ci mss oar sesday, May 4, 1926, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG X | The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True, Market Place _ Business Services Laies™ Hair Parior [1] BY WILLIAMS. |= "-- Real Estate For Rent __ OUT OUR WAY. Nousew 9 LADY ~-- Wishes to share furnished! house. For particulars 'phone 1504-w. #25.00--Johnson Street, small ment; all conveniences. $35.00--350 Johnson street, 7 room dwel- ling, all modern. $40.00--13 Alice Street, new brick, moéd- ern $35.00--168 Division Street, detached brick, modern. $40.00--161 Division Street, detached brick, modern. 3 BIRTHS. i a] i ELL-- At Richmond. on April A etn to Mr. and Mrs. John Cald-| ~ well, a son. * 0 | GIRL--About 1 DULMAGE--In Pion, on April 16th, to | HRL-About 13 dn 38 yu : Me. and Mrs. Clarence Duimage, al Fo are or fami FOSTER--On April 20th. at Fish Lake, [ Fone 20-5. to Mr. and 8. Walter L. Foster | srry Wanted (mee Elva Stmpeon), a daughter. | 74 RRINGTON--On Newburgh Road ong 20h. fo Mr. and Mrs lar Herrington, a daughter. | 'co Mr. and Mrs Leeman Help Wanteg Female Help Wanted 8 3 or '20 years old, to do of two. , Ont. Water | Waving, Round an Curling, Hair Bobbing and | Facial and o Halr Dyetn on en", *; | Switser, AT ogiean ne ap- TOO TGHT ? why ITS NO sucH A THING: {DO wou WALT 10 LOOK" LIKE A DOWDY, WITH MOOR HAIR FLOPPING 00 HOO 00! IT, 1S MAY ITS STRETGHIN' TH SHIN ON My FOREHEAD AWFIL! I CAN HARDLY apart- a te pointment 'phone ore 4 for general housewor F-4, Whig Office. od COMBED ONLY ON IMPORTANT "Malo and Femaie Help Wanted 8b A BRIGHT MAN OR WOMAN---To sell popular line household necessities and For the very latest in Ladies' ex- Ne w fcks, Milford, on April 24th, a r. METCALVE---At Fort Francis, Ontario, April 26th, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Ww Hu Metcalfe, a son (William John). : MASCUMBER--At Napanee on April Thon No Mr an Mrs. Mac " , a daughter. TEAL Napanee, on April 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Waite, a son. R---At Siflsville on April 2nd, to WALA an Mra. Roy Wagar, a son. DEATHS. NE AN -- In Kingston, Ontario, on ay 3nd, 1926, Harry W. Newman, neral will take place from Cooke's United church to Cataraqui ceme- tery on Wednesday at 2.30 Fs Service will be conducted by Rev, T. J. 8. Ferguson and Rev. Canon FitzGerald, Chaplain of the Royal Edward Lodge, A.F. & AM, N At Perth Road Lead itr Be on May 23rd. 1928, Bessie, aldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. . Thompson, aged fifteen years, Funeral from her fathers residence, Conrad Thompson, to St. Patrick's church, Thursday, May 6th, at 8.30 tollet articles; big commission; perience or capital unnecesgary. B rad- ley-Garretson, Limited, Brantford, Ont. MEN AND ronize J. . Men's halr cuts, hair cuts 18e. lington Street. BOYS WANTED--- To pat W. Curzou's Barber 250. Shaves 10c. Ladies, 25c. 201 Wel Agents Wanted ; Largest commission. popular machine. Rive Box B-1, Whig Sitios? nop. 05» WASHER SALESMAN -- Moet references. $40.00--Cor, Clergy and William Streets, r modern. $60.00--178 University Ave. duplex de- .| -partment. E. W. MULLIN, Cor. Johnson and Division Streets HOUSE--88 Earl Street, 9 rooms and 3 in attic; 3 Plece ing; electric lig! king: plugs for lamps, fans, ete. Bunshine furnace. heating satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap- ply for key at ai fs® Grocery, 194 Barrie St. 