Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1926, p. 13

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THE DAI LY BEN LYON, LOIS WILSON, BLANCHE SWEET. CE! . : UNDER AUSPICES : NBU EY CLUB 3 Ww URY HO HALL ge Tuesday, May 11th. 3 CLOCK : SID FOX ORCHESTRA- ----DAN | BLACK: WHITE Any Place in the City f | 400-25 rs ra arate ---- BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions , AT THE CAPITAL "Bluebeard's Wives" Has Blanche Sweet and Lois Wilson. There is a highly diverting com- edy on the séreen of the Capitol Theatre today and Saturday in the lf Robert T. Kane production, "Blue- ll | beard's |! through ons i Emi | | OBITUARY | } | | Mrs. Barbara Black. The death occurred in the city on Friday morning of Barbara Scott, - | widow of the late Lawrence Black of Brockville. Deceased was in her eightieth year. The late Mrs. Black was well known resident of Brock ville for many years but had resided | heré with her daaghter, Mrs. Nicol, ; Widow of the late Professor William Nicol, Barrie street for some time. The funeral will take place from i the residence of her daughter, Villa REX TAXI BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY THE CITY mio 25¢ 'SERVICE PHONE 1800 Trips to Belleville or Brockville, 4 Passengers, 13 hour stop, $15.00. Geo. Sleeman, 852 Frontenac Street. Pr, Si A -------- cn « » HAS BEEN OPENED BY MISS LOUISE (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP 'Phone 821-w. 856 Princess Si, SALE! Hard and Soft Cord Wood TO MAKE ROOM FOR BUILD- ING EXTENSIONS Highway Service & ly Co. Cor. Prineass and Smith Streets "PHONE 2706. BUS FOR CATARAQUI OEMETERY e C ANY PLACE IN A New Beauty. Parlor | St. Clare Apartments, on Saturday afternoon to Brockville cemetery for ~8ervice will be held at 12.30 o'clock by Rev. J. W. Stephen, Mrs. Black is survived by two | sons, Frank of Kingston, and Law- rence of Prescott, and one daughter. Mrs. William Nicol, Kingston: also by one Mrs. Peter Kyle of Oshawa and two brothers, Edward Scott of Young's Mills and James of Junetown. burial sister, John Kibby, Sydenham. John Kibby, one of the oldest residents of Sydenham district, pass- ed away on Thursday afternoon at his late residence after an illness of two years, which originated from a severe stroke. The deceased was born in England but came to Can- ada when two years old and resid- | ed a few miles outside of Sydenham for the remainder of his life, a period of eighty-five years. He was one of the best known residents of that dis- trict and his passing marks the de- parture of one of the most popular farmers of Sydenham vicinity. De- | ceased was a bachelor and is surviv- | ed by ona sister, Martaa, at home. ! The funeral wi'l take place Satur- day afternoon from his late resi- j dence to Sydenham cemetery. The Late Rev. W. T. Brown Rev W. T. Brown died on Friday {at Aylmer, Que. He was a son of the late Rev. T. C. Brown, formerly jof Brock Street Methodist Church. | He was a McGill and Wesleyan Col- {lege graduaté. He married Miss Lila |Hurdman, Aylmer. Que., who sur- vives, with one daughter. Mr. {Brown's last charge was at Montreal ill commence Sunday, April | West Church, He was superannuat- 2Bth, leaving at # .m, Heé had been confined ito bed with heart trouble since last Deceased was between {ed last Jude. Wives," First: National. Besides bringing a full quota of laughs, Kane has assembled a mos{ unusual cast. Witness: Blanché Sweet, Lois Wilson, Ben Lyon, Dorothy Sebas- tion, Diana Kane and Sam Hardy, and many mors. "Bluebéard"s Seven Wives" is one of the most original things ever aec- complished in the comedy line. The picture gets its title from the ex- ploltation stunt 'evelved by.a mo- tion picture press agent (Sam Hardy) to make_his young movié star (Ben Lyon) a popular sénsa- tion. The comedy is fast through- out and there is a beautiful Romeo and Juliet scene enacted by Lyon and Blanche Sweet. It is more than worth while seeing; it is too good to be missed. RURAL POSTMASTERS PACE LOWER REVENUE Situation Created by Two- cent Postage to Be Reviewed. Ottawa, May 7.