ari THE DAILY BRITISH WWIG......... TT iin d--Friday, May 7, 1926. L. that when you have cut, ised or burned yourself you are always knocking the sore place against something? No matter what your task, Jou are hampered by even most trivial of injuries. It holds back your work--it hurts you to anything. HAVE you ever noticed | bru + A SAFE AND SURE £5 REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN . MILLER"S 7 "WORM POWDERS © Thousands who have piles have not 2 ed that quick and permanent re- can only be acoomplished with in. mal medicine. Neither cutting nor ¥ amount of treatment with oint- and suppositories will remove the circulation causes piles. There complete stagnation of blood in lower bowel and 4 weakening of parts. Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt was first remedy and called his pre- on HEM-ROID. Dr. Leonhardt it In 1,000 cases with the lous record of success in 98 per cent. then decided it should be sold by ists everywhere under a rigi" «back guarantee. 't 'waste any more time with out- | sp Hoatbon, package of <ROID from Jas. B. McLeod to- It hes given safe and lasting re- to thousands and will do the same You. MOVIE STARS SEE MIDGETS GET MARRIED Prince Elmer and Miss Valetta Sinith, Hollywood midgets, were married while workin on a picture in the film colony. was bridesmaid. NERVE SAVES LIFE OF HEROINE: REMARKABLE PHOTO TELLS STORY While making a speed of 130 miles an hour at Daytona Beach, Fla., the car driven by Joan La Coste, noted French racer, caught fire. Her brakes would not work. She drove into the surf at an angle. The pressure of the water halted the car. The picture was taken the moment Migs La Coste (closeup in inset) jumped out. Three days later she smashed three world records, travelling at 138 miles an hour. HIPP! HIPP! WHO WANTS A BABY HIPP ? Buster, the baby hippopotamus of the Washington (D.C.) zoo pictured here with his mother, is for sale--cheap. It you have $3,500 and a fondness for pets, here's the chapce of a lifetime. OF AMANL - ; - REAUES TOR PACKAGE OF C16- MMEDIATELY FEELS VERY SURE WONDERS WHETHER, OR NOT ARETTES AND YINDS TVS EMPTY HE WANTS A SMOKE. TO HAVE ANGTHER SMOKE BEFORE 60ING TO BED A00KS IN POCKET SEE WHETHER A STRAY CIGARETTE CHANCE THERE MAY BE ANOTHER THROUGH POCKETS OF ALL HIS PACKAGE LYING AROUND SUITS « HOPING TO COME ON A SNENEREREEEENEEEN Ralph Ince (left) was best man and Viola Dana (right) | . Saturday morning at © a.m. sharp, LAST CALI} - SALE - OF - SALES | ton' 15,000 Disposal Sale Piping hot bargains. Values cooked to your taste. We start all over again Saturday morning at 9 a.m. We are going to clear the decks mighty quick. We must sell half the stock in the store. There will be no "ifs" or "ands" about it now. The first few days of this Sale have proven the most wonderful value-giving in this city. = We know that our line of Suits, Top Coats and Furnishings at the unusually low prices offered will nearly create a feeling whereby our customers will laugh, cry, shout, holler and plead for a repetition of this same style of a sale when in market for more clothes. If you live as old as Methuselah you will never witness a sale that will come anywhere near equalling the values of these piping hot bargains, which will be awaiting you Saturday morning. Loads of new Suits and Top Coats, which will be sacrificed at prices that will stagger, bewilder and amaze the public. . Come Saturday morning and take advantage of the wonderful bargains, which have never before been equalled in Kingston. These are just a few picked at random. on sale. CLUB BAGS, 98c A few only to clear--Black Club Bags-- regular $2.50. ON SALE SATURDAY 98c, each Tweed Coats, $9.95 5 only--Men's Tweed Spring and Fall Raincoats--rubber |ined--all sizes. Regular $20.00. $9.95 BRACES, 39c Men's Fine 8ilk Elastic and Heavy Police Braces. All new, fresh stock. Regular 75c¢. ON. SALE Laie' Sk Bos we are going to sell Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, assorted shades--regular selling to $1.50. All sizes. Men's Wool Hose, 19¢ pr. If you can't attend yourself, send some one to lay in a supply of these Men's Wool Rib Hose. Regular price 50c. Men's Spring Coats $14.95 Think, Men ! You can walk into this store Saturday morning and be! fitted with an All-Wool Tweed or English Navy Blue Gabardine Coat. Well tailored. Regular selling to $25.00. ON SALE .-:«vovvoeen denies .. $14.98 MEN'S CAPS, 98¢ these off. Everything in the store HOSE, S¢ PAIR To create a friendly interest In this selling event, we will sell to the first 25 customers entering our store on Sat- urday morning, Men's Hose, regular selling at 50c. (ONE PAIR TO EACH CUSTOMER) SOCKS, 49 Men's Pure Wool, English, Ribbed Mose ~--Heather, Black, - Brown and shades--all sizes. Regular to $1.00. ON BALE «+ s0ovonesssone +» 490. pale SILK TIES, 39 One lot of Pure Silk and Silk. Knitted Ties--the newest patterns, Regular 76c. 39¢. Men's Sus, $1205 You are probably looking for a Suit. If so, look here. Men's Wool Tweeds and W. Brown. and Heather mixtures, single 36 to 44. These Suits are rare bargains and will go like hot cakes. First come, first choice. Regular to $28.00. ONSALE -...v.vh ii .iviivvs "i: $12.08 OVERALLS, $1.79 A Heavy weight, Blue, Black and Blue Striped Raiiroaders' Overalls. While the last. Also 8mooks to match. Sizes to 46. Regular $2.50. ONBSALE +:-----.........a. ". $1.99 OH BOY !| HERE THEY ARE | E | Men' yo, popular makes, double cuffs, new Spring Shee 14 10 1714, Ba oy