em ---- - rar herr a AUCTION SALE Tovonts Street (between Brock and Johnson Streets) Friday, May 7th, 3 pom. suite, cots and matiresses, square abou: 9 x 9: sideboard, n table, couch, curtains, blinds, on oil heaters, oil cook stove, "Souvenir range, kikchen enalls, ete. | CLEANTP WEEK has appointed May 10th to 15th, inclusive, for CLEAN-UP WEEK. Houséholders are required to clean up and remove all refuse and objectionable mater- inls. "Besides beautifying your homes this Is a sanitary measure. The Sanitary Inspector will make W inspection after. the Clean-Up 7 eek. ALD. W. J. DRISCOLL, : Chairman Health Committee. 3 ~ Kingston, May 6th, 1926. BLACK¢ WHITE Phone 400-- 25¢ aes A New Bea Parlor HAS BEEN OPE ED BY MISS LOUISE (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP Princess St. 'Phone 821-w, SALE! Hard and Soft Cord Wood TO MAKE ROOM FOR BUILYD- ING EXTENSIONS Highway Service & . and Smith Streats H 2706. Cor. Pri » fe ti / 'Thé export trade of Canada shows an incréase of $246,125,433. COAL! | Auction Sale OF HOUSES and LOTS FOUR BUNGALOWS AND FIFTEEN BUILDING LOTS To close out balance of an estate. The Gore South Bartlett Street. Now is your time to get a home of your own on easy terms. WM. A. TWIGG, Auctioneer. G. A, BATEMAN, Real Estate, 111% Brock Street, Kingston. | BUS FOR CATARAQUI AMUSEMENTS | What the Press Agents Say About Attractions AT THE CAPITOL. "Bluecbeard's Seven Wives." It is probable that no other lead- ing man of the screen has such a galaxy of feminine beauty in his sup- port as Bem Lyon in Robert T. Kane's First National production, "Bluebeard's Seven Wives," now showing at the Capitol Theatre. Playing opposite the young star is Lois Wilson. As his leading lady in "Romeo and Juliet," a picture within the picture, is Blanche Sweet. In addition, there are the seven "wives," Dorothy Sebastian, Diana Kane, Katherine Ray, Lucy Fox, Muriel Spring and Kathleen Martin. Surrounded by all this delightful femininity, Ben Lyon romps his way through: situations that alternate be- tween the ridiculous and the roman- tic. At first he appears as a bashful, stammering bank clerk. Second he stars in a picture in a role of the Valentino type. Next, he is passed off as a celebrated Spanish film star by his press agent. Fourth, he as- sumes the part of Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet," and fifth, and last, he returns to his original self. ------------ CEMETERY Will commence Sunday, April 25th, Jeaving at 2 p.m. Godkin's Livery 'Phone 816, Queen Street. PLAYED PRACTICE GAME. In a practice game played at the Victoria Park on Wednesday even- Ing, Matty Coyne's Victorias defeat- ed a team from the Tannery by the TAXI RELIABLE 25c¢ SERVICE Trips PHONE 1900 to Belleville or Brockville, 4 Passengers, 134 hour stop, $15.00. Geo. Sleeman, 852 Frontenac Street. a Walter Cannem Tinsmith, Roofing and Furnace Work Jobbing a' Specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired and recored. 49 BAGOT ST. 'Phone 1895. " nn cmt CHECKER Taxicabs Phone 800 Any place In eity 25c DAY OR NIGUT The cab that forced the prices ¥ down, All new 5 and 7 passenger Sedans | Special rutes for Dances. i 0 fn a a 0 20 0 i British House of Commons carried the clause providing for a duty of 16.2-3 per cent. on imported pack- ing and wrapping paper. "Face [povders," 50c to $4 at Gibson's. COAL! We have in stock the famous Leggits Creek Anthra- cite----8tove, Chestnut and Pea--all high grade Coal. Al- #0 good stock of Pocahontas. See us before laying in next winter's supply. Our prices are attractive. DENNEE Phone 2444. : & MORRIS YARDS: 37 BROCK 8ST. GENERAL AUTOMOBILE | ONL, GREASE AND ACCESSORIES. ROAD SERVICE. OYLINDERS HONED ON ANY MAKE OF GAR. LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON ANY REPAIRS. SHOP ---- 168. LE A A REPAIRS & HALL NIGHT "PHONE 2767. POPP DOW tx score of 9-0. The workout gave the Vies. their first real taste of base- ball for the season and the boys looked good in action. A few more practice games will be played by the team before the season starts. KINGSTON TENNIS CLUB. A meeting of the Kingston Tennis Club, Ltd., and the Kingston Tennis Club, was held on Wednesday even- ing in the Board of Trade rooms. 