\ { * Prescriptions Prepared by us may be relied on to be prepared from the purest ingredients. ph The Proprietor directly super- vises this department -- thus every prescription is filled as competently as though by the Physician himself, A trial is convincing, "Phone 50 for Satistaction in ~ All Drug Wants. | JREESPECIALS "FOR SALE $9,000--Brick, 10 rooms, B. and tollet separate; hot water heating, J LARGELY ATTENDED f clean, wholesome conversation, and 1 of his uprightness in every way. The ti AL | Oddfellows also paid their tributes to i the memory of their departed bro- i m-- | ther, and they numbered about one Pai hundred strong. They had their {Tribute d Late Frank Dy nies at the close of the: ser- i! Warren--~Clayde Qough vice, ana many of them proceedad ( itch ropert | afterwards to the Unian cemetery | Buys n olf. P y. | where the body was laid away. The floral tributes were many and beau- tiful. The pallbearers were Mcssrs. whose | F. McConnell, A. Latimer, W. Gray, | death had taken place under such |H. O'Malley, E. Johnston, BE. Me- { | spi. | Neil sad and tragic circumstances the Fri- |} " . | day previously. The service was Claude Gough purchased from j | { Lansdowne, May 5.--The tunérat) took place on Sunday afternoon, May 2nd, of Frank D. Warren, held in Grove United Church, which | Noah Peck id Mitenen property was filled to its utmost capacity, {which Mr. %; pouzi y Frigay while great numbers remained out-|the week ' before) and on , ) side in the cars and on the'verandahs | Moved in. : of the neighboring homes. There| Mrs. Rebecca McKay moved to was a large choir, and the Bymas | Gananoque, on Tuesday. i Ross Me. and choir selections were chosen by | Ne . move CLatiods y apr request. The service was in charge | {Tuc ih 3 png wr Ping , of Rev. J. O. Baron, assisted by Rev. | turned from vis Ang. relatives ; + A Gananoque and Wilstead. Mr. and - N. Beckstead, of Chalmers chureh, | o Mrs. Frank Gifin and family ana and Rev. A. Bishop, of Bscott. Mr. | fo 3Y. Brockviie wae Baron made special reference to the sik Sie Ys a oe TIP Loo departed, saying he was a man that Sues po Wr. and Mrs." Ju P, 1 every one admired, and all could |°P Sunday. | hall on Tuesday evening by C. BE. | [Horten were much enjoyed. Miss { Lila Warren has resumed her work Separate furnace room, h.w. floors, bat the telephorie office. right of way, electricity and 'gas, garage and garden. Central. 87,500--Brick, 8 rooms, 3 piece bath, electricity and gas, hot wa- ter heat; h.w. floors; brick garage; large lot; fruit and flowers, Good location, ' Soi 000--Brick, 10 rooms, electricity h.w. d gas; hot water heat; i mear Chalmers' church. SES for sale and rent all over the A \ Bateman's Real Estate 11136 BROCK 8T., KINGEION ee -- The KINGSTONYOLEANERS AND DYERS Clean anything that ean be cleaned ©. COE & P. BARRETT Office: 84 Arch Street. "Phone 1225w Call and deliver, I th Spri ime re. | A ae pringeame pres The annudl meeting of "The Wide Parations ) Awake Y's" was held at the home of the | Mrs, Ross McVeigh, (Miss Thelma Many Sports {| v of Summer We have a full range of TROPHIES Cups of various sizes and prices, as well as Medals and Shields for all classes of sport. lowing officers were elected: Presi- dent, Miss Teressa Hewitt; vice-pre- sident, Miss Katherine Johnston; | corresponding-secretary, Miss Irene | Patience; recording-secretary, Miss | Grace Beckstead: treasurer, Miss Leila Wilson. A prize essay of Harry Laidon's was read at this meeting entitled "Why I Should Advise My Younger Brother or Sister, Not to Use Cigarettes." Jean Potter gave a piano sof and Thelma Hunt a re- citation, meeting of the Y's was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Lettie Guild. Mr. and Mrs. James Grier, Mrs. Tuesdell and Miss Gladys Ferguson, of Lyn, were guests of Mrs. Norman Johnston, on Sunday. | The W.C.T.U. is holding a flower | and home-made cooking sale Satur- day afternoon ip Mp, W. C. John- | Ston's store. Among those who at- [tended the W.M.S. Presbyterial ! in Gananoque last week were, Mes- Castor Oil Once a Bogey--Now a Bon-Bon! "KASTER JEMS," 25¢, package Contain pure, tasteless Castor Oil in delicious Chocolate Can- dies (with pineapple flavoring). Mage your children happy and healthy. dames W. H. Foley, Baron, T. A. Webster, Beckstead, M. J. King, Hagerman, A. Sly, E. R. Bradley, G. Surplis, H. Peck, Miss Hagerman, Mr. Kendrick, of Gananoque, has rented the barber-ship of the late Mr. Warren, and took possession on Tuesday, William Senn was called to Canna- 5 on Tuesday to the bedside of his mother, who is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Burns returned on Friday from Brockville, after spend- ing three weeks with her daughter, Mrs, James Lorimer, who accompan- fed her home. Mrs, Lorimer remain- Made in Canada éd till 'the following day. Lo ng nd In case of sickness on Sunday take your prescriptions to Gibson's Drug Store. Open all day, Permits for dredging of sand and gravel in the Niagara River have been ordered cancelled by Washing- ton. "New Morny face powders," Gib- son's. Pernicious anaemia and high blood pressure are reported to have yielded to new treatment. "Willowdale Bricks," Gibson's. PHONE 610 