KINGSTON TAKEN BY STORM BARNET LIPMA *15,000: The most 2 selling event ever staged in this community! Barnet Lipman's Entire Stock placed in the hands of the Merchants' | to sell out HALF the stock of HIGH GRADE MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, F URNISHINGS, TRUNKS, BAGS : season, with a large stock on hand, and with new Summer goods arriving daily, and our creditors demanding money, paign, which has never before been witnessed in this territory. The Merchants' Sales Brokers will throw the entire, 00 LOCATED AT 107 PRINCESS ST. Forced to unload half his stock DISPOSAL SALE! Sales Brokers with strict orders and SUIT CASES. Owing to the backward we were forced to put on a tremendous selling cam- high grade stock on the market for disposal, starting-- i SATURDAY,MAY 1st,9 a.m. SHARP Sale Will Continue Until At prices that will rock the very foundation of the Retail Trade in Kingston. Don't miss it! Be here sharp Saturday at 9 a.m., L and every day until this sale is over, no matter how far you ve, | Store Closed all Day Friday TO MARK DOWN PRICES AND ARRANGE ~ BTOCK. EXTRA SALESPEOPLE WANTED. APPLY AT THE STORE. - RAIEROAD SHIRTS, $1.49 ~ Raflroaders! Jlere is your opportunity! "Navy Blue roaders' Shirts with separate ~ collars. Real Indigo dye. Regular to $2.50, All sizes, On Sale, each CLUB BAGS, 98c¢. A few only 0 coan--Dlnck Club Bagn--ron- lar $2.50. > On Sale Saturday . +98e. each SUIT CASES, 98c. Black and Brown Suit Cases--Ilarge sizes -- | get one for your travels. Reg. $2.00. On sale Saturday Morning only 98¢ ea. - Everything in the store on sale.| SPACE WILL NOT ALLOW US TO MENTION TROUSERS, 98¢c. LEG A value occasion. Men, look here. All Wool . Tweed Pants, assorted patterns; all sizes. RAINCOATS, $2. 00 in 3aur area Chock mit ee oa The opening morning of the sale we will sell to he al Ne sll only, guaranteed Raincoats. Regular values to $15.00. AT $2.00 EACH (ONE TO EACH CUSTOMER) OH BOY! HERE THEY ARE! MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, $1.39 To show you what real values are, we are go- ing to sell Men's Beautiful Dress Shirts, fast ip A good, well-made Trouser, lr Out they go at, per pair $1.69 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, $1.98 FOR MEN A real unfolds itself here. Beau- | os tiful, Broadcloth Shirts, striped and isin shades, Sizes 14 to 1635. Values to Half the Stock is Sod "knees. Positively a money-saving event mcetlod Coat Race oF in 'the history of this city, backed up by the highest quality merchandise made in Canada. NECESSITY KNOWS NO MERCY. No other way out of it. We must sell HALF the stock no matter how we do it. The prices tell the story. Come, be the Judge ! HOSE, 1c PAIR To create a friendly interest in this selling event, we will sell to the first 25 customers en- tering our store on Saturday morning, Men's Hose, regular selling at SOc. (ONE PAIR TO EACH CUSTOMER) BRACES, 39c. Men's fine Silk, Elastic and 'heavy Police Braces. All new, fresh stock. Regular 75c. On Sale, per pair ......... 39¢. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, Shiro as taiaki and Hing Chambray quality--cut over, roomy dimensions. Sizes 14 to 18, On Sale 00. eloip eee weeieien « OBe, BOYS' BLOO YB LOOMERS,. a fom oT ei tee, On Sale, pair . 98c. SILK TIES, 39c. One lot of pure Silk and Silk Knitted Ties the newest patterns. Regular 75c. On Sale, each SOFT COLLARS, 5c. Arrow and Tooke Soft Collars -- assorted shapes and sizes. One lot, reg. to BOc. To clear MEN'S SPRING COATS, [i $14.95 Think, Men! You can walk into this store Saturday morning and be fitted with an All. Wool Tweed or English Navy Blue Gaberdine Coat. Well tailored. Regular selling to $25.00. BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS, $1.19 Men's Balbriggan Combinations -- Penman's make. Now is the time to get your summer supply. Sizes 36 to 44. Regular $1.50. . $1.19 Suit BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR Men, buy as many as you can, even if you have to borrow money. Balbriggan Under wear, Shirts and Drawers to match. Sizes 84 Fevo ewoev BOYS' GOLF HOSE, 59¢. Mothers, look these over. Boys' purée Wool English Golf Hose---assorted shades, colored tops, extra knitting yarn on each pair. Al sizes. - Regular to $1.00. LADIES' SILK HOSE, 29¢. To the first 50 Ladies entering our store Sdt- MEN'S SUITS, $12.95 are probably looking for & new. Suit. If to Men's Wool Tweeds and Wor.