'Steps were 'taken to complete the organization and to carry out the plans proposed for the establish- ment of, courts and the carrying out of jother matters. There was a large atendance at the meeting, much en- thusiasm and Interest béing display- ed by those present. HAVE NEW SWEATERS. The members of the Victoria Base- ball Club have secured their new Sweater coats and they are being worn now by the players at practice during these cool evenings. The Sweaters are bright red with the word "Vietorlas™ across the front. ---- KINGSTON SOFTBALL LEAGUE A meeting of the Kingston Soft- ball League was held on Wednesday night for the purpose of receiving further entries to the Leé&gué. There are now eleven teams emtered with a possibility of a team from the Ci- vil Service being added. The teams already entered are Rotary, P.W.O. R., Frontenac Regiment, Penitenti- ary, C. P. R., Prititers, Y's Men's Club, Y.M.C.A., Dry Goods, K.C.L and R.M.C, It is proposed to present each player with a set of the rules of the game and the schédule. A meeting is being held on Friday night to draw up a schedule. The games will be played at the Cricket Field and at Victoria Park. Ready In About a Week. The tennis courts at Queen's Uni- | versity will be ready Yor play in about a week or ten days it was stat- ed on Thursday morning. The éourts will be re-surfaced and put in pro- per shape for play before that time. Y.M.0.A. TO BUILD TWO TENNIS OOURTS They Will Be on the Business College Ground on Queen > Street. The Y.M.C.A. will have two of the finest tennis courts in the city on the Kingston Business College grounds this season and work will commence immediately so that they may be ready for playing as soon as possible. The Board of the "Y" git a meeting held Wednesday evening de- cided to finance the tennis ¢lub ana : very successful season is antieipat- | sport | Large Number of People Are IG SALE UNDER WAY AT BARNET LIPNAN'S| Taking Advantage of the { If you want to get real va'ue for | your mofiey, pay a visit to Barnet | Lipman's men's furnishing store, ! Princess stree:, The big sale is now | in; full swing, and already a very large number of people have taken advantage of the real bargains. It is without dgubt, one of the best sales of its kind ever put on in Kingston, and affords the ,city and country folk alike, a wonderful opportsnity to make purchases at a reasonable price. Mr. Lipman has everything he has advertised, and as a result there is no disappointment for his customers. A representative of the British Whig called at his store on Thursday fore- noon, and had the pleasure of look: ing over the goods Mr. Lipman is offering for sale, and wes greatly surprised at the réduced prices for goods of value. The sale will continue ail this week, and the people of Kingston and this district, who have not yet had an opportunity to visit the store, should do =o at once. "The Store is filled wifh a splendid | | stock in the various lines, and there | is something to please the taste of everyone. = vow The sale is a sure "money-saver," | and at this time of the year, when | there is such a demand for goods | | | visiting with her sunt at Lyndhurst. that this store is carrying, every-| body should take advantage of the | sale. Would Like Holiday | On May 24t { Inter. Comb. Eng.. .. | Will Kingston celebrate on May | 24th or on June 3rd? { Quite a numbér of people have! STOCK MARKETS » (Reported by Johnston & Ward, Streets, Montreal. May 6th, j corner King and Clarence | members of the Montreal and Toronto | Stock Exchavges). Abitibi. Power .... Asbestos Com. Asbestos Pd. Bell Telephone .... Brazil ... Brompton B. C. Fish .. Can. Cement Com. .... .,. Can. Cement Pfd. ...... .... Dom. Bridge Dom. Textile Hellinger : Ind. Alcohol Laurentide .... Mackay Montreal Power .. National Breweries Com. National Breweries Pfd. Ogilvie .... Ottawa Power Ont. Steel Produ Penmans .... . Price Bros. els... Quebec Power .... .... Spanish River Com. Spanish River Pid. ... Smelters .... Shawinigan Steel of Canada Twin City Winnipeg: New York, May 6.--1.30 p.m. Amer. Loco. . Amer. Can. . Baldwin Loco. . B. & O.. California Pete. . C. P.-R... Dodge Com. . "a sr 4% 4s us General Motors. . Hudson Motors. Inter. Nickel. . Mack Truck..