GOLD SEAL ARrT-Rucs Beautiful -- Low Priced The beauty of Congoleum Art-Rugs is no more remarkable than their durability. And both are amazing when you consider the exceedingly low price of these popular, easy-to-clean rugs. For the rich, fadeless colors in which Congoleum are executed are as permanent as the sturdy, waterproof base beneath. Allyou need do to secure these exceptional ig ok for the Gold Seal when you buy. The fol-|' MARINE | The tug Salvage Prince and th ea rp po A steamers Trevisa and Metcalfe clear- | ed from this port late Wednesday. The steamer Brulin cleared from | her winter quarters to-day. | | The steamer Birchton passed down | yesterday with the first load of grain | of the season. } | The steamer Beachbay winter quarters to-day, { The schooner Bert Barnes of the | Swift Coal Company cleared to-day. | { The remainder "of the Canada| {Steamship Line, which' wintered in | ithe harbor during the past winter, | cleared from port to-day. They were | the McKinstrey, Hamilton and Maple- | (hill, | The steamer Jeska arrived in por yesterday. The steamer City of Kingston lef: | forthis port yesterday and is expect- | ed to arrive here to-night or to-mo;- | row morning. } The SS. Rapids King, assigned toy the newly restored Rochester-Bay of | Quinte service, will pass 'up- and! left her | The pictures shown in the town down the bay instead of only in one | direction as previously announced. | OBITUARY | | Alfred G. Evans, Syracuse, N.Y. | Alfred G. Evans, aged sixty-three, a prominent member of the Oddfel- lows Lodge, died suddenly at mid- | night Sunday, May 2nd, at his home | 117 Alexander Avenue, Syracuse, | N.Y. Mr. Evans had lived in Syra- | cuse for twenty years. He was pre- siding officer of Armory Lodge No. | 985, 1.0.O.F., past chief patriarch of Cynosure Encampment, No. 14, a member of Evening Star Rebekah Lodge, No. 52, of Canton-Syracuse | No. 6, a member of Royal Arcanum and of the Orientals, Surviving are his widow, a son, Carl Irving Evans, a daughter, Mrs. John = Lewandowsky, of etroit, | Mich.; his father, Thomas Evans, of | Portsmouth; two sisters, Miss May Evans of Watertown, and Miss Dora Evans of Portsmouth, and two bro-| thers, Andrew Evans of Watertown, | and Thomas Evans of Vancouver, B.C. The funeral service was held | from the funeral home of C. C. | Schumacher, Wednesday affernoon, at two o'clock. Armory Lodge No | 895 L.0. O. F. conducted the ser- | vices at the grave in Woodlawn ce- | metery. Twentieth Anniversary Of George Masoud Firm nti = | | The twentieth anniversary of the | George Masoud firm, was marked on | Wednesday, with the gift of a rose | Ji to each customer of the store. sia fl Fox's Serenaders provided music If during the evening. - i In the past twenty years, this firm | | has made wonderful 'strides, and | now ranks as ome of the best con- tectionery stores in Eastern Ontario, Mr. George Masoud, by good service | and courteous attention, has built | up @ strong business, which will, no | | doubt continue to prosper in the ![l future as it has in the past. | DROVE AN AUTOMOBILE WITHOUT 1926 MARKER Owner Said His Son Had Taken It Out Without His Permission. -- If you are the owner of an auto and have not yet secured your mark- er for 1926, don't take a chance and drive the car around the city. It you do take this chance you are liable to get into trouble. A certain owmer of a car took such a chance the other night, ofr rather his son did, but, being ' the owner ofsthe car, the father was the responsible party, and he was sum- moned by a constable, who caught the car going around the streets without the necessary marker, When arraigned before the magis- trate, on Thursday morning, the owner of the car stated that he had | overhauled his car and had it in | readiness for his new marker, but | that his son had used it without his Ji permission. He said he now had a new marker. In view of the circumstances, the magistrate allowed the offender to go with a warning. "Plain People," a rollicking four- act comedy, was presented to a very appreciative and née by the St. Lake's Bi-Nais 1" y ® 0 that should appeal for - » : - Offering two outstanding values their quality and exceptional value. Regular $3.75 to $5.00 values. Friday '2.98 | *. I 60 only, Novelty Mercerised English Cotton Broad. cloth Porch Dresses, to 48. Smart, new styles in straight-line and flare effects, with short or long sleeves, in sizes 16 with attractive combination colorings that make very ef- fective trimmings. In a full range of colorings, developed in Foulard de- signs of Coin Spots and Awning Stripes, and Novelty Pat- terns. . . The styles are all new and quite different to what one would expect for so little money. One or two of these little Dresses will fit in exception- ally well in your wardrobe of Spring and Summer wearing apparel. Chenille Placement Rugs 75 Chenille (Jute) Placement Rugs in handsome Ori- ental and Conventional patterns in rich colorings of Rose, Blue, Green, Brown and Maroon. Size 27 x 55 inches, home. These Rugs are developed in patterns and colors cop- ied from Persian and Turkish Hand-made Rugs that sell in the hundred dollar class. £1 ¢ ale Suitable for any room in the i