--Answering « question in the House of Commons yesterday, respecting compensation for rural postmasters after the in- troduction of thé two cent stamp on July 1st, Hon. Ernést Lapointe, Min. ister of Justice, made the following statement: : "It is realized that the adoption of the 2c letter rate on the 1st of July next will result jn a substantial de- crease in the revenue of rural post offices. As rural postmasters are paid on a commission basis. there would be a corresponding decrease in their salaries, unless their rates of compensation are increased. As postmasters' salaries are based on the revenue of the previous year, 2c postage would not affeet their salaries in any event unti] 1927. In the intarval, the question of an upward revision of the rates of compensation of rural post- masters will receive sympathetic con- sideration by those who are charged with the duty of fixing the rates." Seven -------- SWITCHNAN RUNS ANUCK AT GUELPH Shoots Stanley Burns in Abdo- men and Fires at Another released | ---- PORTLAND. one o'clock, p.m. Members all pre-| {sent. Minutes of last meeting adopt- | ed. The clerk was instructed to or- | used by townships which are receiv- | ing grants through that department. feet plank; ing Mrs. H. Peters $3.60, Archie McLean, snow shovel- | $4.40, Archie $2.70, Davis Clark, shoveling; snow shovelling; ary; - $4,40, James Foster, snow snow shovelling; $4, Allen Brown, | snow shovelling; $7.20, William | Bauder, snow shovelling; Stanley Babcock, repairs to road; | $4, Archie McLean, to pay F. Lakins | for conveying L. G. Watetman to | General Hospital, Kingston; $4.50, Archie Goslin, repairs on Hinchin- brooke road: 90c, Overton Clark, re- | pairing culvert; $2.63, Hamilton! Stamp and Stencil Works, for 300} dog tags; $3, Daniel Graves, shovelling on side walk; $90, Frank | Wallace, secretary-treasurer U.S.8.| No. 2, teacher's salary; Harry Watson, secretary-treasurer J. Alton, secretary-treasurer No. 8, teacher's salary; $200, F. C. VanLuven, secretary-treasurer U road; $5.10 Faxin Martin, Yarker road: $5, Percy Henderson, E. Morrison, scrubbing township hall; $3.75, Bernard Kenehan, break- ing road and fixing fence; $100, A. ance I demnii. Co. ness. --THOMAS A. KERR, KINGSTON. with all members present. | On motion of Weller-Hawkey, the, minutes of the last meeting and special meeting were adopted as| read, Motion, W. R. Aylesworth-R. L. Aylesworth, that the gclerk notify the reeve of Portsmouth te meet this council on Saturday, May 8th, at 2 p.m., at Mrs. Watts' to discuss her assessment. Motion, Weller-R. L. Aylesworth, that T. J. Lockhart be paid $15 as | STOCK MARKETS | (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | corner King and Clarence Portland township council met in members of the Montreal and Toronto Harrowsmith, Monday, May 3rd, at | Stock Exchanges). May 7.--1.30 p.m. der from the highway department, | Amer. Loco.. .. _-- Toronto, all forms requestéd to be! Amer. Can. Baldwin Loco. . B. & 0.. The following accounts were or-| California dered paid: 75c, Zara Ball, for 24 | C.P.R..... IE $2, Thomas Kennedy, | General Motors... .. .. .. 1 balance rent of house, election pur- | Hudson Motors. . poses; $1, Edward Graves, convey-| Inter. Comb. Eng from home to | Inter. Nickel. . C.P.R. station, Harrowsmith; $6.15, | Mack Truck Stanley Babcock, smow .shovelling; | Muriand Oil. . NY B.. Nia, ling; 20¢, John S. Bradford, snow | Northern Pacific .... shovelling; $7, Archie Goslin, snow | Pacific Oil. . Walker, | Pan. Amer, Pan. Amer. Pete snow shovelling, Loughboro Bawa Jieivs Anew... : v 3 | Sou. Pacific. . .. shovelling; 80c, Milton Shangrow, Sinclair O11. . Standard Oil of N.J »g | Studebaker. . $18.78, | ores OF, . Union Pacific U. S. Rubber. . U. 8. Steel. . West A. B. Woolworth. . SNOW | Abitibl Power .... Asbestos Com. 5-2 | Asbestos Pfd. : $87.75, | gen Telephone .... ' | Brazil wore 8.8. No. 6, teacher's salary; $170, 8. | Brompton US.8.1g c. Fish Co { Can. Cement Com. . '8.8. Can. Cement Pt4. No. 1, teacher's salary; $25, Wesley | Dom. Bridge Storms, drawing sione Degert Lake pom. Textile . snow | Hollinger . . : shovelling Ernesttown boundary 10] Ind. Alcohol . .. | Laurentide bonus on 20 rods wire fence; $3, A.