-.. Marland Ofl.. .. N.Y C.. informed the British Whig that they | Northern Pacific. . would like very much to see King- | Pan. Amer. Pete. . ston observe May 24th instead of! Juna 3rd. It is stated that in view of the! fact that the majority of the larger | centres observe May 24th, Kingston | Standard Oil of N. J... .. .. should also fall in line. It is also! pointed out that as May 24th falls | on a Monday this vear, it would be! a most desirable day for the hol- | day. ! STREET PAVING WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY | Oity Engineer to Make a Start on the Season's Pro- gramme. | | City Engineer Dick will start on | his paving programme for the sea-| son, on Monday next. Owing to the drawback in the spring weather, it has been impossible for the depart- ment to get an earlier start on the work. The first piece of paving to be un- deértaken will be Bagot street, be- tween Clarence and Johnson street. paving of Earl street, between Al- bert and Victoria and- oh Mack Street, from Alfred to Vietoria and Alfred. street will also receive attention. British M.P. Gets A Prison Sentence London, May 6.--Shapurji Sakiatvala, the lone com- munist member of parliament, was sentenced to two months' imprisonment to-day for mak. ing a seditious speech, He was given the alternative of pro- viding sureties to keep the peace, but chose the prison * sentence, a ---- FUNERAL AT TYENDINAGA. Of the Late Violet Doreen at All Saints' Church. Tyendinaga Reserve, May 5.--The funeral of the late Violet Doreen took place at All Sainte Church on Sunday afternoon. Violet was ten Years of age. The cause of her death was appendicitis. Four of her schoql chums, all girls, acted as bearers. The ve was coveréd with flowers. Miss Edith Moore alsp two other teachers of Point Anne public school attended the funeral on Sun- day afternoon. / Mr. and Mrs: John E. Maracle also Mr. and Mrs. J. Green, Point Anne, called at "The Pines," on Sunday. W. N. Bell is suffefing from an at- tack of quinsy. . Miss Tsabelle Créeg- Ean was taken ill with measles, while Pan. Anfer. Pete Pierce Arrow. . Sou. Pacific. . Sinclair Ofl.. Studebaker. . Texas Oil. . Union Pacific. . U. 8. Rubber. . U. 8. Stesl .. | White Motors. . Woolworth. . ~B".. 114 55% 128% 70 100 66 508 147% 605 122% 653% IAB HEARD ON THE STREET Loc2! Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch« ants Are Offering. ten. '3 cakes for 69¢c" Woodbury Soap, Gibson's, William Swaine, west, 'phone 564w. The Brown boat line is running between Clayton and Alexandria Bay A start will also be made on the [8nd carrying the mail. prin Three Woodbury Soap 69c, son's. The non-jury sittings of the Sup- etreet. 'Brock street between Barrie |reme Court are to commence here on | the 25th of this month. Tuxis. Group. Minstrel Show, St. James' Church, Thursday and Friday nights. Come and have a laugh. "Fresh on Thursday" Page and Shaw Sweets, for Mother's Day. Mr. M. G. Johnston, manager of the Manufacturers' Company, Kingston, is in Belleville for a few days on business. "Special for Mother's Day" Page and Shaw Sweets at Gibson's. On May 6th, 1814, Oswego, N.Y., was captured and destroyed by Brit- ish troops, largely in retaliation for Jorx (Toronto) by the sacking of Americans in 18 Lite Insurance plano Mrs. Charles Freeman. The death occurred at the King- ston General Hospital on Wed 1.30 p.m. 27% 68% 45% 33% 65% 65% 24% 21% 456% tunet, Orders received at 100 Clergy street Gib- QUEEN'S TRUSTEES HOLD. MAY SESSION Hon. W. F. Nickle Re-Elected Chzirman--~Autumn Convo- cation on November 12. ------ A meeting of the Board of Trus- tees of Queen's University was held on Wednesday evening. The follow- ing out-of-town members of the Boan were present: Hon. W. F. Nickle, (chairman), Dr. J. Mackin- tosh Bell, Mr. D. I. McLeod. Dr. Ww. L. Grant from Toronto: Sir Robert Borden, chancellor, Very Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge, Senator Andrew Haydon, Dr. 0. D. Skelton, Mr. G:F. Hémderson from Ottawa; Mr. R. O. | Sweezey from Montreal; and Rev. Dr. D. R. Drummond, from Hamil- ton, : » As was previously announced, Dr. Shortt and Dr. Skelton were elected to the Board by the graduates, Dr. W. L. Grant and Mr. J. aM. Camp- bell by the benefactors; and Hon. Ww. F. Nickle and Dr. Farrell by the Council, Queen's Theological College has appointed the Rev. George A. Brown, and at the meeting held yes- terday, the trustees re-elected Col. R. B. Kent, Captain J. Donnelly, Senator A. Haydon, and Mr. E. R. Peacock. The place of Dr. Hamil- ton Cassels was filled by