Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1926, p. 14

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i oo ee I 2 "THE DAILY BRITISH: WHIC Se-- A nbe II CITY AND DISTRICT LIVINGSTON'S gm toe 2 Wor bemeg. Apres 21 . / ' Kingston bank clearings for the | nine o'clock on April 18th. Death | week ending April 29th, 1926, $636,- | was due to heart trouble from which GREATES [128; corresponding week, 1925, |she suffered for seven weeks. She 1$572,659. } | was seventy-nine years of age, the \ SAI E F THE SEASON | daughter of Thomas and Eliza Fer-| Th On Standard Time. | guson, pioneer settlers.. She was . 4--SPECIAL LOTS-4 It was announced at the post!twice married first to Jamés Morris, | office that all the collections of mail | who died fifty years ago and then to Jn the city would be made on stan-| John Morris. Six children survive. . dard time. : 0 On Sale Saturdayat 9.3 $20.00 and $25.00 at the Y.M.C.A. Friday evening. The church in the towns and the rural nS ! weed Coats supper will be followed by a basket- {churches will soon be a thing of the TOA ball game between the two clubs. [past." ~ a % « Is Appointed Bailiff. Coming to Kingston. NN % William J. Wilkins, North Au-| The Watertown Chamber of Com- ' ; 4 gusta, has been appointed bailiff of merce, the service clubs and other 2 ® the eleventh division court of the organizations of that stirring city united counties of Leeds and Gren- contemplate visiting Kingston in ville, succeeding Willlam J. Love, de- |June to the number of 250 or more A sale of Tweed Coats s that is real ceased. land are asking the Board of Trade * {here for particulars as to what BARGAIN-BUYING. f is lot n- cludes every Tweed Coat Priced from $20.00 to $25.00. In one grand varie- ty of individual styles and select mod- Worried Over Surplus. |pastimes could be arranged. It would Kingston Commissioners are wor- be a big friendly company to meet els for Women and Misses. The popular Cape Coat included. W--r-- Church Folks Going to Town. Take No Chances--Get a Topcoat. At the W.M.S. of the Presbytérian We will positively save you 3 to § {Church in Canada held in Toronto, per cent. on a Topcoat. Just the Mrs. John Stewart, Appleton, in her thing for this weather. Get one. |report for Lanark and Renfrew, stat- ~The Lion Clothing Co. * |ed that the church union had been emmens [the means of wiping out many of the Napanee Club Guests. jrural churches, not only Presbyter- The Napanee Hi-Y Club will be the |jan, but also other denominations. guests of the local club at a supper "More and more people are going to ------, Ca Step out with the best company -- and you'll feel as well dressed as your fellow-men--it's all in the interesting cannot be a success under public ownership." | To Attend Banquet. ried over the large surplus from last with Kingston's citizens. The local year's operations, remarks the To- board has appointed a committee to ronto Globe, and adds: "And vet work out details for the enjoyment some people have said that utilities of the visitors. $30 ud $35 Navy Blue Tailored Suits . . To Be Paid $10 a Week. [liamentarians and other guests who fabrics and best tailoring, and at our at- vs. Stevens, an action for alimony held to-night, will include: Hon. S. husband, Arch Stevens, of Philips- M.P, Hon. J. - W. Edwards, M.P., * 3 ui ts For a Real Smart Suit. William Ireland, Government Whip At Brockville in the Supreme will be in the city for the Conserva- . ' ot . tractive low price, it's a great combina- was, by consent judgment, arranged |F. Tolmie, M.P., George Black, M.P., vilel, the sum of $10 weekly. Hon. W. F. Nickle, M.P., Hon| A. B. Be sure and see our range of for the Ontario Legislature; R. J. $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 ® ' *® J o 153 combination of authentic style, superb | The prominent Conservative par- court the case was heard of Stevens [tive Club banquet, which ig to be tion. \ that Mrs. Stevens be paid by her |R. Morand, M.P.,, W. E. Tummin, Ross, M.P., Anthony Rankin, M.P.P., Young Men's Suits in all thq new |Graham, mayor of Belleville; Dr. 2 00 8 fabrics, in 3-button double bréasted |Willlam Spankie, reeve of Wolfe style, at those same popular prices |Island, and Hayor T. B. Angrove. which means a great saving to you. " --The Lion Clothing Co. Going to Spain. Dr. Alan Bateman and Mrs. Bate- 1 opcoats $20. 