BASRA L International League. Toronto, May 6.--Toronto and Newark broke even in their double- er here yesterday, the Leafs 'winning the firet game, 3 to 1, 'When Mickey Heath drove tie ball + to centre for a home run with two on , and the visitors taking the second tilt by 5-3 after smashing Stewart's offerings for five runs in the first two innings. Lefty Faulkner pitched brilliant - ball in the first game, holding the 'Bruins to eix scattered hits. After Stewart was driven off the mound in . the second game, Phillis blanked the Bears for three innings, but gave Way to a pinch-hitter in the fifth. Hubbell finished the game and was invincible, R. H. BE. NMewark..-.. .. .. .. ..1 ¢ 1 Toronto... .. :. .... .. 3 T 3 Batberies: Decatur, Werre and Schulte; Faulkner and O'Neil. » R. H. BE. . 510 2 vee 392 Seubris and Schulte; Stewart, Phillips, Hubbell and O'Neil . Bylgouse.. .. .4 ..%.. . 17 Reftug. . .....; .;. .. 4 Buffalo... .. .. .. %.". 38 Rating... .. .. .... Buffale.... ,. .. National League. « Pittsburgh... .. ,, , 15 17 11 14 12 «10 11 15 11 Cincinnati. . Philadelphia... .. +.. .. Detroit... .. 'Washington . . Boston |. St. Louis. . . Cleveland... .. .. er en ws se STANDING OF CLUBS, National League. "1 ; Won Lost P.C. Brooklyn. .. .. .. . 6 .667 7 y . 7 588 8 579 8 5565 10 476 11 450 12 428 14 300 Amorican League, Won Lost P.C. : Now York.. «. «. +.18 6 .685 Chicago... .. .. .| Baltimore... .. EE ate 5 . \ . LE - I AE Ah A ERG 1 ACS ASIA ie BN om et pene The proposition to include a junior team from Gananoque in the does not appeear as though this move would prove successful. The Victorias and Circle-Six are right here in the city and under the eye of the executive all the time and can be secured on very short notice should circumstances arise. Besides this, they are two evenly matched teams and the fans would rather see them battle it out than have a Gananoque team brought"in. It would not hold the same rival interest with another team in from outside. And, "apart from this, supposing a team from Gananoque formed the third team in the League and happened to win out, where would Kingston be represented in the junior playoffs ? And a%ain, Gananoque teams have mot proved to be drawing cards in Kingston in the past few years. It would be better for the Island Town club to stick to their own league, or walt for the junior playofis. It would appear as though the powers that be in the Mercantile Baseball League, which controls the junior (City League baseball, would act wisely in keeping the local league to Victorias and Circle-Six unless a team right here in the city were found that could guarantee good opposi- tion, regardless 6f whether the entries are closed now or not. To take in a team from outside appears to be the wrong thing to do. It would affect the league financially and otherwise and in the end there would be no satisfaction to have an outside team in the City of Kingston Baseball League. The Printers will not be represented omly in the Mercantile Baseball League, but in the Kingston Softball League"as well. Those whose palmy days on the baseball diamond are over, and who know it, are taking to the softball game, while the others, some who are good and others who long ago finished their time, will stick to the Mercantile Baseball League. Both outfits will doubtjess win the two championships. ---- The Central Ontario League will on Saturday pass on the certificates of players to take part in the Central' Ontario League games this season. y | The Kingston club has signed but few players so far, nearly all being last year's men. Sm -- Local golfers are losing no time in practice and the links are already frequented by the more eager enthusiasts. The first match will be played on the 22nd, between the president's and vice-president's teams. "tc BELLEVILLE CLUB 1S T0 PLAY HERE Will Meet Local Golfers on May 296th. The work of putting the links Th shape at the Cataraqui. Golf and Country (Club is proceeding rapidly and although only eight holes are ready at the present time, all will be completed by the 22nd of the month when the match between the teams of the president and the vice-presi- dent takes place. This is one of the most enthusiastic events of the golf- ing season and much interest on the outcome is being shown. The week after this match, the Belleville golfers will invade the local club for a match. 'The best, of ny .. 14 8 Cleveland... .. .. .12 8 Washington. . «13 9 Detroit. . .. ..... . Philadelphia. . 8t..Louis., .. .. .. BOBIOR. . y's eu i.. .636 .600 591 450 .428 .318 .300 11 12 15 14 International League. Won Lost P.C. . M4 2 .875 Toronto.. .. .. ...13 7 .650 Buftalo.: ., .. ...1% 8 618 Rochester... .. .. . 9 6 .600 Newark... .. ..-... § 11 421 Jersey City .. 1... .. 8 123 .400 Syracuse.. .. .. .. 8 11 .3563 Reading.. .. =. ... 