'Phone 254. SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on Charles Street; ele¢tric light and gas. Apply to H. Norman, 69 Patrick AGENTS WANTED To handle our line of Portable and Folding Bath outfit, Chemical Closets and ete., in every locality; adaptable for the farm, village, town and suburban home. Préfer- &um., where a requiem mass will be sung by Rev. Father Powell, at 9.30 for the happy repose of her| ~ soul. s i s and acquaintances respectfully | invited to attend. IN MEMORIAM, In lovi remenibrance of Mrs' isl Galle, , died May 4th, 1924 Peaceful be {hy silent slumber, 1 In thy grave so low, Thou no more will join our number Tholt no more our sorrows know. Yet again we hope to mest thee. Pere day of life 1s fled, . in ven with joy to greet thee, | Witer ewell tears are shed | missed by her beloved hus- | three sons, Daniel and James | ome and Ernest of Rochester, N.Y. | rt ct ca -- JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT % REID 'Phone 577. | Dan- | [ Tat M. P. KEYES FUN HOME: . 40 COLBO STREET . AMBULANCE "PHONE 1830. JOHN OORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer H. J. KNIGHT DERTAKER AND EMBALMER > Yarker, Verona, PAR Hattersed. Ambulance 'phone 35. Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. CUT . FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC TPLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S | RT AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 462 and 1218-J. - Princess Street |. APARTMENT--8ydenham Apartments, z t able men with a car, selling ex- perience and who knows the sur- rounding distriet. Splendid op- portunity for progressive men. The Universal Metal Products Co. 1560 Hart Avenue Peterborough Ontario Street. 'Phone 730-w. VEN ROOMED HOUSE--E!lectric and Ey bathroom, attic. 81 Lower Alfred Street, near Street Car Junction and Victoria School. Apply 144 Union St "Phone 9i4-J. STONE HOUSK 233 Brock Street, elec trie ight and gas, hardwood floors, hot water heating. Possession May ist. Apply to James Reid, 264 Princess St. SE ee 10 Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS---Convenient for light housekeeping, electric and gas lor cooking. Apply 208 University Avenue or 'phone 2770. LARGE, BRIGHT ROOM--- With kit- chen, hot water heating, electric Mght and gas; very central. Apply 181 Di- vision Street. TWO ROOMS--And sun porch on bath. room floor for light housekeédping: heat, light and telephone. 624 John- Positions Waxted * WOMAN---Desires work by the ) Apply 212 Division Street of 'phone 1434-w. Real Estate For Rent. RO A SR Ry ston Street. 'Phone 3041. able for 1 light, gas and other conveniences. Rent reason- able Apply 360 Bagot Street (two blocks from Princess). A T Wanted To Rent "11 Apartments and Plats APARTMENT --In the Wing hea stove in Kitchen. Earl street or phone 1178 four rooms and range, refrigerator Brock Street, bathroom; gas hand wogd Brock eet. , § rooms, ted; hot water all year round; gas Apply Dr. Anglin, 63 floors, well heated. Apply $9 FURNISHED APARTMENT--Or a flat of four rooms, for immediate possés- fon. Apply Box E-, Whig Office. GENTLEMAN---Would tike to rent smail &Tocery business off Princess Street. Apply by letter or call at 157 Lower Bagot Street = For Sale or To Let FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGE ila HEATED APARTMENT-Corner Barrie and Princess Streets, also stores on cated with rear entrances. Apply I. Conen & Co. Princess Street, centrally lo Ontario Street. Phone $36 Business Places About two miles east of Kingston on shore of River Bt. Lawrence, near highway. Apply at 327 Earl Street. Phone 1012-m. SUMMER BUNGALOWS, -- Eastview Park, 6 miles from Kingston, 5 to 1 rooms, furnished; screened verandahs and fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- commodation. Apply J. D. Boyd, 832 DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in corner King and of g. and Smythe, 71-72 t. Ontario Chambers, Clarence streets. May. Apply Kin Clarence Bt. Kingston, O OFF For rest, the Bibby Building. Possession 1st 1OES-- Fo! offices, in to sult tenant p. Sloan, Bibb Farms and Lands 200 ACRES---Gopd pasture farm to rent well fenced a Verona, Ont. rite O. M. Williams R, R 3, Napanee, Lennox line or tele- phone 