00, $22.50, $25.00 A Change of Managers. Mr. J. H. Robertson, manager of the Bank of Commerce, Smith's Falls, has been notified of his trans- fer to Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. He will leave Smith's Falle in ®he course of about three weeks, His successor man sail from New York April 28th, via Paris, for Madrid, Spain, to at- tend the International Geologie Con- gress which opens May 12th. There will be excursions to the north and south of Spain and Pyrenees Moun- tains during the congress, after which 19.50 Who could resist this tempta- "tion to secure the season's smartest mode, the tailored Blue Suit. They are in beautifully tailored, fine quality Tricotine, in all the smartest styles for Women and Misses. Sizes up to 44. is Mr. O. F. Anderson of Blenheim, (they will visit Marseille, Northern T N? Ont. Africa, Sicily, Rome, Florence, Do- lamite Alps, Switzerland, down . the Fixing Up Grounds. Rhine to Cologne. They will spend The southerly grounds of the|a week in Brittany, France, and 75-79 BROCK STREET General Hospital, in front of the [thence to Cherbourge and home to Nurses' Home and down to the Iso- New Haven by August 16th. Dr. lation Hospital, are being levelled Bateman graduated from Qu2en's in If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk OD oI Th pis levelled [Bateman £ Q : will make a beautiful lawn in time. The fence on the O'Kill street side has been removed. CANADIAN PACTFIO Changes in Train Service Effective Queen's Endowment Fund. May 2nd (Standard Time). Queen's University endowment fund at Toronto, has spurted to the | Kingston-Sharbot Lake--Train 611 $94,230, mark, gaining a sum of [Will Jeave 10 a.m. daily except Sun- $6,000 in' additional contributions (day Instead of 10.05 a.m. arrive DERSON S collected by the ten teams engaged |Sharbot Lake 11.56 a.m. instead ¢ ] | in the financial drive in the city, {12.05 noon. - LARGER MARKET - * SERVICE | which commenced its campaign on Kingston-Renfrew--Train 613 will | | | | | PHONES: Monday." leave 11.40 a.m. daily except Sun- eh i 260 1767 Office 365. Ch day instead 11.30 a.m., arrive Ren- frew 5.30 p.m. as at present, Kingston-Tichborne--Train 615 will leave 4 p.m. daily except Sun- day instead 4.45 p.m., arrive Tich- borne 5.30 p.m. instead 6.15 p.m. Sharbot Lake-Kingston--Train 612 will leave 12.20 noon daily except Sunday instead 12.25 p.m., arrive Kingston 3.15 p.m. as at present. Renfrew-Kingston--Train 614 will leave 9.55 a.m. daily except Sunday The Late Margaret Williamson The funeral of the late Margaret Williamson took place from her late residence, 250' Barrie street on Thursday afternoon to Cataraqui ce- metery. The pall-bearers were John Evans, William Friendship, John Derry, James Williamson, James Donoghue and Thomas Clugston. Flannel Dresses 3 95 The majority of these Dresses are marked below half price. The style' and charm of these smart Flannel Frocks is greatly enhanced by the very newest and clever trimmings, in an assortment that includes all the a a 315.00 inary $1.95 popular shades of the season -- in all ing moved to the back, and the space and $2.95, at Abrameky's. sizes. Butt end ! will be utilized for the display - of PAL FEHORAN DOI. 38¢c. Ib. §| goods. Jap-A-Lac. ¢ cent swle--Lemmon & \ ---- Sons, to-morro Lower Than Ever 8,000 Ib. BUTTER--finest Creamery. Mrs. Wiliam White, aged ninety- |3% at present, leave Sharbot Lake : . four years, died in-Toronto, on Wed- |3:07 P-my instead 3.01 p.m., arrive Jell-O (assorted), 8 pkgs. 25¢. || Kingston 4.57 p.m. instead 4.55 p.m. ul § |nesday. She was a former resident Soap (P. & G., Gold, Comfort) lof Tweed, where her husband was | Tichborne-Kingston--Train 616 ® bars for .......... 49¢." engaged in the hardware business, |Vill leave 5.45 p.m. daily except Sun- Blend Tea, Ib. .. 62c.| Quality Blend Coffee, Ib. .40c. and was also prominent in local at-|1aY Instead 6.45 p.m., arrive Kings- ton 7.15 p.m. instead 8.15 p.m. lait od 8 leading Orangeman. He Co, hot Lake-Kingston--Train 618 will leave 4.20 a.m, dally except Sun- some fftesn years azo. day instead 5.056 a.m., arrive Kings- ton 7.50 a.m. instead of 8.20 a.m. Consult local Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent for detailed schedules. A Former Tweed Resident. | | JUST ARRIVED FROM QUEBEC ! 1° | MAPLE SYRUP ee sos Tics | The firm of Abramsky & Sons are | i making some alterations to their |store with a view to providing more } laccommodation for their customers. lf {The office, whichs formerly occupied a central position in the store, is be- "Finest quality pure Maple Syrup (Lat money can buy. Tweddell's for best values in top Shank end "33¢. 1b. Electricians Organize. The electricians of Kingston have been organized by Mr. John Noble, Canadian organizer of the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Electrical 35¢. Ib. Workers, and in the near future it ie proposed to submit to the contractors PURE KETTLE RENDERED an agreement on working conditions, LARD which it is hoped will have the ap- proval i ar of both contractors and 2 lbs. for 38¢. : : SWEET PICKLED BACON $12.50 to $15.00 Flannel Dresses 7.50 p20 culy---simagt and real swagger one of them heir Lmpsein Basdy) 00-- REGULAR PRICE .....$1.92 BARGAIN PRICE ......$1.20 Both Soap and Kotte mate ta : Canada.

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