Wednesday, May 5, 1926. Ee ---- MARRIED TIFE MULTIPLIED BY SEVEN--FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF: IT'S COMEDY ! | Bluebeard's mr AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions { OCORKING COMEDY AT CAPITOL STARTING TO-MORROW Seven Wives" Has! Blanche Sweet, Lois Wilson and Ben Lyon. There is a highly diverting com- edy on the screen of the Capitol Theatre starting Thursday in the Robert T. Kane production, *'Blue- beard's Seven Wives," released through First National. Besides bringing a full quota of laughs, Kane has assembled a most unusual cast Witness: Blanche Sweet, Lois Wil- son, Ben Lyon, Dorothy Sebastian, Diana Kane and Sam Hardy, and many more. "Bluebeard's Seven Wives" is one | of the most original things ever ac- complished in the comedy line. The picture gets its title from the ex- ploitation stunt evolved by a mo- tion picture press agent (Sam Hardy) to make his young movie i a day. A meeting of Greek workers td- day voted sympathy with the British strikers. Work was at 4 standstill on the Manchester docks and ship canal to- Tramway employees are solid for the continuance of the strike. The steamer Majestic sailed at daybreak from Southampton for New York. Passengers, mail and bag- gage were brought from London in motor cars. A. J. Cook, secretary of the Brit- ish Miners' Federation, broadcasted an appeal to German workers for " Isupport of the British strike. A Nottingham, Eng., bus com- pany's attempt 10 supply the emer- gency service with volunteer workers failed. A regular train service is being maintained in many provincial cen- tres and between London and York. The Central London underground railway service resumed to-day with increased fares. Fifty per cent of the Portsmouth "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 75% of Howey Syndicate of $25. go in. in the original Howey WITH : star (Ben Lyon) a popular sensation. | BLANCHE od The press agent concocts a future | SWEET, : for the young star in which at least | An investment of Syndicate realized $14,000 in a very few months. There is still "big money" to be made in Red Lake for those tramway employees, who were on {strike yesterday, returned to work BEN LYON, LOIS WILSON Ai RG Ji Se ns x -' & NOTICE | Sealed tenders plainly marked as fo contents will be received by 'the undersigned up to 4 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, the 11th day of May, 1026, for repairs to be made to the Brock Street Fire Station. Specifications afd all information may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer. + » W. W. SANDS, City Clerk. _ Kingston, May 6th, 1926. TO-NIGHT LAST CHANCE TO SEE 'THEDUMBELLS | ROUTER PRICES 50c., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 A New Beauty Parlor HAS BEEN ay BY MISS LOUISE (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) © AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP 836 Princess St. 'Phone 821-w, SALE! Hard and Soft Cord Wood TO MAKE ROOM FOR BUILD- ING BEXTENSION® Highway Service & Supply Co. Cor. Princess and Smith Streats 'PHONE 2706. SHAY] "Sic 25 Trips to Belleville or Brockville, 4 Passengers, 1% hour stop, $15.00, Geo. Sleeman, 352 Frontenac Street. BUS FOR OATARAQUI od win wl fatving Tive ¥odkin $ ve 'Phone 316, Queen PRY i. Twi mE ammmE Lae ~ Sunday, April | JaE*"05 AUCTION SALE At 202 Queen Sireet om T ¥, May Oth at 1.00 p.m, Fumed oak buffet, 12 leather seated chairs, oak tables, leather davenport, leather couches, large mirror, hall rack, beds, springs and mattresses dressers and stands, wicker chairs, small tables, walnut wardrobe, writing desk, kitchen cabinet, refrigerator, kitchen tables, lawn mower and other articles. MUNROE, Auctioneer. 3121-4. AUCTION SALE Murray's Auction Raown, Thursday, "Phone Furniture, lr table, 2 mandolins, 22.rifle, silverware, glassware, crock- ery. A few things for curio and anti- que hunters. Market Square~'Phone 881.]. Auction Sale Toursiay, 10 am. House and Contents, 34 Divi- sion St, cor. Clergy West Contents 4 bedrooms, high boy medi cine cabinet, linoleum, congoleum rugs, hall seat. and mirror, tobogan, curtains, biinds, Stephens plano (beautiful oon- dition), parlor suite, rugs, runners and carpet, centre table, rockers and arm OhaIrs. dining suite, china, glassware, davenport, . cushions, writing desk, Singer sewing machine, coal range, gas oven, kitchen furnishings, garden tools, hose, step I er; all in No antiques. House TWIGG, Auctioneer. TA V] BLACK: WHITE Any Place in the City perfect condisbon. offered at 3 pom. TAXI Phone 400-2 Mrs. Annie Olive King, wife of I W. King Jrossimive M.P. for North Huron, dled at her home in Bluevale on Monday. Sixteen candidates will be qrdain- A ed at the United Church conference of io Ottawa on May 11th, EE Are Dealing in Their Foy That We Always Have a Hand Cars Assortment of Used Fords on License. » Tire Tires, Front Sumpers Spare Tire, and 1926 License. 