| Mackay CL Montreal Power . agpreiy National Breweries Com. ... | National Breweries Pd. E. Wilson & Co., renewal for Insur- | Ogilvie . 'ie Liability by llobe In-| Ottawa Power . Ont. Steel Products Council adjourned to meet in Har- | Penmans . .. rowsmith, Monday, May 31st, at ten | Price Bros. Ca o'clock, p.m., as Court Revision ot | Quebec Power .... assessment roll and gemeral busi-| Spanish River Com. Spanish River Pra. | Smelters .... Clerk. | Shawinigan .. | Steel of Canada | Twin City ... Council met on May 3rd at 7 p.m., Winnipeg . . { Case of The case of an alleged attempted assault upon a girl again came up before the police magistrate on Fri- | day morning, and the aecused was sent up for trial. Bail was arranged. The complainant had desired to withdraw the case, but Crown Attor- SENT UP FOR TRIAL Streets, New York, 86 14% 104% | The Red 87% (hold a p 33 15614 32 6815 45% 333%; 114% 551% 122% 70 55 6414 68 251 1% 99 3, 21% 45% 53 5085 148 587% 122 11234 14414 choose I Pete. . The C Pete. . "ge SU were dea to assis pointed, MONTREAL, er Berry ice barr Erie and wireless whole nel brok TIE TT ored to pve 2 the inst Eastern Patron, Catharin 1801 rq -"<% | number 69 boring c co. 4614 ------------ served; Alleged Assault ing was Police Court, Again in ments. party fo first workout of the season at Cricket Field Thursday evening. Al large number of the players were on | hand and proceeded to get the kinks | out of their system in preparation for a big season. expeot to make a strong bid for the | championship of the Kingston Soft-! ball League tl.is season. ! fleet, here. is preparing to follow the chan- Madoc Chapter No. grand marshal, conductress, grand sentinel and a'so assisted at phe installation of officers. A large o'clock a sumptuous banquet night with the serving of Mrs. W. O'Donnell, street gave a r her daughter, Miss Jean, | and herself on Thursday EE ---------- ---------------- RED CAPS PRACTICE. The Y.M.C.A. Red Caps held an- other snappy softball the Cricket Field Thursday evening. The girls have plenty of material to | practice at rom and expect to have a team even better than last season's. Caps are losing no time and ractice every evening. C. P. R. TEAM OUT. .P.R. softball team held its the The railway men B-COMMITTEE MET. A meeting of the sub-committee of | the Kingston Baseball Club was held | on Thursday night at which matters | of detail in connection with the club | It with. The three umpires t Umpire-in-Chief George Sullivan during the sbason were ap-! as follows: Harold 'Nichol- son, Billy Evans and James Cotman. Smashes Through lee Barricade Port Colborne. May 7--The steam- tog of the Mathews Steam- ship lines has smashed through the icade at this end of Lake is proceeding up the lakes, reports today stated. The which has wintered en by the Berryton ATTEND MADOC SESSION. Of Order of Eastern Star----The Kingston Delegates. