan. Amer. Pete. "B' Pierce Arrow Sou. Pacific Sinclair O11 Standard Oil of N. J. ...,.... Studebaker Texas Oil Union Pacific U, 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel Eo Westinghouse Air Brake .... Woolworth Grain Quotations. _ Chicago. April 27th, 1.30 p.m. -- Bowlers Getting Ready. Work started on, Tuesda on fixing up the Queen's Bowling Club green at the university grounds. This is a few days later than usual, but it is expected that, it the weather is fa- vorable, bowling will start as early as in any year. 4 HAD ARM FRACTORED IN THREE PLACES | ' CONTEST and others. 80 come in while $1,000.00 IN GOLD--$1,000.00 _GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES HOW MANY WORDS can you make out of (he letters in-- "Hobberlin Tailoring Is Guaranteed" "Calhoun" Tailor & Gents Furnishings 366 PRINCESS STREET--Opp. Y.M.C.A. Open evenings, HOBBERLIN'S EXPERT TAILOR will be with me on APRIL." 28, 20 and 30, to measure all those TAKING PART IN THR he is-here. ORDER NOW, HAVE IT COME WHEN YOU WANT IT. PAY WHEN'YOU GET IT. "IT'S ON YOUR ROUTE." C ALHOUN ow =. ee CHANGE OF BUSINES S! Owing to my continued poor health, T have disposed of the busi. ness conducted by myself under the n of H. W. NEWMAN ELEC. JRIC C0. to Mr, J. BRUCE SAUNDERS, BSc., Electrical and Me- chanical Engineer, who will conduct the business under the name of SAUNDERS ELECTRIC COMPANY, r. Saunders has takem over all contracts and will complete work a8 originally agreed. ' n severing my connection with the business, I wish to ex my sincere thanks to my many customers and to express the Wed that they will favor the Saunders Electric Company with their con. tinued patronage. Yours very smcerely, HARRY W. NEWMAN The Saunders Electric Co. Formerly H. W. Newman Electric Co. + 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 441, All kinds of Electric Wirin erate prices. If it is Electr] _A& price. done promptly and at mod= cal we can do Ask us for Electrical Contractor 400 Johnson Street. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Everything new and right up- OPEN FROM 7 AM. TO 2 AM. eee ents re rere A WE e, First Class Meals served on Special attention t vate shortest notice. Parties. , - - EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 157 PRINCESS ST. 'PHONE 201, r OIL, GREASE AND ACCESSORIES, ROAD SERVICE. N CYLINDERS HONED ON ANY MAKE OF CAR. LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON ANY REPAIRS, TEEPLE & HALL SHOP 'PHONE 165. NIGHT 'PHONE 2767, Ahh hahaa Ah dit FIVE ROOMED HOUSE--66 ft. frontage--garage--good garden ww $1,300.00, MANY, FIRST CLASS HOMES FOR SALE in all parts of the city. M. B. TRUMPOUR 270 PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 704 OR 1205.J, QUEEN'S CAFE CORNER UNION AND DIVISION STREETS We want you to hold that Club Dinner in our upstair dining ball, where you may dance after dinner. 00K Chinawarg Sliverware to "EE" ARNEL & HAMBR "No luncheon too Smal), CATERERS _ and remt "No dinner too large." de hy -_ ~ COAL! COAL! . We have in stock the famous Leggits Oreek Anthra« So Gnd ik of Pacabarias. Sos bron ving In rt 37 BROOK 8T.

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