'Wheels, Spare Tire. 81 Brock Ho. seven wives are thrown across his path. With so many marriage the press agent is sure that his charge will become known as a modern Bluebeard, The press agent, however, fig- ures without a little thing known as Love. When his star succumbs to this, all plans are in the discard. The comedy is fast throughout and there is a beautiful Romeo and Juliet' scene enacted by Lyon and Blanche Sweet. One of the fun- nlest climaxes ever staged arrives when the press agent, in endeavor- ing to find Lyon, who has escaped in a €livver coupe, finds himself surrounded by about four hundred such vehicles. He promptly goes mad. . Blanche Merrill and Payl Scho- field wrote the story, while Alfred A. Santell directed. It is more than worth while seeing; it is too good to be missed. SPORT KINGSTON SOFTBALL LEAGUE. The entries for the Kingston Soft- ball League close to-day and it is expected that several new teams will be entered. at the meeting which will be held at the Y.M.C.A. to-night. Representatives of the teams in the league should be present. KINGSTON TENNIS CLUB. A meeting of the Kingston Tennis Club Ltd., members of the Kingston Tennis Club and prospective mem- bers is being held to-night at seven- thirty o'clock in the Board of Trade rooms for the purpose of making a definite start on 'plans for the sea- son. The utmost enthusiasm is be- ing shown by the members and those intending to join and a big turnout is very likely: Oity Baseball League. A special meeting. of the City Baseball League is being held at the Standard Office on Saturday night next for the purpose of receiving the entries for the Juvenile League and deciding whether the number of teams entered merits the con- tinuance of .the League. ' A number of teams have signified their inten- tion of entering and have held practices. GANANOQUE MAY ENTER. It is stated that the Gananoque junior baseball team has applied for admission to the Kingston Junior League but no actjon has been taken yet in regard. to the matter. Gan- anoque has some very fine junior material, and would like to enter a league affiliated with the O.A.B.A. Demand for Workers Is Brisk At the Employment Office The least number since early last fall registered at the Government Employment Office here Wednesday morning, only seven applying for work. © Major Allan Stroud, who is in charge of the office, recommends that anyone who is out of work should register as the demand for workers of all kinds is fairly brisk. Mr. Wilsen T. Marsh, Cleveland, Ohio., Is in town today for the gra- Suation of his brother, G. R. Marsh, T0 CONTRACTORS oe he loin stan: ur om. or allerations Ring: or any tender not necessarily ng and spec ions may be see at Pia Architect' ios" y n COLIN DREVER. Architect. Kings on. this morning. Rugby newspaper compositors re- turned to work to-day, declaring their strike unconstitutional. Withthe aid of a volunteer staff the Yorkshire Evening News is pub- lishing all editions. A fishing fleet at Fleetwood, Eng., is being unloaded by volunteer labor and hundreds of tons of fish are dis- patched' by motor and van to all parts of the country. The Trans-Union Congress is pub- lishing a newspaper to set forth the labor side of the strike in answer to The British Gazette, issued by the Government. When officials of the Trades Union Congress arrived at their offices this morning they found parcels of tele- grams received during the night over the Government wires and de- livered by Government employees. Several thousand strikérs attacked Leeds emergency tram cars with lumps of coal taken from a passing lorry. Crowds in some sectioms of Lon- don were beginning to show a men- acing attitude, especially toward the police, this afternoon. Fighting occurred in Shepherd's Bush, district of London, this after- noon. When a tram car, running under police protection, broke down a crowd gathered and began throw- ing missiles through the wir ' "ws. STOCK MARKETS | (Reported by Johnston & Ward, corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock ih, New York. May 5, 1.30 p.m. Amer. Loco .... Amer. Can. va Baldwin Loco .... B. & O. California Pete C. P. R. Dodge Com. General Motors .... Hudson Motors Inter. Comb. Eng .... Inter, Nickle .... Mack Truck Marland Oil NYC... Northern Pacific Pacific Oil Pan. Amer. Pete. Pan. Amer. Pete "B"" Plercé Arrow .... .. Sou. Pacific Sinclair Oil . Standard Oil of N, J. Studebaker : Union Pacific U. 8S. Rubber .... U. 8: Steel .... Woolworth .... " Montreal. May 5.