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. George Rothwell and Mrs. W. J. Vince mot- Madoc where the attended itution and installation of 143, Order of Star. by the Worthy Grand Mr. Roy A. Hare, of St. es. Mrs. Rothwell acted as Mrs. Vince, grand and Mr. Rothwell. of visitors from the neigh- hapters were present. At 6 was with the usual toasts pro- posed, Mrs. Rothwell responding to the toast to the visitors. The meet- brought to a close at mid- refresh- A Birthday Party. delightful birthday evening, Collingwood | A Steady | Income | all your life Comforting to think of, isn't it? Retire when you want te, not {{ when you have to! y Simply means putting aside a small portion of your present income--which is more than you need to live on--for such time as you wish to cease work- {]. ing. !] That's z1l an endowment policy 18 A sum provided for your latter years! Paid to you in a lump sum, or a regular monthly income, just as you desire it. A little sum each month, that you will never miss now, will | give you untold happiness later Il on, Investigate the advantages of endowiwent insurénce. It' will be a pleasure to answer any questions you may ask. Geo. L. Carpenter 465 Albert St, Kingston 'Phone 2115-J. DISTRICT MANAGER MONTREAL LIFE INS. CO. (Formerly The Travellers of Canada) I 10 REQUEST HELP OF CANADIAN LABOR 8hould the General Strike In Great Britain Last Another Week. Ottawa, May 7---Should the gen- eral strike in Great Britain last an- |cther week, the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada will send out a appeal from Ottawa to all trades and labor councils in the Dominion for funds to assist the British strikers. . This announcement was made this morning by P. M. Draper. Secretary of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. Tom Moore, president of the Cog- gress, left this morning for Bagland to attend the conference arranged some months ago on the swbject of migration. In the event of funds ing requested by the head. office of the Labor Congress, each local con- gress will Ybe asked to collect from its members. k i ery [Dacember, Qi en 8 t | fty-five and sixty years of age. | --- néy Rigney insisted that it proceed. Evidence was stated that in consid- eration of the sum of $50, she would the occasion being-a-double birthday, mother and daughter being born on the same date. There were twenty- Godkin's ron "Phéne 810, * premium on the insurance policy of the Hall for three years. American boats with winter care SEavesE SC ama of Any place in elty DAY OR NIGHT cab thikt forced the price an sont ped r Sedan ne ow wo nl réady to move. Ar AAA Arps The CAPITOL Lumber Company's Mills Burned, | North Bay, May 7.--Word was re- ceived, here, to-day, that the Tema- {gam! Lumber Company's mills at |Goward were destroyed by fire on {Wednesday evening. The loss. is jestimated at $125,000, which is part- {ly covered by insurance. | British strikers have cabled an ap- { peal for financial assistance to Caf- | adian and United States labor forces. Bl The peace pariey ends at Oudja, { Morocco, and the allied troops are HAS RE.OPENED! Everything Better Than Before the Fire. New Furniture and redecorated. First class meals served on the shortest notice. Music supplied by 8ix Piece Electric Orchestra Piano. 8 DOORS ABOVE CAPITOL THEATRE. rr Tr. a MRSA cr. A 80 Many Ford Owners Are Dealing in Their Ford Cars on New Chevrolets That We Always Have a Good Assortment of Used Fords on Hand If you want a USED FORD come in and look over our stock, which a Motometer and 1026 1---1923 Ford Redan, | 1=--=1922--Ford 1---1028 Ford 1Ford of the week we FORD COUPE--Balloon Tires, Front Bamper, License. Tire and 1926 License. Coupe, Wire Wheels, Spare Tire. Spare Tire, Guelph, May 7.--Charles Robérts, switchman 'on the Canadian National Railways, who has been acting strangely, ran amuck with two re. volvers last night and tried to kill Stanley Burns, also of the C.N.R. staff, against whom he had a fancied grievance. . Entering Burns' house about 11 o'clock, Roberts yelled: "Now I have you," and began to shoot. One bullet stryck Burns in the lower abdomen and plowed its way into the thigh. Apparently the demented 'man then headed Tor the switch house where he met another employee named Craig, at whom he fired three shots, none taking effect. Robérts was arrested about one o'- clock this morning. If