The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place | Btn) y - BIRTHS, © 7% [ Fi "Help Wanted he Real Estate For Rent __| OUT OUR WAY. : NY" ; : i BY WILLI AMS, --Steress Sarvices PEA ove Rochester, N. Y., to Mr. | = CT R. A Seaton, Jr. former: Female Help Wanted 3 Rooms i , & deughte'. Fae 2 ' ly of Kingston, a deugh pre L -- By May Jat, widow oF FURNISHED BOOMS --Convenioor To: | |" Shop and residence 'phone 1966. . 4 d gas| a 1A S DID Sav | fce 283 King Stre. DEATHS, single woman, between 40 and 50.| Lght housekeeping electric an 8 | ! MESS UH, THESE LL . { cooki and| lor cookimg. Apply 208 University Pe a -- = MURPHY--Suddenty, in Kingston, on | Fro ar of| 'Avenue or 'phone 2110. B-. "ERE CHARACTUH MOH COULD READ GET youn PAINTING--And pa ANDERSON Painter and Decorator. a 3 A d ren ed -- one now. reasonable. Sai Tv 3026, 1atrence Wits Avery BO, laundry. Highast wages. LARGE, BRIGHT ROOM-- Wih kit. ANALMSTS 1S SuRe CHARICTUN IN PANTS: ro Son, Sale. one See Collings tre 2984-0. . PRY taki Apply Box A-12, Whig ORice. : iy Funeral will take place from his late phly + Whi, chen, hot Water heating, electric ught Sa : : NOW THEM THERE. et. one ostd Street, on | gne; very L Apply 181 Dx- a OVERLOOWIN THER BEST Re -- Monday e048 am. to ot kre SMART GIRL--For Tce Créam parlor. dene; very central Apply FE BeT wen mary tor ane || PANTS Snows To j | |PAPER MANGING-- Have your dened Cathedral, where a solem - ee Ye an i GINO! WEARER S ALLUS fem moss will be sung for the TWO ROOMS--ARd sun porch, private PANTS ow TA - J futom a be sung Lo Male and Female Help Wanted 8b fouss. furnished for She houseisep- TET TERE PAR WE READY - Jomp nds. and a are reap ov * ing; suitable for couple. conveni- s.. . ly # trend. A BRIGHT MAN OR WOMAN--To sell ono Apply 634 Joh St. Tele. . AT CONCLUSION fully h in vited rasan Mills. ular line household necessities and an 20417 y son KIN TELL AT A GLANCE An NATL aS . oe FANTING.2. Montreal and Toronto papers pleases | toilet articles; big oT Tey. ! THER'S SUM TR Ia" BY v . : for-Garretaon Limited, Brantford, Ont. VO Xv ing on bathroom fat: Fone CROOKID ABOUT TH' A UTTLE WARPED. v copy. erlence or capital unnecessary. FURNISHED ROOMS---For Hght JAMES REID Neale ND DOYS WANTED-< To pat. | fPasondble Apply 192 Colborne St. P\ Pusson who wears / | AVERY wipe : mame mney ; , ] RUONTEN The Old Firm of U ronize J. W. Curzows Barber Shop . Wanted To Rent 11 THEM PANTS. UNDER STANDING, \ RUN NAC EEOAN AND INV v - ' ~~ lacorpora 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Men's hair cuts, 25c. Shaves 100. Boys AN: A « UH . 1861. President, A. Db. prin "Phone 147 for Ambulance ington Stross, ~2dles. 28e." 201 Wel- GENTLEMAN--Would Hke to rent small Vice-president J. 3. Farréll Monus Socom. business oft ices Street. ' loan on oy And farm properti Apply by letter or call 8 wer : h vestiment, olds bought a Agents Wanted 4 2 or Bares : \ posits received nd iterodt Baty --_------ ol y teem minimum monthly balan 3 AGENT Wanted at guts. Reliable. gn. For Sale or To Let 11a Artwright, manager, 7 Clarence & v - ee tpt r---------------- EE ------ Bus aortnecs LADY, stating prev. | eer BUNGALOWS -- Eastview Blorage Us experience, a AP Park, ¢ miles from Kingston, 5 to 7 Box X-28, Whig Oftice. rooms, furnished; screened verandahs STORAGRE--For furniture, airy rooms and spaces; your own ANCE 'PH ¢ 1889. LES Rl t for 0d posi-| And fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- A 'PHONE . my Aer Ta nN Ares to Box University Avenues Kitgho®) Sy 332 ai de at CRY Ett aa : - 5; . v , . ueen 'Phone Res. 889 JOHN CORNELIUS Y-29, Whig Ofrice; by letter. 