173 r 1-4. Lost and Found 1 AUTO TOP COVER nd. Owner ay have same ot 100 Werlowton Be BR BAG -- Beaded, LEATHER address an_inside, containing money. eWar a. 10 96 Part Street. OF KEYS--Found oh Princess , between Barrie and Division Owner may have same at the ce. on Friday. may have same at $7 Earl St. ening. by ng in ev ~WFound, No. 6&4, rgent & Co. ner may have same by applying to house on N. Alfred Street (Sny- 8). MEATH BAG--Filled with sweet bis ~euits, left in market house on ®atur- 4 . Finder please return to Whig ice. LL PURSE--Contadning small sum | money, Sund on Al treet, on ursday, Apr er ¥ same at the Whig Office. SUM OF MONEY--Found. Owner may have same at D. J Shaw's, Ltd. VER BAR PIN at er of RE AA SF JAIL d from 158 hav- ing same roLIOR rl Street, ler or any ' Information please 'phone 1424-w, 6 ; ould who a ote he in the S Kindly othe ore the Theatre. [} 1 joked pry BRICK HOUSE--116 Stephen Street, ist. bh. Possession Mal rinceas Str Surprise Store, 352 BUNGALOW « Small nace, in go Streat. - "Phone $84. DUPLEX HOUSE 5 rooms and bath- room, heated, gag stove, laundry tubs h.w. floors, ity Avenue or 'phone m. HOUSE? Colborne Street, corner 8yd- enham, § rooms, all Improvements. 45 Apply 156 Conocéssion St, 5 rooms. Queen Street. 'Phone 988% HOUSE--311 Queen. Street ness College, § rooms, bath, gas, electricity, furnace, posscasion. ABRIL west. 'Phone 3046- -W. hot water, FINE RESIDENCE West ¢nd, mear ht rooms, h.w. fur- Victoria Park, olf nace, hardwood floors, 3 p. electricity, verandah. Posse ist. 'Phone 2515 or Box Office. "Articles For Sale" thrifty buyers in the Classified tion. . > -4 large and small * Terms upon application to R. 's Limited. . 8a witered by lake, near -- § ms, all improvements, good veran- £5 a ahely 10 oe cement block bungalow, electric light, 3 p. bath, fur. od locality. Apply 27 Unjon grate, blinds, fixtures, cel- lar, garden, verandah, front and back entrance, garage. Arply 178 Univers near Busi} Immediate 139 Union Street w. is a haven for Sec- University Avenue, Kingston. 'Phohe 1083-m, toilet; gas for cook-|.. recreate TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS -- Suit. | hght housekeeping, electr.c or Oooking, h.w. hea ing | Lv ** Real Estate For Sale Houses HOUSE-8 rooms, electric bath, good garage, central Price $2,200 Apply M. B. 370 Princess Street. 'Phone 1296-J. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--And garage, Umiversity Avenue, § rooms, modern improvéments, 2 fireplaces; large lot, shrubs and rose bushes. Apply 332 Umiversity Avenue. 'Phone 108§-m "SUNNY KNOWL At Dead Man's Bay, Xeeptional location, convenient to Ingsion, § rooms furnished, hardwood floors, fireplace, bath, sink, large ver- andah and garage. Apply Kingston Agencies, Ltd, 67 Clarence Street. $1,100+-Frame, § rooms, garage, garden, 104 or Real Estate For Sale ie and Land 2 ------------------ ts itt OHOIOR LOTS«-In all parts of the aity, Apply Kingston Agencies Ltd., 67 Clar- ence Street. GOOD FARM---112 acres--37 acres good work land, stone dwelling, h.w. floors, electric light and furnace, good, cow stable, garage, drive shed, eic., never failing well, convenient to cheese fac tory, school and church; § miles from mgston. Apply Kingston Agencies, Ltd, 67 Clarence Street. 70 A FARM -- Good soil, frame ave Ing ahd Hin, 1 wifes to King. on, Apply ngston encles Ltd. 67 Clarence Street. s ms 13 in Apply. J. L. Silver, Business Places BLACKSMITH SHOP---And house good condition, LKlginburg. Houses 14 A REAL HOME--348 Frontenac, pressed brick, 3 b. rooms, clothes closets, linen closet, 3 piece bath, dining room, Hiv ing room, modern Kitchen, well dradned Cellar, roomy verandah, h.w. he&ting, bw floors. (Sood garden and garage. Wher leaving city. Apply ngston Agencies Linjied 67 Clarence 8s or ach going business, would exchange. 