bY i / 7 1TmEe DAILY BRITISH WHIG oe =| SPORTING _ LEY INSISTS ON A SHOW FOR WILLS] Gannot See How the Negro 'Challenger Can Be Denied 3 . Chance. Fé more than opposition of Wil- Muldoon to make the New York athletic commission retreat its stand that Barry Wills only the man who must get the. first at Jack Dempsey for the heavy- it crown that has grown so Fished since the champlon's last bt with Louis Firpo back in 1923. v oon's statement 'that he was ihly opposed to a Dempsey- match did not budge the posi- of Chairman James A. Farley, came right back with a state- t that he was prepared to fight a finish to block a Dempsey-Tun- 'ney bout. George E. Brower, the third mem- er of the commission, who has at- ended the meetings of. the board only rarely since he was relieved of chairmanship more than a year 0, {8 not saying much either way. admits that he is in favor of Dempsey-Wills match until he {s shown that it cannot be staged in his state, words in reiterating his stand In favor of Wills. Farley Speaks Out. "There is nothing in the boxing law which justifies diserimination BASE BAL SCORES against a negro," said Farley. ""As| long as negro boxers are given | licenses and permitted to box in this state they must receive the same consideration as boxers of any other color. "Wills' challenge to Dempsey has been on file for years. If we did not intend to permit him to box for the title we certainly shouid not have deluded him by accepting his challenge. I can't see any one else as the logical opponent for Demp- sey. * don't know just what Mr. Mul- doon may have had to say, except what I read in" the newspapers. 1 have no desire to hurt his feelings, but I must insist that the Dempsey 'matter was discussed in his presence and in the presence of Tex Rickard. "I am doing what I conceive to be my .duty as an official of the state and as a man and I intend to stick to my position to the finish. don't see haw I can do anything else." Indeed, after. putting himself on record so positively, it certainly would be difficult to recede from his position without becoming ridi- culous in the public eye. Chairman Farley insists that there is no official objection to a Demp- grounds. I |New York.. .. .. ..9 Cincinnati. . 7 Brooklyn. . . St. Louis. . .. .. Philadelphia. . Chicago. . ie us ww Pittsburgh .. .. .. 6 Boston.. .. .. .. ..3 € " National League. New York 5, Philadelphia 2. 'St. Louis 5, Cincinnati 3. Pittsburgh 9, Chicago 4., ) Brooklyn 5, Boston 4. | American League. New York 3, Philadelphia 0. Cleveland 7, St. Louis 3. Washington 5, Boston 2. Chicago 9, Detroit 5. International League. Rochester 7, Baltimore 2. Buffalo 7, Newark 0. Syracuse §, Jersey City 4. Toronto-Reading, postponed; STANDING OF CLUBS. Nationgl League. Won Lost P.C. .692 .583 | .583 1 572 500 .470 400 232 - oon Sao -- o> ® American League. Won Lost P.C. 2 GENERAL A REVIEWS SPORTING NOTES AND CONMENT | | The Victorias are keeping up their practice. | gave the Circle-Six a hard run after they got going right, and in some | cases it was a bad break that"lost | boys will be, hitting a faster pace this season than last. } \ ' St -------- The certificates and amateur cards have been received and the Kings- ton Club managers are busy signing up players for the season. .0:B.L. for approval. tificates will be sent to the The Ladies' Softball League meets at the Y.M.C.A. to-morrow evening and it is expected that there will be a large crowd present. are anxious to get started and it is likely that the games will be under | way before long. K.C.I. faces an impossible task in trying to defeat St. Catharines in There can be 'only one reason for such an] overwhelming defeat as the locals received on Tuesday night at St. Cath- arines, and that is that they were away out of their class. the junior O.B.A. semi-finals. Ny against either Harry Wills or Gene Tunney 'some; time in September "somewherg in 'New York or New Jersey." Rickard refused to stipulate just who would be Dempsey's opponent, "I don't know who it will be," said Rickard, *""but I'll tell you right. now Dempsey would rather box Wills than Tunney. He figures the negro will be an easjer opponent." Last year the Vics. | games for them. . *Chuck" Coyne's The cer- The damsels ot ity of 'getting a close-up of Canada's game and game fish when you pass through Toronto. HITS AND JABS By Joe Williams. Georges Carpentier evidently in- SEAMANKENT HARDWOOD FLOORING is the most beautiful, durable and sanitary Flooring obtainable. Our stock is com- plete now. Can supply flooring for any pur- _ pose. ¥ ; ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street, near Union. 