1083-0 or 2310S Undertaker and Embalmer 083 6 = a { I Parlors: 274 Princess Street Position Wauied Real Estate For Sale my STORAGE WAREHOUSE=--For eh BE ---- aan furniture or any merchandise. oy Em Es --] hi Ambulance Phone TT OMAN <Dires worl by he 12 Proof building. "Phone 1000 or 31 day. 'phone 1434-w, tt. et tp sateen ~ Fini 0 Ee YOUNG MARRIED WoNAN_wih oma | IRIE 41] paris of oo wi Suaies or ERTA NG iO) -- A Kingston Agencies Ltd. 67 Clar- N 7 7 y - NS--Sydenbam, Yarker, Veroas, | 'gry "o pi desires position as house-| ore YStrees ® 8 5 / 4 ' CARPENTER WORK---All hone 35. t. - : penter work, contracting or "8d Battersea. Ambulance 'p keeper. Apply to 120 Main stree! OD PARI og oar Z & ; Pardons Siocon ons r day rh RST GOOD FARM-112 acres--s37 ac res good : \ $d, De 3 E ar : coro 120 Main street ! : ) = : te. GQ ' P. H. ROBERTS, Real Estate For Rent. work land, stone dwelling. hw. flag / 7 [08 \ BZ Jedera "Phone esr ; SR \ N S ANN ; slectrie light and furnace, good, cow ' A 3 a= stable, garage, drive shed, eic., never £55 cl \ A re - . Undertaker and Embaimer, . Y. h Cl b failing well, convenient to Cheese fac. fer R N \ ~~ * Miscellancous § tory, schoo! and church; ¥ miles from A 0 p \ - » i Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. || Kin ston Yacht u Sg 2 . 4 d \ . 8 Season 1926, Loa 6 Crnbbly Fe Suenslen, 3 5 ASHES-~Cleaned out of Josllars eter nee yards, ciean job done, t -------- CUT FLOWERS rent heh goed taciiticn for somes || 70 ACRE PAN -- oo soil, frame ; hy J 4 Russell Street. 'Phone 2365. Sttin f Launches and Hoa dwelling and barn. 7 miles to King- Vi "4 5 " R \ A R + ---- WEDDING BOUQUETS Analy if the Secretary, C. 8. Kirke Sion. APPLY Kingston Agencies Ltd, : N 5 y | 7 a Alnus ory a Joom yard dud : ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS Posrick, 38 Claremes Street. Tel || 67 Clarence Street. i 2 2) wood for sale, Berimatey g . CK"S B56S-w. Al / . % Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor 3 ATRI Houses 14 y \ 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. ART AND FLOWER STORE Apartments and Flats 7 . AVERLY TRANSFER CO, om "Phones 462 and 1218-J. APARTMENT In the Winston o rooms | A REAL HOME--348 Frontenac, pressed Orwllina Prisco, Steet TER, CO. om 1 » [APARTMENT---In the Winston, 6 rooms,| brick, 3 b. rooms, clothes closets, linen . " Ae and. discing gardens: also S heated; hot water all year round; gas| closet, 3 plece bath, dining room, Hy- "og -3P ©1928 Sv NEA SERVICE, team-work done. Estimatos an stove In kitchen. Apply Dr. Anglin, 53| ing room, modern kitchen, well drained 'Phone 1507-4. Earl street or phone 178. Seilay, foomy re jendah, bw heating, ly. wher leaving oj Sorden and garage. Expert Plano Tuning, AUTO TOP COVER -- Found. Owner treat, foncenham Apastments | OWner leaving city. Apply Korobe: : Busin 1 3 , May have same at 100 Wellington St. AP ANTHENT.