3 Houpes-wcontral, att dmb gems, Parmpe-noar city. ould exchange. nd flats to let. A te loan, oT ONNOR, 51 Princess Stroet. 'Phone 1189<J. $560 -- Summer Cottage at Bastview Park. Apply Kingston Agencies Ltd. 67 Clarence Street. 4 EW. sULLan Real Estate and losurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone b539-w. See Advi Page 3 208 JOHNSON STREET--Brick house, $ rooms, 2 fireplaces, h.w. floors, h.w. heating, garage. This is a real buy Appiy_ Kingston Agencies Ltd., 67 Clar- énce Street. |. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. Brick house, § rooms, hot water heating. hardwood floors; splendid for rders, #1, 33° lot, south side Princess $t. Next to 568 Princess Street We have well located lots on Vietoria. Kensington and Collingwood Streets. For prices, apply to Kings.on Agencieg Ltd, 67 Clarence Stree FC Tens * Articles For Sale. | DESIRABLE BRICK RESIDENCE-No, 150 Untversity Ave, opposite "The Douglas Library." Idéal location, Brick regxence, 116 Barrie Street, facing the Oricket field. Apply Kingston Agen. cles' Limited. 67 Clarence Street. DWELLINGS--Well located workmen's dwiilings, in the Village of Ports. moth. Apply to King & Smythe, 71. 19 Clarence Street, Bingstog, ont, Save time ving. problems by letting th ge assist you. Shald 'Your hn Classified ¢ Whig Miscellaneous 1s NINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply A W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. { ARMY condition. Men's used sults, good ag new; mechanic's tools, gr ba and suit cases. Prices very reasonable. A. Pio, 45 Princess Street. t CAPS -- Best quality of cloth made, $1.50 ; all sizes. Thi# ia about one half their value. J. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Stteet. economical and safe method of much so that the lavishly paid for some time yet. JAMES tv COAL burning be old-fashioned, but it's tho most efficient, a heating, after all. Coal, being time-tried, requires no experiments to make it work. Oil distillate burning is new---but if, appliances permit ofl to rank with COAL HEATING is far more economical than duties of feeding coal and in the wide difference in STICK TO COAL---for like a SWIFT.&CO. Limited only time will tell when, and coal for domestic use, removing ashes ara In cost. ' ; ninety-nine year lease, it's good for SUITS-At $20.00 and $25.00. Only a fe these Naraatie. Ralncoate left of arfamtéed rain and wind. foot. $15.00. te of payntént. 5 eles - Gu Patterson, 160 ne 2306-w. rohasion Mires. o CHILD'S COTwIn good condition. Also one sewing. machine. Apply 56 Wel- wton Street. DR haVAL- Sooner or later De Laval tor rd A u rators. f parato ine dou! will a democrat. ga row. J. ¥ C foot & Yiso or TT " 5 o ties You are missing Lhe vest it y miss' reading CISTI ss SIRES CONFECTIONERY .Fior "sale at engines, SOWING THE SEED OF EQUAL RIGHTS OCCASIONS AND TREM HAD TO BE VERY | IMPORTANT. i A. | 209 Princess § JR williams, 15 the 37 Chacles Street. Articles For Sale Miscellaneous Rideau Candy Shop. Fresh, home-made ndies 25¢. per ib, Delivered anywhere in the city. wWhole- sale orders filled. 'Phone 667-w. ENSEMBLE SUIT Color Dress, Rust 8ilk Crepe, Navy Blue Coat. Size 38. Apply by phone 1519-w. FISH AND CHIFS~--The oldest ish and chip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625-m. MOTOR BOAT---20' x 5%', oak hull with red cedar deck, 30 h.p. Kermath motor, curved V bow, square stem, full equip= ment, including six life-belts, none sinkable cushions, rubber matting, nickle plaied fittings, suitable for large waters. Apply P. O. Box 27, Seeley"s Bay. MOTOR BOAT--18 ft 6" x 4 ft. 6", two eylinder 4-3 h.p. Davis engine 'with clutch, two steering wheels top; all complete, in good condition. "Price 125.00. C. Eves, 6 Alwington Ave. {ingston, or Wesilake's Boal Livery, Portsmouth, PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent guar anteed live delivered. Give us your order. 