2 18 .A11 oy Sheiks for Chicago. ; A despatch from Boston states that the Boston man who had an option on the Saskatoon Sheiks of the Western Hockey League has sur- rendefed it, and that the Shelks have been sold outright to a Chicago syndicate. course, will be picked to stack up against the visitors and as the Belle- villians have no mean record on the links, there are bound to be some close situations. Everything points to a very suc- cessful season at the Cataraqui Golf Club this season and the utmost en- thusiasm and interest prevails, ------ VARKER 1S 70 HAVE A VERY STRONG TEAM Enthusiastic Meeting Was Held on Tuesday Night. At a very enthusiastic meeting of the Yarker baseball fans held in Flint's billiard parlors on Tuesday night, it was decided to have a sen- for team to represent the village on the diamond this season and as a result officers were elected as fol- lows: President--Manly Foster, Manager--George Flint, Becretary-treasurer--Denis Smith. It was bréught out at the meeting that there were most of the members of last year's team available for this season and it was the opinion of those at the meeting that Yarker could field a strong team. It was decided to seek entry into the Len- nox and Addington Baseball League and if possible, play in that League through the season Subscriptions towards fitting out the teams have already been started and to date those in charge have met with splendid success. i ------------ i VARSITY GRADUATES TO HAVE HOCKEY TEAM Toronto, May 6.--This spring, ore than any other in recent years, there have been \ The Paavo Sra. id ema n and peak lapels. Al- than its share of durability. SPORTING | SPORTING NOTES AND COMMENT | junlor City Baseball Ledgue may sound all right"'on the surface, but it ginger ale. composed of graduates, will seék a berth in the sénior O.H.A. The graduate team will be built around the four members of the Allan Cup finalists, who graduate this spring, Lou Hudson, Hugh Plaxton, Joe Sul- livan and Jack Porter, and among the other players who have promis- ed to play with the Blue and White are Ross Taylor, Charlie Evans, and Roger Plaxton, all with Osgoode Hall last Winter. Sandy Somerville has returned from Pinehurst and is in the city, and is stated he will reside here, playing golf for the Rosedale Shuy and joining the Uraduates' Clul The Hostess Package of 12 bottles "CaNADA DRY" was originated by J. J. McLaughlin Limited far back in the late nineties and it soon became known through- out the Dominion as an exceptionally fine _ For many years, however, it was sold only in Canada. Even the name was unknown "beyond the borders of our country. Then it was introduced to the United States and it became a sensation overnight. People there had never tasted a beverage so delicious and refreshing and they took to it as they have never taken to any other ginger ale. In the last five years, "Canada Dry" has been the most amazing beverage success the States have ever seen. Today this fine old home product is sold > A ¥ i 5 i? ae Ji = : dis . 3 y JD x --=.] NEWS This fine old Canadian drink is now world famous in almost every country on the map and it is famous the wide world over for its high quality. You will find it sold even in such far-off countries as Egypt, the Virgin Islands, the Philippines, Cuba and Hawaii. Millions of bottles are sold every week and every bottle sold advertises the excel- lence of Canadian products and helps to "Canada Dry" does that. Pale, like champagne in color--"dry," like an old wine--piquant yet mellow-- agleam with sparkling vitality--it is the finest beverage you have ever lifted to your lips or served to some good friend. Try it soon. You will never forget the wonderful flavor, TRY THIS DELICIOUS DOZEN Here's the most convenient way of buying "Canada Dry." Ideal for home use. Twelve bottles in a substantial carton. You will be especially glad to have it handy for your dinners at home, for formal entertaining or when good friends drop in unexpectedly, This Hostess Package is sold by all "Canada Dry" dealers. Made in Canada by J. J. McLaughlin Limited, Toronto and Edmonton. Established 1 AndU. 8. 4., Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Incorporated, New York ' Sold by The Fenwick Hendry, Oo., Kingston. Montreal, May 6.--The funeral of the late "Jeff" Russell LARGE FUNERAL FOR LATE JEFF RUSSELL Traffic Held Up Outside Church While Service Was Being Held. A A A OE I VI VIC AV Cv AA AO OC NAT * on when a new civic auditorium pro- | another year." Ject is completed. If the structure is avai in time for the coming team, and with us will be Vancou- There are 31 towns na ver, Victoria and Portland, San Fran- | lin in the United States. -make Canada better known. The very name INTO ITNITNTS RT RTT 2 VET RTT aT Ta TT ATT aT aya VAY aviv NIST Te PAT AT AY AYA ' SSeS er into hockey," Coyle said, "depends | cisco and Oakland will be ready -------------- At least 13 arctic explorations are winter's campaign, we'll be in with a | planned for this summer. med Frank. was held