blood-poison- ing does not set in, Buras is expect- ed to recover. [HEARD ON THE STREET Locel Briefs Qathered by Ree porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. Tweddell's for best valués in top coats, $18 to $285. New shrubs and fidwers weré planted around the court house yes- terday. : Box of strawbarries or one dozen bananas and a pine apple for Soe Baturday at Carnoveky's. The tenders for the new Randolph hotél are all in and it is expectad the contract for the mechanical trades will be let within a few days. Wiliam Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received dt 100 Clargy street west, 'phope Sé4w, Neéxt wéek has bDeed chosen as "clean-up" week in Kingston. But their Nickle is atready polished, thank you, comments The Toronto Sta r. Tweddell"s for best values in top 'coats, $18 to $25. / J. Courtland Elliott, M.A. has ap glarticle on "Canada's Hoonomic Na- will also in this sale. tiomalism™ in The Annalist of April 30th, the financial supplement of the New York Times. Motion, W. R.-Aylesworth-Weller, that the overseer be authorized to hire all men and teams necessary to run the plant, the men's wages to| be 26¢ per hour, and the wages of a man and team G0c per hour, work to be satisfactory to this coun- cil. Motion, Weller-W. R. Aylésworth, that 'this council accept the special assessment roll of R. J. MeClem- mand of local improvement and that thé clerk notify those interested in the same. Motion, W. R. Aylesworth-Weller, that H. 8. Mclvor be paid the sum of $199.50, being his wages for 57 days while employed as road over- seer, and that the said amount be applied on his taxes which are due the township of Kingston for the yéars 1923, 1924 and 1925. Motion, Weller-R. L. Aylesworth, that this council pass by-law 199 re Green's slaughter house, and that it have its. first reading. The M.O.H. certified that it was not injurious to the public health, Motion, W.R. Aylesworth-Weiler, that by-law 199 be read the second and third time and be signed by the reeve. Accounts paid: $4.20, D. Hartman, opening road; $12.27, William Davy, township supplies; $5.76. charity; $6.52; $7.50, A. Chapman, opening road; $12.75, L. Coyle, charity; $36, Scott and Duberry, charity; $5, Ar. thur Patterson, opening road: $5.20, Petér McCormick, opening road: 34, C. W. Lindsay, tuning piano: $5.60, ! L. H. Truedell, opening road; $60, B. Harpell, sorting towaship papers, writing B. M. B.'s from 1915. Motion, Weller-R. L. Aylesworth, thit this council, adjourn till June Tth, at 10 a.m., for court of revision, and 1 p.m. fo® regular business. --B. HARPELL, Clerk. withdraw the charge. The plaintiff denfed that there was any consideration mentioned. testified that withdraw the case in view of the unpleasantness daughter among her young friends if it proceeded. The Hudson's Bay Railway ter- minal is not decided yet officially announced in the Senate. She wished to until mf she had ceived db it would catse her Premi Preston, some co affected. five guests preseut at the jolly event and cards and dancing were enjoyed dnight when dainty supper was served. Many presents were re- y Mrs. O'Donnell and her daughter. er Ferguson has left for where he will spend a few days in recuperating from a trouble. 1d with which he has been goes at lake-head ports will pe al- lowed to discharge at United Statss ports. The Dominion government de- cided to give authorization to this effect. The Ontario Government has aw- arded part of the season's rogd con' tracts. The total awarded is $2,339, 000. Strike sympathizers are growing ¥ more threatening and the authori ties fear an outbreak &f rioting. I nm : ELISE YO ESET - FOR THE NEW - Orthophonic Victor CAN TRADE YOUR OLD PHONOGRAPH REE PIrImED TT JUST ARRIVED TEN ONLY OF THE CONSOLETTE MODEL REMEMBER THIS OFFER IS A LIMITED FOR TO-DAY AND SATURDAY ONLY

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