- oa rooms ry tiled| Agencies Limited, $7, Clarence Stor Articles For Sale. -- Articles For Sale --_Susiness Serv ces . Player-Plano Adjusting, Epi -- " 3 15 Professional 21 Phone 1544. ein bathroom; gas ran e, refrigerator, C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Alr Com-| DRUGLEJS PRACTITIONER o. W. A. OF KBYS--On ring, found on bardwood floors; well heated. Apply COTTAGE -- At Presquile Point, on Miscellaneous 15 | a, 0 Street on Monday evewing.| of Brock Street. Brighton Bay, five ovis, furniture, ree Arti remettie ACT MACHI hice lot an argge. Price 800. Na- | TCH yr © A 1 E £ A FLAT 212 Queen Street, rough caet.| tional Trust Solfo, Trice Joa De- CREAM WICKER Paby CARRIAGE Danner, 2 h.p. New Centlry Motor. This| Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin-| UPHOLSTERIN GeeAnd &eneral repairs Owner may have same at Whig Office. BUNCH OF KEYS--Found on Division | semi-detached flat, = ground' Shocoet partment, 20 King St. £.. Toros For eale. Phone 1204-J. machinery only slightly used Snrsaln| cess Streets cotoprastic adjust] ing. loaves Srdste at Carey Set between Barrie ond Division rooms, electricity and gas, good cel- DESIRABLE BRIC epee CANDIES--Fresh, iome made Candles, for quick sale. Apply 43 Quebec . ie. Xray ores) 5d hand. | jo PF. Nod NE Ottiga, TAY have $15.00 'per mouth. Passes aT Tot] 150 University ug "The Salivereq anywihiers 38 the sty, name | WIE WILL RENT--Ypu a Piano for six Hon free. 'Hours 9-13 shed Bam. . J . bly 4 ¥ u x0 - v . ry our y §7-vw | dollars per month dnd at the expira~ venings by appointment. ce tele- " MBAVY SVERCOAT..Lont, on road be- Adely L Zacks, #71 Princess Strout. Ferdence 118 Bare ic Shr locsiion. Brick bugs. I Charles Street. Phone 667-w tion of six months will sliow all mon. Phone §23-J. Residence 'phone 957-4. tween Harrowamith and Verona. Find- Cricket fleld, Apply Kingston Agen- " S 1 ©8 paid to apply on purchase price ; & Djciue notify Lawrence Genge, R. 1, | gree APARTMENT--Corner Barrie| cies' Limited, 87 Clarins Street. Dr DA ns Bona ntater, you wil) lan. 7 we Tan arranged on 133] LUOY=Geo. ¥. and Jeunie A. Chiro. rey, Ontario, and Princess Streets, also stores on LARGE, ME HOUSE--$§ rooms and| IDQuire about our power milker from Princens@iroes. Rdsay. Limited, trot Tap Sis a 103 Bago: KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND Ry rials Seats oon GHUSIT| fons chusancen only (Shen en] 'Sne Gomnd MOVIES ome dud Ba a cox Oe. amir sear Ero maton Sadr "04 and" Cushions. Domuars Host Treeline boats or on Ontario Street. Phone §3¢. enham. The store has been used as at. "Also Lion Disc Har- | } s - Coupe bodies, California rial, ! aloed ae & Kk ke. Finder & Eent's clothing store; Some atoek | And Se ey Jjjon Din Wood | ®red wagon, nearly new; aiso one ce- SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Bolstering. = Ama on and Bleass phone 3493-4. Business Places 8) Gaiyio-wear goods on hand, Splen- Agency, 31 Brook Bier, opbore 885-J| RE Boxer App Y rs, Jed Watts. Waris, Br iaas Skin Cancers | 347 King street. 