'Phone 18l-w. Your exes hatched if desired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. PIANO--Upright, 7 1-3 octaves, ivory and ebony keys. No reasonable price refused. Apply 149 Colborne Street PAIR OF HORSES -- Eight and nine ears old. Apply J. T. Eves, 213 Rag- , an Road or 'phone 2580. RUBBISH BURNERS. Ga Baske's for rden Fences, Qa tes, every purpose. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire & Iron Works. Plating in Silver, Nickle, Capper, ete. REFRIGERATORS--~Four Eureka Re. frigerators; only used short time, Suit« able for grocer or butcher. Apply to E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1301-J. SET > SURVEYOR ANSTRUMEN wl 8. ppiy alke Walkem, 93 Clatonse Street. - SEWING MACHINE-Domestic, nearly new, and in good condition. Price rea- Souable, Apply to 92 Lower William e VULCANIZING MACHINE Air Come pressor, 2 h.p. New Century Motor, This machinery only slightly used Bargaiy for quick sale. Apply 43 Quebec St. WE WILL RENT--You a Piano for six dollars per month and at the expira. tion of six months will allow a1 mon- les paid to apply on purchase price of iano. y, ws Arey ed on the lance. H . ndsay Lim} Princess Street. ' ted, 12} Furniture FURNITURE Antique and furniture sold a bough er. Princess Street, Antique Shop. Fuel and Feed TS & 18a modern M. Crame« ® to is Articles For Sale. GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 quarter cord ~-mixed wood $35.00 and $3.25 QuArtér tord---hard slabs $8.50-soft slabs ji18 quarter cord, Kough and dressed umber always in stock. Clean saw- dust 5 cents bag. 'Phone Ww. H. Talbot, Concession Street. LUMBER-~Rough &nd dressed, -also Shingles and lath, satin finish hard- wood flooring, all kinds, stovewood Resawing and planing. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toronto Streets, 'Phone $89. WOOD--Best of Mixed Wood $3.00 & Quarter of a cord; Hardwood slabs under oover, $2.75 & quarter of a curd; body hardwood, $5.50 a quarter of a cord. Delivered. Saunders' Wood Yard, cor. Barrack and Bagot Streets. 'Phone 2965-J. SR Stermesesn Wanted To muy 19 ASHES-Os other Bi wanted at. Rideau hool, o reet. 20¢. or load delivered. EGGS--Pure bred 20 lay Barred Rooks Yandoite Eggs wanted for hatching. Don't bring culls. High- est prices. Kingston hatohery, 101 Queen Street, Kingston. TREES Talloring and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON-Tailor Suits made to order, $25.00 and up. Cleaning, Pressing, Repatring. 273 Bagot St. Em om oS OAS Business Smee Services Prolessiunar 21 DRUGLEDS PRACTITIONER -- W. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin. cess Etreets. Chiropractic adjusts ments, electric treatments and hand- nassage. X-ray service. Consulta tion free. Hours 9-13 am, 1-6 p.m. Evenings by appointment, Office teles phone §22-J. esidence 'phone 957-J. LUOY--Geo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- | praciors, Registered Nurse, 203 Bagot | Street. 'Phone 951-w. ours 9-13, 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. SKIN BLEMISHES Warts, Birthmarks, Scars, Pits, etc, remov ly. Satistactory furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured without operation, Years' experience. Lr. Wimer J. Lake, Kye, Ear, Nose, Throat, skin. 25 sagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11569 i i { = Halr, Moles, Skin Cancers, od permanent. fitted and | Barristers ana Soiicitors 21b ---------- ------------ W. H. HERRINGTON --Barrister, Sollici- tor and Notary Public. 