--1.30 p.m, Abiitbi Power... i. Asbestos Com. . Asbestos PM. . Bell Telephone. .. Brazil. . Brompton... ... B.C. Fish.. .. Can. Cement Com... .. . Can. Cement Pid. . Dom. Bridge.. Dom. Textile. .. Hollinger. . .. Ind. Alcolol.. .. Laurentide. . Mackay.. .. Montreal Power.. .. .. National Breweries Com.. ., §$8% National Breweries Pld ... 108 Ogilvie. . .. ., axa M0 Ottawa Power. . 8 Ont, Steel Products. . 58 PR ewe a Sa owe "a we wes .. who "get in on the ground 'Chukuni Red Lake Public Offering Today's Price $10 per unit This offering is limited to "§s00 ay 334 has positively no per- sonal Yability," floor." Share in Red Lake's Prosperity Working capital for development purposes Chukuni RED LAKE MINING ASSOCIATION has been formed and are offering to the public 5500 units in the Association at the remarkably low figure of $10.00. Den"t Delay --The offering of Chukini Association units is limited and the price may be advanced at an phone your reservation today and make sure of the advance when it comes. Send your order today. is necessary time. Wire CAMPBELL. YORSTON ano GUILD ADelaide 6049 407 ROYAL BANK De. JAS, 0 Solicitor for the nn or REPORTS PRESENTED SHOW ADVANCEMENT The annual meeting of Queen's University Council was held Tues- day afternoon in Douglas Library. Principal Taylor was in the chair and among the members present from out of the city were R. 0. Sweezey, Montreal; D. H. Laird, K.C., Winni- peg; George A, Guess, Toronto, and Senator Andrew Haydon, Ottawa. Reports were made to the council By the deans of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Science, and all showed steady advancement, while pointing oue requirements in the re- spective departments, which it was hoped would be provided, as a re- sult $5} the Present Endowment Cam- Principal Taylor traced the growth of the Campaign, and explained its present status, while Prof. McArthur gave an account of the trip to the west in connection with the. cam- paign. The general feeling was one of optimism that Queen's graduates and friends would rally te the support of the university, and raise an amount sufficient to adequately provide for her needs. Prof. MacClement and his com- mittee, who have charge of the im- proving and beautifying of the uni- versity grounds, were thanked for the splendid work they were doing in this connection. Mr. Meiklejohn, the representative of the council on the Athletic Board of Control, reviewed, in a compre- hensive way ,the athletic situation at Queen's. GEORGE POWER. DEAD. The late Mr, Power died very Deceased en here about thirt years ago to go to Duluth, where OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED. At a Meeting of Local Branch of Ca~ tholic Women's League. The first meeting of the local branch of the Catholic Women's League with the new officers for 1926 in charge, was held on Tuesday night in the Catholic Assembly Hall, Wel- lington Street. Prominent members of the League were president, includ- ing Miss Helen Lynch, of Belleville, the Diocesan President; Mrs. P. Beau- pre, president of the Portsmouth branch, and Mrs. McHenry, president of the Brockville braneh. The of- fic were installed and matters of business dealt with. Following the business meeting, solos were rendered by Mrs. J. L. Jerome, assisted by Mrs, R. G. Betts, at the piano, and piano numbers were played by Mrs. I. Bugge, Mrs, M. Bohan and Mrs. W. D. Gibson. ! Vitamine Vegetables. Asparagus, Spinach, Carrots, Cab- bage, ete., at Carnovsky's. William Swaine, plano Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone G6dw. Capt. V. 8. Heron inspected the cadets of the Brockville Collegiate Institute on Tuesday. 4 Mrs. Campion, Princess street, who was taken to the Hotel Dieu, is recovering from her recent fllness. The late J. A. Palmer, Brockville, who died on Friday last, aged sev- enty-seven years, was father of Mrs. George Allen, Kingston. # N, C. Polson, Jr., has been elected vice-chairman of the Montreal branch of the Canadian Mapufacturers' As- sociation. There are said to be nehirly 200 cases of leprosy in Paris. ; The balance of the entire stock of The Classic was y damaged by smoke and water is deastic price reductions in its career. It was pany's loss----your gain. Prices smashed days of this sale. Just random. BUY AND SAVE ! a few of the