'Bhons 2045. SPECTACLES W. Takorgniunity. "Apply to| Agency, - sy Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent. yy. W- on a) Fimmed spectacles & Triad. Sod DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault 1h| MI% D. W. Lake, Sydenham Nhe replat SE ARTS--Sliverware can| 1. Batisfactory Glasses nited. od i 4 Ontanio Chambers, corner King and II ee 11 Ror BLDER'S-- be replat ke new. Phone 380. Part-| furnished after others have failed. oF mAy have same at the Whig Office. Clarence streets. Possession £ t| FRAME HOUSE 11 Redan Street, § Fireworks-- watch for our display ridge' Wire & Iron Works Gates, Goitre cured wi Auto Wr } . st o i . May. Apply Ki and Smythe, 71-72 i" , Pleciric light and next week. We have the largest stock | 08° ; . of i years' experience. Dr. Ei SMazL ny, fog one am Clarence Bt, Kingstens ors (re. M. Boos, SorR, Jot; sarage." Apply of HANDS Fireworks in the oity --|_ »°iC88, etc. close prices. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, . 258 rome. fom od 8 re re rs. M. Scott, 27 Balaclava Street, all the pepiest fireworks made in Can- $20,000--Hardware Stock in prosperoug| Bagot Street. Phone $01w. House 11367 y g Office, f ada. Eastern Ontario town--has been big | FRR tors Le a have same at the Whig Office. v 9 *niversity: AvemioU SB And sarage, ; ee miomey maker. Offered on account of Barristers ana Solicitors 21h » Ont Light Sx McLaughlin a GO ET-Lost, on ot. Winder Shite ad rac replaces; large fof | ELDER indow for Saturday special) fLIPTISIOTS death. Apply A. B. Col- RRINGTON--Barrister. Solio] Ove Light King or Satonce gitrast. Yinder BRICK HOUSE---116 Stephen Street, § shrubs and rose busheg Apply 333 By Nano ow oc aturd YR ins, Barrister, Belleville, Ontario, Not ERRLY Public: 181 Wella: Laughing Pisase return to 375 King Street. dan poRshrovelnents, § Appi 4 Lniveraity Avenue. 'Phone \0sim 60c., Saturday 49. a Ib. Turntture 18a ton Street. 'Phone 548-w. SUM op MONEY --Found. Owner may Surprise Store, 352 A incase Street. HSUNNY KNOWL" At Dead Man's Bay, BLDER'S- ZOYS Same at D. A. Shaw's, Lad. Kingotons raooution, conv Soe our hand rolled creams--wonder- | FURNITURE-- Antique and modern and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street . BRICK HOUSE- On Montreal Street, Kingsuion, 9 roomy hard fal ap an and wholesome for| furniture sold and bought. M. Crame Kingston, A.B, Cunnningham, Ko es SUM OF MONEY--Found Mon. | MIO HOUSE Doom: Sas. slectriclty,| floors, Areplace; bath, sinh The Ridin, aa oan , Wholeac fesse, Anincess Street, successors tof. Kingsto Sith, sein 3 morning dn Anderson's ErOCeiY | hot water, 325.00 per month. Imme-| andah and garage, Apply Ki e 24. 4nd only 25c. 8 Lesses Antique Shop. y ' ner may have sams by call- | Go possession. Apply 192 Bagot St., Agencies, Litd., ¢7 Clarence Street. ELDERS DAY AND REVELLE-Barristers and] ROSEN & PO ing and proving property. opposite Convent, F100 Frame. § vows, sarans rr When you get Neilson's, you are sure Fuel ana Feed 18( "solicitors, 69 aprenes Strat. Kings 140 RIDBAY ) Hi 168 3 : P| you are geting the best, Buy yours CW NEVILLE ees | gtOD. A. E. Day, Ads n velle. : ™o nats ender OF ari ars "gan. all Tmptoveme 5 Seven. room See sisach 8olng business, would fo absolutely fresh every week. 4c. | C. W. NEVILLE--W|l]l deliver Anthra- Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 305. Phone 3475.w, dv - balance of this week, at any information regarding same t -line. A 3 Houses--contral 4 a pound. cite Coal flor 1 - - "| be wes i Fonds 'phone 1434-w~ VinGueon Lae 0 car ine. ASR, 2 Poarmanear sits. "Would ams, ELDERS 315.80. arsying extra. "Phone 2382-m, REYNOLDS, & Car Hitler ind 80 he Automobiles For Bale Ldve Stock " nd Oats 7 DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard ranged on city and farm property, ! 