1351 Welling ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w, CrNNINGHAN & SMITH --. Barristers and Soltoitors, 79 Clarence Street, | on, A. B. Cunnniagham, K.C.] Cyril M. Smith. « DAY AND REVELLE-Barristery and Solicitors, 69 Clarencs Street, King. on. A. E. Day, Adrian J, Heveile, Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 305. REYN J. C--Barrigter and Solos tor, 81 oak Street, faorigages ar- 0 el a . "Phone 2508, °F n, Rivwsrty ill deliver - CW, NEVILLE-W at $15.78, Carrying extra. on Phone 236 DRY BODY WOO hard d soft wi W. Bp PE N. 00D $3.75 bs $3.75 per . Spit 3be, 03. DH AR ous bry 67, Corner SHEA--Ambro Solicitor. Law Office, conrsister King 8nd Brock, over Royal Bank. M to loan, 'Phone 1999. ior on i "| gsi Cori Fp va cans ] § Bay "Kingston PERMANENT WAVING | | ir 3 LADIES" EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR, B. KINGSBU RY, treet. 'Phova 3015-J. Insurance 6 ERNIE D. SLITER-Insurance Bro or, all branches of insurance in old companies of #t financial ine. 281 King Street Bast 26(8-w. Res 1131. FIRE-Automobile and Casualty Insut= ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Kail Street. 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANGE~-Only the most reliable companies represented. 8 Strange, established in 1860 orig "% Clarence Street, opposite Post J. B. COOKE Life. Fire,' Acel Sickness, in reliable com trict manager Imperial Life. Office 503-w. Res 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol« icy will protect your Jaiary. All lines of Fire and Automobile Insurances. KB. Williams, 2 Couper street. Decorators A. ANDERSON~--Painterand 3 Shop and residence one 1968. - aperin, done now. Prices reasonable. Pail paper for sale: Horton, 145 Colling- Wood Street. 'Phone 2084-J. ent and ts, j- 'Thones: | fice 283 King Street. | GET YOUR PAINTING--And SIGN PAINTING--J 415 bagot Street - 8 Robinson, rear a 20 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV - MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporat is 1861. President, A, D. Cartwright, Vice-president J. M. Farrell. Monuy te loan on city and farm properties; im vestment., Dondg bought and sold; de~ Dosiis recelved and interest pal on minimum monthly lance. c Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St. Micduod ddd oti Davai. 'Phone a" and ® ven. Btorage STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, alry rooms and spaces; yur own . and key. Frost's Shy toraxe ad 505 Queen St, 26. Res. §80-w. or 2616-m. etree st ------------------------------ BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE-wFor furniture or any merchandise. $ proof bullding. "I"hone 1000 or 111 Miscellancous ASHES Cleaned out of yards, ciean job dene. A 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2355. ASHES--Removed from yard and ele lars; general carting; first clasp ary. wood for sale. fistimatey Hrs: Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor te "Phone 281 and 2516-M. CAVHRLY TRANSFER CO. Princess Street. ploughing, har and discing gardens; also team-work done. Estimates 'Phone 15607-J. Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1644. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED SALES SERVICE --- Murray's Auction divotas, Market Square Regular week ly sales, Thursdays and Saturdays 8s 1030 am. Send anything you wi to sell--oome for what you need. Te phone §9i-J. UPHOLSTERING--And general re - ing. Leave orderg at or drop Pg lo F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street 'Phone 4800-J. NO CRATING. NO WAITING. Super, safe, padded vang for Furs {ture and Pianos: A load op every vad. Watch for our load Bulletin n r the Twentieth. Wire or write HILL, THE MOVER on amilton, Ont. - ood rub. 0 re&son y at Fronients oF FORD TOURING CAB. In ring order; 1 good tire able offer refused. Appl Garage, Kingston, Ont. KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY ---Makers of Auto, Bugsy. Boat and Cushions, ommercjal, Coupe bodies, California Tops and helstering. Awnings and Tre ts, 547 King street. 'Phone 2048.