'Phone 1042 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Everything new and right up- OPEN FROM 7 AM. TO 2 AM. y Sr ---------------------------------- First Class Meals served on Special attention to Private shortest notice. Parties. EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 157 PRINCESS BT. 'PHONE 201. i] tends to do most of his sleeping out- > x doors this summer.... We gee he has agreed to take on three Amert | cans, sey-Wills match. He should know whereof he speaks. He is a politi- cal power, close to the governor. 768 .768 TE PY .600 .600 a1 ..}0 3 L103 WY New York... .. .. Cleveland. . Washington. . Chicago. . Detroit. . Boston.. .. .. .. ..0 Philadelphia... .. ..4 St. Louis. .. .. .. ..4 VY NY ERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS } 4 ------ 4 Mr. O'Goofty 1s thoroughly dis- 4 gusted with his moll... .She thinks OIL, GREASE AND ACCESSORIES. ROAD SERVICE. + a bookmaker works in a library. CYLINDERS HONED ON ANY MAKE OF CAR. LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON ANY REPAIRS. TEEPLE & HALL SHOP "PHONE 165. NIGHT "PHONE 27607. . Colonel John J. Phelan, chairman of the license committee, who casts & vote on all important questions, stands with Farley. 80 does J.| Farley, in the course of 'his busi- ker Wear, the other member of | ness life, comes into contact with the license commit 8. hundreds of persons interested in According to t lineup the odds | the Queensberry art. He realizes (8Fe 4 to 1 'against Muldoon In his| that public sentiment is overwhelm- Le) to sanction a Dempsey-Tan-| ingly against Dempsey in the cham- ¥ bout and thus leave Wills, who| plon's attempt to dick the negro has been waiting for ages to get a| challenger. (erack at Dempsey, out in the cold I . once more. The grammar of your prayers is of | Chairman Farley did not mince | minor consideration to the Lord. Fry - AMERICAN WRITER PRAISES EXHIBITS Speaks In Glowing Terms of Fish and Game Shown at Toronto. 357 .286 11 .267 --- hy Perhaps you've noticed no fighter ever drew the color line when the matter involved green-backs, International League. Won Lost P.C. .10 2 .833 4 12 .636 500 .428 .428 .364 .091 Under the caption, "Fish and Game,' Morris Ackerman, writing in | the Nea Sports Service, says #f this department of the Toronto eshibi- tion: "The finest exhibit of game and game fish that I have ever seen was at the. Cana"ian national exhibition in Toronto, : "The exhibition is the largest per- manent fair in the world. The 1926 date will be from August 28th to September 11th. "Last year more than a million and a half visitors passed through its gates. Many of these were Yan- kee anglers and hunters going north to the hunting grounds and coming south from the fishing waters. "The only moose I have ever seen in captivity were at this exhibition. There are none in captivity else- where in the world. Beaver, otter, fisher, mink, muskrat, caribou, deer, buffalo and various' other live wild game make up the display, The aquarium is the finest on the continent. Immense - brook trout from the world's most famous trout stream--the Nipigon River. Trout that weigh six and seven pounds. Rainbow and brown trout. Big fel- lows. Bass, muskies, pike and pick- erel. Game fish taken: from 1,300 miles across the province of On- tario. Anglers and hunters, you should ste this exhibition. You'll never re- gret it. The first "show" was in 1792. The exhibition park includes old Fort Toronto. It's right in the heart of the city. Three hundred acres of land overlooking Lake On- tario. "The groonds strétch a mile along the shore of the lake. Six million dollars invested in permanent build- 'ings. As much more in land value. Seven miles of good roads in the grounds and directly on the Niagara Falls-Toronto super-highway. "Toronto is the gateway of sports- men going into Canada, between Chicago and New York. "It you are headed for the fishing and hunting grounds north, east or west, don't overlook the opportun- Baltimore. . Toronto. . 'oes Rochester... .. .. . 4 Newark.. .. Jersey City. . Buffalo. . Syracuse. . or ws Reading. . .. .. .. In Ohio if you lose a bet at the track you can ask for your money back and it will be cheerfully refund- ed....But if you are kicked in the shins and a police dog attacks your hip pockets with his fangs don't pe surprised. me, He » YOU SUPPLY THE MUSCLE-WE SUPPLY THE TOOLS Forks, D. Handle S178 20" handled, hoe, rake, spade 35e. Strap Ferrul $2.00 24" handles, hoe, rake, spade 00c. .Y 75e, $1.00, $1.10 TO CONTROL THE HENS Poultry Netting, any weight 12 to 79" 2 in. Mesh, 36 inches high 11 1 in, Mesh, 24 inches high iis: 74. DOESN'T USE GLUE, EITHER '% Qeorge Agutter, Noted Net Pro., Carries Thirteen Balls in One Hand--S8ans Trouble. The excuse for horse racing is that it improves the breed of thorough- breds.... What it does to the breed of gamblers is something else. They say you'll soon he able to circle the globe in 17 hours. ...And even then you'll hear someone crab- bing about thd snail-like pace. CONNIE MACK IS NOT DOWNHEARTED JUST YET If His Team Is to Slump He Is Glad That It Is Now. ging With Malleable héad, 12 teeth.. 