5 1s Buss oS fini ivy Insurages,. Mg CONN aut Betta in Tye Chocolates and soft wood Slabs. Ws handle pong 'Phone 2509. BABY GRAD TOURING-- Good ire hatred varkise. Slo ails | Mn hours, Gite, blinds, fixe 381 Pringess Street. 'Phone 1189.3, | 200s Bavors ase. ih. Swain,® ot "Phone Ziew, 3 Get SO Bin: Barrister and( 1°h VATEEIn for: quick sale. oe wire-haired terrier, also oollle en, Verandah, front and back - ---- | SEI TEE--Antiane solid Walimt, newive Solicitor. Law Office, cores of King EE er, re. Rap. APR Muller's, 371-373 King St. ' Anbly 313 Univers- | $550 -- Summer Cottage at Eastview upholsteréd. Apply 532 Albert Street Pp and Brock, over Royal Ban Money . one -W, - . . 'Phon Park. Apply Kingsto, A vi 3 .00, ' he 3 47 Clarence Streat: © ASeocies Lia. | PRISSIIE joad. '75| macoen. Phone 183 : ~~ Thoroughbred Registered i . re 0d. ne So FISH AND CHIFS--Thg oldest fish and load iq Mrs, Ra 0 er good . Te on Terrier, two years aid. Pi 1 x KE. W. art ~ hi 3) h 'ana p cafe in city. Wr pF. Redden, 260 - Soe folnter. Appiy to elec 3 1, : Bn Real Estath and Insurance Broker Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH Barristers tween i yi, Division Streets ' " 3% Yictorla rid i ma 48) Phone 539-w. Ses Advt Page 3 We deliver, 'Phone 2825-m. GOOD HARD WOOD---41.40 Quarier cord Lai YORK A or " : > -- .qy mixed woo ' an 3 quarter switches, sham " . HO HNSON STREET--Brick house, §| HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Tneiadin gis] cord--hard slabs $3.80 core slaby urling, Ladies and : Help Wanteg Aad 3 y frigerator, tables, sideboa: 5 $2.76 quarter cord. Rough and dreisds EB 5. ols ana: eT chad ng: Et ss ------ rooms, 32 h.w. floors, h.w. 1d, stagle Male Hol em Str. 0 heating, garage. Thiy 15 o real buy.| Ded. chairs, book shelf. Apply 518 Johns: lumber always in stock. . Clean saw : Stree ston, Male Help Wanted 2! electricity as : St] APply Kingston Agencles Lid, 87 Clas.| Son drat dust § cents bag. Phone 753-3. W. hg" Sere 2 FORD TOURINGS, 1918 raat. FORD TOURING, 1920 ¥ th. n ence Street. H. Talbot, Concession DRIVER -- Strong. rellebie| sabe' Alois Pioocs ot NO. 9 HAPPY THOUGHT COOKING . . ver, wanted. Apply Box Ac, Row, DiyaE for sale.' Cheap to quick DRY HARDWOOD--Any quantity, Ap. RENCH MARCEL Ww. With Start Office. J. E. CUNNINGHAM buyer. Apply 332 Victoria Street. Tele- ply Highway Service and Supply Co. FRE 48, Bound Waving . ah ad HOUSE On Alfred Street, opposite Real Estate phone Sormer Princess and Smita' Streets bing and Trimming Viotor! rooms and sun ' Insurance d . ; Classified Display all modern Improvements; in excelent ET iad Loans HALL RACK -- Gas range, bedreom| 'Phone 2706 toeniion'S Josip Hajaument. Specis! FORD TOURING, 1921 : condi:lon; garage. 'Phone 1006s firniiend other articles of' household LUMBER--Rough and dressed, Bitzer. 357 "Susan Hirer if 80] Gtartey ana Shoat Absorbers. $6,000B, house, 9 rooms, hot water furniture. Apply 208 University Ave, shingles and lath, satis finish hard. ist, ose ou oy rick HOUSE? Colborne Street, corner 8yd-| ting, wood fi : v . k he TE ------------ -------------------------- Ww. KENT MACNEE enham, § rooms, all improvements. 45 Dory, rd SES: vianal] Tor MOTOR BoA k a x 3%; oak huil with in laning. 7. Peters % FORD TOURING, 1022 * INSURANCE BROKER Cone St, 5 rooms. Apply 186 SNORE to 5s pyjouth side Princess st.