the ap- pointment of Mr. A. B. Turner of Hamilton. Associate Professor Robertson was given the status of full professor in the Department of Physics, and As- foclate Professor McRae, the status of full professor in the Department of Chemistry. No other promotions were made at this time, but the Principal was re- Quested to submit a report at the autumn meeting dealing with changes in salary and status The Principal submitted his re- port in printed form and the secre- tary submitted the report of the ex- ecutive committee, the Statement for 1925-26, and the esti- mates for 1926-27, In' his financial report the secre- tary. stated" that for the last five years it had been the policy of the trustees to balance the budget and that in carrying out, this policy it had not been found possible to take care of the growing needs of the uni- versity. The Endowment Campaign had deen launched in order that money might be available for the imperative needs of the University. It was decided to have the autumn convocation, not in the middle of October as usual, but on Friday, No- vember 12th, during the week of re- union fol'owing the close of the En- dowmoent Campaign. The executive committee was re- appointed and the chairman of the Board, Hon. W. F, Nickle, was re- elected. At the close of the meeting, Mr. Staltord was invited in 'to discuss with the the Endowment Campaign. ports received from the were most encouraging. ------ Clearing Away Sheds For the New Hotel A number of sheds and stables at the rear of the Randolph Hotel are being wrecked to prepare for the new hotel building which is to be erected this summer. I-------------- Hon. Daniel McLean, of the Legls- lative Council of Nova Scotia, died on Tuesday . Negotiations are under way for aerial traffic between Canada and the United States. Rural girls' conference was Wed- nesday opéned in Guelph with nearly 800 de.egates present. 89¢ for 3 cakes Woodbury Soap, Gibson's: | All re- / trustees various aspects = campaign | ! financial }- Gi 0 . } R li ; Neo 2 of Strong Medicines or Diet ad but Simple Old English Recipe Keeps Stomach in Fine Condition, Ranishes After- " Exting Distress. If you are & victim of Stomach Trous bles--Gas, Sourness, Pain or Bloating--« you mey have quick and certain relief by following this simple advice. Don't take strong medicines, artificial digestants or pull down your system by following unnecessary starvation diets, Never hurry your meals or overeat of Anything, but within reason most folks may eat what they Jike-~if they will keep their stomach sweet, clean and active and free from the souring acids that hinder or paralyze the work of di jon. eet the best and easiest way to do this is to follow every meal with a small amount of pure Bisurated Mag- nesia---& pleasant, harmless and inex- pensive form of Magnesia that prompts ly neutralizes acidity and keeps your stomach sweet and clean. A week's trial of Bisurated Magnesia, which may be obtained from any drugs gist for only a few cents, will easly convince you of the great value of this old English recipe. -Be sure and get BISURATED Magne sia--nol a laxative. mn ~~ es New Roman Catholic Church costing $60,000, will be erected at Big Point, Dover Township. "On Mother's Day" send Page and Shaw Bweets. Fresh at Gibson's. Miss A. Hollinrake is the newly- elected president of the Brantford Women's 'Canadian Club. { EVERYBODY DRINKS WATER BOTTLED AND DISTRISUTED BY BIBER AfhaTED | - -- he 6 ; SMILE" of Mrs. Charles Freeman of Yarker, aged fifty-eight years. The remains were taken to Yarker and the funer- al will be held on Friday afternoon to Harrowsmith cemetery. Mrs. Freeman was well known in Yarker and her death has caused great re- grét among her large number of friends. Is Mrs. N. Siskin Progreso. who was brought to the General tal on Tuesday, suffering from a tured hip, is reported to be making very satisfactory progress. Mrs. Luff- man, who is an aged lady, sustained her injury when she fell off a chair. Dr. Bogart reddered medical atten- tion. y ' 1y remain In Ottawa and will be with the Benstors next season. Tub- for Ottawa ~ FORT GARRY CAFE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Everything new and tu to-date. ght up- First Class Meals served om shortest notice. EDWARD OPEN FROM 7 AM. TO 2 AM. x pa ical. attention to Private "PHONE 201. ££