7TSe. Steel head, 12 teeth $1.28 Handy 3 Pleces GARDEN SETS. Lemmon & Sons "wore, Hardware, Plumbing, Tinsmithing. | lew Rork,; April 28.--Like most any manager; whose fortunes are slim in early season, Counie Mack, veteran manager of the Philadel- phia Athletics, believes that better times are coming. The most absorbing topic In the American league now concerns what ails the Philadelphia Athletics and the St. Louis Browns. They have won only four games all scason and are tied for the cellar. "The boys aren't hitting just right. There's nothing the malter with them," Mack said here to-day. "If we have to get in a bad slump-- and Wwe are in one now---1 would prefer to have it at this stage of the race. - "Many of the clube ahead of us are playing far over their heads and mid-season will knock. them, When the teams get down to their normal stride we'll pe up there." 'While Philadelphia is solidly be- hind her A's, it was observed last week in Philadelphia that the fans are not as sanguino as the manager of -the club. There: were resninsib'e that dissensions on various had disturbed the morale of the club, - that certain cliques were Ngainst Chick Galloway and Mickey Cochrane and that some of the few older players on the club were not in accord with Mack's policies. It is too early to count the Athle- tics and the Browns out ol the pen- nant stage where they should begin to show something. One good spurt, of course, could carry th2 top clubs - right up to the top, but a bad slump is particularly dangerofis at this TWO SULTANS OF SWAT i time, because of its {ll effect upon} Yankees Have Pair This Season In Tony Lazzeri and Babe the spirit and morale of the players. Ruth. "Looks like the Yanks are the club that we'll have to beat," Bucky Harris, the wise young manager of the Senators, told the writer in Phil- adelphia. : "We feel sure that we can handin the Athletics and the Browns, but no one can:figure a murderous hitting club like the Yankees," he said. WILL NOT SAY, Tex Rickard Has Dempsey's Cone tract. New York, April 29. --Tex Rick- ard came home with Jack Dempsey's signed contract in his pocket and a dazzling Texas sombrero on his ie contract, he explained, binds Another college boy has entered the heavyweight boxing ranks.... This sudden interest of collegians in battling may account for the growing effeminate tone of the game. Well,anyway, no one can say we stooped to the low forms of punning in commenting on the victory of 'young Mr. Miles in the Boston mara-| § 7 3 . thon. t QUEEN'S CAFE b p The temperamental star always has this important edge an the. rest of the field. ...The duo Has nothing to be temperamental about. CORNER UNION.AND DIVISION STREETS We want you to hold that Club Dinner in our upstair dining hall, where you may dance after dinner. me ARNEL & HAMBROOK =e CATERERS » It's time to look around and choose your favorite exit when the better half begins to take up pistol practice. A 4 "No dinner too large." "No luncheon too small." A Will Net Compete. And New York, April 29.--Suzanne Lenglen will not ¢ompete in the United States women's tennis cham- plonships at Forest Hills in August in connection with her forthcoming trip to this country to fulfill a mo- tion picture contract. This was disclosed by Charles C. Pyle, Chicago promoter, after filing 'a request with the United States Lawn Tennis Association for sanc- tion of exhibition matches contem- plated for the French women's ten- nis champion. . Aare hs Ahk reports issues erin N 'George Agutter, noted tennis professional, doesn't need a basket Wg 'extra balls around in--not when he's capable of holding thirteen of 'in one hand, as shown in the above picture. Tennis balls are fairly grasping thirteen is quite a feat. If you don't think eo, just day. Agutter can serve a pretty speedy ball across the net holding nine balls. There's another little stunt you may like to avor to emullte. & _-- ~~ FOR SALE HOUSE--S8 rooms, 8 plece bath, electric lights, garage, Nico yard +......... $2,200.00 ago--garage- garden -- MANY FIRST CLASS HOMES FOR SALE in all parts of the city. M. B. TRUMPOUR 0 Pack " o Pocket Jor Your Conv. erence