| 5d cedar deck. 30 hp. om, fab reer] 8 dock" ant "Torsots With Btarter. 5 Ld unm Ao. || Sueen Street. 'Phone 383-w. We bare So Princess Street. 1] ment, including: sre" iif Bolts, *wop-| Streets. 'Thone 34s ! : Santee, ate Glass' and HoUsm_an Queen 8 near Busi. Kensington and" Collingwood Sitesis sinkable cushions. att aE; REDUCED PRICES-- Fo For.the very latest in Ladies' [FORD LIGHT TRUCK RK Siw, || Baa sleciricity, furtace, * Imadivts E0. T Crnte Siem win Agencies Bay TPPY F 0 Bar vi] a LADIES" EXCLDSIYE PRIVATE Wits, Ghyuoy: pos, : West. 'Phone Moibom. n a org PARLOR. STAR ROADSTER, 1924 ; Articles For Sale. FURE _ BRED-TO-LAY _ BARRED on : 1 ios Ss fan Beet SR 8 EE] As Kingssyay, [TAR ROADSTER, 1024 . \ ant dive delivered. "Give us your a 28 jer SEE Fhons 2018.2. 15 rg 151-W. Your: a Shit Pea J al pen 25 | CHEVROLET TOURING order. 'Phone og hatched if Gesireq. Marshall, King With § balloon Tires. Ce Broker, 4 . enh 3 k i 8 2 toilet; gas for k~ i tr Hghting: lugs for lamps. | SUFTS--AL $20.00 and $25.00. Only a few ston Hatehery, 101 Queen Street. nei Pughine Brien, ho Apel Eiaranieed tain Sag® Jaineaty REFRIGERATORS --Four Buréks Fie: Cord harbacty #08 a | i brn a Me BOR oe EVROLET COUPE piv for key At Glibert's Grocery, 1 15. Easy tering of payment. Tele- frigerators; only used short time. Suit. 3 oa . Sampanies of hi ha fhansia) stand. Jatest model. A guarantesd new rle St. ° 'Phone 264. Phone 2206-w. J. G. Patterson, 160] apis er or butcher. Apply to rd; body hardwood, $5. nh - Fiat 8 ; Street. athen. 127 Nelson Street. Tele- ; nders vod "W. Res. You have promised yourself a o B. E on tres ang ar Barrack FIRE---Automobile and Casualty srsure| used oar, now is the time to get HOUSE-..98 Earl Street, 9 rooms Aa ne' sind ac HOUSE on | ~-- So | phone 1391-4. Y Charles Street; electric Nght and gas. | ARMY BOOTS--Good condition, Men's - 'Phone 2955- AY . S00 to Hb. Norman, 69 Patrick| used aults. good se non mechanic ry eee | ante. EM. Crumley, 420 Kar All these cars thelude Licenses for thi Stns bene Tao tools, grips and suit cases.' Prices very SBN AND. Vfeainer hedero stresses, Wanted To nay 19 | Phone las : year. You may purchase these on Ha . - proreday Pie. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess cenrtaine, parior suite, t, INSURANCE~-Only the m Payment Plan, .7 days' trial and & yey SIX ROOMED yy Central; all] Stre seeds chairs, cook stove, small he CASH PRICES--Paid for all] companies ene pay. » 3 Snvenisnoss. 35.09 Dte month, ew wens er . "| Abply to 35 Sixth Street, Mind of live hens. "Phone 3254-4. Strange, } 3 ¥ - : aad Diving, S10 AWNINGS... kaa Curtains. Apply Sip Ov SyRVEYOus SE SMALL WARDROBE... Wits mirror pra. % snm------------ ferred; also 4 large mirror. ne{J. B, COOKE! Mire, Accident and J re en J a Apply to James Id, 384 Princess SC | bert Sireer ee» | rs bird rom he i Talloring and Pressing 20] Office $03-w, Tee thine rhticles Por Sale" is & haven for| BUFF ORPINGTON owls Wi]: elie ; : DBRRTSON Tole oo OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT Pol. in the Finsided" gros iad fy, pr | SRS nn | a B08 UE peciessins | 47 Te dG Tn iar 0 ngg thrifty buyers . 0 tion. ; 0 Reid, Lang D1 186i Sossing, Repading. 273 Ba, jot St Quper strest re nee ee TE 273 Bagot St! ~ 3 5 - ¢ : i .